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UDC 378.2
senior teacher Banartseva Arina Vladimirovna
Samara State Technical University (Samara); candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor Kaplina Liidmila Yurievna
Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education (Samara)
Аннотация. Целью исследования является теоретическое обоснование эффективности психолого-педагогических условий формирования готовности студентов к самообразованию. Для того чтобы ответить на вопросы о готовности студентов к самообразованию, каким навыкам и умениям самообразовательной деятельности следует обучать, мы провели исследование и сравнение компонентов готовности, необходимых для самообразования студентов. Анализ теоретических подходов позволил нам определить самообразование как сложное системное явление и выделить следующие компоненты готовности студентов к самообразованию: когнитивный, рефлексивно-деятельностный и мотивационный. Научная новизна исследования заключается в описании специально организованных психолого-педагогических условий, способствующих формированию или дальнейшему развитию компонентов готовности к самообразованию студентов.
Ключевые слова: самообразование, готовность, когнитивный, рефлексивно-деятельностный и мотивационный компоненты, психолого-педагогические условия.
Annotation. The purpose of the research is to theoretically substantiate the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of students' readiness for self-education. In order to answer the questions about the students' readiness for self-education, which skills and abilities of self-educational activity should be taught, we conducted a study and comparison of the components of readiness that are necessary for self-education of students. The analysis of theoretical approaches helped us to determine self-education as a complex systemic phenomenon and to single out the following components of students' readiness for self-education: cognitive, reflexive-activity and motivational. The scientific novelty of the research is to describe specially organized psychological and pedagogical conditions which contribute to the formation or further development of the components of readiness for students' self-education.
Keywords: self-education, readiness, cognitive, reflexive-activity and motivational components, psychological and pedagogical conditions.
Introduction. Today, an indisputable fact is the increase in the importance of education and especially self-education as a necessary condition for adaptation and competitiveness of an individual in the labor market. Self-education is an important factor in self-creation, self-improvement of an individual in the professional and outside the professional sphere. It has a high individual and social value.
The strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 defines the key requirements for the process of training a qualified, competitive specialist: he must be fluent in innovative technologies, be ready to constantly grow professionally, have the ability to transform acquired knowledge in the professional sphere, have critical thinking, form and develop skills for self-education.
The permanent growth of these requirements affects not only the organization of the educational process, but also the students' assimilation of the knowledge system and the formation of professional competencies.
The relevance (актуальность) of the research topic is due to the following existing contradictions between, on the one hand, the need of society for specialists who are able to adapt to continuously changing social and professional conditions, who are ready for self-education, the need to improve the quality of training of future specialists to a level at which they will act as subjects of educational activity solving professional problems, and, on the other hand, the lack of adequate systems for planning and organizing self-educational activities in the process of studying at a university.
In the current conditions, university teachers are faced with the task of creating and introducing into pedagogical practice new, more advanced methods and systems of teaching that will activate the independent mental activity of students.
In our study, we will consider the psychological and pedagogical conditions of self-education of university students.
The presentation of the main material of the article. It should be noted that the self-educational activity of students has not been specially studied. The scientific and pedagogical foundations of the formation of students' readiness for self-educational activity in the learning process have not been sufficiently developed. This problem in various aspects was considered in the works of I.Ya. Lerner, N.N. Lobanov, M.N. Skatkin and others [5; 6;11].
Questions of pedagogical self-education were investigated by G.I. Vergeles, A.A. Kolesnikov, S.S. Lebedev [12; 3; 4].
In the psychological and pedagogical literature, self-educational activity is viewed through the prism of "self11 concepts. For a more accurate understanding of the problem, it is advisable to consider the concept of "self-educational activity" in its connection with the concepts of "self-education" and "self-knowledge", "self-education", "self-control", "self-esteem", "self-development". According to V.P. Bespalko, self-learning is a didactic process consisting of a set of functioning algorithms aimed at processing information and implementing the assimilation process and a control algorithm aimed at monitoring and correcting the fulfillment of the instructions of the functioning algorithm and performed by the student himself [1]. Self-knowledge is a set and sequence of actions, as a result of which the goal is achieved, that is, knowledge about oneself, the image of I, the I-concept. Self-knowledge is a process of knowing oneself, one's potential and actual properties, personal and intellectual characteristics, relationships with others, behavioral characteristics, carried out both in the external and in the internal world.
