Научная статья на тему 'Review of the issue № 1-2 (28-29)'

Review of the issue № 1-2 (28-29) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Review of the issue № 1-2 (28-29)»

review of THE issue № 1-2 (28-29)


by Robert M. Nizhegorodsev

Summary. The author using an analytical mechanism of calamities theory deals with possible versions of Russia economy development in the world crisis conditions.

Key words. Long wave's theory, a transition to a new technological mode, technological saturation of the developed countries economic systems, calamities theory methodology, an economic crisis, innovative way of development.

References. 1. Nizhegorodsev R.M., Streletsky A.S. The world financial crisis: reasons, tools, consequences. M.: Knizhy dom "LIBROKOM", 2008. 2. Geazyev S.Yu. Global economic crisis as a process of technological modes change // Voprosy ekonomiki. 2009, №3. 3. Menscn G.O. Stalemate in technology: Innovation overcomes the depression. Cambridge (Mass.): Ballinger, 1979. 4. Sornette D. Prediction: The Future of the USA Stock Market [http://www.safehaven.com/showarticle. cfm?id=1250]. 5. Vorobyov Yu.L., Malinetsky G.G., Makhutov N.A. Risks governance. Reality and expectations // International conference on governance problems (June 29 - July 2, 1999), Transactions. M., 1999. 6. Risks governance: risk, stable development, synergetic / Vladimirov V.A., Vorobyov Yu.L., Malinetsky G.G. M.: Nauka, 2000. 7. Nizhegorodsev R.M. Am analysis and forecasting calamities in complex dynamic systems // Security governance problems of complex systems: VII International conference materials. M., 1999. 8. Nizhegorodsev R.M. Non-linear methods of calamities forecasts in complex dynamic systems // Active systems theory: transactions of an international research conference / ed. V.N. Burkov, D.A. Novikov. V.I. M.: IPU RAS, 2003. 9. Nizhegorodsev R.M. Global financial crisis: new threats and opportunities the USUE Izvestya, 2009. №1. 10. D. Medvedev. A task of economy transit to an innovative way failed [http://www.vedomosti.ru/ newsline/index.shtml?2009/08/31/828935]. 11. Nizhegorodsev R.M. Global economic crisis and world economy perspectives // World economic crisis: theory, methodology, practice / Ed. A.A. Abishev, TI. Mukhambetova. Almaty: Ekonomika, 2009.

Contact Info:

Robert M. Nizhegorodsev The chief researcher of RAS Institute of Management Problems, Honored Professor of the Ural State University of Economics, Honored Professor of the Kazakhsky University of Economics named after T Ryskulov, Natural Sciences Russia academy full member

RAS Institute of Management Problems 65, lab. 57, Ul. Profsoyuznaya, Moscow, 117897 Phone: (495) 334-79-00 e-mail: bell44@rambler.ru


some economic-legal aspects

by Gafur Z Mansurov

Summary. The paper presents an analysis of economic-legal aspects of an international financial crisis viewed as a threat to RF payment system. The author dwells upon non-accuracies f number of authors' formulations concerning the possibility to exclude or neutralize a threat to economic security but not to minimize it through financial-legal means.

Key words. Financial crisis, minimization of its negative consequences, limitation of legal impact, consideration of economic specifics of the crisis to construct international finance-standard acts.

References. 1. Belov G.V. Business safety. M.: IKC "Akademkniga", 2007. 2. Karmin K. Good bye, dollar. St.Pt.: TID Amfora, 2009. 3. Suetin A.A. International financial market. M.: Publ. House "KNORUS", 2007. 4. Economic and national safety. A text-book / ed. Oleinikov Ye.A. M.: Pbl. House "Ekzamen", 2005. 5. Safonov O.A. Financial-legal means of economic safety security: The author abstract. ... cand. sc. (Law). M., 2007. 6. Glazev S.Yu. Global financial system crisis. What is to be done in Russia? // The main book about of crisis: Collection / ed. Buzgalin A.V. M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2009. 7. Storchak S.A. Conditional commitments. M.: ACT, Zebra E, 2009. 8. Zorkin

V. Law - for man // Rossiiskya gazeta. 2008. November, 25. 9. Bryleva N.I. Irrespectiveness triumph or a crisis of theoretical knowledge // http:// www.nbilev.ru. 10. Shelton J. Stable Money Is the Key to Recovery How the G-20 can rebuild // The Wall Street Journal. 2008. 14.11. 11. Murray N. Rothbard. Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure // Austrian Theory of Trade Cycle. Compiled by Richard M. Ebeling. Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1996. 12. Hedges C. The American Empire Is Bankrupt // http://www.rinf.com/ alt-news/usa-news/the-american-empire-is-bankrupt/5827.

