Научная статья на тему 'The ways of gender and familistic competence formation of the future teachers'

The ways of gender and familistic competence formation of the future teachers Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kravets V.P.

In the content of the courses of university curriculum the material which helps the students' professional training for this kind of work is pointed out. Imitational and symbolic games, creative and problematic tasks, role psychologo-pedagogical trainings, scenarios with moral and psychological content, such kinds of methods as brain storming, ideas assertion, portfolio, etc., which activated the study of future pedagogues are offered.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The ways of gender and familistic competence formation of the future teachers»


УДК 378+37:613.88




In the content of the courses of university curriculum the material which helps the students' professional training for this kind of work is pointed out. Imitational and symbolic games, creative and problematic tasks, role psychologo-pedagogical trainings, scenarios with moral and psychological content, such kinds of methods as brain storming, ideas assertion, portfolio, etc., which activated the study of future pedagogues are offered.

Keywords: gender, familistic, competence, education of a teacher.



У 3Micmi дисциплт утверситетського навчального плану виокремлено Mamepian, який сприяе профеЫйнш тдготовщ сmудeнmiв для цього виду роботи. Запропоновано iмimaцiйно-символiчнi iгpи, mвоpчi i проблемт завдання, pолeвi психолого-пeдaгогiчнi трентги, схеми-сценарИ з морально-психологiчним змiсmом, а також методи мозговий штурм, захист iдeй, портфолю тощо, за допомогою яких aкmивiзуemься навчання майбуттх пeдaгогiв.

Ключовi слова: Тендер, фамтстика, компетенттсть, тдготовка вчителя.



В содержании дисциплин университетского учебного плана выделено материал, повышающий качество профессиональной подготовки студентов к данному виду работы. Предложены иммитационно-символические игры, творческие и проблемные задачи, ролевые психолого-педагогические тренинги, схемы-сценарии с морально-психологическим содержанием, а также методы мозговой штурм, защита идей, портфолио, активизирующие обучение будущих педагогов.

Ключевые слова: гендер, фамилистика, компетентность, подготовка учителя.

The system of higher education is actively influenced by the changes which are going on in the modern world and in the Ukrainian society and are demanded the mobility and adequate solution of the tasks of the present period. As the result the problems of regular, systematic, purposeful psychological pedagogical youth training to a family life, to modern gender realia awareness are actualized. In such conditions the Ukrainian institutions of higher education should become an important link in social state policy concerning family strengthening and help the youth to get prepared to a family life, to form its gender and familistic culture. A special part in solving these problems is assigned to pedagogical universities, the graduates of which having got appropriate training help to increase the quality of gender and familistic culture of children as well as their parents.

In scientific psychological pedagogical literature the problems of gender and familistic competence formation of the future teachers were raised and solved in the works of T. Hovorun, H. Isakaeva, O. Kikinezhdi, S. Matjushkova, N. Smirnova, I. Shylova, L. Sholohova, L. Shtylyova etc.

Besides it to our mind in the works of the mentioned scientists this problem is examined cursory with no deepening into details.

Talking about university practice it should be mentioned that education of a teacher for this work is carried out fragmentarily and unsystematically. This fact enabled us to reveal the main contradiction between the actuality of the problem of gender and familistic (familistics - is a scope of knowledge about family) competence formation of the future teacher and insufficiently considered phenomenon, the absence of scientifically based model of organization of the process of gender and familistic competence formation of the students of pedagogical universities. In addition to that by gender and familistic competence of a pedagogue we mean his or her knowledge of the basis of gender theory and matrimonial relations (familistic), the need and ability to use it in practical pedagogical activity, the ability to solve the tasks of this activity on the highest professional level, striving for self-education in this sphere.

The aim of the article lies in the analysis of the content and ways of gender and familistic competence formation of the future teachers in pedagogical university conditions.

Sex education is very important for school but it should be started not from the pupils but from the teachers. These teachers should know for sure what is going on with their education, they have to understand the importance of protection from destructive influence of «sexual revolution» which is «a latent» sexual period which S. Freud talked about. It is important for a child and a teenager, for their gradual intellectual, moral development and for all their future life. It is important for a teacher and school. A teacher should know how to notice a danger in which his or her student might be. And it would be the best if in such cases the communication between a teacher and a student was confidential and trustful. A natural and protective feeling of timidity shouldn't be offended! Here one can apply to church experience: it would be good if a pupil could address to a teacher in a hard moment of life as if he or she addresses to a priest during a confession. Of course it won't just happen out of nothing: the right for confession should be deserved.

