Научная статья на тему 'Penetration of terminological units into common vocabulary'

Penetration of terminological units into common vocabulary Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ortiqova Iroda Shuhratovna

Author illustrates the transition of terms into everyday language in her article, is called determinologization. But like many other questions in thermal science, this question has not received an unambiguous solution. Attraction of the problem of determinologization is due to several reasons. Firstly, the penetration of special lexical units into a common language is an active process in many languages, including Uzbek, Russian and English. Many linguists say, that about 80-90% of new vocabularies are terms. The impetus for such an intellectualization of language was given by the general informatization of society. However, in linguistic works there is no orderly picture of this problem, which is primarily expressed in the ambiguous interpretation of the termdeterminologization” itself.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Penetration of terminological units into common vocabulary»

their lives. Many English proverbs guide people to adopt a correct attitude towards life and to take a proper way to get along well with others. Some other proverbs tell people what to do and how to do it, so the proverbs guide people's daily life. From the proverb, people can broaden their knowledge to avoid making mistakes, with keen observation of people stand to benefit greatly. Proverbs are short sayings of folk wisdom of well-known facts or truths compendious expressed and in a way that makes them easy to remember. On the one hand, the cognitive view permits to access the universal principles that underlie the cognition of proverbs. Also the social and pragmatic view allows us to look beyond the linguistic structure of proverbs in order to explore the reach amount of background knowledge and cultural beliefs they portray.

English and Uzbek proverbs connecting with the components denoting "money" reflects the mentality, culture and traditions of a nation and takes important place in the language of this nation. In both languages, proverbs about money are various, besides synonymous or antonymous proverbs can be found among them. But their synonymic and antonymic relations are not considered to be absolute, because they are chosen according to a context, as a result their meanings may be also slightly changed. Therefore, applying a proverb in an appropriate place makes a speech clear and fluent.


1. W. Mieder. International Proverbs Scholarship. New York: Garland Publishing, 1993. -p 27

2. Арнольд И.В. Лексикология современного английского языка. - Москва: Высшая школа, 1996. -295 с.

3. N. F.Ochilova . Semantic structures of English phraseological units and proverbs with proper names. 2014 .- p14

4. T.Mirzayev, A.Musoqulov. O'zbek xalq maqollari - Toshkent: G'ofur G'ulom nomidagi nashriyot-matbaa ijodiy uyi, 2009.

5. N.D. Djalilova The analysis of idioms comparison in Uzbek and English Languages. 2019.- p 49-50

6. Yusupov U.K. Contrastive Linguistics of the English and Uzbek languages. Tashkent: Akademnashr, 2013. P. 27-262.

7. http://blog.oup.com

8. https://www.myenglishteacher.eu

9. https://www.myenglishteacher.eu/blog/english-proverbs-about-money/


Ortiqova Iroda Shuhratovna

Teaching English methodology department, UzSWLU, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Abstract. Author illustrates the transition of terms into everyday language in her article, is called determinologization. But like many other questions in thermal science, this question has not received an unambiguous solution. Attraction of the problem of determinologization is due to several reasons. Firstly, the penetration of special lexical units into a common language is an active process in many languages, including Uzbek, Russian and English. Many linguists say, that about 80-90% of new vocabularies are terms. The impetus for such an intellectualization of language was given by the general informatization of society. However, in linguistic works there is no orderly picture of this problem, which is primarily expressed in the ambiguous interpretation of the term "determinologization" itself.

Key words: determinologization, term, language lacuna, everyday language, terminologization, despecialization, speech register, semantics._

The philosophical concept of our time asserts a complete priority of information over other components of being. The linguistic side of the information pulsar of modern life is fixed in the fact of the mass penetration of terms into everyday speech. According to S.V. Grineva [2000: 3] "the increase in the number of terms of various sciences overtakes the increase in the number of commonly used words of the language, and therefore, at present, the number of terms of individual sciences exceeds the number of commonly used words."

This state of affairs could not but affect the linguistic space of the mass media (media), fiction, advertising and conversational discourse. Entering a different functional environment affects the terminological essence of the special unit, and investigatively entails the emergence of new regularities for the existence of terms.

The high socionomicity of terms in the general discourse leads to the need to describe, systematize and analyze the mechanisms of terminology migration, the peculiarities of their perception and use by naive native speakers, which makes an attempt to give comprehensive coverage of special vocabulary outside their own style register.

