M. I. Kabysheva
УДК 378.147
1 n the context of current geopolitical processes, one of the main tasks of higher education pedagogy is to find ways to form civic values and patriotic qualities of students.
The state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2015-2025" and the Regional project "Patriotic education of children and youth of the Krasnodar Territory for 2021-2024" are aimed at "positive dynamics in the growth of patriotism in the country and strengthening national security" [4].
In the process of their implementation, all educational organizations will introduce new aspects of work aimed at developing the spiritual, moral, patriotic and physical education of students [7].
Currently, there is a wide range of activities that are aimed at becoming a socially active layer of modern youth studying at universities. Military training centers at universities play an important role in this. The implementation of patriotic education is timed to hold holidays and sports competitions, and the achievements of Russian sports, science and culture are being promoted.
Thus, the relevance of the study is determined by:
- the State Program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 20152025" and the Regional Project "Patriotic Edu-
cation of Children and Youth of the Krasnodar Territory for 2021-2024";
- the demand for the formation of the necessary personal qualities of students to fulfill constitutional obligations, the search for directions and pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of civic and patriotic education in the university.
The most significant achievements in the experience of educating civic-patriotic qualities are reflected in the scientific concepts of Z. T. Ga-sanov, G. N. Filonov, V. A. Degterev, E. Yu. Mi-nenko; theory of civic education and legal protection by E. V. Tatarintseva and A. N. Tubelsky.
However, in our opinion, the dependence of the content, forms, methods and means of educating civic-patriotic qualities on regional characteristics and the results of education has not been studied enough.
An analysis of the philosophy of self-knowledge of the individual shows that "civil-patriotic education is a purposeful, specially organized process that is possible only through the involvement of a student in specific civic activities to form the qualities of a citizen and patriot: love for one's family, one's home, for the Motherland; a sense of belonging to the history of their Fatherland; sympathy, the need to protect their loved ones and their homeland; diligence, determination; respect for human rights and freedoms" [1; 2; 6].
Physical education, its connection with labor and defense practice, has great potential for the formation of civil-patriotic qualities. This emphasizes its main applied function - the education of social qualities: diligence, dedication, loyalty to the team; preparation for a full-fledged labor activity, and, if necessary, for the fulfillment of a patriotic duty - the defense of the Motherland [3; 5].
The theoretical analysis of the scientific literature determined the choice of the direction for studying the civic-patriotic qualities of students: on the material of value-semantic self-determination to the historical past and the modern implementation of the "Ready for Labor and Defense" (RLD) complex.
The study was conducted on the basis of the Kuban State University (KubSU); the contingent of the studied - students of the 1st and 2nd cour-
ses of various areas of training in the amount of 109 people (42 boys and 67 girls); for the period September - November 2022.
It is rather difficult to reveal the level of civic-patriotic qualities of students. The teacher can determine the level of knowledge about the RLD complex; to reveal the attitude to the past and the present of the RLD complex; determine the active and passive activity position of students, make adjustments to the educational process of physical education.
In this regard, in the study, we conditionally identified the following components of the civic-patriotic qualities of students, which are characterized by certain indicators of maturity:
1) emotional and value component - the emotional and value attitude of students to the RLD complex, understanding the significance of the RLD complex for personal development, needs, interests, motives, attitudes, goals;
2) intellectual-cognitive component - the amount of knowledge of students about the RLD complex, the history of its occurrence and development, principles, basic concepts, formed qualities, etc.;
3) motor-activity component - the readiness of students for active physical culture and sports activities, for the practical implementation of passing the RLD standards, the presence of the RLD insignia.
To identify the civic-patriotic qualities of students, we developed 65 test questions and tasks, each with several answers. During the anonymous survey, students had to choose the correct answer. All questions and tasks were grouped in accordance with the above indicators for three selected components. For example,
Emotional value component:
1) what is important for you when receiving the RLD badge?
A. Physical fitness.
B. Stimulus for personal development.
B. Preparation for military service in the army.
G. I didn't think about it.
E. Other (specify).
Intellectual-cognitive component:
2) what skills and abilities are developed in preparation for passing the standards of the RLD complex?
