ASPECTS OF PROFESSIONAL SKILLS IN THE TRAINING OF FUTURE PROFESSIONALS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
kasbiy kompetentsiya / Dual tizim / raqobatbardoshlik / axborot ko’nikmalari va ikkilik usullar / yani (binar usul) / texnologiyalar / kasbiy kompetentsiya.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Dadabaeva Nelyufar Umarovna

Tezisda ta’lim jarayonida mutaxassisning muhim kasbiy fazilatlarini shakllantirish muammosi ko’riladi. Kasbiy mahorat va kasbiy namunalar tanlovlarini, maxsus fanlar bo’yicha amaliy mashg’ulotlarni, o’quv ilmiy va amaliyotni o’z ichiga olishi kerak bo’lgan Dual ta’lim tizimini yaratish zarurati haqida so’z yuritiladi. Dual o’qitish usullari va shakllari haqida ma’lumot beriladi

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Dadabaeva Nelyufar Umarovna

Universitet Oriental

Шй sozlar: kasbiy kompetentsiya, Dual tizim, raqobatbardoshlik, axborot ko'nikmalari va ikkilik usullar, yani (binar usul), texnologiyalar, kasbiy kompetentsiya.

Ключевые слова: профессиональная компетентность, дуальная система, конкурентоспособность, информационные навыки и бинарные методы, технологии, профессиональная компетенция.

Keywords: professional competence, dual syüem, competitiveness, information skills and binary methods, technologies, professional competence.

Annotasia: Tezisda ta'lim jarayonida mutaxassisning muhim kasbiy fazilatlarini shakllantirish muammosi ko'riladi. Kasbiy mahorat va kasbiy namunalar tanlovlarini, maxsus fanlar bo'yicha amaliy mashg'ulotlarni, o'quv ilmiy va amaliyotni o'z ichiga olishi kerak bo'lgan Dual ta'lim tizimini yaratish zarurati haqida so'zyuritiladi. Dual o'qitish usullari va shakllari haqida ma'lumot beriladi.

Аннотация: В тезисе рассматривается проблема формирования профессионально важных качеств специалиста в процессе образования. Отмечается необходимость создания дуальной системы обучения, которая должна включать в себя проведение конкурсов профессионального мастерства и профессиональных проб, практических занятий по предметам специальных дисциплин, учебную научную и практику. Бинарные методы преподавания и подача информации.

Annotation: In the article the problems on formation of future speciali&s' professionally important qualities in the course of education in a college are considered. It is underlined that dual syüem of training is necessary, it can include professional skills competitions and professional teüs, more practical training in special disciplines, and much practice at the factories and plants.

The activity of teachers of special disciplines aimed at updating and improving the educational process simultaneously contributes to the professional development of teachers in the professional readiness of ^udents. The problem of the formation of professionally important qualities of a specialis attracts the attention of both participants in the educational process and employers. There is a need to create a dual training sy^em that would lengthen the practical training of speciales in higher education and shorten the period of its subject and social adaptation to the conditions of production, but for successful socialization, social adaptation in our time, new requirements are imposed on the training of young speciales. Society needs highly qualified, professionally competent, creatively thinking, capable of making the right decisions speciales. And the formation of modern professional competence becomes one of the main functions of the entire process of training future speciales.

Education should give young people not only knowledge, but also the ability to use them in the process of social adaptation, which means that graduates should be competent in their professional activities. The presence of professional competence is an important condition for demand and competitiveness. To do this, it is necessary to improve the professional competence of a modern teacher, which is conditioned by the quality of professional education and represents a harmonious fusion of professional knowledge, skills, as well as key competencies and professionally significant personal qualities that ensure successful pedagogical activity. For the emergence of professional competence, sy&ematic work on its formation in the learning process is necessary. The professional competence of a modern specials consi&s of three components: special, social and personal-individual competencies:

• in addition to special knowledge, skills and abilities, special competence includes the ability to design their professional activities, update professional knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as knowledge and skills for professional decision-making;

• social competence includes the communicative culture of the individual, readiness to use information and communication technologies, language knowledge, skills and abilities, ability to work in a team, cooperate with colleagues, willingness to take social responsibility for their work, professional decisions, etc.;

• for the formation of personal and individual competence, an integrated approach to the development of the general level of culture of &udents through a personality-oriented and developmental orientation of training is necessary. The activity of teachers of special disciplines aimed at updating and improving the educational process simultaneously contributes to the professional development of teachers in the professional readiness of &udents.

One of the elements of the dual sy&em is the holding of professional skill conte&s and professional te&s. This is an experience that demon&rates that achieving high results in teaching can play an important role in the future for &udents, that it is such events that awaken inquisitiveness, curiosity, and love for the profession in the participants of the competition. At the Faculty of Economics and Tourism department, professional skill competitions are held in the specialties "service" and "hotel and ga&ronomic business". The competition promotes the inclusion of each participant in active activity at the level of his potential capabilities and helps to develop these capabilities by influencing the emotional, volitional and intellectual sphere of the &udent's personality.