The deepening international integration contacts determine the importance of a comparative study of this process in English and Russian.

In connection with the massive transition of new terms to the Common Usage, there is a need for interpretation termolexes that transcend the boundaries of special Uses and operate in a non-special register, identify the most

active fields that trigger the terms in the common Uzus, effective ways of terminology, clarify the functional potentials of terms in a common language.

in connection with the development of interdisciplinary scientific research, terminology in the common language (CL) can be analyzed as an object of infolosociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, gender linguistics.The term has tremendous attractive power for a modern researcher. There are many reasons for this. The very fact of the absence of a concrete, unambiguous definition of the term "term" produces repeated attempts to interpret this linguistic phenomenon and indicate the place of terminological vocabulary in the national language system.

In the course of our study, we cannot ignore the problem of determining the limits of a term, i.e., to deduce an algorithm for assigning words to either terms or to words in a common language. To do this, we must consider the main characteristics of the term, its functions, types and compare them with the functions, the essential features of the words CL.

Linguistic and terminological discussions about the essence of the term go in three main directions. In our work, we designate them as "traditional" "functional", and "genetic" D.S. Lotge [1982], V.A. Zvegintsev [1996], R.A. Budagov [1972], N.Z. Kotelova [1982], EN Tolikina [1974] and others - representatives of the "traditional" direction agree that the term does not belong to the general literary language. This is a special word with specific features both in terms of content and in terms of expression.

The peculiarity of the terms is manifested in the uniqueness, accuracy, definiteness, independence from the context, as well as in the absence of synonyms and emotional charge.

Linguists and terminologists of the opposite research camp of functionalists (T.O. Vinokur [1959], A.A. Reformatsky [1964], A.I. Moiseev [1971], V.P. Danilenko [1976], V.V. Vinofadov [ 1972], N. A. Shurygin [1997], S. Shelov [1998], N. S. Nikitchenko [1985], B. N. Golovin 1987], R. Yu. Kobrin [1987] and others) do not refute the terms belong to the general literary language and are of the opinion that the properties of the terms highlighted by the "traditionalists" are nothing but the qualities of the desired ideal terminological unit (TU). In actual operation, the term is often ambiguous, does not differ in brevity, and has several synonyms. The difference between TU, according to functionalist scientists, lies elsewhere. Terms have a special function — expressions of a special concept.

In contrast to the "traditionalists" and "functionalists" a third direction is being formed - "genetic" in which we distinguish between two extreme currents.

One of them is headed by B.Yu. Gorodetsky and V.V. Rassin. They believe that the term as such does not exist, thereby forming a nihilistic version of the genetic current: "The term is itself a fiction. It exists only in a system of terms, that is, along with other terms with which it is associated with certain relationships". By "certain relationships", scientists understand the lexical-semantic stratification of any language. Consequently a term is just a word of any thematic group of vocabulary. As something special, it does not exist and did not initially exist.

Within the framework of the genetic trend, they tried to "equalize" the term with the word and the opposite way, adhering to the principle, "according to which every meaningful word of the language ... is a term, and the term is absolute in the scale of the whole language system".

Thus, all words are genetically terms. A. Vezhbitskaya [1997: 103] speaks of the words "mummy", "daddy" as terms of kinship. ST Grinev [1993: 28] defines the words "бык", "верба", "петух" to the original terms. According to SV. Grinev [1993: 28], "everyday words are terms that have lost their novelty." A.I. Moiseyev also states that the lexical units "отец", "мать", "сын", "дочь" belong to the class of proto-terms or genoa terms.

This theory is also supported by the fact that in the ancient world there were sublanguages of artisans, hunters, farmers, etc. The differentiation of sublanguages lay in a clear division of responsibilities between men engaged in food production and construction, and women who were responsible for housekeeping. That is, it is quite objectively possible to say that the vocabulary of a primitive society can easily be divided into special groups, the knowledge of which was a characteristic feature of a certain number of people. Over time, the order of things has changed. Large groups of terms have become publicly available. The question remains: whether to consider these words as terms that have lost the specialty of use or ordinary vocabulary.

The problematic nature of attempts to establish the place of a term in the language system to confirm or exclude the TU feature is initially explained by the blurred boundaries and inaccurate definition of the habitat of terms and words of the general literary language - functional styles.