One of the principal tasks in education of a teacher regardless of his or her specialization is to attain enough competence in the sphere of intersexual relations, to gain necessary knowledge and to choose a correct form of answers to the pupils' questions.

One more demand in the aspect of teacher's training to moral and sexual education of students is the ability to react in time and correctly to character intersexual relations of the pupils. A teacher should be familiar with a nature of conflict situations which happen between boys and girls, realizing that they may see one and the same things differently and their reaction may vary. Many conflicts are related not to squabbles and aggression but to misunderstanding the peculiarities of one another. A teacher doesn't have to intensify this misunderstanding by his or her behavior.

A graduate from pedagogical university should be convinced in the necessity of essential changes in organization of school educational process according to the tasks of gender education of pupils and their training to a family life. It concerns the teacher's behavior, the ways of his or her address to the pupils, the methods of their control and evaluation, duration and change of activity, differentiation of tasks, emotional and personal coloring of information.

Before starting our investigation we had found out that only 18% of graduates from university of pedagogical specialties considered themselves to be ready to deal with the problems of gender education and premarital training of the pupils, and 43% don't know whether they are ready to it. The future teachers know especially bad about taking into account gender peculiarities in the organization of educational activity and in formation of a family man or woman.

In our work we pointed out and analyzed the next structural components of gender and familistic competence of a teacher:

Motivational and value component includes professional and family values orientation of a teacher's personality which define his or her attitude towards gender and family life problems from one side and to professional activity in gender education and training of the pupils to a family life from the other one. It is characterized by formed family values orientation, a presence of interest to a problem of gender education, to self education in the sphere of gender and fimilistics, a desire to educate a valuable family man or woman etc.

Intellectual and cognitive component, which is a basis for gender and familistic formation, a competence of a future teacher. It includes knowledge of the basis of gender theory and familistics and

the methods of education. Thus for gender and familistic competence formation in the context of pedagogical education the knowledge of different sciences should be integrated (social and family pedagogics, gender, psychology of personality and family relations, ethnopedagogics, sexology, economy, jurisprudence) and also knowledge of the teaching methods which help to introduce the system of gender and familstic knowledge into educational process.

Moral and behavioral component is pointed out because the process of communication between the individuals may have a conflicting, contradictory character. That's why gender and familistic competence of a teacher provides a human oriented model of his or her behavior, which is based on moral immaculacy of a teacher, recognition of a pupil's right for his or her own position, for possibility to express himself or herself without the following disciplinary punishment, interaction between a teacher and a pupil, accepted pupil's right for a mistake etc.

Active and practical (or operational proceeding) component provides a readiness to solving gender and familistic problems by a teacher himself or herself and also to professional pedagogical activity of a teacher in solving gender problems and in training the pupils to a family life. For it a teacher has to have general pedagogical skills, ability to help a family individually in education and reeducation of the children, organizational, communicative, orientation and other skills.

In the process of gender and familistic competence formation of the future teachers we tried to include all the subjects provided by university curriculum. In the content of these subjects we tried to select those material, which directly or indirectly would help the improvement of professional training of the students in this sphere.

It goes without saying that the psychologo-pedagogical cycle plays the main part in this process. Studying normative pedagogical course the students attain not only the knowledge of theoretical basis of pedagogical science and skills of effective educational process organization, which has a main importance for a high school teacher training, but also master the questions of sex education and the methods of training the pupils to a family life. Unfortunately, as the results of our investigation showed not all the teachers pay much attention to this problem. Taking this fact into consideration, the recommendations for the teachers of pedagogics were developed using the materials of some themes for training the students for future work on future family man or woman formation.

The course of history of pedagogics has great possibilities to inform the students about the problems of sex education training the students to a family life. Studying the history of education and pedagogical thought in different periods from ancient to modern days, the future pedagogues due to appropriate help of the teachers may attain necessary information for understanding of trends of development of the investigated problem, to compare the ways of its solving in modern foreign and native pedagogics.

Mastering by future pedagogues the tools and methods of educational work necessary for practical use in the sphere of family man or woman formation is accomplished during the course of «Basics of art of teaching» studying.