The category of self-education has been studied in the works of A.I. Kochetov, L.I. Ruvinsky, P.N. Osipov, and others. In particular, AI Kochetov considers self-upbringing to be "purposeful development of a diverse social experience by a person, self-development, conscious and controlled by the individual, in which, in accordance with the requirements of society, the goals and interests of the person himself, the forces and abilities projected by him are formed". Self-control, according to I.L. Naumchenko, is a conscious management of one's cognitive activity, which ensures the depth and strength of the student's assimilation of the knowledge being studied, the formation of appropriate skills, and reveals the ways of further improving this activity. It acts as one of the forms of manifestation of such qualities of a student's personality as activity and independence, conscientiousness and self-criticism, purposefulness in acquiring knowledge and practical skills [10].
Self-esteem is an element of self-awareness, characterized by emotionally rich assessments of oneself as a person, one's capabilities and abilities. Self-development is a continuous process in which, under the influence of certain motives, specific goals are set and achieved by changing their own activities, behavior or by changing themselves [1]. Self-development is possible at a certain stage of age-related development, when self-regulation mechanisms have been formed. Self-development is the need for self-improvement, self-movement, building oneself as a person.
With age, the role of an individual's own activity gradually increases, transforming from adaptive activity into non-adaptive, own, creative activity. Self-development is possible in the presence of basic mental formations: reflection, goal-setting, planning and anticipation of the results of one's own activity. The process of developing self-educational activity is very complex and rather lengthy. Self-educational activity is a process in which the educational and educational functions of students are combined, aimed at the formation of the professional skill of the individual.
With all the variety of definitions of self-education given by domestic researchers (Gromtseva A.K., Pidkasisty P.I., Serikov G.N., etc.), they agree on the main thing: self-education is a part of the system of lifelong education, independent, specially organized, systematic cognitive activity [2; 10].
To answer the questions about how to create a stimulating educational environment, what skills and abilities of self-educational activity should be taught, we conducted a study and comparison of the readiness components that are necessary for self-education of students of a humanitarian university.
Analysis theoretical approaches to understanding self-education as a complex systemic phenomenon made it possible to single out the following components of students' readiness for self-education: cognitive, reflexive-activity and motivational.
The cognitive component presupposes general educational and special knowledge, is determined by the basic culture of the individual, the presence of sufficient professional knowledge and skills to apply it, as well as the adequacy of self-esteem, and the students' ideas about himself and his individual characteristics as a subject of cognitive and professional pedagogical activity.
Closely related to the cognitive is the reflexive-activity component of readiness. It provides the ability to comprehensively apply knowledge and skills in solving problems of professional self-education, including a reflexive assessment of one's own activities. This component involves the management of the process of self-education from awareness of the need, setting a goal to the implementation of self-control of the results.
The reflexive-activity component presupposes the student's ability to analytically comprehend his actions, to choose the options, and to express the attitude towards learning. We believe that this component can be considered as integrating, because on its basis and with its participation other components can fully function [7].
The motivational component can be understood as the motivation for learning and the emotional attitude to students' learning activity. It consists of realizing the personal and social significance of lifelong education, professional development and broadening students' horizons, the presence of persistent cognitive interests, attitudes, a formed sense of duty and responsibility. The problem of motivation has been of particular importance since it is one of the most important conditions for the success or failure of learning. The research has shown that motivation is more dynamic than cognitive and intellectual. Changes in motivation happen quickly. Many researchers consider the motivational component to be the most important in the structure of readiness (A.K. Gromtseva, A.K. Markova, G.I. Shchukina), since self-education is characterized by voluntary and personally significant activity as we have already indicated. The main function of this component is stimulating, motivating and value-orienting [2].
