FEATURES OF MEDICAL TERMINOLOGIES IN TAJIK, UZBEK AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Turakulova O.N.

This article deals with such general linguistic problems as the structure of the word, lexical system, phraseological system of the Uzbek , English and Tajik languages. Nomination of concepts in terms of medicine system of terminology in the form of a substantive word, i.e. in the form of a noun takes place in all three languages. On the whole they have similarities on the ways of lexical substantive nomination in the form of simple noun, affixation derivation, compound word and on semantics derivation

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UDK 004.02:004.5:004.9

Turakulova O.N.


the Foreign Languages chair Denau entrepreneurship and pedagogy institute

Uzbekistan, Surkhandarya



Annotation :This article deals with such general linguistic problems as the structure of the word, lexical system, phraseological system of the Uzbek, English and Tajik languages. Nomination of concepts in terms of medicine system of terminology in the form of a substantive word, i.e. in the form of a noun takes place in all three languages. On the whole they have similarities on the ways of lexical substantive nomination in the form of simple noun, affixation derivation, compound word and on semantics derivation

Key words : terminoly, terms , expression, noun, medicine , disease, sickness

Most words in the Uzbek , Tajik and Russian languages are characterized by polysemy, but there are some words that, by the nature of their use, should be unambiguous. The ambiguity will prevent them from fulfilling their main function. In physics, chemistry, mathematics, philosophy, medicine, politics, art, etc. we need words-names that would be perceived by everyone and always the same. These words are called terms.

The word "term" comes from the Latin "terminus" (border, limit). Linguists give different definitions to this concept. Here are some of them. Term (from Latin terminus - limit, border) is a word or phrase that is the name of a certain concept of some field of science, technology, art, etc. Terms serve as specialized, restrictive designations characteristic of this sphere of objects, phenomena, their properties and relationships.

In contrast to the words of general vocabulary, which are often polysemous and have an emotional connotation, the terms within the scope of application are unambiguous and devoid of expression. (From Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia) The term, occupying an appropriate place in the microsystem, is in fixed subordinate, generic links with other terms of this microsystem. Moreover, hyponymic gradations can be in the first, second, etc. steps. Generic relations are best revealed by compound terms that are nominal phrases, then there are those in which names are involved as components nouns, or attributive-nominal, where some of components are adjectives or participles. When combining compound terms into nests, lexical basis serves as a generic term - word. The prevailing mass of components terms — two-word combinations. There are also verbose

compound terms. Constant part of a compound term, core word, - noun - expresses a generic concept, and variable parts in Uzbek, Tajik and English languages -adjectives or nouns - possess defining, specifying, limiting function, that express species concepts, variable features, for example: илтихоби бесирояти сифок(перитонит) - aseptic peritonitis, to'g'ri ichak yallig'lanishi - газаки сифок - hemorrhagic peritonitis, safro yallig'lanishi- илтихоби талха -bile/biliary peritonitis, shilliq qavatning yallig'lanishi- илтихоби сифоки мадфуй - fecal peritonitis and so on.;

arterial bosim oshishi - шараёни фишорбаландй - arterial / systemic hypertension, gemodinamik arterial bosim ko'tarilishi - фишорбаландии шараёнии гемодинамики - hemodynamic arterial / systemic hypertension, bosim ko'tarilish jarayonining harakatsizligi - бехаракатии шараёни фишорбаландй - congestive arterial / systemic hypertension, шараёни фишорбаландии асабй - neurogenic symptomatic arterial / systemic hypertension and etc.

Along with compound terms, actually merging with them played an important role by compound and derived words composed of international root and affixial morphemes of ancient Greek and Latin languages.

These terminological means are accepted to call terminological elements (gastro-, gastro-, me-, cardio, angio-, -oma and etc.). The British call the term-elements such as gastro- (root morpheme + connecting vowel -o) combining forms.

Term elements are involved in the formation of terms of a wide variety microsystems. In the English medical dictionary, their share is exclusively great.

Has acquired a special acuity for medical terminology the problem of synonyms. Until now, there is no complete theoretical clarity as to what should be considered synonyms in terminology. Without going into the essence of discussions on in this regard, it is advisable to recognize as synonyms only

such linguistic formations, own-language and foreign-language words and phrases that, differing in their sound complexes, expressed within the framework of the corresponding microsystem identical concept.

For a specialist, especially in conditions foreign language communication, it is extremely important to get correct landmarks in synonymous relationships. In the medical terminology synonyms occupy a very noticeable area. Sometimes the same concept is expressed by ten or more synonyms. Even some of the most important medical concepts have several synonyms; for example, the concept of omos, varam (tumor) is indicated by the terms tumour, mass, growth, swelling, neoplasm, formation, blastoma.

A number of synonyms express the concept «бемори,«бехоли,-kasal, bemor, betob,-disease, illness, sickness, ailment, disorder, trouble, distress, disturbance.

Given this "synonymous hypertrophy", the most the optimal sample is only the most viable, then there are English that have sufficient practical application synonyms with which have been harmonized equally viable Tajik and Uzbek synonyms.

It is more difficult to navigate in synonyms that differ in their internal form. For instance: ахалазияи модарзодии сурхруда, ташшануци модарзодии даромадгохи меъда - qizilo'ngachning tug'ma axalaziyasi, tug'ma kardiospazm, - congenital achalasia of the esophagus, congenital cardiospasm, римхалтаи пардаи шуш, илтихоби фасодноки пардаи шуш - qizilo'ngach plevriti, yiringli plevrit pleurisy esophagus, suppurative pleurisy. qizilo'ngachning tug'ma axalaziyasi.

Here are examples from literature with using these terminals:

I suggest that abdominal pain is secondary to acute pleurisy.

Menimcha, qorin og'rig'i peritonitning ikkilamchi yallig'lanishi alomatidir.

