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Ключевые слова
corpus based learning technology / communication / communicative competence in different professions.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Pulatova D. R., Egamberdieva F. O.

This article highlight improving students’ professional communicative competence in higher education based on corpus-based approach. Concordance lines which are taken from written or oral text database help students to analyses some specific terminologies in their profession.

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Pulatova D. R.

Associate professor, PhD Oriental University Egamberdieva F. O.

Associate professor, PhD Oriental University

Annotation: This article highlight improving indents 'professional communicative competence in higher education based on corpus-based approach.

Concordance lines which are taken from written or oral text database help indents to analyses some specific terminologies in their profession.

Keywords: corpus based learning technology, communication, communicative competence in different professions.

Аннотация: В данной статье освещается совершенствование профессиональной коммуникативной компетентности студентов в высшей школе на основе корпусного подхода. Строки согласования, взятые из базы данных письменных или устных текстов, помогают студентам анализировать некоторые специфические термины в своей профессии.

Ключевые слова: технология корпусного обучения, общение, коммуникативная компетентность вразличных профессиях.

Currently, world experience shows that the organization of the educational process using lingui^ic corpora in higher education in^itutions around the world is very effective. The essence of corpus-based learning technology (DDL-data-driven learning) is that ^udents use the corpus directly to find information about "unknown" professional terms. [i;p 31.].

Corpus-based learning technologies are making a huge contribution in increasing ^udents' aptitude for their future profession. In this case, the corpus-based educational technology serves to make future professionals more competitive in the global labor market. Nowadays, no one doubts the etymological and semantic similarity of the terms "communication" and "dialogue", as well as the close connection between professional culture and knowledge of a foreign language.(O.D. Pritok,YE.V. Rudenskiy, I.A. Fedyakin, T.N. A^afurova, N.M. Greydina, V.I. Tuzlukova and etc.). Since communication can be embodied both as a process of human interaction and as an information process aimed at a numerically larger, dispersed audience, during communication in a foreign language, ^udents learn not only interpersonal communication, but also indirectly mediated communication, which is especially important in the context of the ^lengthening of the communication infra^ructure.

Researchers identify three approaches to examining the phenomenon of communication in the evolution of communicative knowledge (O.M. Matyash) [2].

Linear communication is the fir& direction of information. Its components are the information source, channel, and receiver (Ari&otle's linear model). Shannon-Weaver model; semiotics (F. de Saussure, Ch. S. Pierce, Ch. Morris; syntax, semantics, and pragmatics; model of information transmission; mass communication (G. Lasswell)) The second direction is psychological (cybernetics - N. Viner, O&ud-Schramm modified model, interpersonal communication - P. Vatslavik, P. Lazarsfeld, K. Hovland). The third direction is social (transactional model, coordinated management of meaning generation by E. Bern, B. Pierce).

We know that in order to find one's way in the world labor market, fir& of all, it is necessary to be a &rong specialis and at the same time have a perfect knowledge of a foreign language. In addition to the words, phrases, and sentences used in everyday life, it is known that knowledge of professional sentences and words is necessary to demon&rate one's professional skills in order to enter the world labor market. Because if scienti&s and scienti&s who work tirelessly on themselves do not know their professional terms in a foreign language when communicating with scienti&s and scholars of other countries, the time of communication with them will be limited. Knowledge of foreign terms in a foreign language will make the specialis a Wronger person, and he will also be able to predict the future of his profession. We call a &udent who knows his professional terms and sentences a &udent with professional communicative competence.

"Professional competence" refers to professional knowledge and skills, as well as methods of performing professional activities (E.F. Zeer, O.N. Shakhmatova). Professional effectiveness is one of the components of professionalism, and in its fracture, professional demand, professional fitness, professional satisfaction, and professional success are di&inguished. A.K. Markova considers the professional factor to be broader, its &ructural components are professional knowledge and skills; professional psychological views, goals required by the profession; learns as a sy&em of personal characteri&ics that ensure the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills" [3, p. 383]. In his opinion, L.P. Alekseeva, I.F. Isaev, N.N. Lobanova, A.I. Mishchenko, E.V. Popova, V.A. Sla&yonin, N.S. Shabligina and others are added. E.M. Shiyanov under&ands the "professional efficiency of an expert" as "the unity of his theoretical and practical readiness to perform professional activities" [4]

In acquiring such knowledge, we approach corpus-based learning. In corpus-based learning, a &udent &udies several texts, audio (written and spoken texts) related to his chosen profession through corpus-based exercises. That is, during the lesson, a deep analysis of articles, texts, and audio materials related to their profession will be assigned, and they will work on the professional words and sentences learned through the text through synchronous and asynchronous corpus-based tasks. It is the corpus of educational technologies of teaching in the educational process

professional qualities of &udents are formed due to use, and this is primarily [5; p.


