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legal consciousness / legal culture / personality / human activity / human dignity / human capital / human worldview.

Аннотация научной статьи по праву, автор научной работы — Akmal Kurbanbaevich Karimov, Sherxodbek Rustambekovich Bobojonov

This article presents some topical issues of the formation of legal awareness in young people in modern times in Uzbekistan, their relevance and solutions. At the end of the article, the author's personal conclusions are highlighted and substantiated.

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Akmal Kurbanbaevich Karimov Sherxodbek Rustambekovich Bobojonov

Khorezm Regional Law College


This article presents some topical issues of the formation of legal awareness in young people in modern times in Uzbekistan, their relevance and solutions. At the end of the article, the author's personal conclusions are highlighted and substantiated.

Keywords: legal consciousness, legal culture, personality, human activity, human dignity, human capital, human worldview.

At a new stage of development, as a strategic goal, Uzbekistan aims to carry out unprecedented reforms in all spheres in order to join the ranks of comprehensively developed, free and prosperous, law-abiding, modern democracies. In particular, in recent years, a new era of reform has begun in the national legal system in terms of scale and significance. The main idea of the system reform was to radically change the attitude towards the realization of human rights and freedoms and their legitimate interests. There are a number of important factors that determine the development of the state and society:

First, the socio-political activity of the members of a developed society, the citizens of the state, must be high;

Second, legal awareness, legal culture, and legal literacy must be high;

Third, they need to have a sense of belonging to the reforms in that society.

It should be noted that when it comes to legal consciousness, legal culture, legal literacy, most of us understand only the level of knowledge or awareness of the law. In fact, this is a very broad concept, and includes the three important factors that determine the development of the state and society, which we have listed above. A person with a high legal culture is obedient to the law, always obeys it and respects the law. Such people do not act contrary to the rules of the law, but encourage others to do the same. A socially and politically active citizen is aware of the events taking place in the society, feels involved in the reforms and has a sense of civic responsibility to the state and society. Most importantly, it seeks to make a practical contribution to the country's development.

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev dated January 9, 2019 No PF-5618 "On radical improvement of the system of raising legal awareness and legal culture in society" plays a practical role in raising legal awareness, legal culture and legal literacy of the general public.


VOLUME 3 I ISSUE 3 I 2022 ISSN: 2181-1601

The Decree lists the following problems and shortcomings that hinder the development of legal awareness and legal culture of the population, increase the level of legal literacy of citizens in society.

In particular, in raising the legal culture, first of all, the work on legal education and upbringing is not carried out systematically and systematically. For many years, this issue has been viewed as a matter for law enforcement and some government agencies, with insufficient involvement of the family, community and other civil society institutions;

- There is no comprehensive approach to the formation of legal immunity against the factors that negatively affect the legal education of young people, respect for the law and morality, loyalty to national values, intolerance of crime;

- The general definition of the tasks to increase the legal knowledge of the population and the lack of a clear mechanism for their implementation show that the work on raising the legal culture in society is ineffective;

- Insufficient efforts to inculcate in the minds of the population the idea of maintaining a balance between personal interests and the interests of society in raising legal awareness and legal culture also have a serious negative impact on the rule of law.

Let's take a closer look at these problems and shortcomings. Finally, let's start with "inculcating in the minds of the population the idea of maintaining a balance between personal interests and the interests of society."

In many speeches and speeches, the head of our state emphasizes that the development of the state and society should become a public affair, for which every citizen should show his firm civic position, and the personal interests of citizens should never take precedence over the interests of society.

Of course, this is not in vain. This is because where personal interests take precedence over the interests of society and the state, a serious problem arises. In other words, there is corruption, greed and other evils. It is important to strike a balance between these two interests. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to systematically promote the idea of maintaining this balance in the general public among the general public.

It is also true that "the work on legal education and upbringing is not carried out in a systematic and integrated manner." There is a lack of interdependence at all levels, from pre-school to higher education. Or it is difficult to answer "yes" to the question of whether there are enough textbooks and manuals for law classes in preschools, as well as visual aids. In this regard, a serious question arises as to how legal culture should be inculcated in the minds of children of this age. In this regard, it is advisable to develop legal textbooks in collaboration with psychologists and lawyers.

Therefore, in accordance with paragraph 9 of the Decree, the Ministry of Preschool Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the Ministry of Justice


VOLUME 3 I ISSUE 3 I 2022 ISSN: 2181-1601

within two months to develop and submit to the Cabinet of Ministers proposals on the systematic introduction of "Child Rights and Responsibilities" in preschools with the participation of qualified specialists ; In paragraph 10, the Ministry of Public Education and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the Ministry of Justice: from the 2019/2020 academic year ensure a radical overhaul of legal literacy curricula; By March 1, 2019, organize the preparation of training materials aimed at raising the legal awareness and legal culture of young people, in particular, to promote in their minds that corruption is a very negative evil for the development of society and the country; Serious tasks have been set, such as taking measures to expand the effective mechanisms of cooperation between educational institutions and law enforcement agencies to raise the legal awareness and legal culture of the younger generation.

After so much time, the National Program for the Advancement of Legal Culture in Society, adopted by the Oliy Majlis 22 years ago, has needed to be updated in line with today's needs and spirit. Note how many socio-political and economic changes are taking place today. In this regard, the Decree approved the concept of raising the legal culture in the Society, which identified a number of important areas.

The first direction, referred to in Chapter 1, is called "Improving the legal culture of the population in the relationship between the individual, the state and society." Indeed, in the relationship between the individual, the state and society, the law and its legal norms are crucial. It defines the social responsibility of each individual to society and the state.

One of the most important aspects of the concept of raising the legal culture in the society is that the formation of legal education and the development of legal culture should begin with the family. The concept shows that our national mentality is inextricably linked with our way of life.

Our people have a philosophy that says, "He does what he sees in the bird's nest." If there is a legal culture in the family, that is, in the parents, it will undoubtedly be passed on to the children. Therefore, in each family, the task is to develop and disseminate methodological recommendations for parents, first of all, on teaching children the basics of legal education and morality. In addition, the preparation and free distribution of legal manuals on important issues of daily life, aimed at increasing legal literacy in the family, teaching each basic legal knowledge, knowledge of simple and everyday rules of law and ethics for children, patriotism, respect for the law, The first priority is the production of various cartoons promoting the history and national values of the Uzbek people, the development of audio tales, films and film magazines aimed at providing legal information to children and teaching them the norms and ethics of everyday life.


In this article, we have tried to give a partial account of some of the tasks set out in the first direction of the Concept, which has been carefully thought out and thoroughly analyzed in practice.

The concept consists of 5 chapters: "Introduction of innovative methods of legal advocacy to improve the legal culture in society", "Strengthening the role of the media in improving the legal culture of the population", "Development of legal education, as well as training, retraining and advanced training" Chapters such as "Studying the Scientific Basis of Improving Legal Culture" focus on educating all segments of the population to be legally literate, strong-willed, aware of their rights and respecting the law, able to apply legal knowledge in everyday life, active citizenship and intolerant of crime. reflected the issues of creating a comprehensive regular system.

In short, in the words of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, "Contributing to the development of a new Uzbekistan is a historic opportunity given to us by the Creator."


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