Научная статья на тему 'Synonymy and the causes of its occureence in dental terminology (types of semantic relationships between English and Russian languages)'

Synonymy and the causes of its occureence in dental terminology (types of semantic relationships between English and Russian languages) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kamilov Khaydar Pazilovich, Nartaeva Mukhayyo Bahtiyorovna

In the article analyzed the causes of occurrence of synonymy in dental terminology. In particular, types of Semantic Relationships between English and Russian languages. Analysis of dental synonyms of English showed that some of them can be synonymous only in one meaning. A source of synonymy in the dental terminology can serve as eponyms, when the identical referent nomination, whether it be a symptom, a syndrome, a disease, etc. differently interpreted by professionals in an identical scientific field in one or different countries of the world at one or different time intervals without regard to each other.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Synonymy and the causes of its occureence in dental terminology (types of semantic relationships between English and Russian languages)»



'Kamilov Khaydar Pazilovich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head, DEPARTMENT OF THE HOSPITAL THERAPEUTIC DENTISTRY;


Abstract: in the article analyzed the causes of occurrence of synonymy in dental terminology. In particular, types of Semantic Relationships between English and Russian languages. Analysis of dental synonyms of English showed that some of them can be synonymous only in one meaning. A source of synonymy in the dental terminology can serve as eponyms, when the identical referent nomination, whether it be a symptom, a syndrome, a disease, etc. differently interpreted by professionals in an identical scientific field in one or different countries of the world at one or different time intervals without regard to each other.

Keywords: synonymy, terminology, term, dental, dental cavity, plaque, seal, molar, scientific, analysis.

The problem of synonymy in modern medical terminology is one of the complex and contradictory. Most linguists believe that terminology, like language as a whole, is characterized by synonymy, since semantically identical or identical terms are quite common. However, dental terminology, like all medical terminology, is characterized by synonymy [1].

1. The greatest number of terms-synonyms (or synonymous versions) contains a group of terms denoting the names of anatomical organs: "Dental cavity, tooth decay" - "зубная полость"; "premolar, bicuspid" - "премоляр, малый коренной зуб"; "molar" - "большой коренной зуб, моляр"; "oral cavity" - "ротовая полость"; "gum margin, gingival margin" - "край десны, десневой край". It should be noted that in the studied languages there is a quantitative inequality of synonymous terms.

In English, the widespread use of synonyms is conditioned by word-building capabilities. Unlike English, composing is not the leading way of word formation in the Russian language (RL). Structural analysis of the actual material allows us to conclude that in English language (EL) the use of synonyms-composites is widespread, but in RL are more often used versions of terminological units. For example, along with the complex term of English "Dental cavity" is used its synonym "Tooth decay". In Russian, specialists are limited to the use of a terminological combination "зубная полость" [2], which is represented by a combination of the noun and the prepositional adjective, or its version of the tooth cavity, expressed by two nouns. It should be said that synonymous relations can cover both compared languages, for example: English - "milk tooth, baby tooth, primary tooth" and Russian - "молочный зуб". Observations show that the common component in English is morpheme "tooth" "зуб", wherein "milk-, baby- and primary" are different meanings. They differ in parts of speech. The words "Milk" and "baby" are nouns, "primary" is an adjective. 2. Terms that characterize physiological processes: Teething, Dentition.Analysis of synonyms of the EL of this thematic group showed that dental terms can be represented by a variety of nominations in their structure. So, for the expression of physiological dentition in English, along with the simple term "Teething", is used the synonym - composite "Tooth eruption", and also the term which borrowed from the Latin language "Dentition" in Russian "прорезывание зубов". The synonymy of the terminological system in Russian is broader than in the EL, which is due, as a rule, to the presence in synonymic terms of wordform consoles and suffixes: "жевание, прожевывание, пережевывание, разжевывание" "резаться прорезываться; глотание проглатывание" [3]. However, there are synonymous pairs in which there is a process of compounding: "drooling, hypersalivation" (Greek hyper "over" and lat. Salivatio "drooling"). Thus, synonyms can be simple, derivative, complex; can also be terminological word combinations (tooth loss, physiological dentition (in children)).

3. Synonymous relations in the group of terms that call clinical symptoms of diseases occur in Russian and English: "Dental plaque, Bacterial plaque" - "зубной налет, бляшка";"Toothache, Pain in a tooth, Odontalgia, Dentalgia" - "зубная боль"; "Cramps with teething (pl)" - "судороги при

прорезывании зубов", опухлость отечность. Among the synonyms expressed by composites, in English there are attributive phrases: "Broken tooth" - "сломанный зуб". In Russian, synonymous pairs, as a rule, are represented by combinations of the noun and the prepositional adjective (зубной налет - зубной камень, зубная бляшка), in which the concretizer (dental) is lowered.