13. Kobyakov A.B., Khazin M.L. Dollar's empire decline and the end of "Pax Americana". M.: Pbl. House "Veche", 2003.

14. Gladunov O. Rouble is completely ruined. For the first time for 800 years Russian currency became a sales unit abroad // Rossiiskya gazeta. 2007. October, 4. 15. Delyagin M.G. Russia for Russians. M.: "Algoritm", 2009. 16. Storchak S.A. Conditional commitments. M.: ACT, Zebra E, 2009. 17. Statute-Book RF. 2000. №7. p. 786. 18. Statute-Book RF. 2001. №32. p. 3320. 19. Yelizavetin M. Ye. Currency integration in a postsoviet space: Russian-Byelorussian union experience // The World Currency System and rouble convertibility problem. M.: Pbl. House "Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenya", 2006. 20. Vasilev A.V. Law and a financial crisis // Law and State. 2009. №3 (51). 21. Hudson M. Washington cannot call all the shots/ Financial Times. June 14 2009 // http:// www.ft.com/cms/s/0/e9104e82-58f7-11de-80b3-00144feabdc0.html?nclick_check=1.

Contact Info:

Gafur Z. Mansurov Cand. of Law, assistant-professor of Law Dprt.

The Ural State University of Economics

62/45, Ul. 8 Marta / Narodnoi Voli, Yekaterinburg, RF, 620144

Phone: (343) 251-96-26

e-mail: mansuroff@yandex.ru


by Lyudmila P. Kholodova

Summary. The paper deals with historical prerequisites of present economic structure formation in the Ural industry. These facts make it possible to understand the structure and the system of settlements in the Ural, roots of administrative subordination, its borders, the system of railways, a general space organization of small, medium and large cities in the Ural.

Key words. Mining district, economic structure of mining industry, mining-industrial district, environment social content, environment material formation.

References. 1. Kholodova L.P. Architecture of the Urals industrial cities in the late XIX - early XX centuries: Doctorate Thesis. 1994. 2. Kholodova L.P. The Urals metallurgical plants architecture history in the late XIX - early XX centuries. M.: MARKHI, 1986.

Contact Info:

Lyudmila P. Kholodova Professor, Dr. of Architecture, a member of Architectures Union, Pro-Rector for research, Head of Architecture theory and professional Communications Dprt. The Ural State Art-Architecture Academy 23, Ul. K. Libnekhta, Yekaterinburg, RF, 620075 Phone: (343) 371-57-92 e-mail: Lph@usaaa.ru


by Yevgeni G. Animitsa, Natalia V Novikova

Summary. The authors substantiate the reasons of keeping and generating monocities' problems, the specifics of their social-economic development, they also present traditional territories of monocities location in Russia. Perspective trends of various specialized monocities in the region are identified.

Key words. A monocity, monofunctional locality, monospetsialized city, monoprofile, a monocity model, monocities' development perspectives.

References. 1. Analytical report on the project results "Monoprofile cities and city forming enterprises" // http:// www. union.invest.ru. 2. Animitsa Ye.G., Vlasova N.Yu., Dvoryadkina Ye.B., Novikova N.V., Sofronov V.N. Closed nuclear towns in Russia (development and governance specifics) / ed. Animitsa Ye.G. Yekaterinburg: The USUE Pbl. House, 2002. 3. Animitsa Ye.G., Vlasova N.Yu., Dvoryadkina Ye.B., Surnina N.M. Structure transformation of old-industrial region cities economics. Yekaterinburg: The USUE Pbl. House, 2001. 4. Animitsa Ye.G., Dvoryadkina Ye.B., Nekrasov V.G. Economic development of the region mining town. Yekaterinburg: The USUE Pbl. House, 2005. 5. Animitsa Ye.G., Dvoryadkina Ye.B., Novikova N.V. and the others. Strategic plan of Berezniki development. Berezniki; Yekaterinburg, 2008. 6. Gontmacher E. The most subtle elements of economics // http:// russianews.ru/ newspaper/25081/25113. 7. Gontmacher E. Ekspert. There are 3 ways of monocities' problems solving // http:// www. cityspb.ru/.../frame_source.thtml. 8. Dvoryadkina Ye.B. Traditionally industrial towns economics development inertia. Yekaterinburg: The USUE Pbl. House, 2005. 9. Dvoryadkina Ye.B., Novikova N.V. A closed towns budget incomes: composition and structure // Regional economics and policy: transaction / ed. Animitsa Ye.G. Yekaterinburg, 2004. Issue №7. 10. Zubarevich N. How to save Russian monocities? Should me? // http:// lenta.ru/conf/zubarevich/ 11. Karpov Ye.V. Strategic plan concept of a large industrial monocity social-economic development (Magnitogorsk as an example) // Research bulletin. The Ural Academy of State Service. Issue №1. 12. Lyubovny V.Ya. The ways of social-economic development invigoration in Russia monoprofile towns. M., 2004. 13. Novikova N.V., Vyatkina O.V. A closed town social-economic development specifics // Stable development problems of Russia towns: transactions of the III Russia research conference. Miass: Geotur, 2006. 14. Novikova N.V, Motovilov A.V. Closed town economics' modernization process // Nuclear-industrial Ural's complex: problems and perspectives: transactions of the 5th Yubile Young research conference. Ozyorsk: "Mayak", 2009.

