MODELS OF TRANSITION TO MARKET ECONOMY, THEIR COMMONWEALTH AND DIFFERENCES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Adashev A.U.

This article discusses various models of a market economy

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В этой статье обсуждаются различные модели рыночной экономики



1. Аксенова Г.Н., Кожухова Н.Е., Шарапа А.А. Особенности лингвистического и логико-понятийного аспектов изучения медицинских терминов// http://www.bsmu.by/bmm/04.2004/42.html.

2. Валгина Н.С. Современный русский язык / Валгина Н.С., Розенталь Д.Э., Фомина М.И.- М.: Логос, 2002. - 528 с.

3. Иллюстрированный энциклопедический словарь М.: Ридерз-Дайджест 2003.- 424 с.

УДК 334.65

Adashev A. U.

The teacher of the department«Management» Namangan Engineering Construction Institute


COMMONWEALTH AND DIFFERENCES Abstract: This article discusses various models of a market economy Keywords: market, economy, model, price, goods

Адашев А. У. преподаватель кафедра « Менеджмент» Наманганский инженерно-строительный институт

Узбекистан, г. Наманган МОДЕЛИ ПЕРЕХОДА К РЫНОЧНОЙ ЭКОНОМИКЕ, ИХ ОБЩНОСТЬ И РАЗЛИЧИЯ Аннотация: В этой статье обсуждаются различные модели рыночной экономики

Ключевые слова: рынок, экономика, модель, цена, товар

In the lecture on the first issue of the topic, we noted that there are various ways of transition to market relations, but not only the transition paths (evolutionary, "shock therapy") are different, but the models themselves have distinctive features, starting conditions.

We must now understand the peculiarities of the transition from centralized directive planning to market relations, to a democratic society.

After the October Revolution, socialism (now called state socialism) was built in the former USSR: the monopoly of state property, the totalitarian regime, command and administrative administration and centralized state planning, and where the ruling class is the proletariat (the working class), the leading and guiding force is the Communist Party .

A market economy could not be created in the depths of socialism. For it could arise and develop only in conditions of a variety of ownership, first of all, private.

The main thing is that it is impossible to develop the economy by a method. A striking proof of this is the USSR, the collapse of the historical experiment of the socialist method of management, preaching an administrative-command style of management based on directive planning and a centralized resource allocation of resources. In order to get out of economic, political and spiritual backwardness, we chose a market economy.

Uzbekistan among the first stated its goal of achieving true sovereignty. The first of the republics of the former Soviet Union introduced the presidential form of government.31 August 1991, the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan was proclaimed. Uzbekistan has gained its real statehood by peaceful, parliamentary means. This will of the entire population of the republic is enshrined in the constitutional law "On the Fundamentals of State Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and at the same time confirmed by a nationwide referendum. In fact, a political revolution was carried out and the presidential administration was established.

The main function of the new government was the protection of political and socio-economic gains, the creation of the initial conditions for economic and social transformation. The social revolution has also begun, it is always a long process, involving radical changes in all spheres of public life.

The state really directs the further implementation of social and economic transformations. The totality of these changes provides for a transition to a new mode of production, a new social and economic system, a new social order.

In the book "Uzbekistan is a proprietary model of transition to market relations," the author developed his own concept of transition to a qualitatively new state. A qualitatively new state has that model, the definition of which was cited above. It is "a strong democratic, lawful state, a civil society with a stable socially-oriented market economy, an open foreign policy". And the own concept of transition to market relations includes five key principles. These principles are the basis of our own path of renewal, development and progress. They form the bearing structures of the model-path of the transition period.

The essence of these key principles boils down to the following:

First, the economy must take precedence over politics. It is necessary to ensure the de-ideologization of both internal and external economic relations.

Secondly, the state should be the main reformer.

Thirdly, the rule of law, law-abiding. This means that the new Constitution and laws adopted by the democratic way are obliged to observe and strictly fulfill all without exception.

Fourthly, the implementation of a strong social policy taking into account the demographic structures of the population.

Fifthly, the transition to a market economy should be carried out in stages, by evolutionary means.

A radical form of property relations is a key issue in modern transformations in Uzbekistan. This is due to the fact that property relations form the basis of any economic system. The relations of ownership in Uzbekistan, as in

many republics of the USSR, formed over 70 years, formed the basis of the administrative-command system of the economy.