Our research work was carried out at a humanitarian university. The purpose of this work is to identify the components of readiness for self-education among humanitarian university students.
The study was based on the assumption that specially organized psychological and pedagogical conditions will contribute to the formation or further development of the readiness components for self-education of university students.
The research was carried on a group of students consisted of 15 people.
For the purposes of the research, we used the following questionnaires: "Ability to self-education".
Questions of the questionnaire "Ability for self-education" for students of the experimental group:
1. Ability to plan.
2. Skills of organizing activities.
3. Ability to work with information.
4. The level of motivation.
5. Self-control skills.
6. The level of cognitive activity.
7. The level of academic achievement.
The significance of the questions was posed to the students from 1 to 10. The analysis of the answers to the questions of the students' questionnaire showed in percentage term:
1. Ability to plan - 20%.
2. Skills in organizing activities - 27%.
3. Ability to work with information - 30%.
4. The level of motivation - 25%.
5. Self-control skills - 15%.
6. The level of cognitive activity - 18%.
7. The level of academic achievement - 75%.
Checking the results of the diagnostics carried out using a questionnaire, we can reveal that the majority of students showed a low level of motivation. They named only one area of important student life - this is "The Level of academic achievement" by almost all the survey participants.
Students motivated to self-education have tried to prove themselves not only in the educational process. Such students participate in various subject Olympiads, student scientific conferences of various levels, scientific research, professional events, etc. In addition, they are ready to combine their study with the work in the field of their profession, and the salary is not very interesting for them, the most important thing is "immersion in profession", getting some practical professional skills.
Based on our research, it should be noted that reflexive processes play a special role in the component composition of readiness components, ensuring the interconnection of all components, as well as the students' subject position. In our opinion a complex characteristic of students' readiness for self-educational activity can be the ability to develop and implement an individual self-education program.
The presented content of the components (cognitive, reflexive-activity and motivational) can serve as a basis for the development of criteria and indicators of students' readiness level formation for self-educational activity, as well as for determining the directions of preparing students for professional self-education.
The formation of readiness for self-education requires the creation of certain psychological and pedagogical conditions and the development of technology for organizing systematic work to form the skills and abilities of self-educational activity.
The students' readiness level for self-education can be higher if the following conditions are met:
- the formation of students' motivational sphere of professional development (one of the components of professional self-awareness);
- realizing the meaning and value of self-education, with the emerging persistent moral and volitional qualities of a future specialist (a component of self-education and self-development);
- the development of new technologies for independent work in the educational process;
- the systematic application of active teaching methods;
- the formation of students' skills to plan, the implementation and control (self-control) of their self-educational activities [7].
We have studied the conditions for the effectiveness of the university students' independent work. These conditions include:
• the formation of students' general culture, their psychological culture and culture of health (physical, psychological, spiritual) in the process of mastering the disciplines concerning their future profession;
• carrying out diagnostics of individual psychological (personal and intellectual) characteristics of students for the purpose of self-knowledge, which inevitably contributes to student's self-education and self-development;
• ensuring the activation and effectiveness of students' cognitive activity through:1) the formation of motivation based on learning in accordance with the students' propensity to a certain professional activity; 2) systematization and structuring of the educational information and its presentation according to the deductive principle; 3) students' joint activities in the development of educational information;
• ensuring the development of intellectual, professional and creative abilities of students;
• completing a creative educational environment in the subject areas of knowledge by teachers, where the person is active and he or she is given freedom to act and to develop relevant educational programs based on the didactic tools and teaching aids including control tools.
In the course of our study of psychological and pedagogical conditions of self-education, it can be concluded that university teachers are faced with the tasks of creating and introducing into pedagogical practice new, more advanced methods aimed at increasing the level of students' motivation for the development of components of readiness for independent work [8].
