Научная статья на тему 'Sociocultural determinants of modern youth’s family self-determination'

Sociocultural determinants of modern youth’s family self-determination Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Merzlyakova Svetlana Vasil'Evna

The goal of the research is to reveal the peculiarities of young students’ family self-determination depending on their social status and religion. For diagnostic purposes of substantial-structural characteristics of family self-determination, the method of semantic differential, developed by Ch. Osgud, a questionnaire “Level of relation between the “value” and “availability” in various life spheres” by E.B. Fantalova, a projective technique “Incomplete sentences”, “Test of life-purpose orientations” by D.A. Leontyev, were used. While carrying out an analytical stage I used mathematical-statistical methods which allowed to establish validity of results of the research. The results of the study presented in the article show that in case of modern youth’s family self-determination formation, it is sociocultural conditions that depend on the social status (native or migrant) as well as religious consciousness that have a great impact on modern youth. The differences in family values and marriage motives were revealed between the migrant students and natives. Religion (Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism, atheism) affects the values of marriage and family relations, being components of the I-am-a-family-person image, marriage motives, concept of time perspective and life-purpose orientations

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Текст научной работы на тему «Sociocultural determinants of modern youth’s family self-determination»



DOI: 10.12731/2218-7405-2016-11-123-135 UDC 159.9.07


Merzlyakova S.V.

The goal of the research is to reveal the peculiarities of young students' family self-determination depending on their social status and religion. For diagnostic purposes of substantial-structural characteristics of family self-determination, the method of semantic differential, developed by Ch. Osgud, a questionnaire "Level of relation between the "value" and "availability" in various life spheres" by E.B. Fantalova, a projective technique "Incomplete sentences", "Testof life-purpose orientations" by D.A. Leontyev, were used. While carrying out an analytical stage I used mathematical-statistical methods which allowed to establish validity of results of the research. The results of the study presented in the article show that in case of modern youth's family self-determination formation, it is sociocultural conditions that depend on the social status (native or migrant) as well as religious consciousness that have a great impact on modern youth. The differences in family values and marriage motives were revealed between the migrant students and natives. Religion (Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism, atheism) affects the values of marriage and family relations, being components of the I-am-a-family-person image, marriage motives, concept of time perspective and life-purpose orientations.

Keywords: family self-determination; values of marriage andfamily relations; components of the I-am-a-family-person image; marriage

motives; concept of time perspective and life-purpose orientations; migrant students; religion.


Мерзлякова С.В.

Цель исследования - выявить особенности семейного самоопределения студенческой молодежи в зависимости от социального статуса и вероисповедания. Для диагностики содержательно-структурных характеристик семейного самоопределения мы использовали метод семантического дифференциала, разработанный Ч. Осгудом, опросник «Уровень соотношения «ценности» и «доступности» в различных жизненных сферах» Е.Б. Фанталовой, проективную методику «Незаконченные предложения», «Тест смысложизненных ориентаций» Д.А. Леонтьева. При проведении аналитического этапа мы использовали математико-статистические методы, которые позволили нам установить достоверность результатов исследования. Представленные в статье результаты исследования показывают, что при становлении семейного самоопределения современной молодежи социально-культурные условия, обусловленные социальным статусом (коренной житель или мигрант) и религиозным сознанием, оказывают существенное влияние на современную молодежь. Между студентами-мигрантами и коренными жителями выявлены различия в семейных ценностях и брачных мотивах. Вероисповедание (православие, ислам, буддизм, атеизм) влияет на ценности брачно-семейных отношений, составляющие образа Я-семьянина, мотивы заключения брака, представления о временной перспективе и смысложизненные ориентации.

Ключевые слова: семейное самоопределение; ценности брачно-семейных отношений; составляющие образа Я-семьянина; брачные мотивы; представления о временной перспективе и смысложизнен-ные ориентации; студенты-мигранты; вероисповедание.

Problem definition

Dynamic changes of modern society in national and foreign psychology made the interest ofthe personality self-determination (identity) studying increase. In modern developmental psychology the value of teenage and youthful age for identity acquisition, formation of worldview and the system of valuable orientations, is accepted to be central. Negative tendencies of changes in moral values, loss of traditions, blurring of social norms and gender models in a modern society causes the relevance of the research problem of moral-and-valuable consciousness features of rising generation [12, 13, 14]. Up to this context the problem of family values' development among young people, detection of sociocultural determinants and mechanisms of family self-determination formation of young men and women, gets special importance.

