SECONDARY VEGETABLE. ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Shumenko Vladimir, Shumenko Vika, Fedorenko Maxim, Fedorenko Alisa

The purpose - recycling vegetables. The method - hydroponics. The result - getting more food. Conclusions: Some varieties of celery petioles the 2nd year, you can get celery leaf. Waste of root crops can for tops or seeds for subsequent planting. Recycled vegetable production at home, in a spaceship flying to Mars or a submarine located in the autonomous navigation for many months. Secondary horticulture - for Japan. In Japan, grow vegetables in offices and on rooftops. Secondary horticulture - for China. In China, the vegetables are growing in the balconies of houses, vertical beds. Recycled vegetable growing - for North Korea and South

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Shumenko Vladimir

PhD, Candidate of Science, associate of professor of Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, Moscow, Russian Federation

Shumenko Vika

Student of the third-class progymnasium №1573 Cn 5, Moscow, Russian Federation Fedorenko Maxim Second-year student of the

Moscow State University of Design and Technology, Moscow, Russian Federation

Fedorenko Alisa Student of kindergarten # 153, Moscow


The purpose - recycling vegetables. The method - hydroponics. The result - getting more food. Conclusions: Some varieties of celery petioles the 2nd year, you can get celery leaf. Waste of root crops can for tops or seeds for subsequent planting.

Recycled vegetable production at home, in a spaceship flying to Mars or a submarine located in the autonomous navigation for many months.

Secondary horticulture - for Japan. In Japan, grow vegetables in offices and on rooftops.

Secondary horticulture - for China. In China, the vegetables are growing in the balconies of houses, vertical beds. Recycled vegetable growing - for North Korea and South Korea Key words: celery; waste of roots; home; spaceship; submarine.

In 2010, the four-year-old child with the help of his grandfather put into the water residue (head?) the petiolar celery bought in the store. We do not attach any importance.

However, 3 weeks later, it formed the roots and green leaves, Figure 1.

Figure 1. The formation of roots and leaves of celery. March 27, 2010.

For a conscious repetition of the experiment, March 28, 2010 in the store were bighting two packages of the petiolar celery of Israel production, Figure 2, 3.

Figure 2. Packing the petiolar celery. March 28, 2010.

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Figure 3. Packing the petiolar celery. March 28, 2010.

We do not know what kind of been stemmed celery. Perhaps Of these packages were identified residues that March the Tango? We can call just only supplier. Supplier of celery 31, 2010 the young naturalist put into the water (grandfather ООО «ЕВРОМИКС» (Moscow). helped), see Figure 4.

Figure 4. Landing in water balance the petiolar celery. March 31, 2010.

This event would go unnoticed if it were not to know that celery - a two-year plant.

If we assume that in the first year it forms stalks - as food, and for the second year should give flower stem, flowers and seeds, the results obtained are making a significant amendment to the prevailing view of the variety of celery.

This novelty of global significance.

The residue petiolar celery from Spain, found in the future, behaves according to the rules, that is forms roots, stalk provides, flowers and seeds.

Question reader. Who is the founders of secondary vegetable production? A child who is an experiment and get unexpected results?

(Author's note: We did not find any on the internet or in the media mentions professionals that head and neck, or celery root crops suitable for the emergence and subsequent development of the roots of plants.)

On the other hand, the one who drew attention to the outcome of the experiment and described it? We do not have the knowledge in horticulture.

By God's, learning disability, we both?

The child wanted to put into the water plant residue. Grandfather helped, and then noticed and appreciated result.

Figure 5-leaf celery grown from residues petiolar celery, Israel production at different stages of development. The provider is ООО «ЕВРОМИКС».

Figure 5. Leaf celery at different stages of development. May 22, 2010.

In the future, we conducted experiments with celery came from Germany [1, p. 9, 11]. The provider is ООО ГУД ФРУТ (Moscow), Figure 6.

The sort celery indicated on the package - "Pascual".

The results. We got celery leaf.

The second co-author of this work in 2011, he was a student at the Moscow Aviation Institute. At this time, cosmonaut Maxim Suraev on a spaceship engaged in growing plants, http://

www.dni.ru/society/2010/9/2/198326.html, and Fedorenko M.A. expressed interest to join our experiments.

