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Ключевые слова
relationship psychology / interpersonal relationships / mutual relations / effective effect / interpersonal communication / understand each other / social experience.

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Umarova M.Kh., Pulatova M.S

This article describes the socio-pedagogical-psychological features of interpersonal relations in the student community. As the policy of our independent state is to protect human interests and create a decent way of life for him, in order to do these things, the future specialist, pedagogue-teacher should know the laws of social existence and be useful from them, obeying the norms of life in the society. that he is ready to take his rightful place and fulfill his civic duty

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3. Кроник А. А. В главных ролях: Вы, Мы, Он, Ты, Я: Психология значимых отношений. - М.: Мысль, 1989. - 204 с. 8. Кули Ч. Х. Человеческая природа и социальный порядок. - М.: Идея-Пресс; Дом интеллектуальной книги, 2000. - 320 с.

4. Мудрик А. В. Юношеский тип общения // Общение как фактор воспитания школьников. - М.: Педагогика, 1984. - С. 59-69.

5.Чернышев А.С. Психологические проблемы современной молодежи / А.С. Чернышев // Молодежь провинции: проблемы и перспективы. - Курск. - 2011. - 154 с.

б.Сапогова Е.Е. Психология развития человека / Е.Е. Сапогова. - М.: Аспект Пресс, 2005 - 460 с. - С. 57-90.


Umarova M.Kh.

TDPU named after Nizami Associate Professor of the "Pedagogy" Department, Ph.D.

Pulatova M.S.

Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies.

Annotation: This article describes the socio-pedagogical-psychological features of interpersonal relations in the tiudent community. As the policy of our independent tiate is to protect human interetis and create a decent way of life for him, in order to do these things, the future specialiti, pedagogue-teacher should know the laws of social exigence and be useful from them, obeying the norms of life in the society. that he is ready to take his rightful place and fulfill his civic duty.

Key words: relationship psychology; interpersonal relationships; mutual relations; effective effect; interpersonal communication; undertiand each other; social experience.

Аннотация: В данной статье описаны социально-педагогико-психологические особенности межличностных отношений в студенческом сообществе. Так как политика нашего независимого государства заключается в защите интересов человека и создании для него достойного образа жизни, то для этого будущий специалист, педагог-педагог должен знать законы общественного бытия и извлекать из них пользу, подчиняясь нормы жизни в обществе, что он готов занять достойное место и выполнить свой гражданский долг.

Ключевые слова: психология отношений; межличностные отношения; взаимоотношения; эффективный эффект; межличностное общение; понимать друг друга; социальный опыт.

Annotatsiya:Usbu maqolada talabalar jamoasida shaxslararo munosabatlarning ijtimoiy pedagogik-psixologik xususiyatlari yoritib berilgan. Mutiaqil davlatimizning

siyosati inson manfaatini himoya qilish, uning uchun munosib turmush tarzini yaratish ekan, bu ishlarni amalga oshirish uchun bolg^usi mutaxassis, pedagog-o^qituvchi ijtimoiy borliq qonuniyatlarini bilishi va undan maromidafoydalib, turmush normalariga bo^ysungan holda jamiyatda opining munosib o^rnini egallab, fuqarolik burchini ado etishga tayyor bolishi talab etiladi.

Kalit so'zlar: Munosabatlar psixologiyasi; shaxslararo munosabatlar; o^zaro munosabatlar; samarali ta^sir; shaxslararo Muomala; bir-birini tushunish; ijtimoiy tajriba.

Our era does not force a person to think, reflect, reflect and draw conclusions for himself every second as a single-minded person. That is, since we cannot imagine ourselves without others, our intere&s without the intere&s of others, in this infinite world, we are obliged to know social pedagogy and psychology. After all, the policy of our independent &ate is to protect the intere&s of people and create a decent way of life for them. It is necessary for him to know his rights and to be useful in his duties, to take his rightful place in the society and fulfill his civic duty.

The main reason why a person is called the person responsible for social relations is that he is always in the circle of people and interacts with them. It is pointed out that communication is one of the mo& leading and influential activities of a person. Every normal person imagines himself as having the innate ability to li&en to others, to convey his thoughts to others, that is, to speak, sometimes to express his thoughts in writing. But the ability to underhand others and convey our thoughts and ideas to others means that we are actually in the sy&em of human relations, that each of us cannot exi& without a human society similar to us.

Human relations are the processes of interaction in which interpersonal relations are formed and manife&ed. Such a process implies the exchange of thoughts, experiences, worries and joys between people. As people interact, experience of relationships between them increases, qualities such as commonality, similarity and harmony appear between them, so that they underhand each other in a meeting or the whole idea becomes clear in «half a sentence», some ideas become clear. And in men, the intensity of such communication causes the opposite reactions, such as getting tired of each other, not being able to speak. For example, the family environment and the relationships in it are such close relationships. But such closeness may not be between all members of the family, but between some of its members (mother-child, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, etc.).