The modern designation of styles converges on the following stratification of the literary language: colloquial style, professional business, scientific, style of mass communication and fiction.

Terms are a subsystem of linguistic means of two styles: professional business and scientific. From the tasks of these styles (to transmit and receive scientific information, to facilitate effective communication on professional business topics), the requirements for the lexical means of these styles follow: high information content and accuracy.

It turns out that the remaining styles - conversational, media and fiction - this is the common language that interests us.

The interaction of the functional CL modes can be reflected in the following graphic ways:

Figure 1. Representation of language cross-functional contacts, where: a - professional business style, b - scientific style,

c - media style, d - style of fiction. e- conversational style

Figure 2. Demonstration of the penetration of semantic layers.

The above figures show that the separation of the functional styles of the national language, which, however, have a certain area of intersection, will be objective. The semantic filling of special styles is mainly terminology, i.e. the terms of science, industrial, technical, social and managerial relations (we consider inaccurate the allocation of the "language of science and technology"), and the main semantic core of CL is the common vocabulary.

Such a representation of the status of the term and some explanation of the word "term" itself, which is formed from the Latin "terminus" - limit, border. [Brockhaus / Generative Encyclopedia on-line: www.est.ru / livelang / rus.htm. agama.com/scripts/brokhaus]. That is, on the one hand, the terminology restricts itself from the vocabulary of commonly used and other sublanguages, and on the other hand, has a common border with the class of words of the common literary language.

In our work, we will be interested not so much in the area of intersection of functional styles, but in the foreign use of terminological units and the process of their transition to another register.

Figure 3. Demonstration of the process of transition of terms to other style registers, where:

a - professional business style, b - scientific style,

c - media style, d - style of fiction. e- conversational style

Since in the course of the study there is a psycholinguistic verification of the production and perception of terms by ordinary speakers of the language, the line of experiment should be designated in the spoken register, since this concept is heterogeneous stylistically (literary-colloquial, familiar-colloquial and vernacular) and socially, which expressed in the division into elitist, medium-literary and low-speech culture.

The average literary speech culture in terms of quantitative and qualitative parameters is the basis for studying the penetration of terms in CL. Qualitatively, this is an average version of CL (the speech of the media also refers to this type of culture). Quantitatively, the average literary speech culture (LSC) occupies a priority position in the frequency of use in society. There are a number of features of LSC. which determine its primacy in comparison with other types of speech cultures in relation to the interaction of terminology and CL:

1. "The speakers of medium speech culture mainly possess two or three functional styles, one of which is associated with the field of everyday communication, and the other or two others with the sphere of" professional activity ".

Consequently, professional activity has the greatest impact on LSC members in comparison with speakers of an elite or low-literary speech culture. And it is the carriers of this culture that fall into the group of people who primarily disseminate terms in speech.

2. "The insufficient level of general culture, the often overestimated level of language training, the nature of precedent texts often leads the speakers of LSC to inappropriate use in speech, on the one hand, of terms, foreign words, on the other hand, reduced and even swearing vocabulary. ".

3. The main source of information for carriers of LSC is also the media. The most frequent terms outside the scope of their scientific use are precisely the texts of the media. Do not forget that the media products are mainly focused on the average user of the language.

The inverse process, i.e., the transition of terms into CL, is called determinologization. But like many other questions in thermal science, this question has not received an unambiguous solution. Attraction of the problem of determinologization is due to several reasons. Firstly, the penetration of special lexical units into a common language is an active process in many languages, including Uzbek, Russian and English. Many linguists say, that about 80-90% of new vocabulary are terms. The impetus for such an intellectualization of language was given by the general informatization of society. However, in linguistic works there is no orderly picture of this problem, which is primarily expressed in the ambiguous interpretation of the term "determinologization" itself.

The "Historical Systematized Glossary of Terms of Terminology" (which aims not only to inventory material accumulated over a century, but also to identify lacunae of terminological issues) on the issue of determinologization provides a link to only one source - A.I. Moiseev's "To the definition of a term", where this term first appeared. In the work of N.A. Shurygina [1997: 43] the concept of "determinologization" refers to a group of concepts that are not recorded in special dictionaries.

One of the properties of the term is motivation, and international and hybrid terms are generally distinguished by semantic transparency, therefore, in essence, the term "determinologization" contains a definition in itself.

