1Tadzhiev Kanimkul - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Docent; 2Honimkulova Mokhidil - Student, DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH, GULISTAN STATE UNIVERSITY, GULISTAN, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN
Abstract: the article pays great attention to the concept of linguoculturology (cultural linguistics), explores the inextricable relationship of a number of sciences. The article substantiates that cultural linguistics analyzes mental and cultural characteristics of representatives of different ethnic groups, allowing to identify the features of their cultural values, the specifics of the concepts of the material and inner world of a person. Keywords: cultural linguistics, linguistic personality, meaning, linguistic consciousness, concept, concept sphere.
With the development of semasiological and onomasiological theories, language began to be understood as a means by which it seems possible to study the mental structures behind it. Many linguists [1] noted that any linguist who studies the language of a given culture thereby becomes a researcher of that culture, the products of which the language of his choice belongs to. Linguistic relativity is commonly defined as 'the claim that the words your language gives you determine and limit what it is possible for you to think'. This strong view of the relationship between language and thought has sparked a significant amount of theoretical debate and empirical research over the past 60 years. However, there is no consensus about whether or not the proponents of linguistic relativity, in particular Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf, held such a strong view regarding the influence of language on thought. According to Everett, cultural linguistics appeared at the beginning of the 19th century. This direction was successfully developed by the brothers Grimm, the creators of the world famous mythological school. A century later, an Austrian school called "Wörter und Sachen" appeared, directing researchers of the problem of "language and culture" along the path of concrete study of the constituent elements - "atoms" of linguoculture, demonstrating the importance of a culturological approach in many areas of linguistics, primarily in lexicology and etymology [2]. Language is the source of folk culture, psychology and philosophy, the cradle of the history of the people and their spirit. The well-known Sapir-Whorf hypothesis was based on the understanding of the continuity and unity of language and culture in the 30s-40s of the last century. But the active and constructive property of language and its ability to influence the formation of folk culture, psychology and creativity was discovered and recognized in the 18th century and at the beginning of the 19th century by I.G. Herder and W. von Humboldt [3].
The object of cultural linguistics is the linguistic (discursive) function of the language, considered from the point of view of the value-semantic content. Language, in accordance with the considered concept, is a universal form of the primary conceptualization of the world, an expresser and keeper of unconscious spontaneous knowledge about the world, a historical memory of socially significant events in human life. Some linguists have argued that the relationship between culture and language can be viewed as a relationship between the whole and its part [4]. Language can be viewed as a component of culture or an instrument of culture, which are not interchangeable concepts, especially when it comes to the literary language and the language of folklore. At the same time, language is generally
autonomous in relation to culture. It can be viewed separately from culture or in comparison with culture as an equal and equal phenomenon.
Cultural linguistics as a scientific discipline is a branch of linguistics that arose at the intersection of linguistics and cultural studies and studies the manifestations of the culture of the people, which are reflected and entrenched in the language [5]. Ethnolinguistics and sociolinguistics are closely related to it. The term "cultural linguistics" seems to be broader, since, along with the problem of describing culture and language in the process of its functioning, it presupposes the inclusion of empirical studies of these phenomena. Recently, a large number of fundamental works have appeared, in which the methodological apparatus of this science has been built, unique methods for describing linguistic material have been presented, important theoretical generalizations have been made in the course of analyzing linguistic facts. Nevertheless, despite all the values of these studies, cultural linguistics is still at the stage of its design and formation, it needs to be clarified its categorical-theoretical apparatus.
1. Atkinson D. Writing across cultures: 'culture' in second language writing studies. In: F. Sharifian (Ed.).The Routledge Handbook of Language and Culture. London: Routledge, 2015. P. 417-430.
2. Everett C. Linguistic Relativity: Evidence across Languages and Cognitive Domains. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2013.
3. Hakimova Sh.R. Reflecting Language and Culture in Teaching a Foreign Language // Достижения науки и образования, 2019. № 13(54). Р. 64-65.
4. Palmer G.B. Toward a Theory of Cultural Linguistics. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1996.
5. Wolff P., Holmes K.J. Linguistic relativity // WIRE's Cognitive Science, 2011. Vol. 2. P. 253-265.
1Sultanov Behzod Rahmonkulovich - Senior Teacher; 2Nizomova Farangiz Fazliddin qizi - Student, DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH, GULISTAN STATE UNIVERSITY, GULISTAN, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN
Abstract: the article gives a brief description of the problems of interpretation of English-language military terms that denote the realities of foreign language and do not have generally accepted terminological equivalents in the Uzbek or Russian languages. Keywords: military term, interpretation, equivalent, transcription, calque.
The basis of military sublanguage as a subsystem of the language serving the sphere of professional communication is military vocabulary, which includes "terms, abbreviations, precision words and situational clichés" [1]. A military term is understood as "a stable unit of nomination, assigned to the corresponding concept in the conceptual-functional system of a certain sphere of the military profession, and the meaning itself is correlated with the meanings of other terms in the lexical system of the language" [2]. Before revealing the main circle of problems associated with the correct interpretation of English-language