PECULIARITIES OF MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Abidova M.I.

This article discusses the features of medical terminology

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В этой статье обсуждаются особенности медицинской терминологии


УДК 811.161

Abidova M.I.

Senior lecturer of the department of«Pedagogy and Psychology»

Tashkent State Dental Institute Uzbekistan, Tashkent city PECULIARITIES OF MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY

Abstract: This article discusses the features of medical terminology

Keywords: term, medicine, attribute, grammar, phonetics

Абидова М.И. старший преподаватель кафедра «Педагогики и психологии» Ташкентский государственный стоматологический институт


Аннотация: В этой статье обсуждаются особенности медицинской терминологии

Ключевые слова: термин, медицина, атрибут, грамматика, фонетика

Terminological vocabulary can be divided into two layers: general terminology and highly specialized. For common terminological vocabulary words, terms that are used in various fields of science, for example, a preparation, instrument, instrument, element are characteristic. Terms that are used in a specific field of science, refer to a narrow special terminology.

Narrow special terminology is the most representative layer of special terms that refer to realities, concepts, categories specific for each branch of knowledge. The organizing beginning for highly specialized terms is the presence in each of the terminology and terminology (as a general set of special words) of the standard categories of concepts on which the main body of terms is distributed. Traditionally, researchers have nine such categories (objects, processes, states, quantities, regimes, properties, units of measurement, sciences and industries, professions and occupations). Within the industry terminology, its classification according to one or another criterion will have its own, often inimitable character, especially if within the terminological associations formed on the basis of universal categories of concepts, to isolate thematic groups. And the very number of these categories can vary depending on the degree and completeness of coverage by the industry terminology of the relevant field of knowledge.

The formation of modern medical terminology is associated not only with its initial lexical basis, and even not only with the content of the relevant concepts, but also with those social changes that occur both in the world as a whole and in individual countries that have established medical schools.

Having much in common with the terminology of the natural sciences, medical terminology, nevertheless, has its own specific characteristics:

1. The basis of medical terminology is borrowed Greek-Latin terms or terms

created artificially from Greek-Latin terminological elements. In English, about 95% of the terms are based on classical languages. Equally important are classical languages in Russian medical terminology. In addition, the anatomical and histological nomenclatures included in medical terminology are compiled entirely in Latin, on the basis of its alphabet, phonetics and grammar.

2. Since the Greek-Latin terms underlie the medical terminology of almost all European languages, most medical terms are international. In the professional medicine language of any country in the world, some special expressions are used only in Latin. For example: in vivo, in vitro, per os, etc.

3. Active creation of terms from classical terminological elements led to a conscious influence on terminology: medical terms have a high degree of motivation and are semantically transparent.

4. To replenish terminology, the eponyms (eponym (from the Greek eponymos giving the name giving something to its name)) are actively used terms. Such a situation Grinev S.V. explains that not always a certain disease can be attributed to a specific nosological (nosology (from Greek nosos disease + logos science) - a section of pathology that studies the nature and nature of the course of individual diseases, including their description (nosography), and also develops their classification by similar signs, the nosological - related to nosology. [13]) form.

To avoid a false orientation of the term, it is preferable to leave it "neutral", that is, to give the name of the disease by the name that described its researcher. With the passage of time, when it is possible to clarify the etiology or the main aspects of the pathogenesis of the disease, a new term appears that gives a more accurate idea of the attribution of this concept to a particular class, and therefore the eponymic term, as a rule, is superseded or remains in memory of the scientist.

If we talk about syntactic models used as terms, in most cases these models are in two versions: substantive and attributive. The nominal character of the word-combinations is supplemented by participial turns and participles with nouns: progressive myopia; artery accompanying the sciatic nerve. In the role of the substantive component can act: nouns of Russian origin (tubercle, deposition, stone, tabs, bite); nouns of Greek-Latin origin (stomatitis, odontoma, index, adentia); nouns borrowed from other languages (enamel, filling, sinusitis).

Numerous groups are terminological word combinations, which include two attributive components (chronic active hepatitis, the osteal cyst, external iliac artery). For substantive terminological word combinations, the following models are characteristic: noun im. + noun r.p. ; (Werlhofs disease, Quincke's edema, stomach resection, Frohlich syndrome, brain embolism, lung abscess, Eismarch's mug); adjective (participle) + noun im.p. + noun rp; (transverse position of the fetus, closed cardiac massage, spontaneous rupture of the uterus); noun and etc. + adjective (participle) + noun rp; (disease of the cecum, nosoresnichnogo nerve syndrome, the device of artificial circulation, prosthetics of the mitral valve); noun and etc. + noun r.p. + noun rp; (muscle spasm of the extremities, fracture of the diaphysis of the hip, cervical cancer).

'^KOHOMHKa h соцнумм №2(45) 2018




1. Аксенова Г.Н., Кожухова Н.Е., Шарапа А.А. Особенности лингвистического и логико-понятийного аспектов изучения медицинских терминов// http://www.bsmu.by/bmm/04.2004/42.html.

2. Валгина Н.С. Современный русский язык / Валгина Н.С., Розенталь Д.Э., Фомина М.И.- М.: Логос, 2002. - 528 с.

3. Иллюстрированный энциклопедический словарь М.: Ридерз-Дайджест 2003.- 424 с.

УДК 334.65

Adashev A. U.

The teacher of the department «Management» Namangan Engineering Construction Institute


COMMONWEALTH AND DIFFERENCES Abstract: This article discusses various models of a market economy Keywords: market, economy, model, price, goods

Адашев А. У. преподаватель кафедра « Менеджмент» Наманганский инженерно-строительный институт

Узбекистан, г. Наманган МОДЕЛИ ПЕРЕХОДА К РЫНОЧНОЙ ЭКОНОМИКЕ, ИХ ОБЩНОСТЬ И РАЗЛИЧИЯ Аннотация: В этой статье обсуждаются различные модели рыночной экономики

Ключевые слова: рынок, экономика, модель, цена, товар

In the lecture on the first issue of the topic, we noted that there are various ways of transition to market relations, but not only the transition paths (evolutionary, "shock therapy") are different, but the models themselves have distinctive features, starting conditions.

We must now understand the peculiarities of the transition from centralized directive planning to market relations, to a democratic society.

After the October Revolution, socialism (now called state socialism) was built in the former USSR: the monopoly of state property, the totalitarian regime, command and administrative administration and centralized state planning, and where the ruling class is the proletariat (the working class), the leading and guiding force is the Communist Party .

A market economy could not be created in the depths of socialism. For it could arise and develop only in conditions of a variety of ownership, first of all, private.

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