A. Physical.
B. Professional and personal.
B. Moral-volitional.
G. Military applied.
D. I find it difficult to answer.
Motor-activity component:
3) for which insignia of the RLD complex did you pass the control tests?
A. Golden.
B. Silver.
B. Bronze.
G. Not on any.
D. Didn't pass it at all.
The study of the emotional-value component of the formation of civic-patriotic qualities showed that the majority of students have a positive attitude towards passing the RLD complex, but about 30% do not participate in the preparation and delivery of the complex norms. At the same time, 17% have a rather indifferent or negative attitude.
The study revealed that 55% of students did not receive any badge, 22% received a gold badge, 18% a silver badge, and only 5% received a bronze badge.
The results of the study showed that the largest number of students prefer to engage in stretching in their classes, more than 21% of students voted for this answer option, table tennis scored a little less votes - 20%, football - 16%, 15% -volleyball, 12% - basketball, 10% - general physical fitness and the lowest result in aerobics, about 6 % of students voted for it.
The attitude to the RLD complex is associated with the awareness of its significance, both for society and for oneself personally. We have found that the level of students' ideas about the significance of the RLD complex is insufficient this is especially evident when concretizing the indicators of the table.
The fact that participation in the passing of the norms of the RLD complex caused the development of moral and volitional qualities, military-applied skills and abilities, quickness of thinking, self-regulation of mental states caused great doubt among the students.
The study of the cognitive-intellectual component of the formation of civic-patriotic quail-
Table 1
Understanding the importance of physical training for personal self-improvement (in %)
Physical fitness contributes To a greater extent Sufficiently To a certain degree Difficult to answer
1. Health promotion 43 49 34 44 20 7 3 -
2. Physical correction 50 44 32 43 14 11 4 2
3. Development of physical qualities 32 34 37 39 27 25 4 2
4. Development of moral and volitional qualities - 7 14 12 43 46 43 35
5. Formation of militaryapplied skills and abilities 3 7 16 20 25 29 56 44
6. Recovery of mental fatigue - 10 - 20 71 35 29 35
7. Self-regulation of mental states - - - 17 50 50 50 33
8. Speed of thinking - - - - 60 50 40 50
9. Free communication 11 13 17 20 31 32 41 35
ties showed that the sources of knowledge in the field of the RLD complex are: 37% - the Internet and the media, 23% - the opinion of friends, parents, etc., 16% - academic education, 15% - life experience and 9% - self-education.
An analysis of the results of a survey of students showed that, in general, they are well versed in matters of the social essence and history of the development of the RLD complex in our country (68% of correct answers).
They are less competent in matters of the natural scientific foundations of the RLD complex. For example, only 23% of respondents have a correct understanding of physical performance and the causes of fatigue.
Students have the lowest awareness of the technique of performing exercises and methods of developing physical qualities, motor skills and abilities, on which the selection of means and the effectiveness of self-training to pass the norms of the RLD complex (13% of correct answers) depend to a decisive extent.
The revealed disproportion in knowledge showed the need for more attention and time in
the process of physical education of students to study the methodological and practical section of the RLD complex.
When asked what physical qualities are determined when passing the RLD standards, more than 53% of students answered - speed, 11% believe that all qualities are assessed, 22 % - endurance, 3% - coordination abilities, strength -7%, flexibility - 4%.
A study of the motor-activity component of the formation of civic-patriotic qualities showed that more than 25% of KubSU students annually take part in competitions and promotions under the RLD program in accordance with the work schedule of the RLD Testing Center in Krasnodar.
A sports festival is, held at the stadium of the Kuban State University, where the rector of KubSU M. B. Astapov, the leaders of the Center for Patriotic Education of Kuban Youth, the Chairman of the Council of the Parents' Community of Krasnodar and famous athletes of the region always greet the participants of the event.
On this day, usually about 200 university students - participants of the VI stage, perform
control tests for flexibility, strength and speed-strength qualities. Those who have successfully passed all the stages, in order to receive the RLD badge, further pass the standards for speed and endurance in running at different distances, swimming and shooting.
As part of the RLD festival, university students take part in the action "We are united! We are invincible!" Before the start of the tests, a warm-up is traditionally held at the grand opening of the action.