During the formation of a teacher's readiness to training the pupils to a family life the resources of pedagogical disciplines were maximally used, which are normative for all the specialties of pedagogical institutions. The course program «General psychology» gives the future pedagogues knowledge of the problems of methods of psychological studies; psychical human structure, functional asymmetry of the brain; sensation mechanism; the peculiarities of development and formation of emotional-volitional sphere of personality; methods of communicative sphere investigation, individual psychological peculiarities of personality (temperament, character, and gender peculiarities). During the studying of the course of «Developmental and pedagogical psychology» the students get acquainted with such problems as the peculiarities of psycho-sexual development of the children of different ages; psychology of sex education of the pupils; psychological gender differences and taking it into account in education; psychological basics of individual approach to sex education, a psychology of self education, psychology of intersexual communication and friendship; psychology of pupils' leisure, psychological new formations during puberty, prevention of wrong development etc.

Recently in educational curriculums of pedagogical institutions has appeared a new course of «Health science and the basics of psychihygiene». In Ternopil pedagogical university the experimental program of this course is developed, and it is approved by the Ministry of education and is introduced in the other pedagogical institutions of Ukraine. Science kit of this course is aimed at medical-hygienic training of a teacher, was

successfully used by us for formation of professional readiness to training of the pupils to a family life and foremost for solving the problems of pupils' sex education. A special attention was paid to such two themes: «Psychical health» and «Psychohygiene of a family and sex education».

Studying the first theme the students got acquainted with the notions of stress, psychoemotional overstrain, neurosis, studied the basics and methods of psychoemotional relief. Psychological aspects of sexual life, reproduction human processes, the basics of psychohygiene of pregnancy and maternity, ways of getting psycho-physical compatibility of marital partners, questions of sex education, conditions of venereal diseases and AIDS prevention the future pedagogues get acquainted with during the studying of the theme «Psychology of a family and sex education».

In the work on formation of professional readiness of a future teacher to explain to high school pupils the aspects of marriage and family relations and intersex relations were used the resources of other disciplines of pedagogical institutions' curriculum. With the problems of family sociology the students got acquainted during the course of sociology, with legal platforms of marriage and family during the course of «Foundations of legislation», with the moral aspects of «family life and aesthetical values of a family in the course of the basics of ethics and aesthetics, etc.

During studying philosophy students master fundamental categories of human being: liberty, creativity, love, happiness, death. In the course of social philosophy there is a theme, where the types of communities in the nature and culture and family, kinship, tribe, nation are studied. In the course of «Sociology» there is a theme which shows the essence of small social group a «family» as bloodily related social community.

The means of gender and familistic competence formation of the students-pedagogues in our work became the special courses of «Gender pedagogics» (institution of pedagogics and psychology), «The history of gender pedagogics» (history department), «Training of the pupils to a family life» (philological, geographical, physics-mathematical faculties), «Ethics and psychology of a family life» (chemistry and biology, engineering and pedagogical faculties), resources of normative courses of the curriculum of «Pedagogics», «Psychology», «Health science», different trainings aimed at the formation of psychological attitude and practical readiness to solving gender and familistic problems at school, pedagogical practice during which the students solved experimental tasks.

In the process of training of the future teachers to the work on gender education and family man or woman formation we tried to include all the disciplines, provided by curriculum. In the content of these disciplines we tried to point out those materials, which directly or indirectly helped the improvement of professional gender competence.

Active training of the future teachers provided game methods - role playing, professional pedagogical projecting and imitating modeling of real pedagogical situations, role psychologo-pedagogical trainings. During experimental training each student had a chance to try a role of a course of psychology of a family life and played pedagogical educational situation - lesson at school. To help the students the «Schemes», «Schemes - scenarios» of role and professional games, pedagogical situations with moral and psychological content, role trainings were made with a help of which the students made the plans of the lessons by themselves etc. Each micro lesson was discussed and analyzed from the point of view of its usage in pedagogical practice, methods of pedagogical communication. It helped to figure out the most effective methods during the discussion and to determine the principles of pedagogical work organization on the classes of psychology of a family life. Studying the course provided some practical tasks: questioning, testing, and writing the papers and scientific reports.

Besides it imitating symbolic games, creative and problem tasks, such methods of work as seminar-auction (for example, of presentation of literary system of gender and familistic education), brain ring, combined lectures held by both (for example on a theme «sex hygiene» of boys and girls), different contests etc.

The usage of the method of associative family images description (free continuation by the students of the phrase «A family for me is...») helped to determine different ideas of the students about family. The most typical were the associations related with the image of a family: positive «warmth», «coziness», «hearth», love, communication, emotional support, «burrow», «fortress», «floating ring», etc. (90% of girls and 88,3 % of boys); negative: «loose of liberty», «slavery», «cage», «mincer», «gerbil on treadmill», «volcano», «routine», «burden» (96% of girls, 11,7 % of boys).