4. Terms used as names of dental diseases: "Gingivitis Periodontitis" - "гингивит"; "Glossitis" -"глоссит", 1. anodic abscess of the alveolar process of the jaw; 2. abscess of the gums; 3. colloquial "флюс" dental abscess, gumboil, flux [4].

The use of the national term along with borrowed is the main reason for synonymy in the EL, so the synonymous relations in this thematic group on the examples of terminological units of English are much wider than in the Russian language. Synonyms of English origin are traditionally expressed by composites. Synonymic row of sub acute abscess of alveolar process of jaw Gum abscess, decoction flux is an example of synonymization in the dental terminology of the Russian language, where flux (dental abscess) is considered as a version of stylistic synonymy.

5. Terms, indicating methods of treatment and diagnosis. In this thematic group, terminology units of the EL are mostly synonymous: "Reimplantation" -"ре(им)плантация зубов"; "perforation" -"пробивать" and others. Obviously, this kind of semantic relations is represented by different parts of speech. Synonyms of this thematic group of the English language are often different in structure terminological nominations: single-word derivatives "extraction" - "вырывать, удалять (зуб)", complex terms of substantive origin "remove the tooth" - "удаление зуба", word combinations "Removal of the root of the tooth" - "удаление верхушки корня зуба". For the RL is characterized by the use of verbose combinations with the noun tooth in the postposition: "extraction of the tooth, pulling out the tooth, to remove the tooth" [5].

6. Terms that function as dental equipment and tools names: "Dental mirror, Mouth mirror" -"стоматологическое зеркало, прибор с зеркальцем для осмотра полости рта"; "drilling machine" -"бормашина"; "spittoon, cuspidor" - "плевательница"; "X-ray, Radiograph, Roentgenogram, Shadowgraph" - "рентгеновский снимок". In this thematic group, the use of synonyms of English dominates, which is due to the word-building capabilities of this language.

7. In the thematic group of terms for the names of medicines and filling materials, synonyms in the studied languages are extremely rare: "Poisonous substance" "ядовитое вещество, токсин", "Seal, Filling, Inlay" "вкладка для пломбирования (полости зуба), пломба".

8. Terms that nominate types of orthopedic structures: "artificial teeth, false teeth" -"искусственные зубы; искусственная челюсть; зубной протез". This thematic group is represented by verbose terms of English and Russian.

9. Terms denoting preventive measures and arrangements. As synonyms for prophylactic oral care come forward the names of gels ("Дентамет", "Метродент", "Лактогель"), toothpastes ("Blend-а-med", "Ремодент", "Aqua-fresh", "Colgate"), lacquers ("Dental Paint", "White Flash Celebrity"), which are analogues of pharmacological action and are used for teeth whitening and prevention of dental diseases.

The causes of the origin of terminological synonymy are considered by scientists as different sources of the formation of medical terms. So, for example, S. Majayeva, having studied synonyms in nursing terminology, revealed the following sources: 1) dialectal and general literary words; 2) foreign and their own.

Our research of synonyms of dental terminology of Russian and English languages allowed structuring them into three groups on the basis of the origin of terminological synonymy in accordance with the classification proposed by V.N. Molodets. The scientist proposes to consider all synonyms with respect to the source language in three planes: 1) synonyms on a foreign language basis; 2) synonymous pairs; 3) synonyms on a national basis. Consider sources of synonymy in more detail [10]

1. Synonyms on a foreign language basis. The analysis of the illustrative material showed that synonyms on a foreign language basis are found both in Russian and in English. The main reason and source of synonyms in the field of dental terminology, in our view, are the borrowing of Greek and Latin terms that form the basis of international medical terminology. Here are some examples: Russian language: одонтология (Greek. odus - "зуб" (tooth) + logos - "наука" (science)); стоматология (Greek. stomatos - "рот" (mouth) and logos - "наука" (science)) [7].

Дантист (French dentiste - "зубной врач" (dentist)); стоматолог (Greec stomatos "рот" mouth and logos "наука" science) - a specialist doctor, who received training in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases and injuries of teeth, jaws and other oral organs and maxillofacial region; прогнатия - prognathia (Greec pro - "вперёд" (forward) and gnathos - "челюсть" (jaw)); окклюзия -

occlusion (late latency occlusio - "запирание, скрывание" "locking, hiding") "closing of the teeth of the upper and lower jaw with various movements."