The imposition of additional meanings on this concept occurred due to the huge outflow of terms in the CL. Such a number of commonly used terms prompted the use of the term "determinologization" in the meaning of "the appearance of a special unit in CL".

This theory is to some extent justified, because the term really loses some of its properties when it appears in the CL. But one should distinguish between changing the meaning of the term and creating a new, figurative one. The unsettled image of the concept of "determinologization" is also manifested in the absence of stable valence

relations. Scientists use such combinations as "pass", "experience" determininologization. We consider the use of the verb "determinologize" as the most appropriate, since "test determinologization" and "pass determinologization" reflect only the stage of the process, but do not imply a result.

They reveal the concept of determininization in the following way: the term "loses its strict conceptuality, systematicity, unambiguity, and • acquires pragmatic properties that it was previously deprived of, that is, a new word with a terminological meaning arises that requires interpretation rather than definition".

This definition sounds more succinctly in Z.V. Solovieva [1977: 7], however, it operates with the term despecialization: "Despecialization is the term's going beyond the terminological field, the loss of terminological properties, and the subsequent use of terminological meaning by common language usage."

V.N. Shurygin [1997: 37] states the fact of a change in meaning the term already falls into the CL and draws the corresponding conclusions about the phenomenon of determininization: "Units of individual terminologies acquiring citizenship rights in the common literary language experience the so-called determininization, which is manifested, as a rule, not only in expanding the sphere of use of the word term, but also in eroding the semantic boundaries of the definition. "

However, there are proponents of the idea that determinologization only development can be considered a term used in CL of a figurative meaning. This approach is based on • an understanding of the process of determininization as the opposite of the terminization process, when the word of common vocabulary develops terminological meaning.

The migration of terms in CL is a large-scale process, but not spontaneous.

First of all, it should be noted that the term's path from a special field to a commonly used layer of words is limited by certain possibilities for the absorption of a foreign lexical unit by various style registers. It is, firstly, about the presence of direct contacts of special and non-special situations of written or oral communication; secondly, about the existence of peculiar communication agents that would fulfill the role of a TU conductor from one region to another.

TU's natural habitat is the vocational and scientific language styles. These styles can be represented in the form of actually existing macroelements, which in turn are divided into microelements of various levels:

1. Terminological dictionaries.

2. Forms of written communication of specialists:

a) documentation;

b) reports;

c) articles, other forms of scientific work.

3. Forms of oral communication of specialists:

a) conferences;

b) real-time conferences;

c) situations of direct communication.

Within these areas, the term is characterized by the performance of specific functions: nomination of a scientific concept, concentration of vocational knowledge and the function of discovering new knowledge.

These sources of intralingual borrowing of terms are not equivalent in terms of their participation in the transportation of TU to the CL. The greatest openness for outside interference is possessed by such macro fields of use of terms as situations of direct communication of specialists and textbooks. Through textbooks, the main corpus of terms penetrates into the CV, since at different stages of life (school, college, institute, etc.) a person receives the basics of in-depth knowledge in various subjects from textbooks: "Physics", "Chemistry", Biology ", "Russian language", "Algebra and the fundamentals of analysis", "Geometry", "Economics", etc.

Cases of oral communication of specialists can occur in everyday life as a fragment of their professional life available to the uninitiated. Another option for demonstrating this type of communication is the production of various types of programs on television and radio, where there is an exchange of views of specialists or between specialists and non-specialists, for example, talk shows «Гордон»,«Принцип Домино», «Короткое замыкание», «Hard talk».

The media in general are one of the most interesting aspects of the existence of human communication. It is not for nothing that recently the media has been increasingly called the mass media (QMS) and the fourth branch of government (after the legislative, executive and judicial) or the sixth power (along with England, America, Russia, France and Germany). In this name of the concept lies a real definition of the place of the media (or QMS) in the life of a modern person.

In conclusion it should be mentioned that, between terminology and vocabulary of CL there is a constant interchange of elements, which is expressed in the processes of terminization and determinologization. The problem of "determinologization" remains debatable and requires a special approach to its solution. The uncertainty of the qualities of TU is one of the reasons for the concept of terminology, which in turn demonstrates the heterogeneity of the very special vocabulary. This is expressed in the division of a special language into terms, professionalisms, jargon, nomen, proto-terms, termoids, quasi-terms.