The American scienti& Walter Lippman pointed to the uniqueness of each person's heart and its manife&ation in communication, and wrote: «Where everyone thinks alike, no one thinks much», that is, the primary motive behind people's desire to communicate is precisely different views during conversations. to have is to refine one's thoughts.1

It is possible to get bored and tired from any activity, only a person does not get tired of communication, especially its informal, sincere, direct form, good interlocutors are always spiritually motivated.

1 Klimov E.A. Basic psychology: Textbook. - M.: 1997.

In the XXI & century, a person's need for the mo& natural communication, his desire to be aware of its secrets and to be able to effectively influence others has increased, and there are a number of reasons for this.

Fir&, we are moving from an indu&rial society to an information society. The abundance of information required the sorting of information related to human intere&, to deal with it correctly. Information will become the rare& capital in the XXI & century, and this, in turn, will change the speed and pace of providing necessary information to people.

Secondly, the increase of the group of people working in the field of different professions, the relevance of relations and communication between them requires not simple communication in a dense information environment, but professional, knowledge-based communication. In general, economics predicting that the XXI & century will be the century of corporations are also talking about the development and perfection of the skills of this corporation aimed at finding a common language among people. In addition, such corporate communication in mo& cases does not mean direct face-to-face communication, but involves the use of modern technical means - mobile communication, faxes, e-mail, Internet, etc. to convey clear and concise ideas. This also requires the deliberate formation of specific communication skills.

Thirdly, recently there has been an increase in the number of such professions, which are called socionomic group professions, in which the "person-person" dialogue determines the effectiveness of the activity. For example, pedagogical activity, management sy&em, various services (service), marketing and others are among them. In such conditions, the increase in the deliberate communication skills of people determines the labor productivity.1

The &udy of interpersonal relations is one of the mo& urgent problems in psychology. Because communication, which is one of the mo& influential and leading activities of the human personality, and mutual relations through it, lead to the emergence of qualities such as commonality, similarity, and harmony among people. Especially in the family environment, the specific aspects of interpersonal relations, for example, the relations between parents and children, directly affect the effectiveness and content of a person's life, activities. Therefore, the issue of &udying interpersonal relations between people and their various psychological characteri&ics is one of the important and urgent problems in the science of social psychology.

Communication is a form of interpersonal relations, with the help of which people enter into psychological contact with each other, exchange information, influence, be affected, perceive, underhand and evaluate processes. Therefore, treatment as a social psychological phenomenon, as a social category, directly participates in all spheres of social life, arises as an objective and subjective need that reflects the material, spiritual, emotional, cognitive, motivational, and regulatory aspects of cooperation, and acts as the main factor and basis of socialization.

1 Karimova V.M. Social psychology and social practice: a &udy guide for universities and pedagogical in&itutes. - T.: «Universitet», 1999. - 96 p.

L.S.Vygotsky, S.L.Rubinshtein, A.N.Leontev, B.G.Ananev, A.V.Zaporojets, A.A.Bodalev, B.P. F. Lomov, A.A. Leontev, M.I. Lisina conducted research.

L.S. Vygotsky also points out that the main weapon and tool in interpersonal relations is the process of communication. According to him, in interpersonal relations, fir&, behavior is the main tool, and then behavior is the tool. Because a person retains the function of communication even when he is alone.

In the rich heritage of V.M. Bekhterev, the problem of interpersonal relations, in particular, the subject of treatment, was &udied from the point of view of social pedagogical and psychological theory. In his view, human interaction is interpreted as an important problem. V.M. Bekhterev describes the role of communication in social life and interprets its functions as a mechanism of cooperation. In his opinion, the more diverse and rich the interaction of a person with others, the more successful his development will be.1

In short, the pedagogic-psychology of human relations means, fir& of all, the set of main goals of the parties entering into mutual relations. And the desire to be able to influence others effectively shapes the research of &ructural aspects of communication. Therefore, in the scientific research conducted in this direction, the communicative aspect of communication was evaluated as a process of information exchange. Its interactive and perceptive aspects require the &udy of perceptual mechanisms of perception. As a result, the role of interpersonal communication in personal development was determined, and issues such as people's under&anding of each other, social experience and preparation for activities were analyzed from a socio-psychological point of view. Usually, in a situation where issues related to communication are researched in science, priority problems such as the formation of "Professionalism" among people, the occurrence of a &ate of discommunication, show how the process of socialization of a person has gone or is going on.2


1. Karimova V.M. Social psychology and social practice: a &udy guide for universities and pedagogical in&itutes. - T.: "Universitet", 1999. - 96 p.

2. Klimov E.A. Basic psychology: Textbook. - M.: 1997

3. Myers D. Social psychology / Perev.s English. - SPb.: Peter, 1999. - 688 p.

1 Myers D. Social psychology / Perev.s English. - SPb.: Peter, 1999. - 688 p.

2 Klimov E.A. Basic psychology: Textbook. - M.: 1997.

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