NON-MORPHOLOGICAL WAYS OF FORMING CHEMICAL TERMS IN THE CRIMEAN TATAR LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Mireyev Vadim Aldanovich

An essential role in the enrichment of the special chemical vocabulary of the Crimean Tatar language, is played by non-morphological methods of forming new terms and nomens, namely, lexical-grammatical and lexical-semantic ones. However, until now, they have been the subject of consideration only in relation to the Uzbek and Tatar languages. The object of study in this article is the non-morphological ways of replenishing the chemical terms system in the Crimean Tatar language. The article also touches upon the metonymic method of word formation and the second nomination.

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V.A. Mireyev.

E-Mail: minlan@yandex.ru

Non-morphological Ways of Forming Chemical Terms in the Crimean Tatar Language

UDC: 54: 811.512.145

Вадим Алданович Миреев.

Неморфологические способы образования

химических терминов в крымскотатарском языке

В обогащении химической лексики тюркских языков определённую роль играют неморфологические способы образования новых терминов и номенов: лексико-грамматический и лекси-ко-семантический. Однако до настоящего времени они были предметом рассмотрения только применительно к узбекскому и татарскому языку. Объектом изучения в настоящей статье стали неморфологические способы пополнения химической терминосистемы в крымскотатарском языке. В рамках статьи также затронуты метонимический способ словообразования и вторая номинация.

Ключевые слова: неморфологический, лексико-грамматический, лексико-семантический, словообразование, химический, термин, крымскотатарский язык.

Vadim Aldanovich Mireyev.

Non-morphological Ways of Forming Chemical

Terms in the Crimean Tatar Language

An essential role in the enrichment of the special chemical vocabulary of the Crimean Tatar language, is played by non-morphological methods of forming new terms and nomens, namely, lexical-grammatical and lexical-semantic ones. However, until now, they have been the subject of consideration only in relation to the Uzbek and Tatar languages. The object of study in this article is the non-morphological ways of replenishing the chemical terms system in the Crimean Tatar language. The article also touches upon the metonymic method of word formation and the second nomination.

Keywords: Non-morphological, Lexical-grammatical, Lexical-semantic, Word Formation, Chemical, Term, Crimean Tatar Language.

The non-morphological methods of replenishing the vocabulary of languages include lexical-grammatical, lexical-semantic and lexical-syntactic ones. With regard to systems of chemical terms in the Turkic languages, non-morphological ways of word formation are discussed in the works by [Zakiyeva, p. 104-111] and [Madvaliyev, p. 13-15]. Questions related to the lexical and grammatical method of word formation in the Crimean Tatar language are discussed in the work by [Ablyametova, Sattarova].

In the Crimean Tatar chemical metalanguage, the lexical-grammatical and lexical-semantic methods are productive, while the lexical-syntactic method as a means of term formation in this case has not become widespread.

Lexical-grammatical method

The lexical-grammatical way of word formation is the emergence of homonymous words by changing the meanings and grammatical properties of the generating word. When words move

Non-morphological Ways of Forming Chemical Terms in the Crimean Tatar Language

from one part of speech to another, naturally, semantic changes are accompanied by changes in the grammatical properties of the word.

In the Crimean Tatar chemical metalanguage, nouns denoting materials in the enlarged sense of the word sometimes move into adjectives. Thus, adjectives differ from homonymous nouns in that they do not denote an object, but a feature of an object. At the same time, they lose the categories of number and case, and significantly change their syntactic function. In particular, adjectives-definitions are not combined with numerals, counting and function words, lexemes "çoq" (many) and "az" (little).

Most often, nouns denoting both natural and artificial materials of various types turn into adjectives: "çelik" (noun) - steel ^ "çelik" (adj.) - steel ("çelik çôtkïi" - steel brush), "demir" (noun) - iron ^ "demir" (adj.) - iron ("demir ozek" - iron core), "altin" (noun) - gold ^ "altin" (adj.) - gold ("altin filcan" - golden crucible), "baqir" (noun) - copper ^ "baqir" (adj.) - copper ("baqir tel" -copper wire), "çini" (noun) - faience ^ "çini" (adj.) - faience ("çini çanaq" - earthenware cup), "rizna" (noun) - rubber ^ "rizna" (adj.) - rubber ("rizna tutqali" - rubber glue), "cam" (noun) - glass ^ "cam" (adj.) - glass ("cam savut" - glassware).

These adjectives mean "made, consisting of the material that is expressed in the original stem."

Crimean Tatar chemical terms are also formed by the substantivisation of verb forms (action names and participles). At the same time, they completely lose all possible grammatical categories of the verb, and adopt the paradigm of nouns. The substantive participial forms -ici/-ici denote objects or substances characterized by what is expressed by the verbal stem: "oxidleyici" (oxidizer); "eski alina qaytarici", "gayridan tikleyici" (reducing agent), "yim§atici" (plasticizer).

Nouns with the suffix -ma/-me, formed from verbs by conversion, are also adjectivized: "teneçtirme" - comparison, collation ^ teneçtirme - relative, specific ("teneçtirme çeki" - specific weight).

