MODERN DIRECTIONS OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kamolov A.A., Raximov M.Sh.

This article discusses the modern trends in the economy

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В данной статье рассматриваются современные тенденции в экономике

Текст научной работы на тему «MODERN DIRECTIONS OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT»

УДК 337.15

Kamolov A.A. teacher of the department«Economics» Namangan Engineering Construction Institute

Uzbekistan, Namangan city Raximov М.Sh.

Student of Namangan Engineering Construction Institute


Abstract: This article discusses the modern trends in the economy

Key words: economy, market, category, system, analysis, law

Камолов А. А. преподаватель кафедра «Экономика» Рахимов М.Ш. студент

Наманганский инженерно-строительный институт



Аннотация: в данной статье рассматриваются современные тенденции в экономике

Ключевые слова: экономика, рынок, категория, система, анализ, закон

In modern economic theory, there are three main directions: neoclassical, neo-Keysian, institutional-sociological. Neoclassical direction arose at the end of the XIX century. as a reaction to the economic teachings of K. Marx, as an attempt to reveal the laws of economic equilibrium in the conditions of free competition. The main methodological principles of the theoretical construction of the neoclassical school are:

a) laissez faire (literally «give freedom to act» - French), those. principles of non-intervention of the state in the economy;

b) marginalism (from the French marginal - the marginal) economic doctrine based on the use of marginal (additional) values and corresponding categories (marginal utility, marginal costs, marginal income, etc.) is the methodological basis of marginal analysis widely used in modern Western economic theories. The ancestors of this trend were representatives of the Austrian school: K. Mengir, F. Wieser, E. Bem-Bawerk, as well as A. Marshall, L. Robbinson, US. Jevans (England), DB Clarke, F. Hayek (USA), etc. The task of political economy, from the point of view of marginalists, boils down to the search for the most effective ways of allocating scarce resources. They managed to create a workable analytical apparatus for studying the problem of optimal use of resources. They abstract from the social aspects of production relations, focusing

on functional connections and quantitative analysis. To emphasize the social neutrality of their research, they abandoned the very term «political economy» in favor of a more academic «economy». The first to do this was US Dzhevans, and then independently of him, A. Marshall, who was supported by most Western theorists. His work «Principles of Political Economy» (first published in 1890), A. Marshall acted as the founder of modern Western political economy. He was the first to attempt to combine the labor theory of value with the theory of marginal costs.

In the neoclassical direction are: monetarism, the theory of supply economics and rational expectations. Prominent representatives of monetarism -M. Friedman, F. Keigan, F. Hayek, etc. Their methodology is based on the postulates of the quantitative theory of money, the absolutization of the monetary sphere. The impact of the state is reduced only to the regulation of the money supply in circulation. The economics of the proposal are A. Laffer, J. Gilder, M. Evans, etc. The main thing, in their opinion, is to stimulate private entrepreneurship, and it will create demand for their products already with the help of a (spontaneous) market mechanism. The theory of rational expectations was put forward in the 1960s by the American economist J. Mut, as well as R. Lucas, R. Barro, and others. Individuals, they believe, regulate their actions in making economic decisions based on their past experience. They are against state intervention in the economy.

Other areas of Western political economy (economy) are neo-Keynesianism, named after its founder John Maynard Keynes (English, economist-1883-1946). It arose and developed in the 30s, when the global economic crisis of 1929-1933 showed the failure of the market forces. Keynes's ideas about state interference in order to adapt capitalist production relations to the growing socialization of production formed the basis for this trend.

Institutional-sociological trends emerged in the late XIX century. and was formed by the 1920s and 30s of the 20th century. under the influence of the works of V. Rocher, G. Schmoller and V. Sombart. Prominent representatives of this direction are T. Veblen, W. Mitchell, J. Galbraith, and others. They view the economy as a system where relations between economic agents develop. The objects of research are «institutions» - corporations, trade unions, the state, various kinds of legal, moral - ethical and psychological phenomena. In their opinion, through the «social dialogue» it is possible to achieve the transformation of capitalist society. To do this, it is sufficient to settle social conflicts on the basis of legislative processes, create mixed private-state enterprises, and introduce indicative planning. Institutionalists put forward the concept of «convergence», according to which capitalist and socialist societies in their development acquire similar features and become a kind of synthesized single society.

Both the Neo-Keyian and institutional concepts form the theoretical basis of bourgeois reformism. In the 1920s, an important direction of bourgeois political economy was formed, «Sovietology», analyzing the economic processes taking place in the former USSR and other socialist countries.

'^KOHOMHKa h соцнумм №2(45) 2018




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УДК 159.964

Kilicheva K.Yu. Tashkent State Dental Institute Uzbekistan, Tashkent city CONTRIBUTION OF ABI ALI IBN SINA TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF


Abstract: This article examines the contribution of Ibn Sina to medicine Keywords: Ibn Sino, medicine, history, academy

Киличева К.Ю.

Ташкентский государственный стоматологический институт


Аннотация: В этой статье рассматривается вклад Ибн Сины в медицину

Ключевые слова: Ибн Сино, медицина, история, академия

Doctor, scholar, philosopher and poet Abu Ali al-Hussein ibn Abdallah ibn al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Sina (latinized name - Avicenna) was born in the village of. Afshana, near Bukhara. He lived in Central Asia and Iran, studied mathematics, astronomy, philosophy and medicine in Bukhara, held positions of doctor and

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