INDIVIDUALITY OF THE PEDAGOGUE AND THE MODERN REQUIREMENTS APPLIED TO HIM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
continuous education system / teaching methodology / education / Al Farabi / Abu Ali Ibn Sina / individualization of the process / principles of education / modern information and communication / pedagogical technology / innovative projects / education process / positive influence / pedagogical skill / pedagogical profession / pedagogical ability.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Umarova M.Kh., Muxamedxodjayeva M.A.

In this article, the issue of creating a positive socio-psychological climate in which positive, constructive relations prevail for creative, development and development work for pedagogical teams, which are the main social unit that ensures development in the educational system, in general terms The formation of the psychological climate in pedagogical teams, as well as the creation of the image of a modern pedagogue, is aimed at the necessary issue.

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Umarova M.Kh.

Tashkent ttatepedagogical university TDPU "Pedagogy " Department of Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Muxamedxodjayeva M.A.

Matter of the second year.

Annotation: In this article, the issue of creating a positive socio-psychological climate in which positive, con^ructive relations prevail for creative, development and development work for pedagogical teams, which are the main social unit that ensures development in the educational sy^em, in general terms The formation of the psychological climate in pedagogical teams, as well as the creation of the image of a modern pedagogue, is aimed at the necessary issue.

Key words: continuous education sy^em, teaching methodology, education, Al Farabi, Abu Ali Ibn Sina, individualization of the process, principles of education, modern information and communication, pedagogical technology, innovative projects, education process, positive influence, pedagogical skill, pedagogical profession, pedagogical ability.

Аннотация: Вданнойстатьерассмагриваетсявопроссозданияположительного социально-психологического климата, в котором преобладают позитивные, конструктивные отношения для творческой, развивающей и развивающей работы педагогических коллективов, являющихся основной социальной ячейкой, обеспечивающей развитие в системе образования, в целом термины Формирование психологического климата в педагогических коллективах, а также создание имиджа современного педагога направлено на решение необходимой задачи.

Ключевые слова: система непрерывного образования, методика обучения, образование, аль-Фараби, Абу Али ибн Сина, индивидуализация процесса, принципы обучения, современные информационно-коммуникативные технологии, педагогические технологии, инновационные проекты, образовательный процесс, положительное влияние, педагогическое мастерство, педагогическое мастерство. профессия, педагогические способности.

Annotatsiya: Mazkur maqolada talim tizimidagi rivojlanishni ta'minlovchi asosiy ijtimoiy birlik bo'lgan pedagogik jamoalarga ijodiy, rivojlanish va rivojlantirish ishlari uchun har tomonlama qulay, kon^ruktiv munosabatlar hukm suruvchi, ijobiy bo'lgan ijtimoiy-psixologik iqlimni yaratish masalasi, umumiy qilib aytganda pedagogik jamoalarda psixologik iqlimni shakllanishi hal etilishi shuningdek zamonaviy pedagog imidjini yaratish, zarur bo'lgan masalaga qaratilgan.

Tayanch iboralar: uzluksiz ta'lim tizimi, o'qitish metodikasi, ta'lim-tarbiya, Al Forobiy, Abu Ali ibn Sino, jarayonni individuallashtirish, talim tamoyillari, zamonaviy axborot-kommunikatsiya, pedagogik texnologiya, innovatsion loyihalar, ta'lim jarayoni, ijobiy ta'sir, pedagogik mahorat, pedagogik kasb, pedagogik qobiliyat.

The achievement of independence of Uzbeki&an, the contraction of a new society based on the principles set by our president, fundamental reforms in the education sy&em, major changes in people's minds, and the transformation of the slogan «Uzbeki&an's future great &ate» into a real reality are many aspects of the professor in the higher education sy&em. -depends on the potential of teachers, personal qualities and their position in society. The basis of development in any field is the quality and efficiency of the educational process in that field. Because the development is influenced by specials personnel who have acquired knowledge, skills, and competencies in the relevant fields («hard skills») through the process of certain educational &ages. When the educational process is properly organized and the necessary conditions for education are created, it is possible to achieve the goal of education, that is, to train quality personnel. The conditions that positively affect the quality of the educational process, which mu& be created, include the material and technical base in accordance with the requirements of the time, the encouragement and material support of pedagogues-employees, the protection of their rights and intere&s, and the improvement of their qualifications. , it is possible to include the creation of a positive socio-psychological climate for pedagogues-employees, which is favorable for creative, development and development work, where con&ructive relations prevail.

In this regard, the «Concept of Development of the Public Education Sy&em of the Republic of Uzbeki&an until 2030» &ipulates the following:

By 2030, the Republic of Uzbeki&an will be among the fir& 30 advanced countries in the world according to the PISA (The Program for International Student Assessment) rating of the international &udent assessment program;

updating the content of the continuing education sy&em in terms of quality, as well as training, retraining and upgrading professional personnel;

improvement of the teaching methodology, &ep-by-&ep implementation of the principles of individualization in the educational process;

introduction of modern information and communication technologies and innovative projects in the field of public education;

introduction of modern methods and directions of extracurricular education in educating young people and ensuring their employment;

in order to increase the attractiveness of working in the public education sy&em, to create a pedagogical image of employees of general secondary education in&itutions, to gradually increase the level of remuneration, material incentives and social protection.