The transition to a civilized regulated market is based on the pluralism of all forms of ownership, the formation of a mixed multistructure economy.

This is explained by the fact that the soul of the market is competition, which requires a large number of remote actors. Market relations function on the basis of various forms of ownership, the existence of which is determined by the level of development of productive forces, the degree of socialization of production. The market itself is indifferent to the form of ownership.

But he is not indifferent to how independent are the market actors and how free they are in their economic activities (within the framework of the law), is not indifferent to the conditions of competition. Therefore, to implement the strategy of forming a market economy of social orientation. The Republic of Uzbekistan adopted a number of laws as the organizational and legal basis for "On property" -the prevention of the existence of any form of property, the functioning and development of entrepreneurship, creation, activity, the transformation of enterprises of all forms of ownership, the transformation of state property through denationalization and privatization.

Used sources:

1. Адашев А. У. КОРХОНАЛАРДА ИННОВАЦИОН РИВОЖЛАНИШИНИНГ ТАРКИБИЙ АСОСЛАРИ //Научное знание современности. - 2017. - №. 4. - С. 8-12.

2. Адашев А. У., Аскаралиев А. СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ПОДХОДЫ К ПОКАЗАТЕЛЯМ И ЦЕННОСТЯМ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОГО РАЗВИТИЯ //Теория и практика современной науки. - 2017. - №. 2. - С. 28-30.

3. Шакирова Г. Ш. Повышение эффективности корпоративного управления на предприятиях в условиях модернизации экономики //Молодой ученый. -2014. - №. 8. - С. 635-636.

4. Шакирова Г. Ш. Некоторые вопросы совершенствования корпоративного управления в Узбекистане //Молодой ученый. - 2015. - №. 10. - С. 848-850.

5. Шакирова Г. Ш. Мотивация труда работников в сфере деятельности малого бизнеса и частного предпринимательства //Молодой ученый. - 2016. - №. 11. - С. 1074-1076.

6. Шакирова Г. Ш. МИЛЛИЙ ЩТИСОДИЁТ ТАРЛВДИЁШДА ХОРИЖИЙ ИНВЕСТИЦИЯЛАРНИНГ УРНИ //Научное знание современности. - 2017. - №. 4. - С. 405-407.

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//Высшая школа. - 2016. - Т. 1. - №. 23. - С. 65-68.


УДК 1(091)(574)

Alimova Sh. Q.

Teacherof English at the Olmazor College of Light Industry

Uzbekistan, Tashkent city AL FARABI IS A GREAT PHILOSOPHER

Abstract: This article describes the life and activities of Al Farabi

Keywords: philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, science, music

Алимова Ш.К. преподаватель английского языка Колледж Олмазора легкой промышленности

Узбекистан, г. Ташкент АЛЬ ФАРАБИ - ВЕЛИКИЙ ФИЛОСОФ

Аннотация: В этой статье рассказывается о жизни и деятельности Аль Фараби

Ключевые слова: философия, математика, астрономия, наука, музыка

An outstanding thinker and scientist-encyclopedist of the Middle Ages Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn Muhammad Uzlug Tarkhan al Farobi was born in 873 in the family of a noble commander. This is indicated by the Cunja «Tarhan» in his name, and the other by Farobi - indicates the origin of the city of Faroob, the city located at the confluence of the Arys River in the Syr Darya. After completing his studies at the Madrasahs of Bukhara and Samarkand, he went to Merv, Isfahan, Hamadan, and Rei for his knowledge. He studied in Khorasan and arrived in Baghdad, having a solid stock of knowledge and experience. The efforts of the young curious person were rewarded: he was accepted into the «House of Wisdom» founded by the Caliph Mamun - «Beit ul-hikmu». Here he studied the writings of the figures of the Academy of Mamun, the ancient Greek scholars.

It will be a long time before the student turns into a scholarly husband, and the library «Beit ul-hikma» replenishes his treatises on mathematics and astronomy, medicine and psychology, logic and sociology, music theory and ethics, philosophy and law.

For half a century, Farobi created more than 200 tracts, many of which, unfortunately, are lost. With his goal of learning the true Aristotle, he wrote his comments on the works of the great Greek and other scholars. «I understood Aristotle's Metaphysics only after reading Al-Farobi's comments on her,» Abu Ali ibn Sina later wrote.

In his treatise «The Essence of Questions», Farobi opposes Plato, who

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