CALQUING AS A PRODUCTIVE WAY OF FORMING CHEMICAL TERMS IN THE CRIMEAN TATAR LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Mireyev V.A.

An essential role in the enrichment of the special chemical vocabulary of the Crimean Tatar language, is played by calquing of foreign words, which has recently been one of the most productive ways of forming new terms and nomens. Since the end of the 20s of the XX century, during the period of radical modernization of the Crimean Tatar language, begins the simultaneous organization of chemical education and the deployment of chemical production on the peninsula, as well as the formation of the Crimean Tatar chemical meta-language as a systemic phenomenon. This trend continues to this day. The object of study in this article is word-formation, semantic and structural-semantic calques and semi-calques in the chemical vocabulary of the Crimean Tatar language.

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V.A. MIREYEV, E-mail: minlan@yandex.ru

Calquing as a Productive Way of Forming Chemical Terms in the Crimean Tatar Language

UDC: 54: 811.512.145

Миреев Вадим Алданович.

Калькирование как продуктивный способ образования химических терминов в крымскотатарском языке

В обогащении химической лексики крымскотатарского языка существенную роль играет калькирование иноязычных слов, которое в последнее время является одним из самых продуктивных способов образования новых терминов и номенов. С конца 20-х годов прошлого века, в период радикальной модернизации крымскотатарского языка, одновременной организации химического образования и развёртывания химического производства на полуострове начинается формирование крымскотатарского химического метаязыка как системного феномена. В этот период он активно насыщается терминами и номенклатурными единицами, заимствованными из русского языка и через русский — интернационализмами. Эта тенденция остаётся в силе и до наших дней. Объектом изучения в настоящей статье стали словообразовательные, семантические и структурно-семантические кальки и полукальки в составе химической лексики крымскотатарского языка.

Ключевые слова: калькирование, словообразование, химический, термин, крымскотатарский язык

1 Миреев Вадим Алданович, к.х.н., ведущий научный сотрудник НИИ крымскотатарской филологии, истории и культуры этносов Крыма ГБОУВО РК КИПУ имени Февзи Якубова (Симферополь, Крым)

Mireyev Vadim Aldanovich.

Calquing as a Productive Way of Forming Chemical Terms in the Crimean Tatar Language

An essential role in the enrichment of the special chemical vocabulary of the Crimean Tatar language, is played by calquing of foreign words, which has recently been one of the most productive ways of forming new terms and nomens. Since the end of the 20s of the XX century, during the period of radical modernization of the Crimean Tatar language, begins the simultaneous organization of chemical education and the deployment of chemical production on the peninsula, as well as the formation of the Crimean Tatar chemical meta-language as a systemic phenomenon. This trend continues to this day. The object of study in this article is word-formation, semantic and structural-semantic calques and semi-calques in the chemical vocabulary of the Crimean Tatar language.

Keywords: Calquing, Word Formation, Chemical, Term, Crimean Tatar Language

An essential role in the enrichment of the special chemical vocabulary of the Crimean Tatar language, is played by calquing of foreign words, which has recently been one of the most productive ways of forming new terms and nomens.

Calquing is a special way of translating a lexical unit (a word or a stable word combination) of the script by replacing its constituent parts -morphemes or words (in the case of stable word combinations) - with their lexical correspondences in the perceiving language.

When calquing, new words are formed by using the capabilities of the perceiving language under

the influence of only semantics or simultaneously the semantics and structure of another language.

"Calquing is called an "environmentally friendly" method of borrowing, since it allows, without destroying the integrity of the perception of the lexical system of the language, to expand its capabilities" [Maltseva, 2015, p. 782].

In the Crimean Tatar linguistics, theoretical and practical issues of calquing have been investigated in the works [Memetov, 1986, pp. 1321; Resutova, 2017, pp. 104-107; Seydametova, 2011, pp. 40-43.].