Family self-determination is a multistage active and conscious process of designing the image of a family ("my family", "my future family", "ideal family") in time perspective, depending on a specific cul-tural-and-historical situation, at the heart of which there is structuring a system of valuable orientations, attainment of children-and-parental and matrimonial relations sense, development of ability to any regulation and reflection [9]. Substantial-structural characteristics of family self-determination are: values of matrimonial relations, components of I-am-a-fam-ily-person image, visions of future marriage partner's qualities, motives of marriage, perception of time perspective and life-purpose orientations.

According to L.S. Vygotsky, L.I. Bozhovich, D.B. Elkonin, A.N. Le-ontyev, V.V. Davydov the features of social situation of development, the structure of which includes objective (child's place in the system of public relations) and subjective aspects (internal position of a child), crucially determine the direction, content and nature of forming new main psychological formations at various stages of ontogenetic development among children [1; 15]. In a structural analysis of social situation of development O.A. Karabanova applies to a social context concept: «communication and cooperation of a child with a significant social environment within a certain institute of socialization - a family, educational institution, group of contemporaries» [2, p. 77]. «The adult introduces «an ideal form» in

the mind of a child, creating objective conditions for its acceptance and development by a child and forming a regulative field of development, and contemporaries create possibilities of approbation and assignment of a new competence within the limits of variability of a regulative field of development» [2, p. 79].

On the basis of P.Ya. Galperin's doctrine about orientating activity O.A. Karabanova suggested that «the most important component of a social situation of development of a child is an orientating image on the basis of which the vigorously-actionable position of a child towards social reality is realized» [2, p. 78]. O.A. Karabanova allocates types of orientating images: an internal position, personally-orientating I-image (self-esteem), image of a partner and image of interpersonal relations with him. In our opinion, family self-determination represents a system of orientating images, which defines valuable-semantic set of a personality in the sphere of matrimonial relations, carries out a function of planning and regulation of realized forms of family life [6].

In previous researches it was found that substantial-structural characteristics of family self-determination are determined by the type of parental family structure [3; 8], children-and-parental relationships [4; 16], individually-psychological characteristics (emotional-volitional personality traits [10], communicative abilities and peculiarities of interpersonal interaction [5]) of young men and women, are exposed to natural age-related changes in ontogeny [11], concept of motherhood depending on the type of family self-determination [7]. However, empirical researches aimed at sociocultural determinants' studying of family self-determination formation, defining a normative model of a modern family, are not enough.

Organization and research methods

The goal of the research is to reveal the peculiarities of young students' family self-determination depending on social status and religion. To achieve this goal the following tasks have been posed and solved:

1. To carry out a comparative analysis of substantial-structural characteristics of family self-determination of migrants and natives.

2. To assess the relationship of family self-determination and religion of respondents (Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism, atheism).

The hypothesis of the study is that substantial-structural characteristics of family self-determination is determined by social status (migrants or natives) and religion.

For diagnostic purposes of substantial-structural characteristics of family self-determination, the method of semantic differential, developed by Ch. Osgud, a questionnaire "Level of relation between the "value" and "availability" in various life spheres" by E.B. Fantalova, a projective technique "Incomplete sentences", "Test of life-purpose orientations" by D.A. Leontyev, were used.

While carrying out an analytical stage I used mathematical-statistical methods which allowed us to establish validity of results of the research. All calculations were carried out by means of the computer IBM SPSS Statistics 21 program. The analysis joined descriptive statistics, para-metrical and nonparametrical criteria of checking statistical hypotheses.

500 students of Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan State Polytechnic College, Astrakhan branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, took part in the empirical research. Among them 210 boys and 290 girls aged 15-22; 358 students permanently residing at the territory of Astrakhan region, and 142 migrant students. Distribution depending on the religion is the following: 237 people profess Orthodoxy, 151 - Islam, 98 - atheism, 11 - Buddhism, 3 undecided respondents.

The results of the research

Using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for one sample it was found, that the distribution of quantitative variables "attitude towards family", "attitude towards sex", "goals", "process", "result", "locus of control - life", "meaningfulness of life" corresponds to the normal law, so we calculated parametric tests for these variables in statistical hypothesis testing: Student test for independent samples (t), single-factor analysis of variance for independent samples (F). For the rest of the family self-determination characteristics, the nonparametric tests were used: the Mann-Whitney

test (U), Kruskal-Wallis test (H). In table 1 the following notations are used: * there is a trend towards statistically significant differences (significance level 0,05 < p <0,1); ** - differences are significant at 0.05; *** - differences are significant at 0.01 level.

Table 1.