Thus, a sufficient number of terms formed in a lexical-grammatical way are found in the Crimean Tatar metalanguage.

Lexical-semantic method

The lexical-semantic way of word formation is the appearance of homonymous words as a result of the emergence of new meanings in the structure of particular producing word.

It is just in this way that the noun noqta appeared in the Crimean Tatar chemical terms system in the meaning of the synonym for the word "temperature": "buzlama (buzlav) noqtasi" (freezing point); "qaynama (qaynav) noqtasi" (boiling point). Previously, the word was part of the meaning system of the homonymous noun noqta - "a geometric abstract object that has no measurable characteristics other than coordinates", as well as "a punctuation mark when writing or a diacritic mark". In this particular case, the Crimean Tatar model follows the Russian and Western European languages models: Gefrierpunkt (German), point du congélation (French) - the freezing point; Siedepunkt (German), point d'ébullition (French) - the boiling point.

With the lexical-semantic method, the formation of new homonymous words is associated only with a change in the semantic structure of the generating word and does not affect grammatical properties or morphemic division.

Changing words and acquiring new meanings, increasing the number of figurative meanings of words is one of the sources, enriching the vocabulary of the Crimean Tatar language. The lexical meanings of common words are narrowed (specialized) as a result of various semantic transformations. These are different types of hyphenation (metaphorical, metonymic, functional), as well as shifts in the semantic, volume of words (narrowing, specialization).

As the lexical analysis of chemical terms shows, the formation of semantic homonyms is based on the following factors: 1) similarity of form. For example: "ozek" (nucleus) ^ "atom ôzekleri" (nuclei of atoms); "zincir" (chain) ^ "zincirlama reaktsiyalar" (chain reactions), etc.; 2) the similarity of the function: "bo§ yer / vacancy" (vacancy is a type of defect in the crystal lattice, characterized by the presence in it of places free of structural units); "kôpïir, kopurçik" (bridge) ^

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"disulfid kopuri" (disulfide bridge, -S-S-); "tuz kopuri" (salt bridge).

Following Z.R. Zakiyeva [Zakiyeva, pp.108-109] let's note that some chemical lexemes are used both in a direct nominative meaning and in a figurative one. Among chemical terms in the Crimean Tatar language, a lot of semantically rethought words of the general literary language are used, mainly of abstract meaning. For example: "deni§ici" (modified) ^ variable: "deni§ici valent (valentlik)" (variable valency); "hasil" (noble) ^ (noble, inert): "hasil gazlar" (noble gases); "kyimetli" (expensive) ^ (precious): "qiymetli madenler" (precious metals).

Relatively few, but peculiar and different from other types are compound terms, which are the result of the metaphorization of the phrase as a whole. Among the terms that are based on metaphors, we can distinguish terms that are based on the similarity of one feature of concepts or the similarity of several features: 1) metaphor in form: "elektron buluti" (electronic cloud); 2) metaphor in function: "sandvi?-birle§me" (a sandwich compound is an organometallic compound in which the metal atom is sandwiched between two aromatic-ringed ligands - the whole of the ring electron system interacting with the metal orbitals, giving great stability. Metallocenes are examples).

In the Crimean Tatar language, there is also a metonymic way of forming chemical terms. Many terms that have arisen as a result of metonymy acquire the ability to form a plural, i.e. a formal feature that distinguishes them, on the one hand, from common words, and on the other - from words-terms with a process meaning, for example: "qari§malar "(mixtures);" qatqilar, qo§umtilar " (admixtures, impurities). Speaking about the expansion of the meaning of the terms, the following examples of names of entire classes of substances can be cited: "tuzlar" (salts); "yaglar" (oils); "spirtler" (alcohols); " ziftler "(resins), etc.

The second nomination also contributes to the enrichment of the chemical terminology of the Crimean Tatar language. The process of transition of terms from one sphere to another, which affects not only the terms of national languages, but also terminological internationalisms, is commonly called "re-terminologization". Terms from other sciences, which have penetrated into the chemical metalanguage, gained independence, and were enriched with chemical meaning. Thus, in chemistry, mathematical and physical terms are widely used: "musaviyleme" (equation; "reaktsiyanin musaviylemesi" - reaction equation; "ion-molekular musaviyleme" - ion-molecular equation), "derece" (measure, level, degree; "oksidlenuv derecesi" - oxidation state; "elektrolitik dissotsiatsiya derecesi" - degree of electrolytic dissociation; "hararet derecesi — temperature); "ekvivalent" (equivalent; "himiyeviy ekvivalent"- chemical equivalent), etc. Similar terms are transferred to chemical terminology on the basis of the function performed by objects and phenomena or by similarity.


1. Ablyametova S.M., Sattarova Z.M. Word formation as a source of synonymy in the Crimean Tatar language // Litera. 2020. № 4. Pp. 46-52. URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=32777

2. Madvaliyev A.P. Uzbek chemical terminology and issues of its normalization: Abstract of the thesis for the degree of PhD in Philology. Tashkent., 1986. 23 p.

3. Zakiyeva Z.R. Chemical terminology in the modern Tatar language: Thesis for the degree of PhD in Philology: 10.02.02. Kazan, 2011. 190 p.

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