Turning to the special chemical vocabulary of the Crimean Tatar language, it should be noted that calquing here is a relatively new phenomenon, which as a systematic one has been manifested for hardly more than 90 years. Since the end of the 20s of the XX century, during the period of radical modernization of the Crimean Tatar language, begins the simultaneous organization of chemical education and the deployment of chemical production on the peninsula, as well as the formation of the Crimean Tatar chemical metalanguage as a systemic phenomenon. In that time, terms and nomenclature units, borrowed from the Russian language and through Russian - internationalisms, mainly of Greek-Latin origin, were actively introduced into it, although among them we also see some lexemes from German and, to a lesser extent, French and English. The last vector was set by the strong positions of the German chemical science and the chemical industry of that time, in fact, the language of chemistry on the European continent then was German. The only chemical abstract journal in the world for more than five decades was the German "Chemisches Zentralblatt", published since 1856. More details about this period of development of the Crimean Tatar chemical terminology and nomenclature can be found in our works [Mireyev, 2018, pp. 5-10; Mireyev, 2018, pp. 124-126].

Since the calques appear as a reaction of native speakers to a radical increase in the number of borrowed lexemes that penetrate into everyday life and science, it is quite natural that from the end of the 20s of the XX century and until now the phenomenon of calquing in the Crimean Tatar is an institutional factor as in the language as a whole and in the chemical vocabulary update as well.

In general linguistics, the following types of

calques are conventionally distinguished:

1) derivational;

2) semantic and structural-semantic;

3) phraseological (syntactic);

4) half-calques;

5) not genuine ones.

Word-building calques are word obtained by a morpheme by morpheme translation of a foreign word from one language to another. It should be noted that in this case calques does not look like a borrowed words, since these are composed of morphemes of Crimean Tatar itself: yarikegirgig "semiconductor", bitarafla§tiruv (bitarafla§tirma) "neutralization".

Semantic calques are designed to reproduce not the structure, but the meaning of a foreign language word: tatlila§tiruv (tatlila§tirma) "desalination", sinirici "absorbing", qo§maden "bimetal", karbonni yoq etuv (etme) "decarbonization", iritkig "flushing bottle", areketgenlik "mobility", sabunlama "saponification".

Many complex and compound words are subjected to structural and semantic calquing. In the case of semantic-structural calquing, through the medium of means inherent in one language, a derivative word recreates the meaning and repeats the derivational structure of the pattern of another language. At the same time, calquing can be either complete or partial:

a) qur§un §ekeri "lead sugar", ek§i tuz "polyhydric salt", iritici "solvent",

b) elektronga soyda§liq "affinity for an electron", tamgali atomlar "tagged atoms", ekiatomli "diatomic", and so on.

In the Crimean Tatar chemical metalanguage we have registered no phraseological (syntactic) and not genuine calques.

There are many derivative calques of chemical terms that are completely subordinate to the grammatical norms of Crimean Tatar: ek§iliklik "acidity", baqirsizlandiruv (baqirsizlandirma) "copper removing".

The following terms belong to complete calques, in which all the constituent parts of a word or phrase are translated into the Crimean Tatar language: ozluginden yanuv (yanma) "spontaneous combustion" or "autoflammability" , tamgilarni tutuv "de-entrainment", irip olgan cam and §ingen cam "water-glass" and "liquid glass "(water solution

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of sodium and (or) potassium silicates), artqaç kerginlik "overvoltage" (deviation of the electrode potential from its equilibrium (with respect to the near-electrode composition of the solution) thermodynamic value when the electrode is polarized by external current), irimez esas "insoluble base", acimiy talil "volumetric analysis", qum hamam "sand bath".

Incomplete calquing terms are: elektron buluti "electron cloud", patlayici gaz ("detonating gas" or "oxyhydrogen" - a mixture of two volumes of hydrogen and one volume of oxygen), radiofaallik "radioactivity", qaytavlama reaktsiyasi "opposing reaction".