Ман фикр мекунам, ки дарди шикампарда аломати дуюмдарачаи илтихоби пардаишуш мебошад.

I suspect that you have congenital heart trouble.

Sizda tug'mayurak kasalligini bor deb o'ylayman.

Ман дар шумо сактаидили модарзодиро хис мекунам.

This article draws attention to the use of eponyms - names derived from doctors' own names,

scientists, literary characters.

For instance: тофтабанди(бандинаи) Эсмарх-Esmarx bog'lamlari-Esmarch's tourniquet;

исканчаи Кохер- koxer iskanjasi, Kocher's clamp; беморииПечет— Pechet kasalligi Paget's diseases and so on .

If any anatomical structure is indicated synonymous terms with the existing group traditional eponym, then it is he who is used as producing basis in the names of diseases affecting this structure. For instance: гадуди калони даромадгохи махбал, гадуди Бартолин, газаки гадудхои Бартолин, бартолинит-qinning katta bezi, Bartolinning oshqozon osti bezi, oshqozon osti bezi , oshqozon osti bezi Bartolin, bartolinit - greater/Bartholin's gland, inflammation of Bartholin's gland, bartholinitis.

The situation is different with synonyms of general literary English, especially with professional words reduced character.

So, for example, when a doctor communicates with a patient, the probability the use of the terms "tympanitis", "flatulence" is rare compared with words and combinations such as "swelling, bloating belly ". The doctor will ask the patient whether he has pain under spoon ", and not" in the epigastric region "," does he have constipation or stool retention ", not" constipation ".

There are purely professional English speech turnovers that are difficult to build on your own, since they differ in the specificity of verbal content, selecting

words and using their meaning. For instance: супоридани хун - qon topshirish -blood donation; искоти хамли берун аз бемористон -yshirin homilani oldirish - back-street abortion; фаромушхотирй -xotira susayishi- spoty memory, defect memory; дардхои фарогиранда -a'zoi badanning og'rishi- pains all round your middle; парпеч кардани кудак - go'dakni yo'rgaklamoq-to dress a child; махкам кардани бинии бемор - bomorni mahkam bog'lash- to keep the patients nostrils closed; докапеч кардани захм -yarani bog'lash- to pack the wound; рафъи ихтилочи мушакхо -mushak og'riqlarini tekshirish - to control a muscle spasm; саратонро ба кафо партоед - orqaga tashlash- throw the head back; собикаи беморй чамъ карда нашуд -hech qanday kasallik alomati topilmagan-there is no history.Professional spoken language of medicine in a huge degree stereotyped, idiomatic, has speech stamps (cliché) We are going to give some examples :

бехушй бо тарзи кушода - ochiq hushdan ketish - open anesthesia; садои соиши парда

•шуш -o''pkadan tovush kelishi- pleural friction rub; назми «чорхез» -"gallop " rhythm; тафти

"хушк" барои тамъиз -quruq haroratning oshishi "dry" heat; дили «гов» - "cor bovinum ";

чаррохй аз сабаби... birir sabab tufayli operatsiya qilish - operation for...; чаррохй бо имконияти

нишондоди хаётй - hayotni saqlash uchun operatsiya - life-saving operation; аз холати бехушй

баромадан-hushga kelish - come out from anesthesia; дар шуш иллат ёфт нашуд -o'pkani tozalamoq - the lungs are clear; катъ кардани авчгирии беморй - kasallikni xurujini to'xtash-kasllikni nazoratga olish -to control'check/arrest/stop an attack of a disease; ба даруни плевра фиристодани хаво - to apply/use pneumothorax; ба нояш андохтани чурра -aralashtirmoq churra - churrani kamaytirish; chabira bodoka - splintni rulon bilan mahkamlash. to reduce a hernia; тамоили формулаи лейкоситарй ба чаи - deviation of the differential count to the left; мустахкам кардани чабира бодока - mahkam bog'lash - to fix the splint with a roller.

As a result of the influence of Latin, Greek and Arabic languages Uzbek , English and Tajik medical terminology has in its composition from 50% to 60% of borrowings.Since ancient times, Latin has been an international scientific language and has not lost its meaning until recently. Medicine, philology, pharmacy, biology, chemistry, veterinary medicine, zoology, botany, physiology, engineering and many other branches the sciences widely use Latin-Greek terms.

On them the vast majority of those published in many countries were founded medical dictionaries. It is for this reason that some of the Latin words served as the basis for the formation of Uzbek, English and Tajik medical terminology.

So, for instanse , pest gives such kind of meanings:

«тоун(чума)» come from Latin - pestis - «бемории марговар o'lim bilan yakun topadigan kasallik- from Latin perdo - «вайрон кардан»; farcy -«музмин»- from Latin farcio - «пур кардан»; gout - «никрис» - from latin gutta - «катра» and so on.

A number of terms also come from French (jaundice - "zardparvin" from the French jeundisse - "casalia zardcha (Old French jalue - zard, which used to be borrowed from Latin: galbus - "zard") "; goitre • "chogar (from Latin gutter, guttar • "gulu") "; grippe - "zuk" from French la grippe - "khuruchi zuk, shamolhury (Old French griffe - "lunch bo nohunho" from Latin grips - "Griffin (sagi darozmui shikory)", from the Greek grips - "Kachshuda") "), Dutch, Italian, Indian dialects, Malay Sinhalese and other languages.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that modern medical terminology is heterogeneous in its origin. Along with the native Uzbek , Tajik and English words (insignificant = 8%), there are terms of Greek and Latin origin (= 71%), which became international. Some of these terms are borrowed directly from Greek and Latin (= 18%) while others (= 21%)) - from European languages, mainly through

French. Most of this group (= 52%) make up the names of diseases.


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