15. Russia monoprofile towns social-economic development invigoration ways / ed. Kuznetsov G.Yu., Lyubovny V.Ya. M.: Moscow General Research Foundation, 2004. 16. Turgel I.D. Monospecialized town: theory and practice of social-economic development strategic governance. Yekaterinburg: The Ural State Mining Acfademy; Pbl. House AMB, 2001. 17. Turgel I.D., Zurabova I.Z. Russian Nord urban settlements: formation, development, functions in the system of settling and economics of northern areas. Yekaterinburg: Pbl. House of the Ural Academy of State Service, 2004. 18. Khodacher A. Regions authorities can do nothing with monocities // http://www. regnum.ru/news/fd-central/smolensk/polit/1178548.html.

Contact Info:

Yevgeni G. Animitsa Dr. of Geography, professor, Head of Regional and municipal Economy Dprt. The Ural State University of Economics 62/45, Ul. 8 Marta / Narodnoi Voli, Yekaterinburg, RF, 620144 Phone: (343) 257-57-36 e-mail: ega@usue.ru

Natalia V Novikova

Cand. Sc. (Ec.), assistant-professor of Regional and municipal Economy Dprt.

The Ural State University of Economics

62/45, Ul. 8 Marta / Narodnoi Voli, Yekaterinburg, RF, 620144

Phone: (343) 251-96-76

e-mail: novikova@ural.ru


by NailZ Shaimardanov

Summary. The author suggests to use a system approach relying on deserving labour concept made by International Labour Organization in developing a theory of a deserving labour being a combination of interconnected proportionally segment task to ways and methods of solving a complex task to reduce a shortage of deserving labour in concrete historical circumstances.

Key words. A deserving labour, a deserving labour system, a safe labour, labour conditions, labour enjoyment, workable population incomes system, labour-market, social support system.

References. 1. MBT General Director Somavia Report "Labour as a tool to fight against destitution" at the International Labour Conference (91-st session, 2003). ILO Moscow Bureau // Tchelovek i trud. 2003. №3. 2. http://www.sverdl.rostrud. ru 3. Roik V. A deserving labour. XXI century challenges: is there are an adequate reply? // Sotsialnoye partnerstvo. 2006. №2. 4. Kostin L.A. To a deserving labour in the XXI century // Trud i sotsyalnye otnosheniya. 2004. №3 (27). 5. G. Somavia "A reasons of employment global crisis an economic growth not oriented at jobs creation" // Tchelovek i trud. 2007. №2. 6. http://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/2008/0343/rossia01. php. 7. http://www.chelt.ru/2007/1-07/somavija_1-07.html. 8. http://docs.google.com/... /conclusions_ru. 9. http://www. hri.ru/news/?content=news&id=425. 10. http://premier.gov. ru/anticrisis/. 11. http://www.rg.ru/2009/03/20/programma-antikrisis-dok.html.

Contact Info:

NaiiZ. Shaimardanov Cand. Sc. (Ec.), Vice-Chairman of the Sverdlovskya oblast Oblastnya Duma Legislative Assemble

The Sverdlovskya oblast Legislative Assemble

Building 1, Oktyabrskya ploshchad, Yekaterinburg, RF, 620031

Phone: (343) 378-92-92

E-mail: belikova@duma.midural.ru


by Svetlana B. Ginieva

Summary. The article deals with anticrisis measures in a social-labour sphere at ferrous metal works. The author suggests a mechanism of employment Supporting services work to minimize social consequence of staff release. Som proposals are given to improve the population employment support program.

Key words. Staff release, organization of employees number, employment, employment support program, employment governance, labour-market.

Contact Info:

Svetlana B. Ginieva

Cand. Sc. (Ec.), assistant-professor of Labour economics and Personal Governance Dprt.

The Ural State University of Economics

62/45, Ul. 8 Marta / Narodnoi Voli, Yekaterinburg, RF, 620144

Phone: (343) 254-57-73

e-mail: ginsb@yandex.ru



by Anna P. Bagirova

Summary. Approaches prove in article to an estimation of efficiency of the reproductive labour understood as work of parents on formation and progress of the children human capital. Principles of multilevel system of its recoupment (including family, regional and state levels) are offered. Position about necessity of working out a system of stimulation as quantitative, as qualitative results of parental work in Russia is proved.

Key words. Reproductive labour, the human capital, parent investment, reproductive labour expenses repayment, reproductive activity, reproductive efficiency.

References. 1. Becker G. Human behaviour: the economic approach: The selected works under the economic theory. M., 2003.

Contact Info:

Anna P. Bagirova

Cand. Sc. (Sociology), assistant-professor of Sociology and Social Governance Technologies Dprt.

The Ural State Technical University 19, Ul. Mira, Yekaterinburg, RF, 620002 Phone: (343) 375-95-72 e-mail: dekan2003@mail.ru

Upravlenets №1-2 (28-29) 2009


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