Conclusions. In conclusion the research on this issue showed that self-education is a form of learning that corresponds to a didactic goal in each specific situation: assimilation of educational content, which forms students at all stages of their movement from ignorance to knowledge; helping to solve a certain class of cognitive tasks and to carry out the corresponding advancement from lower to higher levels of mental activity; developing in the student a psychological attitude to his desire to independently systematically replenish his knowledge and develop the ability to navigate in the flow of scientific and public information when solving new cognitive tasks.
The psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of students' readiness for self-education are expansion and addition of the content of academic disciplines, integration of traditional and innovative teaching methods; organization of an innovative system of the educational process, stimulating students to achieve success in independent work; the formation of the subjective position of students in the implementation of an self-educational trajectory as a way of organizing independent work.
1. Bespalko V.P. Components of pedagogical technology. - M.: Pedagogika, 1989. - 192 p.
2. Gromtseva A.K., Karpova A.F., Raisky B.F. Preparing young people for self-education is an urgent task of the school // Guidance on self-education of schoolchildren: From work experience / Ed.-comp. B.F. Raisky, M.N. Skatkin. - M.: Education, 1983. - p. 9-27.
3. Kolesnikov A.A., Tkachenko V.N., Borisova L.G. Effectiveness of education. - M .: Pedagogika, 1991. - 272 p.
4. Lebedeva S.S. Criteria for the effectiveness of self-education of organizers of extracurricular and extracurricular work // Content and methods of self-education of teachers-educators: Sat. scientific. tr. / Resp. ed. P.G. Pshebel - M.: APN USSR, 1984. -p. 48-52.
5. Lerner I.Ya. Didactic foundations of teaching methods. - M.: Pedagogika, 1981. - 185 p.
6. Lobanov N.N. The relationship between self-education and other forms of professional development // Content and methods of self-education of teachers-educators: Sat. scientific. tr. / Ed. P.G. Pshebel. - M.: APN USSR, 1984. - p. 67-73.
7. Malchukova N.N. Willingness of students to self-education in the perspective of professional self-determination / N.N. Malchukova, S.V. Kulikova. - Text: direct // Young scientist. - 2017. - № 10 (144). - p. 434-436.
8. Mamaeva V.A. Actual problems of independent work of students // Actual problems of science and education in a modern university: Proceedings of the III Intern. scientific-practical Conf., June 7-10, 2017, Sterlitamak. - Part II. from. - p. 512-516
9. Naumchenko, I.L. Independent educational work of students / I.L. Naumchenko. - Saratov: Publishing house Sarat. University, 1984. - 148 p.
10. Serikov G.N. Self-education in human life // Bulletin of the South Ural state. un-that. - Chelyabinsk: SUSU, 2001. -Issue. one.
11. Skatkin M.N. Self-education guidance of schoolchildren: From work experience / Ed.-comp. B.F. Raisky, M.N. Skatkin. -M.: Education, 1983. - p. 3-8.
12. Vergeles G.I., Lugansky V.D. Methodology and technique of self-education // Content and methodology of self-education of teachers-educators: Sat. scientific. tr. / Resp. ed. P.G. Pshebelsky. - M.: APN USSR, 1984. - p. 33-39.
УДК 378.1
кандидат педагогических наук Бахлова Наталья Анатольевна
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Калужский государственный университет имени К.Э. Циолковского» (г. Калуга); доцент кафедры инженерных и технологических дисциплин Спиченко Антон Алексеевич
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Калужский государственный университет имени К.Э. Циолковского» (г. Калуга)
Аннотация. В статье дан краткий обзор существующих моделей социального партнерства в России и за рубежом. Авторы предлагают рассмотреть один из новых форматов социального партнерства - профессионально-образовательный комплекс, предложена его структура, включающая блоки: целевой, структурно-содержательный, организационный, блок анализа и коррекции взаимодействия, результативный, представлена характеристика каждого блока.