Celery cultivated mainly in France, Italy and Spain. The authors conducted experiments with the petiolate celery delivered to Russia from Spain. Figure 7 stemmed celery from Spain. The provider is ЗАО «Свежие фрукты». The importer is ООО «Фруктомания».

Figure 6. The petiolate celery from Germany. July 09, 2010.

Figure 7. Celery made in Spain. May 09, 2011.

The residue petiolar celery production in Spain in Figure and Germany. The latter have a pronounced head and neck,

8. For stem line on which you can measure the height of the figures 4 and 5.

remainder petiolar celery. The residue is different in size and In Figure 9, the development of «Spanish» plants.

shape from the stalks left over from the varieties grown in Israel In Figure 10, the appearance of roots in the «Spanish» celery.

Figure 8. May 09, 2011. Figure 9. The development of plants Figure 10. The location of the roots.

May 28, 2011. May 31, 2011.

Roots emerged at the end (as in «Israel» and «German» varieties) and on the stem. Further development - corresponds to a two-year plant. In Figure 11, the formation of flower stalks.

Figure 11. Formation of flower stems. June 07, 2011

Instead of a conclusion. The authors received additional For more examples in the works [7, p. 166], [8, p. 102], [9,

products from disposal of roots: turnips [2, p. 13, 14], radish p. 92], [10, p.49]. Type in Google or Yandex: "ВТОРИЧНОЕ

[2, p. 15, 16], carrots [2, p. 10-12], red beet [2, p. 9, 10], radishes ОВОЩЕВОДСТВО".

[3, p. 6-9]. Onions [5, p. 16-20]. Green onions [4, p. 16-19], [6, In Moscow magazine, Figure 12, published an article

p. 26]. «garden on the windowsill,» Figure 13.




загородная жиэнь круглым год

Figure 12. The cover of the magazine. November 2009.

взятки с ГРЯДКИ/овощи на подоконнике


го рощ

Бее работы на «большом* огороде завершены Теперь можно заняться ямалымч.,

Figure 13. An article in the journal. November 2009.

May 24, 2011, on the TV channel «Russia 1» reported an exhibition in Pikin (China). One of the exhibits - a vertical bed for growing vegetables. It has become popular among city dwellers. Vertical bed for growing vegetables on the balconies

of houses for more food.

In Figure 14, the spaceship, which missions to comets and Mars. On board will be four astronaut.

Через дм годэ Qripn fa дот гокю ц rwieiv «то л! р

Figure 14. Photo: AFP.

mission impossible replenishment on board using waste vegetable

In interplanetary vegetables.

They well grown consumption.

According to the data www.metronews.ru. Near London (England), in the town of Dalston the world's first urban «farm in the store». Antony Johnston writes «...if you make a head of lettuce, it will bring in the next room. His grown there

This store based sculptor Andrew Merritt and engineer Paul Smith. The goal - to show that food can be growing even in the city center.

Nevin Cohen (Associate Professor of Ecology at the New School, New York, USA), www.metronews.ru said. In the United States and Canada in residential areas, specifically allocate space for agriculture. In Figure 15, the cultivation of etables.


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Figure 15. Vegetables in the house.

Secondary horticulture - for Chile, 7 million. People (1/3 of References: the population) live in Santiago, for Japan, the DPRK and the 1. Шуменко В.Н., Шуменко В.В., Федоренко М.А. Вто-Republic of Korea. ричное овощеводство или увеличение массы собранного

урожая. Единая технология выращивания листового сель-

дерея из части корня и нескольких листьев срезанного черешкового сельдерея. М.: НПО Сплав, г. Владимир. Депонировано в ВИНИТИ РАН, 2011. № 373 - 28 с.

2. Шуменко В.Н., Шуменко В.В., Федоренко М.А. Вторичное овощеводство. Единая технология утилизации отходов корнеплодов. М.: НИТУ МИСиС. Депонировано в ВИНИТИ РАН, 2014. № 104 - 23 с.

3. Шуменко В.Н., Шуменко В.В., Федоренко М.А. Вторичное овощеводство. Единая технология двойного использования корнеплодов редиса. М.: НПО Сплав, г. Владимир. Депонировано в ВИНИТИ РАН, 2011. № 374 - 20 с.

4. Шуменко В.Н., Шуменко В.В., Федоренко М.А. Вторичное овощеводство или увеличение массы собранного урожая. Единая технология выгонки зеленого лука на перо. М.: НПО Сплав, г. Владимир. Депонировано в ВИНИТИ РАН, 2011. № 372 - 24 с.