1. Berezin F.M., Golovin B.N. General linguistics. - M., 1979. - 416 p.

2. Bochegova N.N. Stylistic functioning of terms in the context of a work of art // - L., 1978. - S. 1 -22. .

3. Bragin A.A. Neologisms in Russian. - M., 1973. - 224 p.

4. Bragin A.A. The meaning and shades of meaning in the term // Terminology and culture of speech. - M., 1981. - S. 37-92.

5. Vezhbitskaya A. Language. The culture. Cognition. - M., 1997 .-- 411 p.

6. Vinogradov V.V. Terminology and norm. - M., 1972. - S. 1-30.

7. Vinokur G.O. Selected works in the Russian language. - M., 1959. - S.Z-30.

8. Golovin B.N., Kobrin R.Yu. Linguistic basis of the doctrine of terms. - M., 1987. - 104 p.

9. Grinev SV. Introduction to terminology.-M., 1993.-300 p.

10. Grinev SV. Historical systematic vocabulary of terms of terminology. - M., 2000 .-- 144 p.

11. Leichik V.M. Problems of domestic terminology at the end of the 20th century // Questions of Philology. - No. 2.-M., 2000. - P. 20-29.

12. Solovieva Z.V. Stylistic use of foreign style terminological vocabulary in the newspaper and journal section // - M., 1977. S.3-8.

13. Shurygin N.A. Lexicological terminology as a system. - Nizhnevartovsk, 1997.-S. 10-47.



Mukaddas Abdufattah Nurmukhamedova

Lecturer, Faculty of Philology, Department of Theory and Practice of Chinese Language, UzSWLU, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Abstract. This article analyzes the super-segmented prosodic elements in the phonetic system of comparable languages. According to comparative studies, examples of the functioning of prosodic dominants in Chinese, Russian and Uzbek languages are given, as well as the influence of stress and tone on the variability of phonetic units. It is proved that the variability in Chinese words is homonymy and the meaning of the Chinese syllable depends on the etymological tone.

Key words: phonetics, super-segmented prosodic elements, inflectional and agglutinative languages, prosodic dominants, stress, intonation, tone, etymological tone, phono-phonetic elements.

Today prosodic or super-segment dominants are one of the main elements of oral speech in any language. In Russian, Uzbek and other agglutinative languages, this function is stressed. It plays an important role, since words are distinguished due to stress. The essence of stress as a prosodic unit is that it (like intonation) is superimposed on units of a segment series - phonemes, syllables, words (intonation - on syntagmas), ensuring the integrity of the word from the sound side.

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In Russian, stress is used to highlight complex phonological units - it contributes to their recognition, acts as an important means of differentiation, participates in the expression of grammatical meanings and overcoming the homonymy of word forms, is one way of organizing speech rhythms.

Similarly, in Chinese, this function is performed by the etymological tone, which performs a semantic role and also serves to distinguish the meaning of words.

According to its characteristics, since stress in agglutinative and inflectional languages is often heterogeneous, when the stress is changed, it can affect the stylistic-grammatical and lexical properties of the word. For this, in the Russian language there are stress standards. There are stylistic phono-variants of words. These are pairs of words that, depending on the place of emphasis, are used in different styles of speech, i.e. with a change in the place of stress, their area of use also changes. For example, прикус (общеупотребительное слово) -npÚKyc (специальное); шéлковый (общеупотребительное) - шелтвый (поэтическое) etc.

Correct stress is the most necessary condition for cultural and competent speech. However, some orthoepic errors encountered in speech caused by improper accentuation are only a consequence of insufficient education of native speakers, vernacular and dialects, as well as the existence of various types of accentuation in the literary language system itself.

There are also accent options that, regardless of the area of their use, are equal. They are called accent variants, since they are the result of fluctuations in the statement of verbal stress and create new pronunciation variants of lexical units. As an example, the following examples of words can be given: киноиндустрия-киноиндустрия, мускулистость-мускулистость, 1 начéрпать-начерпáть

In this case, the second variant of accent pronunciation from a stylistic point of view is conversational. Oscillating emphasis generates a mixture of linguistic styles, and as a result, against the background of phonetics and stylistics, a linguistic field such as phonostylistics was created, which studies the pronunciation of linguistic units and patterns in various areas and communication situations. It is this area of linguistics that studies the change in the style of words with a change in the place of stress in the word. Therefore, the basis of all phonostylistic

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