Murotmusaev Komiljon Buribaevich
Oriental University of the Republic of Uzbekitian, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Associate Professor, PhD. Republic of Uzbekitian, Tashkent.
Merve Yilmaz Necmettin Erbakan University, Applied Psychology Department, Associate Professor, PhD, Konya, Turkey Dzhelyalov Marlen Zayitovich Jizzakh State Pedagogical University named after A. Kadiri, Head of "Joint Educational Programs" Department
Annotation. In the educational process, leadership is a two-way process in which both the leader is realized by the teacher, setting the tiandard of successful self-developing individual's behavior, and in the process of educational activity the leadership qualities of the tiudents are formed. The article considers the aspects of the leadership phenomenon in relation to the education sytiem. The education of leader is considered as a regulated process ofpersonal transformation in the context of its social activity.
Key words: leadership, leadership, leadership theories, leadership qualities, conditions of leadership development.
In today's society with its principles of openness and freedom, fo&ering of leadership skills in children is an integral part of the educational process. Con&ant changes in the social, economic, and political situation dictate the need to respond and adapt quickly. The individual is responsible for their behavior and drives to actualize their "self" [1]. Researchers from different countries, including Russia, are intere&ed in the problem of leadership development. This issue is perceived as a political &rategy, a &ate task that will bring society to a new level of development. Starting from school, teachers are obliged to level such qualities as helplessness, passivity, indifference, and to bring up competent professionals, confidently walking on the path of career development. These qualities are possible only on the basis of con&ant driving for self-development of the &udent, conditioned by a &able internal tendency to self-improvement and development of personal qualities [2].
Leader education is seen as a regulated process of personal transformation in the context of his social activities. It is important that the development of of leadership qualities is not a spontaneous process because it is organized as a process of training and education aimed at increasing the activity of its participants, as well as on the transition of &udents to the subject of their own formation. It is important to use active forms of training and education, as these These forms contribute to the formation of an active life position and the formation of a creative type of personality.
Becoming a teacher-leader is possible under certain conditions of pedagogical process organization combined with certain psychological approaches. Among these conditions of formation of leadership qualities in &udents of pedagogical university it is possible to note such, as consideration of psychological features of the personality of the &udent, formation of the future teacher's motivation and positive attitude to leadership, elimination of psychological barriers, rendering of psychological support to &udents of pedagogical university [3]. The pedagogical conditions of leadership education in teachers include such conditions as updating the content of psychological and pedagogical disciplines, combination of traditional and innovative approaches to the task, organization of active cognitive activity of &udents, selection and con&ant enrichment of &udent activities, &udent participation in project and social activities, organization of supervisory activities of senior &udents in relation to junior courses, participation in &udent self-governance, direct.
The issue of formation of leadership qualities of a teacher was considered in the works of The que&ion of formation of leadership qualities of a teacher was considered in the works of representatives of the personali&ic approach E. Borgatt, E. Wigham, F. Woods, J. Dowd. According to their view, leadership qualities are related to heredity and external environment does not affect their development. However, modern researchers of this topic, such as I. Vagin, A. Gluschai, S. Kuchmarski, D. New&rom, K. Davis came to the &atement about the possibility of forming leadership qualities, believing that they can be "worked out, polished, because they lend themselves to to be set and practiced." Studies by D. New&rom and C. Davis point out that leadership qualities can be formed in a short period of time. S. and T. Kuchmarski believe that leadership can be learned through any activity.
Researchers of the problem note that in the process of formation of leadership qualities of the teacher are influenced by several factors coming from external and internal environment. According to I. Vagin and A. Gluschaya the influence has degree of trainability and desire to be a leader. L.S. Vygotsky notes the "zones of of the neare& development", and researchers M.Y. Kondratyev, J.M. Kondratyev and A.V. Petrovsky insi& on the importance of the orientation of &udents and the general level of group development.
In the works of I.V. Peskova an opinion is expressed that leadership qualities can be develop only in certain aspects. In her opinion, it is necessary to pay attention development of relationships within the group, teach meaningful communication and under&anding between peers, as well as the ability to recognize and consider the needs and aspirations of the collective [4].