To determine role claims in a marriage the method of «REC» (role expectations and claims) was used. This method enabled us to learn the students' attitudes towards family relations and also helps to determine the object's opinion about expected role distribution in a family.

The usage of the method of heuristic dialogue provides for dialogic interaction of a teacher with audience, it means the Socratic form of «question-answer», during which a teacher doesn't give ready knowledge but skillfully asks the questions which help the students themselves on the base of present scope of knowledge, ideas, observations, personal life experience to acknowledge new notions, conclusions, rules. Herein the questions usually should have a problem and answers should be the results of active analytical quest of a student under the direction of a teacher. We offered the problematic issues for discussion:

Do you agree with a saying «In a family even porridge is thicker» and how do you understand its meaning?

M. Karamzin stated that «without good parents there is no good education in spite of all the schools». What is your opinion about it?

O. Hersten said «A family starts with children» How do you understand this phrase? Is a family without children full?

Is the statement false or true: «Remember that your children will treat you the same way as you treat your parents»?

Debate the phrase «One should marry the person of the «same nationality».

Advise to the youth (complete the sentence): «If you want to become a good family man or woman and father or mother you should know... and be able to...»

An important moment during the training was modeling the situations of a family life in a form of role play. The aim of role plays is an attainment of the skills of solving complicated life situations by moral choice.

Play activity included some steps: preparatory (evaluation and analysis of the offered conditions, roles distribution, plot determination and participators' positions); the game itself (peer assessment and self assessment peer correction and self correction in the process of interaction); play discussion (evaluation and analysis of its development and results, self assessment and self analysis of its development and its results). A student as an object of play activity took part in all the stages.

The only rule, which had to be followed while playing family themes situations was that the subject of discussion shouldn't be the families which the students are acquainted with or the families of the students.

As the criteria of efficiency of the influence of this special course on qualitative training of the students to the work with sex education of the pupils and the future family man or woman formation was coefficient of their satisfaction with the content and methods of its teaching. 212 students of experimental groups were offered to answer the questions «Are you satisfied with the content of the special course?», «What was valuable in this special course for your pedagogical growth and future work with the problems of gender and premarital education of the pupils?». The questionnaire helped to determine that fully satisfied with its content are 50% of the questioned, satisfied 41,7%, unsatisfied - 5,4%, completely unsatisfied 1,1% of the students. On the basis of this fact the score of satisfaction was determined. The general coefficient of satisfaction with the special course we calculated with the help of the formula:

Z= A- (+2) + B ■ (+1) + C ■ (0) +D ■ (-1) + E -(-2)



A - the quantity of the students maximally satisfied with the special course;

B - the quantity of the students satisfied with the content of the special course;

C - the quantity of the students with undefined attitude;

D - the quantity of the students unsatisfied with the content of special course;

E - the quantity of the students maximally unsatisfied;

N - total quantity of the questioned.

Attained results give a ground to make a conclusion about the efficiency of the special courses in a process of formation of gender and familistic training of the future teachers.

The research - experimental work showed that not in all the students a formation of appropriate level of gender and familistic competence was successful. It is explained by the fact that not all the students of pedagogical institutions have a pronounced professional pedagogical orientation and sufficient development of pedagogical skills not all the students due to their individual peculiarities could overcome wrong barriers of shyness, different complexes etc.

An important place in formation of practical readiness of the students to a work with gender and premarital education of the pupils we gave to a pedagogical practice. The students of experimental groups got the tasks about organization of such work in schools of the city and of the region which provided the acknowledgement with organization of education during reaching the subject and extracurricular work studying school documents of this problem, investigation of the level of sex culture of the pupils, organizing activity programs on a specific theme, attendance of pupils' families and performance of work with parents etc.

Systematic observations of the children of the students during pedagogical practice showed that quantity of the students who feel the importance of organizing extracurricular activities oriented to organization of intersexual communication worked out 65,6% out of 250 questioned persons; 49,8 % wanted to organize pass/fail option educational activity programs on the theme of family and marriage; 70,2% of trainees freely took part in group and individual conversations with senior pupils about intersexual relations, wrong sexual behavior of some pupils caused by some publications in press for youth about moral and sexual problems. The analysis of the supportive notes of the lessons showed that more than 40% of the students wanted to use our recommendations for usage of the content of school subjects for sex education of the pupils (frankly speaking, here there are some objective preconditions of the students from history, natural sciences and philological departments dominated), showed the skills of projecting and modeling of this work.

