SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SYSTEMS AND THEIR MODELS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Abdiyev A.S.

This article examines socio-economic systems and their models

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В этой статье рассматриваются социально-экономические системы и их модели


Qualitative and effective approaches to the organization of the securitization market for infrastructure projects can create incentives for the effective development of infrastructure construction in Russia, which can be a decisive factor on the way of economic development of our country for the coming decades.


1. ClossaryofMortgageFinanceandSecuritizationTerms / State: Project of the International Corporation (IFC), 2011.

2. Alles L. Asset Securitization and Structured Financing: Future Proespects and Challenges for Emerging Market Countries // International Monetary Fund Working Paper. - 2015.

3. Standard & Poor's. Credit ratings 2015// Standard & Poor's

4. Consultant plus. Russian law on securitization №249606-5 18.12.2013.

УДК 331.5(470)

Абдиев А. С. инженер-механик компания "Enter Engineering PTE ltd Project UzGTL" СОЦИАЛЬНО - ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СИСТЕМЫ И ИХ МОДЕЛИ

Аннотация: В этой статье рассматриваются социально-экономические системы и их модели

Ключевые слова: экономика, модель, социум, механизм

Abdiyev A.S.

Mechanical-engineer in the company "Enter Engineering PTE ltd

Project UzGTL "


Abstract: This article examines socio-economic systems and their models Keywords: economy, model, society, mechanism

The economic system is an ordered set of socio-economic and organizational relations between producers and consumers of the benefits of a given society. Elements of the economic system:

1) productive forces are means of production by means of which material goods are produced, as well as people with their knowledge, productive experience, skills to work that bring the means of production into operation;

2) production relations - relations between people in the process of production, distribution, exchange, consumption of material and spiritual goods;

3) economic mechanism - a way to regulate economic activity at the macro


The traditional economy is an economic system in which questions what to produce? How to produce ?, for whom to produce? are solved on the basis of traditions, customs, religious and cultural values. The command (administrative) or totalitarian economy is an economic system where most enterprises are state-

owned and operate on the basis of state directives; all decisions on the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods and services in society are made by the state on the basis of universal planning. The market economy, or free-market capitalism, is characterized by private ownership of resources, the use of a system of markets and prices to coordinate and manage economic activity. In the free market economy, the state does not play any role in the allocation of resources, all decisions are made by market entities independently at their own peril and risk.

A mixed economy is an economic system where both the state and the private sector (enterprises and households) play an important role in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of all resources and material goods in a country where the state intervenes in a market economy, but not so much, to nullify the regulatory role of the market.

The transition economy is an economy that is in a state of change, a transition from one state to another both within one type of economy and from one to another type of economy. Among the most famous national models of a mixed economy include the American model, the Swedish model, the Japanese model .

The American model is built on the priority role of private property, the system of all-round encouragement of entrepreneurial activity, at a high level of productivity and mass orientation to achieve personal success. The state impact here is aimed at maintaining a stable market and economic equilibrium. The task of social equality is not set.

The Japanese model is based on all-round state regulation, stimulation of capital accumulation and the special social significance of the corporate principle.

The Swedish model is a model characterized by private entrepreneurship operating on a competitive market basis and a high level of social guarantees through the redistribution of income through high tax rates. The Swedish model has a strong social policy.

The essence of property relations and their economic content. Property is a system of objective relations between people about appropriating funds and the results of production. Property is not a thing, but an attitude about things. The property expresses the right of the subject to use the object (thing). Subjects can be a state, an enterprise (firm), a collective, an individual person. The main objects are: land; buildings, objects of material and spiritual culture, etc. Property from a legal point of view is the right of ownership, the right to appropriate, own, use, dispose of any property. Property from an economic point of view is a system of relations between people regarding the appropriation, possession, use and disposition of property.

Assignment is the alienation of an object of ownership by a subject from other entities, carried out along with economic, as well as violent and legal means. Possession is the receipt of an exclusive, exclusive right to a thing or condition of production, a right restricted by law. Possession is a partial appropriation, since the owner (the lessee, the debtor) is acting under the conditions determined by the owner. The rent is an agreement on the provision of the owner's property for a

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certain payment for temporary use to other persons. Use is the use of an object of ownership, depending on its purpose in the interests of the subject. Use involves gaining profits, increasing wealth as a result of the use of the property. Use is a form of realization of ownership and property. Order - the right to take decisions by the owner or another person about the objectives, forms, procedures for the operation of the property (sale, donation, transfer on bail).

The system of property relations forms the core of all economic ties in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services. History knows different types of property, the most important of which are Historically, the original property was common property. It was based on general labor and the joint appropriation of its results. Later, private property appeared. It acts in two forms: labor and non-labor.

The subjects of labor private property are individual peasants, artisans and other persons who live by their labor. Today they are farmers and people engaged in self-employment. The second type of private property is characterized by enrichment at the expense of someone else's labor. The third type of property is mixed property, when the property is formed at the expense of monetary and other contributions of participants. Property acts in two forms: 1 - natural, when the structure of the object is indivisible: 2-value - money.


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3. Шакирова Г. Ш. Повышение эффективности корпоративного управления на предприятиях в условиях модернизации экономики //Молодой ученый. -2014. - №. 8. - С. 635-636.

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