Научная статья на тему 'SOCIO-ORIENTED MARKET ECONOMY'

SOCIO-ORIENTED MARKET ECONOMY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Shokirova G.Sh.

This article discusses features of a socially-oriented market economy

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В этой статье обсуждаются особенности социально ориентированной рыночной экономики

Текст научной работы на тему «SOCIO-ORIENTED MARKET ECONOMY»

From the physiotherapy methods, laser, ultraviolet therapy or impulse currents are used.

Operative treatment is most often performed with epimimpanitis. If necessary, surgery on both ears should begin treatment with the ear that hears worse. During the intervention, the following is carried out:

• audit and treatment of the auditory canal and tympanum (pus, education);

• cleaning and processing of bone walls;

• plastic tympanic membrane.

Использованные источники:

1. Ziegler D., et al. Exp.Clin.Endocrinol diabetes.-2009.-vol.107.-P.421-4

2. Изменения минеральной плотности костной ткани при сахарном диабете. А.А Гусова (и др) Клиницист-2010 №1. С 10-16.

УДК 337.54

Shokirova G.Sh. The teacher of the department« Management» Namangan Engineering Construction Institute


Abstract: This article discusses features of a socially-oriented market economy

Keywords: market, economy, model, price, goods

Шокирова Г.Ш.

преподаватель кафедра « Менеджмент» Наманганский инженерно-строительный институт


Аннотация: В этой статье обсуждаются особенности социально ориентированной рыночной экономики

Ключевые слова: рынок, экономика, модель, цена, товар

The modern market economy is the result of civilization and the humanization of society, when the state strives to soften the market blows.

In today's real life, there are no examples of a purely market, completely free from the state economy. Most countries tend to organically and flexibly combine market efficiency with government regulation of the economy. Such an association forms a mixed economy.

A mixed economy represents an economic system where both the state and the private sector play an important role in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of all resources and material goods in the country. At the same time, the regulating role of the market is complemented by the mechanism of state

regulation, and private property coexists with the public-state mechanism. The mixed economy represents the most effective form of management. There are five main tasks to be solved by the mixed economy:

• ensuring employment;

• full use of production facilities;

• stabilization of prices;

• parallel growth of wages and labor productivity;

• Balance of payments.

Their achievement was carried out by States in different periods in different ways, taking into account mutual experience. Conventionally, we can distinguish three models of a mixed economy.

Neo-East (France, England, Italy, Japan) is characterized by a developed nationalized sector, active countercyclical and structural policies, conducted in accordance with indicative plans, developed a system of transfer payments.

The neoliberal model (Germany, the USA) also suggests measures of an anticyclic nature, but the main emphasis is on ensuring the state conditions for the normal functioning of the market. It is regarded as the most effective regulatory system. The state, in essence, intervenes only to protect competition.

The model of concerted action (Sweden, Holland, Austria, Belgium) is based on the principle of the consent of representatives of social parties (government, trade unions, employers). Through special taxes on investment, the government prevents the economy from "overheating", regulates the labor market. Special laws affect the ratio of wage growth and labor productivity, progressive taxation promotes equalization of incomes. In the countries of this model, a powerful social security system has been created.

World experience shows that the economy of any economically developed country is socially oriented.

Market economy in its modern form is the freedom of entrepreneurship of economic entities under market coordination of their activities, with clear social guidelines.

Socially oriented market economy is a model of social relations in which:

1. the production of goods and services is oriented to a mass buyer, and more than 70% of the population is able to consume them, if not through personal financial savings, at least through a long-term loan system;

2. The classic antagonism between the employer and the employer is excluded by the fact that the latter acts both as a labor force and as the owner of the enterprise (private ownership through shares, shares, shares is transformed into a private collective);

3. The state form of ownership is not overwhelming in the national economy;

4. The state regulates production and consumption not through direct directive mechanisms, but through economic levers: taxes, law, credit, order, duties, tariffs and others;

5. The state ensures the dynamic development of the middle class, does not

allow rapid property differentiation of the population, renders all kinds of support to the poor (the elderly, the sick, children), takes into account the interests of all social and national groups, supports equal opportunities in obtaining education or medical services;

6. nongovernmental organizations (local government, mahalla, rural communities) are allowed in the management of society,

First President Islam Karimov in the book "Uzbekistan - own model of transition to market relations" justifies that a socially-oriented economy is a mixed economy. "It is an independent economic model. The fundamental difference between it and the free market is that it is a synthesis of both principles - economic and social. This means that a socially-oriented market economy is fully market and social, aims to link the effectiveness of economic development with social guarantees and social justice. " The main element of the social market economy is the link between the principle of economic freedom in the market and social equalization.