Semi-calques in the Crimean Tatar language include complex calques, which are composed by attributive morphemes originated from a foreign language and whole-formed Crimean Tatar words. Productive or limitedly productive in the chemical terminology of the Crimean Tatar language are complex semi-calques, in which international prefixes such as azo-, hydro-, nitro-, anti-, macro-, micro-, bi-, cryo-, meso-, thermo-, sphero-, poly-, trans-, met-, para-are used: nitrobirle§meler "nitro compounds", azozumre "azo group".

Another group of Crimean Tatar complex semi-calques is made up of words that are divided into the Crimean Tatar word element and a whole-formed international (or, rarely, Russian) word, for instance: yarimelement "half cell", yarimperiod "half life", etc. There are also semi-calques with the productive affix -ara (inter-): atomlarara "interatomic", moleculearara "intermolecular", ionlarara

"interionic", kristallitlerara "intercrystalline".

The overwhelming majority of the aforementioned chemical calques have been extracted from general purpose or special dictionaries and course books. However, a significant number of calques that have not become generally accepted by now can be found in the works of M.O. Lyumanov, analyzed by us in [Lyumanov, 2006; Lyumanov, 2008; Mireyev, 2015, pp. 14-20].

Although, in our opinion, most of those in this context are rather unpromising, some of his calques have some chances to become part of the Crimean Tatar chemical metalanguage. In this case, we are talking about calquing international terms and nomens, which have already blended seamlessly in the Crimean Tatar chemical vocabulary, but have been treated by M.O. Lyumanov, basing on his radical purist approach, as objects for replacement.

In the translation technique, calques should be distinguished from morphological transmission, when a borrowed word is transliterated with its subsequent adaptation to the morphology of the native language for the convenience of declension and conjugation: refinirlev (refinirleme) "refining" (transliterated borrowed base "refinir-" + Crimean Tatar affix "-lev" or "-leme"), atsetilirlev (atsetilirleme) "acetylation".

Thus, calquing of foreign words is one of the most productive ways of forming chemical terms in the Crimean Tatar language.


1. Lyumanov М.О. Russko-krymskotatarskiy meditsinskiy slovar [Crimean Tatar medical dictionary]. Simferopol: Krymuchpedgiz, 2006. 520 p. (in Russian & Crimean Tatar)

2. LyumanovМ.О. Russko-krymskotatarskiy voyennyy slovar [Russian-Crimean Tatar Military Dictionary]. Simferopol, Krymuchpedgiz, 2008. 320 p. (in Russian & Crimean Tatar)

3. Maltseva D.I. Calquing as a method of forming neologisms of modern German. Molodoy ucheniy [Young scientist]. 2015. No. 4. Pp. 782-784 (in Russian)

4. Memetov A.M. Russsian calques in the Crimean Tatar language. Sovetskaya tyurkologiya [Soviet turkology]. 1986. Pp. 13-21 (in Russian).

5. Mireyev V.A. Revisiting sources of formation of chemical lexis in the Crimean Tatar language. Voprosy krymskotatarskoy filologii, istorii i kultury [Issues of Crimean Tatar Philology, History and Culture]. 2018. No. 5, pp. 5-10 (in Russian).

6. Mireyev V.A. The development of chemical vocabulary among the Crimean Tatars. Evraziyskiy khimicheskiy rynok [Eurasian chemical market]. 2018. No. 5 (164). Pp. 124-126 (in Russian).

7. Mireyev V.A. Elements of Crimean tatar chemical nomenclature in the works by Mustafa Lyumanov. Voprosy krymskotatarskoy filologii, istorii i kultury [Issues of Crimean Tatar Philology, History and Culture]. 2015. No. 1. Pp. 14-20 (in Russian).

8. Resutova E.I. Morphological calques as a way of forming socio-political vocabulary in the Crimean Tatar language. Vestnik Vyatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Vyatka State University Bulletin]. 2017. No. 1. Pp. 104-107 (in Russian).

9. Seydametova N.S. Development of the lexical fund of the Crimean Tatar language by the method of calquing. Trudy NITs krymskotatarskogo yazyka, literatury, istorii [Proceedings of the research center of the Crimean Tatar language, literature, history]. Simferopol. KIPU. 2011. Volum 1. Pp. 40-43.

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