KubSU implements incentive measures for students with RLD badges, which include: additional points for applicants upon admission; support and encouragement of students' activities related to the implementation of the RLD complex.
The results of the study made it possible to determine the further direction of the civil and patriotic education of students at the university and develop the pedagogical conditions for its implementation:
1) development of its own plan and technology for the implementation of the RLD complex;
2) targeted theoretical training of students in the form of lectures, conversations, discussions, etc.;
3) monitoring the interests and needs of students on the basis of questionnaires and interviews;
4) practical and technical training of students, taking into account the experience of implementing the RLD complex by other universities;
5) approbation of the technology of the RLD complex, determination of its effectiveness;
6) development and adjustment of technology in practical physical culture and sports activities.
Статья посвящена проблеме воспитания гражданско-патриотических качеств студенческой молодежи. На основе материалов эмпирического исследования автор выявляет особенности ориентаций и ценностно-смыслового самоопределения студентов КубГУ к историческому прошлому и современной реализации комплекса «Готов к труду и обороне»; выделяет направления и условия эффективности гражданско-патриотического воспитания студентов в вузе.
Ключевые слова: студенческая молодежь, физическое воспитание, комплекс «Готов к
труду и обороне», ценностно-смысловое самоопределение, гражданско-патриотические качества, педагогические условия.
The article is devoted to the problem of education of civic-patriotic qualities of student youth. On the basis, of empirical research materials, the author reveals the features of orientations and value-semantic self-determination of KubSU students to the historical past and the modern implementation of the Ready for Labor and Defense complex; highlights the directions and conditions for the effectiveness of civil-patriotic education of students in the university.
Key words: student youth, physical education, "Ready for work and defense" complex, value-semantic self-determination, civic-patriotic qualities, pedagogical conditions.
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О. И. Журавлева
УДК 378.011.32
.. оммуникативная подготовка специалиста различного профиля на протяжении второй половины ХХ в., и особенно первых десятилетий XXI в., сформировалась как отдельная отрасль образования со свойственными ей способами, технологиями и приемами организации учебного процесса в современном вузе. Об этом свидетельствует обзор инноваций в области педагогических систем в США, Великобритании, Франции, Японии, Израиле и других странах мирового сообщества. В качестве необходимых были введены дисциплины «Основы публичных выступлений», «Межличностные коммуникации», «Конфликтология» и т. д. Все большее количество студентов желают получить дополнительную специализацию в данных областях. В качестве
примера приведем статистику американских вузов повышения уровня студентов, получивших подготовку в области коммуникативного образования. Если в 2000-2001 гг. среди бакалавров было около 50 тысяч выпускников, в настоящее время - свыше 78-80 тысяч; среди магистров эта цифра резко пошла вверх - от 5,6 тысяч до более 10 тысяч. Однако в отечественном высшем профессиналь-ном образовании этот процесс значительно отстает. Подчеркивая данный факт, О. Ма-тьяш (президент Российской коммуникативной ассоциации, Россия - США) пишет: «Почему коммуникативное образование (коммуникативная подготовка), общественная значимость и полезность которого, казалось бы, весьма очевидны, не получает должного утверждения и распространения в российских вузах? И это на фоне того, что в мировой педагогической практике коммуникативная компетентность - одна из обязательных составляющих в подготовке современного специалиста» [3].
Причины данного явления вполне объяснимы и наглядны: отсутствие налаженных систем межотраслевых взаимосвязей вузов различного профиля, общих образовательных программ и методик, подготовленных специалистов (педагогов) для работы в данной области, а также неспособность студентов быстро реагировать и перестраивать свое сознание в новых условиях обучения.
Однако события последних лет (широкий спектр требований к подготовке современного специалиста, дистанционная форма обучения и т. д.) остро поставили вопрос о необходимости разработки новых форм коммуникативной практики, соответствующих современной высшей школе. В результате произошел прорыв в данной области. В настоящее время каждый вуз и даже преподаватель идет по пути собственного выбора системы и обучения студентов и коммуникативной модели ее реализации.
С одной стороны, это положительная тенденция, так как она позволяет раскрыть, сформировать и активизировать черты личности