It is important that in the sy&em of modern of the po^-Soviet education the formation of leadership is not only anchored in practice, but also includes theoretical disciplines such as "Specifics of Organizational Activity," "Conflictology," and others. These courses provide &udents with the scientific foundations of the skills of effective communication, how to present themselves in a certain situation, how to solve conflict issues, and to enter into a dispute or discussion in a competent and balanced manner. Elective classes and extracurricular activities Simulate the development of the &udent's
organizational skills. This occurs when it is necessary to plan their own actions or those of their subordinates, to quickly navigate the situation and the need to make the right decision. It is important to Simulate and motivate the group to work. These links of the educational process have an impact on the development of the value-motivational sphere, which forms the personal qualities of Sudents.
For the formation of leadership in pedagogy, professional knowledge in the chosen field of activity is indispensable. In the works of E.S. Volkov, this fact is in the firS place in determining the leader-teacher. In accordance with this thesis the educational environment of higher education in&itution is the Parting point point of formation of professional competences. To underhand the process of leadership formation it is important to take into account the social situation of the Sudent where internal development and external conditions are formed in a certain way.
The internal position of the adolescent changes in relation to younger Sudents. At external similarity of a social situation there are internal di&inctions, as I. Dubrovina believes. I.V. Dubrovina. It is connected with a higher level of mental development and time of radical changes in behavioral motives. Personal motives, driving for independence and expression of one's own importance.
For this reason, there is a tendency to set long-range goals focused on more significant needs. The specificity of relations in school team is determined by age peculiarities among which it is necessary to note the rapid physical and spiritual growth, as well as adolescent impressiveness and activity. A great role at this Sage is played by the moral factor and increased mutual responsibility. As I.V. Dubrovina notes, during this period there appears such an important need as conformity to internal demands and driving to self-e&eem, and not only to meet the requirements of one's surroundings. For For the teenager the opinion of the collective and his or her opinion is important. Common intere&s, joint Sudies, social workload, the rhythm and Syle of life lead to the fact that the teenager wants to take a worthy place. Children make an effort in communication, showing intereS in their personality, their abilities, their capabilities. This is the basis for the formation of self-awareness. L.S. Vygotsky noted that self-awareness is the social consciousness transferred to the internal plane. The social worldview and the moral and ethical principles of society are fixed in it on a personal level.
The school leader appears in the process of active activity of the individual, in the process of which his natural inclinations are perfected, revealing under conditions. According to researchers, leaders are formed randomly and their activities are not always con&ructive. It is advisable for society to form worthy leaders, which implies the inclusion of organizational experience in the competence of the child, the presence of socially significant activity. Pedagogical Simulation of leadership formation is effective in groups of high school Sudents. For this purpose, the Sructural and functional model of the educational process should include the creation and selection of a set of situations of choice, problem solving of different kinds, as well as Simulation of children's leadership qualities development. It is possible thanks to the tasks of training type, in the course of which the self-development of personality and the communicative and organizational
skills are formed. In the process of joint of pupils and adults actualizes an attentive attitude to intere&s of other participants of training [5].
The basic principles and criteria for the formation of personal leadership qualities include:
- the principle of self-determination of the personality (the criterion is the output of the person on The principle of the self-determination of a personality (the criterion is a person's going out goals, directions and ways of activity, adequate to his individual features, the formation of spiritual self-value);
- the principle of the self-development of a personality (the human need in the principle of the self-development of a personality (as a criterion a person's need for self-improvement, self-movement, building himself as a personality);
- the principle of self-realization of the personality (the criterion is the ability to "solve problems")
- the principle of action and cooperation (the criterion is the fact of the presence of a social group)
- the principle of internal leadership (the criterion is the presence of a need for con&ant, natural self-organization and self-actualization).