Used sources:

1. Адашев А. У. КОРХОНАЛАРДА ИННОВАЦИОН РИВОЖЛАНИШИНИНГ ТАРКИБИЙ АСОСЛАРИ //Научное знание современности. - 2017. - №. 4. - С. 8-12.

2. Адашев А. У., Аскаралиев А. СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ПОДХОДЫ К ПОКАЗАТЕЛЯМ И ЦЕННОСТЯМ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОГО РАЗВИТИЯ //Теория и практика современной науки. - 2017. - №. 2. - С. 28-30.

3. Шакирова Г. Ш. Повышение эффективности корпоративного управления на предприятиях в условиях модернизации экономики //Молодой ученый. -2014. - №. 8. - С. 635-636.

4. Шакирова Г. Ш. Некоторые вопросы совершенствования корпоративного управления в Узбекистане //Молодой ученый. - 2015. - №. 10. - С. 848-850.

5. Шакирова Г. Ш. Мотивация труда работников в сфере деятельности малого бизнеса и частного предпринимательства //Молодой ученый. - 2016. - №. 11. - С. 1074-1076.

6. Шакирова Г. Ш. МИЛЛИЙ ЩТИСОДИЁТ ТАРЛВДИЁШДА ХОРИЖИЙ ИНВЕСТИЦИЯЛАРНИНГ УРНИ //Научное знание современности. - 2017. - №. 4. - С. 405-407.

7. Исматов Р. О. и др. Повышение эффективности управления по привлечению инвестиций в региональную экономику //Молодой ученый. -2016. - №. 11. - С. 767-769.

8. Ахмедов О. Т. Вопросы привлечения инвестиций в малый бизнес и частное предпринимательство //Молодой ученый. - 2016. - №. 11. - С. 595597.

9. Дадабаев Т. Ю., Мирзабдуллаева Г. Направления повышения эффективности системы хранения сельскохозяйственной продукции //Высшая школа. - 2016. - Т. 1. - №. 23. - С. 65-68.


ТАКОМИЛЛАШТИРИШНИНГ АДАМИЯТИ //Научное знание современности. - 2017. - №. 4. - С. 165-168.

УДК 001:52(575)

Sodikova Z.A.

Teacherof English at the Olmazor College of Light Industry


Abstract: This article examines the life and work of Mirzo Ulugbek.

Keywords: astronomer, mathematics, science, culture, education

Содикова З.А. преподаватель английского языка Колледж Олмазора легкой промышленности


Аннотация: В этой статье рассматривается жизнь и творчество Мирзо Улугбека.

Ключевые слова: астроном, математика, наука, культура, образования

Mirza Muhammed Ibn Shahrukh Ibn Timur Ulugbek Guragan (1394-1449) is a great Uzbek astronomer and mathematician, patron of sciences, grandson of the famous Central Asian commander and conqueror Amir Temur.

Muhammad Taragay was born on March 22, 1394. in military transport during one of the military campaigns of the famous grandfather. The father of the boy was the son of the famous Tamerlan - Shahruh, and the mother - Gaukharshad Begim, the daughter of one of the representatives of the Turkic tribal aristocracy. Muhammad was a coveted child, his grandmother, Amir Temur's eldest wife, Saray Mulk-hanym, was engaged in his upbringing and education, which attracted the grandson of the famous poet and scholar of his time Arif Azari

From a young age, Mohammed showed interest in knowledge - he was fond of natural sciences, the history of music and poetry, he possessed an extraordinary memory. A huge role in his enthusiasm was played by reading ancient folios from his father's huge library.

In 1405 the famous grandfather died, and between the successors of the dynasty a war broke out over his vast possessions, which lasted almost five years. By 1409, in the battle for the legacy, Shahruh reconquered a large part of Maverannahr with his capital in Samarkand, but he did not rule himself and retired to Herat, and the capital was administered by his eldest son Muhammad, who at that time carried the nickname Ulugbek (The Great Bek). So at the age of fifteen, the care for the great empire of his grandfather fell on the young tsarevich.

However, Ulugbek did not follow in the footsteps of his warlike ancestor and did not continue his aggressive campaigns. All his energy, wealth and

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