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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJT-16-11.12-44-46
Nabiyev Akram Botirjonovich, lecture of Namangan State University, Republic of Uzbekistan E-mail: akramnabiyev@umail.uz
Researching of influence of the electromagnetic field to the petroleum viscosity
Abstact: In this research work the results of influence of electromagnetic field on reologic peculiarity of petroleum are given. Also was observed decreasing more than 20 °C of energy of active of petroleum influence on electromagnetic field.
Keywords: high-viscosity reologic peculiarity, flowing, electromagnetic field, high frequency
It is commonly known that, during the transporta- Fluidity: some factors affect especially on reologic
tion of high-viscosity oil via pipelines, the increasing peculiarity of oil which is inclined, such as its compo-of its fluidity is of prime importance. nent, structural functions, temperature, physical and
Researching of influence of the electromagnetic field to the petroleum viscosity
chemistry peculiarity [1]. As usual, two ways are widely used in order to increase fluidity.
First, in the oil pipeline there is a heat work regime which is constant and believable provision, second without heating system, it is used mixture of various gas condensates and from extra breaking granules in environment temperature.
Besides, regular use of either of the two methods considers to be effective. As mentioned, a considerable energy is necessary for all of this that can lead to the increase of oil cost. That is why, currently styles are globally produced demanding less energy. In this work it is cited to test report on influence of electromagnetic field of oil reologic peculiarities.
The sample of Mingbulak oil was put to the rotary facility "Rsostat-2-1", the correlation of shifting speed on the pressure voltage at various temperatures under influence of electromagnetic field was researched [2].
It is observed in influence of high frequency electromagnetic field that status of oil viscosity lessening low temperatures.
1 - Picture. Depending upon the temperature tension of moving when the value equals to the speed of
moving 800 c-1.
1. For primary petroleum (the petroleum which wasn't met the influence of the high frequency electromagnetic fields);
Shifting of sticky connections speed (T=40 °C).
2. The next petroleum after the influence of the high frequency electromagnetic field.
1) For first oil;
2) Influence of HVEF is for oil.
From above mentioned dependence we can see that the movement of the high frequency electromagnetic field exceeds, and it doesn't demand additional heating and the flow from the pipe gets improved. That's to say, it is required the considerable small quantity of shifting intensity to get the shifting speed of 800 c-1 after the influence of electromagnetic field under the temperature of45 °C.
It can be explained with the situation of Newton that it is passed into the low temperature.
From the graphic we can see, in high frequency the oil movement increases, it is not required extra heating and the current enhances from pipelines. In an aim of researching, sticky connection temperature with logarithmic was monitored.
Figure 1. 2-picture. Sticky connection temperature (in Frankel equation coordinators) 1 - state; 2 - influence HVEF T= 20 °C
From the graphic we can see T = 20-60 °C temperature interval sticky changes with a few breaking. In an influence HVEF, this connection is corner tangency so activation energy organizes the smallest and adjustable 1-43,2-25 kj/Mol in comparison with first state.
In higher temperatures activation energy remains the same. In an influence HVEF various stirred structural functions happens with breaking, oil sticky lessens and changes proportion set voltage.
Especially, in a low temperature, it has changed noticeable which energetic point shown its advantage.
The connection has its breaking, when it goes some temperature, in structure space passing may occur being shown [3; 4]. It goes without saying, while oils have higher sticky will be transferred to high-viscosity electromagnetic, its sticky lessens, fluidity increases in a low temperatures.
We think that the decreasing of viscosity degree of electromagnetic field dependents under the influ-
ence it is due to appearing ofjoining. We can see breaking of logarithmic dependence in the 2nd picture and space passing in the structure seized certain temperature in the 3rd and 4th pictures.
Relative low temperatures are structured parathion and petroleum associates, with increasing of the temperature it is formed detached phase. The mass of broken fragments are increased due to relatively little and poled.
1. Lukoshkin G. S. Gathering and preparation of oil, gas and water to transport. - M.: Nedra, - 1972. - 324 p.
2. Kasparyans K. S. Trade preparation of oil. - M.: «Nedra» - 1966. - 363 p.
3. Nabiyev A. B., Sultonov A.S, Abdurahimov S. A. Problems of transportation of local high-viscosity oil. Fargona Polytechnics Institute, V materials of Republic scientific- practical forum - Fargona - 2009. - 132-133 p.
4. Nabiyev A. B., Abdurahimov S. A. Reologic features of transported compositions from mastic oil fields. Chemistry and Chemistry technology journal, - 2010, - No 1, - 63-65 p.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJT-16-11.12-46-49
Usmanov Abdukhamid, Tashkent institute of chemical technology (Uzbekistan), Junior assistant, Department of Food Safety E-mail: abduhamid-86@yandex.com; sherzod-mamatov@mail.ru
Rakhimdjanov Makhamadjan, Tashkent institute of chemical technology (Uzbekistan), Professor, Department of Food Safety,
The effectiveness of the research of refining of cotton seed oil by local bentonite that activated by thermoradiation and acids
Abstract: Bentonite has been activated by thermoradiation and acids, and it has been applied in adsorptive refining. The safety index of adsorptive refined cotton seed oil has been researched.
Keywords: Bentonite, the infrared radiate, the high-frequency radiation, sulfate acid, alkali.
Nowadays in the Republic of Uzbekistan it is an important issue to alter imported adsorbents to local ones which are used in refining cotton seed oil in The oil industry. Therefore, our basic concern is to apply local raw materials in an adsorbing refining of cotton seed oil. In this matter, we have chosen the bentonite which is produced in Navbakhor in Navoi region and Logon in Fergana region. In 1998, in Navbakhor bentonite mine was explored by geologic exploration and was applied as a source of bentonite. Fergana Logon mine was found in 2009, nowadays, it has been excavating. The chosen bentonite has alkaline substance, in order to use it in food industry it is necessary to neutralize it.
Materials and methods
As a material: 500 gr bentonite, sulfate acid 10%, microwave oven, distilling water for neutralization, sieve (with the diagonal of 0,16 mm holes) Lovibond machine, (to clarify the color of cotton seed oil), disintegrator (to
grind a bentonite), water pump or electrical pump (to separate the mixture of bentonite and oil).
Methods: The bentonite of Navbakhor and Logon mine were chosen as an example. Physical-chemical index of it is studied according to this mineralogical features of the bentonite was investigated with sciagram.
500 gr bentonite from both samples has been taken and it has been neutralized with water until it has become neutral and it has been soaked in sulfate acid 10% for a while. Then bentonite has been flushed with water till it is neutralized consequent to that it has been heated in microwave oven with capacity 17 l, with the tension of 900 watts, with 220 V, until 9-10% of moisture left. Dried bentonite has been grinded and sieved. Then the oil has been refined with bentonite. The colour index of refined cotton seed oil is appropriated by Lovibond machine.
Results of research
According to the outcome the mineralogical structure is given in the following chart.