To do this, teachers of special disciplines prepare tasks for performance in creative workshops or production departments. In professional skill competitions, teachers of special disciplines use &ep-by-&ep multi-level individual tasks for each course and for each &udent. Creative tasks help participants to become more active, get carried away, and express themselves from an extraordinary point of view. So, in the competitions of professional skills in the specialty of "tourism", &udents performed the activities of a guide, and in the competitions of professional skills in the specialty of "Hotel business" they worked actively, each in their own areas and departments.

The competition "The be& by profession" forms readiness for the requirements of the modern world and prevents the appearance of negative qualities in the social

formation of the individual. Students perform various types of work in the educational direction and learn the simple^ operations in their profession. The basis for such ma&er classes is a two-layer partition "mentor and &udent".

The second element of the dual sy&em in training is conducting practical classes in subjects of special disciplines, educational economic and indu&rial tourism practices. Teachers form the professional orientation of &udents, helping to reveal the skills of their future specialty in the classroom.

Teachers of special disciplines in practical classes on the subjects of the specialty "tourism and hotel business and guide" organize independent and educational work of &udents so that it captivates them, thereby contributing to the development of knowledge, skills and abilities not only in the field of information technology, but also in professional activities. Using logical con&ructions, mathematical calculation and analytical thinking, learning foreign languages, teachers introduce new pedagogical technologies, methods and means of teaching into the educational process.

Students receive great support in the formation and improvement of professional skills in practical classes during practice, where &udents, working with their tutors, mentors, teachers who have a range of experience, practice and experience, perform tasks. The skills and abilities acquired during the internship, &udents use in practice.

Students form their own point of view, they learn to argue it, defend their opinion. The children begin to underhand where and how they will be able to apply the knowledge gained in the lessons, learn to communicate with each other, with professionals, ma&er communication skills. Teachers of special disciplines and makers of indu&rial training in the conditions of a personality-oriented approach have to act more as an organizer of independent active cognitive activity of &udents, a competent consultant and assi&ant who direct their professional skills not ju& to control the knowledge and skills of &udents, but to diagnose their activities. For diagno&ics, monitoring of the quality of knowledge at the end of the seme&er and a report on practice are used. Thanks to modern technology and optimal teaching methods, &udents are offered to "travel" around the world of knowledge, receive a powerful impetus for the development of independent cognitive activity. The beginning of the use of information technology was the use of promotional videos in the form of presentations. As a creative work, &udents make their presentations on subjects, which further help them in their work when completing tasks and contribute to a better perception of topics in the classes held.

Professionally significant qualities of a specials, based not so much on the volume and completeness of specific knowledge, as on the ability to replenish it, the ability to set and solve professional tasks, can be productively used in the future activities of a future specials. The organization of events, competitions and mandatory practical classes, educational and practical training programs contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for high-quality training of speciali&s, the formation of their holi&ic professional thinking and obtaining the fir& professional skills.

The moS important thing is to teach &udents to underhand the functional meaning of the connection between theory and practice, to apply knowledge in situations that

simulate the professional activity of a future specials. The more a university graduate knows, the better he will be prepared for life and work in society. If there is work, then there will be success!


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Jabborov Xazrat Xusenovich

O'zbekitfon Respublikasi Jamoat xavsizligi universiteti "Xizmatfaoliyatini tarbiyaviy-psixologik ta'minlash" kafedrasi

dotsenti, PhD

Annotatsiya. Mazkur maqolada ijtimoiy resurslaring eng asosiy indikatorlaridan va shaxs xulq-atvorining asosi hisoblangan tarbiya va uning sifat, xususiyat va fazilatlarini shakllantirish masalasi nazariy va amaliyjihatdan o'rganilgan.

Tayanch tushunchalar: sifat, xususiyat, fazilat, axloq, tarbiya, g'oya, mafkura, yondashuv, ijtimoiy-psixologik omil, tahdid, illat

Аннотация: В данной статье теоретически и практически исследуется образование, считающееся одним из основных показателей социальных ресурсов и основой поведения личности, формирование его качества, характеристик и качеств.

Основные понятия: качество, особенность, качество, нравственность, воспитание, идея, идеология, подход, социально-психологический фактор, угроза, порок

Annotation: In this article, education, which is considered one of the main indicators of social resources and the basis of personal behavior, and the formation of its quality, characteri&ics and qualities, is tiudied theoretically and practically.

Basic concepts: quality, feature, quality, morality, education, idea, ideology, approach, socio-psychological factor, threat, vice

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