Ключевые слова: социальное партнерство, работодатели, профессионально-образовательные комплексы.
Annotation. The article provides a brief overview of the existing models of social partnership in Russia and abroad. The authors propose to consider one of the new formats of social partnership - a professional and educational complex, its structure is proposed, including the following blocks: target, structural and content, organizational, block of analysis and correction of interaction, effective, and the characteristics of each block are presented.
Keywords: social partnership, employers, professional and educational complexes.
Введение. Процессы, развивающиеся в современном обществе, серьезно влияют на становление новой системы образования России, внутри которой на сегодняшний день накопилось достаточное количество проблем. Одним из таких наболевших вопросов можно выделить сложившиеся противоречия между системой высшей профессиональной школы и ее социальными партнерами (работодателями).
На сегодняшний момент российские исследователи указывают на то, что многие вузы хотя и накопили достаточный опыт сотрудничества с социальными партнерами, но говорить о разработанной научной основе взаимодействия учебных организаций с работодателя пока рано.
Так, В.Н. Сучков, Р.С. Сафин, Е.А. Корчагин понимают взаимодействие работодателей и образовательных организаций как некую совокупность мероприятий, методов, моделей и средств, ориентированных на обеспечение и поддержание заданного уровня качества профессиональной подготовки на всех ее этапах, включая формирование контингента студентов; обучение и воспитание в учебном заведении; трудоустройство и стажировки; повышение квалификации специалистов [6].
Внутри нашего исследования под социальным партнерством в сфере высшего профессионального образования мы будем понимать особый тип взаимоотношений между вузами и различными социальными институтами, в основу которых положено удовлетворение спроса на профессиональные компетенции различных групп потребителей [1].
Изложение основного материала статьи. Наиболее подробно эти вопросы освящены зарубежными исследователями и это объясняется просто - система социального партнерства в западноевропейских странах начала формироваться в середине XX века [3, с. 6]. Наши заключения основаны на исследованиях О. Олейниковой и А. Муравьевой, которые в своих работах предлагают рассматривать три основные модели социального партнерства за рубежом: либеральная модель; неокорпоративная модель; модель государственного вмешательства. В основу данной классификации положен принцип «распределения ролей в развитии профессионального образования между государством, компаниями и профсоюзами» [3, с. 111-120].
Так, для Великобритании характерна реализация либеральной модели, при которой ведущую роль отводят работодателям (предприятия/компании). Работодатели, в свою очередь, ежегодно разрабатывают и публикуют «Заявление о требованиях к квалификациям высшего образования» [3, с. 111-120]. Данный документ строится на основе анализа рынка труда и тех изменений, которые в нем происходят. Далее разрабатываются мероприятия, позволяющие решить выявленные несоответствия. Государству же в данной модели отводятся функции по установлению уровней квалификационных стандартов для выпускников, по распределению средств на обучение и контролю за качеством профессионального образования [3, с. 111-120].
В неокорпоративной модели (Дания и Нидерланды) «главную скрипку» играют ассоциации работодателей и профсоюзов, от государства же требуется придание законности принятым на основе группового голосования решениям [3, с. 111-120].
Во Франции функционирует модель государственного вмешательства, которая определяется тем, что государство формирует систему профессионального образования [3, с. 111-120].
Для Германии характерна система профессионального обучения, соединяющая элементы неокорпоративной модели (групповой консенсус по вопросам содержания и итоговой аттестации) и либеральной модели (финансирование профессионального образования) [3, с. 111-120].
Для России ситуация, сложившаяся в взаимодействии образовательных организаций с работодателями, все еще остается «конфликтной» [7, с. 254-260]. И это вытекает не только из слабой нормативно-правовой базы социального сотрудничества, но также множества других вопросов, касающихся отсутствия адекватных механизмов взаимодействия.
Е.П. Илясовым были выделены три, наиболее типичные для России, модели взаимодействия вузов и их социальных партнеров: традиционная (или консервативная), информационная и инновационная [3].