The study of the sociocultural determinants of modern youth's family self-determination

Substantial-structural characteristics of family self-determination Social status Religion

Values of marriage and family relations

Parental family U=7131* H = 6,519*

Marriage U = 7151,5 H = 2,729

My mother U = 8063 H = 3,122

My father U = 7167,5 H = 12,577***

My future family U = 7214 H = 2,606

Value of happy family life U = 5952 H = 5,774

Value of love U=5120** H = 2,333

Value of freedom as independence U = 5921,5 H = 4,197

Attitude to a family t = -1,159 F = 3,596**

We are a family (attitude towards oneself family) U = 991,5 H = 2,231

Position of an individual in family structure U = 895,5 H = 7,744

Attitude towards future marriage partner U = 1018 H = 5,244

Attitude towards oneself U = 976,5 H = 1,929

Attitude towards future children U = 906,5 H = 8,013**

Attitude towards love of romantic type U = 829 H = 5,005

Attitude towards sex t = 0,943 F = 1,227

Attitude towards divorce U = 837 H = 0,477

Attitude toward conflicts U = 916 H = 2,881

Headship and responsibility in the family U = 1017 H = 0,466

Rights and obligations of spouses U = 888,5 H = 1,110

Attitude towards leisure time U = 922,5 H = 2,007

Attitude towards parental family U = 909,5 H = 3,998

Attitude towards mother U = 1017,5 H = 2,658

Attitude towards father U = 969 H = 4,407

Components of the image I-am-a-family-man

I am a future husband / future wife U = 7338,5 H = 6,738*

I am a future father / future mother U = 7466 H = 5,094

End of the table 1.

I am the host / hostess U = 7681,5 H = 5,845

I am the son / daughter U = 8054,5 H = 12,812***

Marriage motives

Success achievement U = 8473 H = 1,931

Communication with people U = 7862,5 H = 14,874***

Self-actualization U = 6341,5* H = 1,575

The recognition of others U = 7833,5 H = 5,237

Material well-being U = 7288,5 H = 6,769*

Personal independence («escape from parents») U = 6894 H = 3,026

Love U = 6733 H = 11,985***

Safety U = 7696 H = 2,819

Happiness U = 7315 H = 10,071**

Duty U=6759* H = 5,082

Harmonious sexual relationships U = 7022 H = 6,575*

Revenge U = 1689 H = 6,576*

Compensation of feeling loneliness U = 952 H = 1,151

Concept of time perspective and life- purpose orientations

My past U = 8255 H = 10,384**

My real U = 8030 H = 9,566**

My future U = 7685 H = 12,501***

Life goals t = -0,684 F = 1,085

Life process t = 0,598 F = 2,878**

Life effectiveness t = 0,438 F = 4,862***

Ego locus of control U = 6228,5 H = 1,793

Locus of control - life t = 1,048 F = 3,267**

General indicator of life meaningfulness t = 0,776 F = 2,925**

At average 200 foreign students from 31 countries, such as Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Iran, Vietnam, China, Italy, etc., enters Astrakhan State University each year.

Revealing peculiarities of family self-determination of migrant students, there was found a significant difference for family value love, but also there is a tendency of significant differences for such traits as parental family, marriage motives, self-actualization and duty. Analysis of central tendency measure indicators shows that for the young people, permanently residing at the territory of Astrakhan region, in comparison with migrants, love is the most important family value, and important motives for marriage are self-actualization and duty. Migrants' value of parental family is higher, than that for Astrakhan students. With the aim of getting higher education

young people have to move to another country that means that they are expected to face loneliness, living far away from the family for some time; here comes a sharp change of usual way of life, the revaluation of values, and thus the importance of the parental family increases.

Religion is a significant factor for family self-determination development of modern youth. Religious students (Orthodox Christians, Muslims, Buddhists) appreciate parent family, the most important marriage motive is the desire to find happiness. For Orthodox Christians and Muslims emotionally attractive family roles are I am a future husband/future wife, I am the son/daughter, and important marriage motives are communication with people, love. The Orthodox sexual attraction to partner and desire to have stable sexual relationships become an important motive for marriage. The Muslims have a highly significant value, which relates to the relationship with father, emotionally-positive attitude to the family is formed, the improvement of material well-being becomes important in marriage. Young people, professing Buddhism, are distinguished by their positive attitude towards their future children. Atheists have such marriage motive as revenge (to create a family despite their parents or getting revenge on their ex-partner), the value of past, present and future are unimportant.