1) skills and abilities to apply the acquired professional knowledge in practice and underhand the final result;

2) the ability to organize one's own activities;

3) ability to think logically, analyze and generalize;

4) to form the ability to subjectively evaluate professional situations and to be ready to take responsibility for solving the problems that arise in them;

5) being the ability to consciously give tasks and achieve their solution [6] In the process of teaching professional communicative competences[7]

, teachers can use the corpora as a resource for the development of teaching materials. In this case, teachers who plan to teach language to &udents of the faculty of pedagogy and psychology can choose the necessary phrases and words from the corpus that are suitable for the direction in the development of educational materials related to their professional activities. The use of the mo& modern corpus today allows &udents of pedagogy and psychology to collect and analyze information about their professional activities. Teachers guide &udents to independent learning by providing &udents with language rules or examples from concordance materials. (see pic 1-2) Picture -1


I psychology <ea> || III psychologist


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"psychology/psychologist ' and/or... verbs with "psychology/psychologist" as object

psychology 12 o ... counsel 3 0

law 6 0 ... need 3 0

trend 2 0 ... recognize 2 0

environment 2 0 ... practice 2 0

psychotherapy 2 0 ... admit 1 0

branch 2 0 ... call 3 3

list 0 1 ... revere 0 1

ethic 0 1 ... quote 0 1

alliance 0 1 ... force 0 1

teacher 0 2 ... prefer 0 1

trial 0 2 ... become 0 2

setting 0 3 ... face 0 2


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verbs with "psychology/psychologist" as subjec

look 2 0

observe 2 0

become 2 0

advance 1 0

explore 2 1

have 6 3

be 30 16

address 2 2

do 1 2

deal 0 2

conduct 0 2

work 0 12


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Q wrKipedta org <s> Learning disability </s><s> "Slow learner" redirects here. </s><s> For the collection i

wikipedia org ¡tones by Thomas Pynchon. see Slow Learner «/s^s5 Learning disability <&<s> Other names </s5<s? Learning difficulties,[1]|2] Developi

wikipedia org lisorcier of scholastic skills, unspecified,[4[ Kncwledge acquisition disability NOS [4] learning disability NOS.[4| Learning disorder NOS[4]

□ wikipedia org unspacified;[4j Knowledge acquisition disability NOS.[4] Learning disability NOS [4] Learning disorder NOS[4] </s><s> Learning disability lee

□ .vikipedia org ng disability NOS,[4] Learning disoider NOS[4] Ws?<s> Learning disability learning disorder, or learning difficulty (British English) is a condi l| Q wikipedia org i stereotyping </s><s> in the United Kingdom, the term "learning disability " generally refers to an intellectual disability, while difficulties such P wikipedia org jm. the term "learning disability" generally refers to an intellectual disability while difficulties such as dyslexia and dyspraxia are usually relei

wikipedia org ed to as "learning difficulties" [ </5xs> 6] </s><s> While learning disability learning disorder and learning difficulty are often used interchani

■ P wikipedia org are not enough to warrant an official diagnosis </s><s> Learning disability on the other hand is an official clinical diagnosis whereby the in

□ wikipedia org or in the same way as someone who is not affected by a learning disability </s><s> People with a learning disability have trouble performing P wikipedia org )l alfected by a learning disability </5><s> People with a learning disability have trouble performing specific types of skills or completing task: P wikipedia org r if taught in conventional ways </s><s> Individuals with learning disabilities can lace unique challenges that are often pervasive throughout th

11 P wikipedia org it the lifespan </5><s> Depending on the type and severity of the disability interventions, and current lechnokigies may be used to help ttie

; i P wikipedia org immitted to the education and welfare ol individuals with learning disabilities are known as National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities (f

P wikipedia org iilities (NJCLO) | </s><s> 10] The NJCLD used the term 'learning disability ' to indicate a discrepancy between a child's apparent capacity to

Features of corpus lingui&ic analysis include:

a) analyzes the forms of use in empirical, natural texts;

b) uses a large and principled collection of natural texts, known as a 'corpus' and a framework for analysis;

c) provides extensive use of computers for analysis using automatic and interactive technical methods;

depends on both quantitative and qualitative analytical techniques. [6]

The corpus approach in communication &udies changes the nature of the &udent's educational activity. The teacher organizes and supervises the research activities of &udents. At the same time, the formation of &udents' ability to autonomously own professional communicative knowledge and skills requires certain efforts from the teacher to create methodological materials. [8]

If the search criteria are correctly indicated by the researcher or language teacher or language learner in the process of working with the corpus, the above-mentioned various signs directly contribute to the process of performing a number of tasks, such as collecting factual material, analyzing it, preparing material for the lesson, and checking the practical application of the learned language units. makes it a few hundred times easier and fa&er.