English - filling (Latin plumbum), (German Plombe) "hardened material introduced into the defect of the tooth crown or into the tooth cavity in order to restore its shape and function". 2. Synonymous pairs. This group constitutes the largest number of terms, since the source of designations in clinical terminology are, as a rule, internationalisms from classical languages. [8]. For example, a synonym of the Greec-Latin origin "gingivitis" (Latin "gingiva" + Greek suffix - itis, which denotes inflammatory processes) is used to refer to the disease associated with gum disease without violating the integrity of the dent gingival joint. The term "gingivitis" is international, as it exists in many languages with the same meaning (English - gingivitis, French - la gingivite). Tooth decay "caries" comes from the Latin. "Caries", which denotes a pathological process: progressive destruction of hard tooth tissues with the formation of a defect, in the form of a cavity. In other languages, the term is formulated in accordance with the phonetic and morphological norms of the language (English - caries, French - carie).

"Parodontitis" - a periodontal inflammatory disease that occurs with the destruction of the dent gingival joint and inter alveolar septa" (from ancient Greek- para- "about", odont - "tooth"). This term includes the Greek suffix -itis, which indicates an inflammatory process.

Parodontose ("parodontosis) - periodontal lesion of a dystrophic nature" (other Greek - para-"about, next" + odont - "tooth" + -osis Greek suffix characterizing a chronic condition). "Stomatitis" comes from the Greek stomat - "mouth" + Greek. suffix -itis inflammatory character. This term indicates the most common inflammation of the oral mucosa. Pulpitis "pulpitis" (Latin pulpa - "flesh" + Greek suffix -itis inflammatory character). Pulpitis means inflammation of the tooth pulp [9].

Molar is a large molar tooth. The term "molar" originates from the Latin word combination "lapis molaris", which translates as "millstone". Molars are permanent teeth of the upper and lower jaw, located three on each side of the dentition; have two or three roots and a chewing surface formed by three, four or five tubercles.

Periodontium (Greek peri "around" + odont "tooth") the root membrane, the dental ligament. It is a dense connective tissue that fills the periodontal gap. Along with the terms from the classical languages, which are still used as sources of notation, in the dental terminology there are synonyms borrowed from other languages. So, for example, the English term tartar, Dental plaque, Bacterial plaque - "зубной камень, зубной налет" has a synonym of French origin Plaque. However, in most cases, borrowed terminological synonyms are Anglicism. For example, the synonym for the Russian term "облицовка" is the term English origin "винир", English veneer, a dental term, denoting porcelain or composite plates replacing the vestibular (outer) layer of teeth [10].

The analysis of synonymous phenomena based on Russian and English languages allows us to assert that in English, when compared with the Russian terminology system in the field of dentistry, the terms synonyms are quantitatively almost equal [11].

However, at the present stage of the development of medicine, it is already known that the appearance of carious tooth damage is affected by the state of the internal environment of the body (for example, immunity, digestive system, quality of nutrition). Therefore, caries is a manifestation of a common disease of the body with damage to the tissues of the teeth. Hence, it will be more correct to call caries carious disease. Analysis of dental synonyms of English showed that some of them can be synonymous only in one meaning.

A source of synonymy in the dental terminology can serve as eponyms, when the identical referent nomination, whether it be a symptom, a syndrome, a disease, etc. differently interpreted by professionals in an identical scientific field in one or different countries of the world at one or different time intervals without regard to each other. An example of this can be the term "Behcet Syndrome", denoting a skin-mucosal-uveal syndrome, characterized by the presence of aphth Behchet.

This disease was first described by the Turkish dermatologist Behcet (Behcet) in 1937. In 1941, the French dermatologist Touraine established that Behcet's disease is not limited to the symptoms described above but has a general severe course, complicated development of large aphthae, nodular erythema and thrombophlebitis. This variant of the development of Behcet's disease was called the aphthous Touraine. Thus, "Behcet Syndrome" has a synonym for grande aphtose Touraine "apthosis of the great Turena". So, synonymy is a fact recognized by many linguists.

Thus, the ubiquitous existence of synonymy in the terminology system motivates a constant investigation of the claimed phenomenon. Moreover, it cannot be denied that, for a more comprehensive and objective description of such a problem or related problems, there is a full theoretical foundation in medical terminology. However, the attempt to increase the degree of singe -

valued of the term is unsuccessful on the grounds that the language tends to polysemy, strives to level monosemanticity. Accordingly, as part of the language system, the terminology lives in unison with the laws of language, meets the requirements of the functioning of the entire lexical layer.


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