To the purpose of students' interest incensement to the investigated problem the scientific problem group «Sexual and premarital education of the children» was organized. Among the scientific themes which were developed by the students: «P. P. Blonsky about children's sexuality», «Training the pupils to a family life in the works and practical activity of V. O. Suchomlynsky», «A question of sex education in ethnopedagogics of the Ukrainian people», «Psychological aspects of intimate-sexual training of the pupils to a marriage», «The peculiarities of boys and girls communication in senior classes», «Self education in a sphere of feelings culture», «Pedagogical evaluation of some aspects of sexual maturation», «Psychologo-pedagogical training of the pupils to accomplishment of maternal or paternal functions», «The ways of pupils' intimate vocabulary formation» etc. Some results of the scientific inquiries of the students were reported on institutional and interuniversity scientific and practical conferences. During the experimental work 300 students from different departments came through the problem group.

An important place in solving the investigated problem tasks takes the scientific research center of the problems of gender education of the school and university youth which was founded by Ternopil national pedagogical university and National academy of pedagogical sciences. Its activity is directed to the development of fundamental and application gender investigation in the context of transformational changes in Ukrainian society, realization of gender and educational techniques, and also reduction of gender educational standards into practice. It is promoted by close contact of the centre with the university department of pedagogics and gender equality, development of sister gender studio net and the schools of gender equality in the schools of the region.

But the changes which have happened show the correctness of chosen ways of achievement of stated objectives. The quantity of the students with a high level of competence increased from 6,1% to 40,1% , and with low level decreased from 60,4% to 4,7%. It gives the ground to conclude that the quality of gender education of the pupils and their training to a family life is much depended on a radical rethinking of profession-oriented training of the teachers in pedagogical institutions, on strengthening attention to their gender and familistic competence formation.


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С. Д. Матюшкова // Психологический журнал. - 2008. - № 4 (20). - С. 24-28.

4. Шилов И. Ю. Фамилистика: психология и педагогика семьи. Практикум / И. Ю. Шилов. - СПб.:

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5. Штылева Л. В. Фактор пола в образовании: гендерный подход и анализ / Л. В. Штылева. - М.:

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УДК 378.937


The article considers the gender approach in the professional culture of a class teacher. The nature, levels and sublevels of class teacher's gender culture development are defined. Taking into consideration the concepts of leading researchers, the essence of components of class teacher's gender culture is discovered according to the levels of its development as professional and educational activity. Proceeding from the results of the diagnostics of class teachers' gender culture at comprehensive schools, the insufficient foundation of gender approach conceptual tasks in the national education system was noted.

Keywords: gender approach, gender socialization, pedagogical reflection, professional and pedagogical culture, management culture.


Розглянуто Гендерний nidxidу професшнш Kynbmypi класного KepieHurn. Визначено суттсть, pieHi, nidpieHi розвитку Гендерног культури педагога — класного кepiвнuка. З урахуванням концепцш пpовiднuх до^днитв розкрито змiст компонeнтiв Гендерног культури класного кepiвнuка вiдповiдно до píeme ii розвитку як пpофeсiйно-пeдагогiчноi дiяльностi. На основi peзультатiв проведеног дiагностuкu piвня Гендерног культури класних кepiвнuкiв загальноосвттх шкы вiдзначeно недостатню обГрунтоватсть концептуальних завдань Гендерного тдходу у втчизнятй сuстeмi освти.

Ключовi слова: Гендерний пiдхiд, Гендерна соцiалiзацiя, пeдагогiчна рефлекЫя, профестно-пeдагогiчна культура, культура управлтня.


Рассмотрен гендерный подход в профессиональной культуре классного руководителя. Определена сущность, уровни, подуровни развития гендерной культуры педагога — классного руководителя. С учетом концепций ведущих исследователей раскрыто содержание компонентов гендерной культуры классного руководителя в соответствии с уровнями ее развития как профессионально-педагогической деятельности. На основе результатов проведенной диагностики уровня гендерной культуры классных руководителей общеобразовательных школ указана недостаточная обоснованность концептуальных задач гендерного подхода в отечественной системе образования.

Ключевые слова: гендерный подход, гендерная социализация, гендерная рефлексия, профессионально-педагогическая культура, культура управления.

The formation of Ukraine as a state is taking place in the conditions of rapid and profound social changes that lead to new realia and requirements for life and activity of a modern person and a specialist. Gender relations are the reflection of gender consciousness of society and an important factor in its formation is education.

The aim of introducing a gender approach into the educational sphere is to create conditions for gender socialization of schoolchildren that will conduce to nurturing relations between sexes which will be free of rigid stereotypes of masculinity and femininity in the traditional sense. This can become

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