1. Reppen R. (2010). Building a corpus: What are the key considerations? In A. O'Keefe & M. McCarthy (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of corpus lingui&ics (pp. 3137). - London: Routledge, 2010.

2. Matyash O.I. What is communication and do we need communication education? // Siberia. Philosophy. Education. No. 6, 2002. p. 36-47.

3. Markova A.K. Psychological culture of the teacher. M.: Enlightenment, 1993.

4. Pedagogy: Textbook for &udents of pedagogical educational in&itutions / V.A. Sla&enin, I.F. Isaev, A.I. Mishchenko, E.N. Shiyanov. - 3rd ed. - M.: School-Press. -2000.

5. Manina, S.I. Scientific criticism of translation as a teaching method / S.I. Manina // Innovative processes in higher education // Proceedings of the XIV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. - Krasnodar: Ed. GOU VPO KubGTU, 2008. - S. 129.

6. Pulatova D.R.The importance of "corpus-based learning technology" in education// Toshkent davlat pedagogika universiteti ilmiy axborotlari ilmiy nazariy jurnali.(ISSN2181-9580).2021/1.-B.218-223 (13.00 32)

7. Pulatova D.R. Formation of communicative competence in ESP ^udents on the basis of intensive educational technology// "Инновационное развитие науки и образования.международная научно-практическая конференция" Kazaki^an, Г 2020 май.- Б 153-155

8. Pulatova D.R. An examination of how learners feel, respond to and value corpus driven activities. "Хотин-кизларнинг фан, таълим, маданият ва инновацион технологияларни ривожлантириш сохдсидаги ютуклари" Жиззах, 2019 й.17-18 май, - Б. 381-384



Ruftamova Barno

Oriental University Pedagogika va psixologiya kafedrasi


Annotatsiya. Bugungi kunda, a&a-sekin ta'limning o'quv va intizomiy modeli hali ham shaxsga yo'naltirilgan model sifatida o'z mavqeidan patf bo'lganida, talabalar, albatta, ularning yosh xususiyatlariga muvofiq, o'quv jarayonining ozmi-ko'pmi to'laqonli sub'ekti maqomiga ega bo'lishni boshlaydilar. Bunday sharoitda "talaba-talaba" munosabatlar tizimi ayniqsa ahamiyatli bo'lib qoladi va uning doirasidagi shaxslararo o'zaro munosabatlarning tabiati ko'pincha rivojlanayotgan shaxsning shaxsiy rivojlanishi jarayoniga, uning keyingi kasbiy rivojlanishiga va umuman butun hayotyo'ligata'sirqiluvchihalqiluvchiomilbo'lib chiqadi,shuninguchunmavzu "o'quv guruhining ijtimoiy psixologik iqlimi tarkibidagi shaxslararo munosabatlar", tegishli.

Kalit so'zlar. Talabalar jamoasi, shaxslararo munosabatlar, muloqot, talaba-talaba, yosh davrlari, o'smirlik.

Talabalik davri - bu inson hayotining yoshlikdan kamolotga o'tish davri. O'smirlik ("talaba") yoshi, o'smirlik - bu mu^aqil, kattalar hayotining boshlanishi.

O'smirlik davrida quyidagi yosh davrlari ajratiladi: 16-17 yosh - erta yoshlik, 1720 yosh - yoshlikning o'zi, 20-21 yosh - kech yoshlik. Bu yosh davrlarining o'ziga xos xususiyatlari bor, lekin ayni paytda ular ko'plab umumiy xususiyatlarga ega.

B. G. Ananev, N. V. Kuzmina, A. A. Rean, V. I. Slobodchikov, V. A. Sla^enin, Ye. I. Stepanova va boshqa bir qator tadqiqotchilarning tadqiqotlarida talabalarning shaxslararo munosabatlari, birinchidan, yosh bilan bog'liq deb aytishga imkon beradigan muhim empirik va nazariy materiallar to'plangan ushbu ijtimoiy guruhning xususiyatlari, ikkinchidan, uning o'ziga xos faoliyatining o'ziga xos xususiyatlari qayd etilgan.

Universitetda kasbiy tayyorgarlik kelajakdagi mutaxassisni o'quv, ilmiy-tadqiqot va madaniy faoliyat kabi faoliyat turlariga jalb qilish asosida amalga oshiriladi.

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