Active development of leadership qualities continues in the educational space of higher education in&itution through effective interaction of teaching and educational components. Education in higher education is not leveled to informative content only, but requires inclusion of obtained knowledge into professional competence, adaptation to individual value sy&em of a &udent. Cognitive activity implies the inclusion of emotional and sensory experience. The presence of subjective motivation gives significance and meaning to the received information. Educational process, fir& of all, is based on interpersonal social relations, in which real events cause emotional experiences, responsible for the formation of value-oriented, attitudinal, motivational, emotional, behavioral aspect of the personality. The requirements for personal qualities are determined by the social and &ate demand for an educated person, where it is necessary to ensure a certain quality of representatives commensurate with the position and needs.
The importance of socially-adapted personalities, wholesome high moral and business and moral competence. The formation of personal qualities and skills occurs as a result of intensive interaction with peers as well as with teachers. Therefore, the latter are required to include an emotional-sensitive, value component in the process of interpersonal communication.
During professional training, an important task seems to be to maximize the creative potential of the &udent to lengthen personal responsibility in the social realization of the task of life. The professional mu& Be able to creatively approach the task at hand, as well as make &rategic &eps in accordance with them. Comprehensive leadership training in of higher education includes two &ages. The fir& involves identifying leaders in the &udent body. Traditionally, active &udents are di&inguished among the group, who are intere&ed in interacting with their environment. They &rive to influence processes and occupy leading positions. Nevertheless, the importance of this of this &age is that many
&udents do not see themselves as having any leadership potential and therefore do not make any attempt to implement it.
This &age should be conducted Parting from the fir& year of &udy under the guidance of faculty mentors. It also ensures the adaptation of &udents and formation of the psychological climate in the &udent group. The process should be conducted in a targeted way, nominating candidates for official positions depending on the availability of business qualities and aptitudes. Also, this process can be implemented with the help of psychological te&ing, where the aptitudes for effective management. Among the que&ions one can use the parameters of academic, scientific, professional, social and emotional-personal activities. A comprehensive approach will allow to fully consider the motivation and orientation of &udents' intere&s, as well as the presence of their communicative and organizational abilities. Also at this &age it is possible to use creative activities, for example, joint activities in the development of wall newspapers, "Student Spring" events, as well as other literary and sports complexes. Participation in them smooths the process of adaptation and contributes to the development of interpersonal communication within a particular group. In doing so, leaders begin to assert their organizational abilities. Senior &udents can play the role of mentors, being the ideological inspirers of newcomers.
However, a paramount role in this process is played by supervisors, for whom The main role in this process, however, is played by curators, for whom special guidelines are developed, extracurricular work with &udents. They contain theses of regulatory documents, examples of que&ionnaires and an approximate schedule of possible activities. It is also necessary to hold training seminars with curators, aimed at under&anding the psychological features of curatorial activity, as well as familiarization with game technologies of &udent team organization.
After identifying leaders at the fir& &age, follow-up work is required, aimed at developing leadership qualities, forming skills of organizational activity and effective interpersonal interaction. The goals of the leaders are realized in project-oriented activities aimed at solving specific problems. The sy&em of leaders' training mu& include direct practical activity in the sphere of management, which develops analytical, communicative and organizational abilities of a &udent. It is also necessary to take into account the importance of a personality's driving for self-improvement, nurturing the abilities to self-organization and self-discipline based on the results self-assessment activities.
These requirements are implemented in the practice of leadership schools, business games and other activities. In this process, as noted by We&ern researchers, it is important to recognize leadership qualities. Delegation of authority opens new opportunities for implementation of leadership talents [7]. Accordingly, leaders in education - are the mo& advanced in personal and professional relations education employees, who are able to make a leap forward both at the level of their own personality and at the level of educational in&itution as a whole.
Summarizing the abovementioned, the formation of leaders in the educational process is a &rategic task of the &ate. The process of leadership formation and identification
begins in the educational sphere through the opportunity to communicate with both peers and more experienced educators. Leadership formation is a regulated process aimed at developing the creative potential of an individual and acquiring organizational skills. In this process an important role is played by the delegation of authority implemented in extracurricular work through participation in various activities. It is againS the backdrop of the thus Harmonious assimilation of professional skills necessary for a competent specials takes place againS the background of the educational process organized in such a way.
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