The above analysis, including the attention of the &ate and the government, shows that the necessary conditions that positively affect the quality of the educational process are being gradually created. However, the issue of creating a socio-psychological climate in which positive, con&ructive relations prevail in all respects for creative, development and development work for pedagogical teams, which are the main social unit that ensures development in the sy&em, in general, the formation of a psychological climate in pedagogical teams the solution of which is also emerging as a necessary problem of creating the image of a modern pedagogue.

M. Ochilov, who &udied the teacher's pedagogical skills in the direction of «Ethical formation of the teacher», emphasizes that ethics is an important source of acquiring pedagogical skills, and describes the moral norms of the profession as follows: «Engage in a certain field of activity there are also moral norms and requirements that apply to people with disabilities. Such ethics are called professional ethics. There is a certain relationship between the prevailing morality and professional ethics in every society. This is the relationship between generality and particularity. He says that professional ethics embodies, clarifies and develops the rules and shortcomings of universal moral theory.

«A teacher - says Al Farabi - needs to have intelligence, a beautiful speech, and be able to fully and clearly express the thoughts he wants to convey to &udents.» He continued his opinion and said, «The task of a teacher and leader is similar to the task of a wise head of &ate, so the teacher remembers everything he heard and saw, has intelligence, and beautiful speech. he should know how to express his thoughts fully and clearly. At the same time, he should value his dignity and be fair. Only then will he have a high level of humanity and reach the peak of happiness.» According to the encyclopedia Abu Ali ibn Sina, «A teacher should be tenacious, hone&, hone& and wellversed in the methods and morals of child education. The teacher should be able to &udy the inner and outer world of the &udent and get into the layers of his mind.» Nasiruddin Tusi says in his book «On Educating Teachers»: «A teacher knows how to prove when conducting discussions, believes in the correctness of his thoughts, and his speech is absolutely clean, and his sentences are logically expressed should be. A teacher's speech can never be abusive, rude or harsh.

Pedagogical profession, as you know, not everyone can do it. Pedagogical activity can be achieved only by those who are intere&ed in this profession, are inclined to engage in this activity, and as a result, have pedagogical skills.

Pedagogical ability is one of the types of ability that determines a person's suitability for pedagogical activity and the ability to successfully engage in this activity. What is the fracture of pedagogical skills? We will consider this issue below.

Long-term research has shown that pedagogical skills consi& of complex and multifaceted psychological knowledge. Using these research data, it is possible to di&inguish a number of components (components) that occupy an important place in the fracture of pedagogical abilities.

Professional skill in our current under&anding is not only the ability to deliver knowledge to the minds of &udents in a more general and under&andable way, but also the ability to intelligently and skillfully manage the independent work of &udents, their cognitive activity, and direct them in the right direction. includes.

In conclusion, it should be said that in today's society, the teacher's independent acquisition of knowledge and improvement of his skills - on the one hand, shows how successful the teaching activity is, and on the other hand, it shows that it is an important task - because it an inevitable process saves a person from intellectual poverty.

From a psychological point of view, it is necessary for a teacher to con&antly improve his knowledge. Because this is the main feature of teacher's work. As the pedagogue is

always among people, he mu& fir& of all correctly explain the truth, which has been intere&ing to people for a long time, according to his views. Of course, such views of the teacher are formed in the course of many years of work and life; secondly, the teacher himself has a limited amount of time compared to the &udents to receive information: thirdly, he has the opportunity to communicate only with a very narrow circle of peers, often limited to the intere&s specific to his profession. remains.

A teacher's independent knowledge acquisition means that he con&antly fills his knowledge with professional and general cultural information and con&antly updates his individual social experience on a large scale.


1. Pedagogical professional education. Pod. ed. V.A. Sla&enina.-Moscow. "Academy", 2004.

2. E.N. Pronina, V.V. Lukashevich. "Psychology and pedagogy" Uchebnik dlya ftudentsov VUZov.-M.: "Elit", 2004.

3. www.inter-pedagogika.ru.https://lex.uz/docs/-4312785


(на примере преподавания психологии)

Усманова М.Н.

Бухарский государственный университет кандидат психологических наук, доцент

Аннотация: Главным инструментом повышения эффективности обучения на занятиях по психологии должны стать интерактивные методы обучения, где взаимодействие строится по-другому: активность преподавателя уступает место активности студентов, и главной функцией преподавателя становится управление познавательной деятельностью студентов. Хочется поделиться опытом применения интерактивных методов в процессе преподавания психологии.

Ключевые слова: критическое мышление, интерактивные методы обучения (кластер, синквейн, пометки Инсерт, двойной дневник, Зигзаг, перекрестная дискуссия), трехступенчатая (трехфазная) модель обучения (Вызов - Осмысление - Рефлексия).

Abftract: Interactive teaching methods should become the main tool for improving the effectiveness of teaching in psychology classes, where interaction is built in a different way: the activity of the teacher gives way to the activity of ^udents, and the main function of the teacher becomes the management of ^udents' cognitive activity. I would like to share my experience of using interactive methods in the process of teaching psychology.

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