5. Шуменко В.Н., Шуменко В.В., Федоренко М.А. Вторичное овощеводство. Единая технология утилизации отходов репчатого лука. М.: НИТУ МИСиС. Депонировано в ВИНИТИ РАН, 2014. № 103 - 27 с.

6. Shumenko V., Shumenko V., Fedorenko M. Secondary Vegetable Growing, сб. научных работ V Международной научно-практической конференции «Современные концепции научных исследований». Часть 6. Москва 29-30 ав-

густа 2014. с. 24 - 27.

7. Шуменко В.Н., Шуменко В.В., Федоренко М.А. Вторичное овощеводство, сб. научных работ IV Международной научно-практической конференции «Научные перспективы XXI века. Достижения и перспективы нового столетия». Часть 3, №4. Новосибирск 19-20 сентября 2014, с.165 - 168.

8. Шуменко В.Н., Шуменко В.В., Федоренко М.А. Зарождение и развитие вторичного овощеводства, сб. научных работ VIII Международной научно-практической конференции «Современные концепции научных исследований». Часть 10, № 8 Москва 28-29 ноября 2014, с. 101 - 105.

9. Шуменко В.Н., Шуменко В.В., Федоренко М.А. Вторичное овощеводство, сб. научных работ IV Международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные вопросы науки, технологии и производства». № IV Санкт-Петербург, 27-30 декабря 2014, с. 89 - 94.

10. Шуменко В.Н., Шуменко В.В., Федоренко М.А. Вторичное овощеводство, сб. научных работ V Международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные вопросы науки и хозяйства: новые вызовы и решения». № 5 Санкт-Петербург, 27-30 декабря 2014, с. 47 - 51.


Никитин Сергей Николаевич

доктор сельскохозяйственных наук, ФГБНУ «Ульяновский НИИСХ» Захаров Сергей Александрович научный сотрудник ФГБНУ «Ульяновский НИИСХ»


Nikitin S.N., doctor science Agriculture, Ulianovsk Scientific and Research Institute of Agriculture

Zakharov S.A., research assistant, Ulianovsk Scientific and Research Institute of Agriculture


При применении минеральных удобрений и биопрепаратов урожайность зерна яровой пшеницы возрастала с 2,7 до 3,5 т/га. Использование биопрепаратов экстрасол, флавобактерин и ризоагрин повышало урожай-ность зерна яровой пшеницы на 0,33-0,49 т/га, эквивалентно внесению N30P30K30.


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At application of mineral fertilizers and biopreparations grain yield of spring wheat increased from 2.7 to 3.5 t/ha. the Use of biopreparations extrasol, Flavobacterium and risogrin increased the grain yield of spring wheat by 0.33 to 0.49 t/ha, equivalent to the introduction of N30P30K30.

Ключевые слова: минеральные удобрения, биологические препараты, урожайность, качество, яровая пшеница.

Key words: mineral fertilizers, biopreparations, yield, quality, spring wheat.

Постановка проблемы. Важнейшей задачей сельскохозяйственного производства Поволжья остается поиск путей повышения продуктивности земледелия. Успешное решение этой глобальной задачи в одном из круп-ных товаропроизводящих регионов России, в Поволжье, неразрывно связано с эколого-агрохимическими проблемами сохранения и воспроизводства почвенного плодородия.

Современные прогрессивные технологии возделывания сельскохозяйственных культур должны обеспечивать получение высоких урожаев с хо-рошим качеством продукции при условии повышения плодородия почв или поддержания его на достигнутом уровне.

Анализ последних исследований и публикаций. Вос-

становление и повышение плодородия почв, улучшение почвенного питания растений - эти важнейшие вопросы агрономии, лежащие в основе получения высоких устойчивых урожаев, связаны прежде всего с регулированием деятельности полезной почвенной микрофлоры и ее взаимоотношений с высшими растениями. Почвенные микроорганизмы являются обязательным компонентом любой агроэкосистемы. Они обладают мощным ферментативным аппаратом, выполняют многообразные функции в круговороте веществ, тем самым обеспечивая постоянное функционирование всей экосистемы в целом [1, 4-5].

Неотъемлемой частью выращивания сельскохозяйственных культур является применение минеральных

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