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Kamyshna I.,
Department o/Medical Rehabilitation,
I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
Pavlovych L.
Department o/Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Endocrinology Higher State Educational Establishment "Bukovinian State Medical University"
Objective. The readiness of the research and pedagogical worker for professional pedagogical activity consists in mastering the full range of special knowledge (subject, discipline, course) of psychological and pedagogical actions in higher education and social relations, in the formation and maturity of professionally significant and social personal qualities.
Keywords: teaching methods, higher education.
Professional qualification is the ability to predict the goals and outcome of pedagogical influence, in building information models, making independent decisions, etc.
To be professionally pedagogically competent means to have a multicomponent structure of integrative professional knowledge and skills that provides awareness of volitional decisions, performance of creative actions on designing of process of training and modeling of communicative communications.
Thus, the professional readiness of the scientific and pedagogical worker for pedagogical activity presupposes his professional qualification and a certain set of personal qualities and properties.
The professional qualification of a research and pedagogical worker contains the following components:
■ special subject competence;
■ psychological and pedagogical competence;
■ communicative competence;
■ socio-cultural competence. Special subject competence - deep
and comprehensive knowledge of the discipline (course) taught by a researcher and pedagogue, as well as extensive erudition in this subject area.
Psychological and pedagogical competence of a research and pedagogical worker reveals his deep theoretical knowledge of psychology and pedagogy, as well as the ability to implement them in the practice of the educational process in higher education.
Psychological and pedagogical competence consists of the following groups of skills:
■ psychological (psychodiagnostic, cognitive, motivational, psychocorrectional, emotional, consultative);
■ operational and methodical;
■ constructive and projective;
■ evaluation and control;
■ expert-analytical;
■ research;
■ methodological and educational.
The group of psychological skills includes the following skills:
■ formation of cognitive needs of students;
■ formation of style of activity, reflection;
■ creating conditions that stimulate students' internal cognitive activity;
■ creating a favorable psychological climate for the implementation of the educational process and other skills;
■ compilation of diagnostic programs in the form of test tasks, which together with diagnostic functions perform the role of teaching aids;
■ application of diagnostic techniques that reveal the state of the pedagogical process in the following characteristics: complementarity of pedagogical and educational actions, timeliness of specific learning technologies, efficiency of the learning process, usefulness of the learning process, adequacy of the learning process to psychological and pedagogical conditions. the goals and objectives of education, development and upbringing of students;
■ application of methods aimed at identifying the state of the educational process and evaluate its effectiveness;
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■ the use of special methods and techniques to determine the level of student learning informaping content of scientific concepts, their connections and relationships, scientific theories, concepts and applied knowledge; * application of diagnostic techniques to determine the level of formation of skills of cognitive activity on the basis of logical operations and heuristic way;
■ introduction to the practice of teaching methods of self-awareness, self-control;
■ the use of classical testing techniques of intellectual operations, creativity and motivation of students.
Group operational and methodological skills consist of and skills:
■ determination of the effectiveness of learning technologies and the development of adequate methods in accordance with the purposes and conditions;
■ create the optimal methodological conditions to ensure the highest performance in the solution of tasks;
■ adaptation of the General didactic regulations to a particular subject of study;
■ information and procedural modeling of educational process in connection with the purposes and specific objectives of training and development, composition and structure of scientific knowledge and psycho-pedagogical conditions;
■ technological development of the information structures in the form of monologue and presentation of assignments, preparation and application of logic-structural schemes, different transformation of educational information, the analysis of educational information, generalization, development of concepts, methods and tools introduction the training information in the learning process, etc.;
■ management of the process of solving educational problems and application of corrective methods, and auxiliary methods, additional methods of individual assistance;
• the use of techniques that stimulate pedagogical
■ planning of the educational process at one training session and in the other skills;
■ the use of communicative methods in the process of learning, which are characterized by a subject-subject relationship subject-subject communication;
■ logically to analyze educational material, information and logically it (proctorate, to carry out the integration of international relations, to define a verbalgraphic structure of the educational information, to develop active and independent learning activities of students;
■ formulate the problem and translate it to the system software task, effectively to synthesize information about the state of the whole pedagogical system, its past and present, to objectify the results and to trace the dynamics of formation of mental structures, to design and manage the development of potential abilities of students, their cognitive and operational structures.