Religion causes peculiarities of life-purpose orientations, which are an important characteristic of family self-determination. High scale rates of process and locus of control - life are common for religious young men. This shows us that the Orthodox, Muslims, Buddhists in a comparison with atheists, understand life process as the most interesting, emotionally rich, filled with the meaning that you can control. Orthodox and Muslims are characterized by the satisfaction of self-realization at the present and the meaning of their own life.

If the problem of upbringing a future family person in the USSR has been solved at a national level through holding classes on a discipline "Ethics and psychology of family life", then socio-economic and cultural-and-moral changes in Russian society at the turn of XX-XXI centuries led to the fact, that the Soviet experience in preparing youth to family and marriage, was useless. Currently there are no social institutions in Russia, which will help to form readiness for marriage and family life, to develop skills of family self-determination of young men and women, confessing atheism.


Thus, the most significant contribution (at the level of statistical significance) a profession of religion brings into the family self-determination development of modern youth. Social status (migrant or native) helps mainly to form such characteristics of family self-determination, as marriage and family values and marriage motives. For students, who always live at the territory of Astrakhan region, the highly significant value is love, the important marriage motives are the desire for self-actualization and duty. Migrant students, mainly of the native population, appreciate parental family.

Religion (Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism, atheism) defines the value of marriage and family relations, components of the image I-am-a-family-man, the importance of the marriage motives, the value of the concept of time perspective and life-purpose orientations of youth.

Orthodoxy, Islam and Buddhism have a positive impact on the development and growth of family and marriage sphere, forming such family values as firm marriage, birth and upbringing of children, respect to elder generation. Atheist students are placed in the situation of autonomous family self-determination, choosing family values and their understanding. According to this, the problem of creating a conceptual scheme of designing and implementation of the program of preparing young people for marriage and family life, is important. Educational organizations (schools, colleges, universities), consulting services, medical institutions, public organizations, social welfare services, Civil Registry Offices, mass media, specific literature, etc., play a big role in this. Revealed peculiarities of substantial-structural characteristics of family self-determination of modern youth give an opportunity to design a psycho-pedagogical support model of training young men and women for marriage and family life, of preventing and improving negative development trends, as well as planning prospects for further researches in this area.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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8. Merzlyakova S.V. Roditel'skaja sem'ja kak orientirujushhij obraz semej-nogo samoopredelenija molodezhi [Parental family as a guideline image of youth's family identity]. Theory and Practice of Social Development,

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13. Brugman D., Heymans P.G., Boom J., Podolskij A.I., Karabanova O., Idobaeva O. Perception of moral atmosphere in school and norm trans-gressive behavior in adolescents: an intervention study. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 2003, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 289-300.

14. Feldstein D.I. A Changing Child in Changing World: Psychological and Educational Problems of the New School. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 2011, no 4, pp. 383-396.

15. Karabanova O.A. Social Situation of Child's Development - the Key Concept in Modern Developmental Psychology. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 2010, no. 3, pp. 130-153.

16. Merzlyakova S.V. A children-parent relationships as a condition of formation of the family self-determination of youth. In the World of Scientific Discoveries, Series A. Publishing House Science and Innovation Center, Ltd. Volume 2, Number 2, 2014 р.

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13. Brugman D., Heymans P.G., Boom J., Podolskij A.I., Karabanova O., Idobaeva O. Perception of moral atmosphere in school and norm trans-gressive behavior in adolescents: an intervention study. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 2003, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 289-300.

14. Feldstein D.I. A Changing Child in Changing World: Psychological and Educational Problems of the New School. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 2011, no 4, pp. 383-396.

15. Karabanova O.A. Social Situation of Child's Development - the Key Concept in Modern Developmental Psychology. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 2010, no. 3, pp. 130-153.

16. Merzlyakova S.V. A children-parent relationships as a condition of formation of the family self-determination of youth. In the World of Scientific Discoveries, Series A. Publishing House Science and Innovation Center, Ltd. Volume 2, Number 2, 2014 р.

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHOR Merzljakova Svetlana Vasil'evna, Assistant Professor of the Chair of General and Cognitive Psychology, Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor

Astrakhan State University

20a, Tatishcheva Str., Astrakhan, 414056, Russian Federation


SPIN-code: 5199-9035

ДАННЫЕ ОБ АВТОРЕ Мерзлякова Светлана Васильевна, доцент кафедры общей и когнитивной психологии, кандидат психологических наук, доцент Астраханский государственный университет ул. Татищева, 20А, Астрахань, Астраханская обл., 414056, Российская Федерация svetym@yandex.ru

SPIN-код в SCIENCE INDEX: 5199-9035

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