A group of structurally-projective skills is to ensure eteraz social and educational learning strategies.
Control is necessary as a way of defining the state of the entire system of the educational process. In the
process of learning control is a diagnostic stage of the educational management.
Group skills assessment and control includes the following skills:
■ the implementation of different types of control: current and final written and oral, selective frontal, reproductive and creative, etc.; the ability to attract pedagogical control in the learning process, to coordinate the contents and methods of control when mastering new educational material;
■ the application of operations assessment at the point in the other system, the verbal assessment in the form of encouragement, approval, condemnation, comments, punishment, stimulus comparison, the deployment prospects of achievements, etc.;
■ studies of students ' educational achievements, individual and General;
■ preparation of individual maps of the educational progress of students by type: to acquire theoretical knowledge, mastering of applied knowledge, the possession of cognitive operations, highlighting the essence of the phenomenon that is studied, a logical structure of knowledge, transforming information, possession of heuristic techniques, the possession of logical methods of knowledge, the algorithmic implementation of cognitive actions, development of action, reflection, monitoring and self-evaluation, pedagogical correction and self-correction, etc.;
A group of expert analytical skills consists of following skills:
■ application diagnostic methods, identifying the usefulness and effectiveness of different education systems;
■ functional analysis of the learning process of students;
■ study of the dynamics of development of a specific training system, identifying its prospects, quality assessment, development prospects;
■ provide guidance related to the assessment and correction of teaching process;
■ original analysis of new information and communication structures in the learning process taking into account environmental factors and personal factors that affect communication style and the learning outcome of students;
■ intensification of the learning process by enhancing training activities and the pace of development of educational material on the program;
■ individualization of the learning process, the orientation information and the problem of technology on the individual characteristics of students;
■ develop additional system of teaching methods with a specific focus on activating students in the learning process, development of initiative, teamwork, a desire to compete and other qualities of a student;
■ development and application of teaching methods, concentrating the learning process of the educational effect, the use of non-standard intellectual tasks are based on the principles of development of mental functions.
The group of research skills includes the following skills:
■ development of new synthetic technologies in education and specific subject teaching methodology;
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■ organization of new information and communication structures in the learning process;
■ intensification of the teaching methods;
■ preparation of new curricula for elective courses and special courses;
■ analysis of the main trends in the development of the education system;
■ identify the priority areas in the development of pedagogical technologies;
■ analysis of the experience of colleagues, its generalization and application, and the like.
■ mastering methods of research: theoretical analysis, contextual analysis, experimental method, observation, studying documentation and other.
The group methodically educational skills consists of following skills:
■ in the classroom to developing students ' national consciousness and identity;
■ shaping a sense of national dignity, patriotism, and responsibility, of public duty and honor;
■ it is reasonable to use the methods of education;
■ to create in the classroom the necessary moral and business atmosphere;
■ to use the techniques and methods of persuasion during training sessions;
■ developing students ' moral values;
■ to develop a national and socially important quality;
■ maintain your high moral and public image;
■ to bring in the student community norms and principles of human culture;
■ students to form a scientific worldview;
■ to empathize and sympathize;
■ to be tolerant, demanding and friendly;
■ implement individual educational impact on each student, take into account the features and focus of his identity;
■ to combine the requirements for students with care, respect their personal dignity;
■ purposefully developing students ' quality of professional;
■ be based on moral ideals;
■ to always take an active social position;
■ to educate students with high General media, national, legal, professional, aesthetic, economic, socio-psychological, political and physical culture;
■ to promote a healthy lifestyle, rejection of the use by students of alcohol and drugs, negative attitudes towards Smoking and other bad habits;
■ to raise the value attitude to the family, parents, wife (husband) and children;
■ to re-educate students and encourage them to self-education, self-development and self-improvement;
■ guide students in the acquisition of social experience, inheritance spiritual heritage of the Ukrainian people, etc.
So in the process of training for scientific-pedagogical employee at the University must create conditions that promote goal attainment and, in particular, the formation of students ' technological skills aimed at training activities. To resolve this problem, it is necessary to develop a program of continuous professional and pedagogical training of scientific and pedagogical workers.
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