Научная статья на тему 'Variants and pedagogical conditions for students’ physical training realization at transport higher education establishments during physical culture and sport lessons'

Variants and pedagogical conditions for students’ physical training realization at transport higher education establishments during physical culture and sport lessons Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
students / transport higher education establishment / physical training / physical culture / variants / conditions

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tatyana E. Veselkina, Aleksandr V. Oborin, Sergey V. Kononov, Elena V. Radikovitskaya

The article considers the variants, ways of substantiation and practical effectiveness check of physical readiness process improvement and physical health strengthening among the students of transport higher education establishments. The urgency of the presented topic is conditioned by the fact that physical training of students demands transitional use of health protecting methodologies and approaches. We revealed the tendency of positive attitude to independent lessons depending on the group and the year of studying. Students prefer independent physical training lessons according to their own plan because of unavailability of group lessons in kinds of sport. We created and tested an experimental motor regimen at physical culture lessons, directed toward the level of physical readiness increase among the students at transport higher education establishments. The students’ physical health study showed that their attitude change to the process of physical training demands conditions of realization organization, planning and creation. The indices in testing exercises among students, who train according to the experimental motor regimen, increased more than the average indices of physical fitness among the students of the control groups. Material and Research methods. The presented research work used the following methods: scientific-methodical sources analysis, testing, mathematical results handling of the experimental research. The students of transport higher education establishment took part in the experiment (students of the 1st-3rd courses). The experiment was carried out during the following period: since 2020 till 2022. Results. We studied the students’ attitude to physical culture-sports activity and the result of work according to individual programs. We tested physical readiness of students using control testing exercises. The main interest among the students became own physical feelings satisfaction and physical health improvement. We underline the importance of motives formation for group and independent physical training planning among the students, strengthening their motives of physical improvement, healthy life style organization. Physical readiness of students from the experimental group changed significantly after the experimental motor regimen realization during physical culture lessons. Conclusion. The process of three variants of the training influences realization showed physical working capacity increase among the students, their adaptation to long-term training effects. The students from the experimental group had better indices of physical readiness, than the students from the control group. The orientation of motives change in physical culture and sport caused the changes in the students’ attitude to own physical health.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Variants and pedagogical conditions for students’ physical training realization at transport higher education establishments during physical culture and sport lessons»

UDC: 796 DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-4-120-127

Variants and pedagogical conditions for students' physical training realization at transport higher education establishments during physical

culture and sport lessons

Tatyana E. Veselkina, Aleksandr V. Oborin*, Sergey V. Kononov, Elena V. Radikovitskaya

Saint-Petersburg Emperor Alexander I State Transport University Saint-Petersburg, Russia ORCID: 0000-0003-1145-5855, belomoina@yandex.ru

ORCID: 0000-0003-3107-5227, fafst@mail.ru* ORCID: 0000-0001-8083-4424, kononov@pgups.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-5739-4982, aerolenka@mail.ru

Abstract: The article considers the variants, ways of substantiation and practical effectiveness check of physical readiness process improvement and physical health strengthening among the students of transport higher education establishments. The urgency of the presented topic is conditioned by the fact that physical training of students demands transitional use of health-protecting methodologies and approaches. We revealed the tendency of positive attitude to independent lessons depending on the group and the year of studying. Students prefer independent physical training lessons according to their own plan because of unavailability of group lessons in kinds of sport. We created and tested an experimental motor regimen at physical culture lessons, directed toward the level of physical readiness increase among the students at transport higher education establishments. The students' physical health study showed that their attitude change to the process of physical training demands conditions of realization organization, planning and creation. The indices in testing exercises among students, who train according to the experimental motor regimen, increased more than the average indices of physical fitness among the students of the control groups. Material and Research methods. The presented research work used the following methods: scientific-methodical sources analysis, testing, mathematical results handling of the experimental research. The students of transport higher education establishment took part in the experiment (students of the 1st-3rd courses). The experiment was carried out during the following period: since 2020 till 2022. Results. We studied the students' attitude to physical culture-sports activity and the result of work according to individual programs. We tested physical readiness of students using control testing exercises. The main interest among the students became own physical feelings satisfaction and physical health improvement. We underline the importance of motives formation for group and independent physical training planning among the students, strengthening their motives of physical improvement, healthy life style organization. Physical readiness of students from the experimental group changed significantly after the experimental motor regimen realization during physical culture lessons. Conclusion. The process of three variants of the training influences realization showed physical working capacity increase among the students, their adaptation to long-term training effects. The students from the experimental group had better indices of physical readiness, than the students from the control group. The orientation of motives change in physical culture and sport caused the changes in the students' attitude to own physical health.

Keywords: students, transport higher education establishment, physical training, physical culture, variants, conditions.

For citation: Tatyana E. Veselkina, Aleksandr V. Oborin*, Sergey V. Kononov, Elena V. Radikovitskaya. Variants and pedagogical conditions for students' physical training realization at transport higher education establishments during physical culture and sport lessons. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(4): 102-108. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-4-120-127.

Introduction health preservation and strengthening. In terms Special interest among the specialists causes of the continuing education system modernization the involvement of students at higher education the most important direction became students'

establishments into systematic physical culture motor potential formation and their training for and sport activity, as the condition for physical the future professional activity. In order to solve

this problem it is necessary to improve constantly theoretical base and pedagogical conditions of students' physical training. Considerable reserves of this problem solution are hidden in the sphere of studying the peculiarities and prospects of physical training development during physical culture and sport lessons [2,3,4,9].

Special importance of physical training among the students of transport higher education establishments is conditioned by the fact that the content of their professional activity is diverse and difficult. The demands of modern transport sphere claimed on professional activity are mentioned with the influence of technical progress on them and the dynamic character of physical, mental loads in extreme conditions of their realization.

In this connection the process of motor potential formation among the students of higher education establishments, taking into account the specificity, demands the definite pedagogical innovations directed toward this profession [5,6,7,10,12,13,14,15].

The range of research works analysis revealed the necessity to realize physical upbringing means, taking into account the future professional activity.

The main content of social life of students is their socialization and adaptation and also necessary knowledge mastering, which they get during physical culture lessons.

During physical upbringing of students at a higher education establishment we see the need intensification for knowledge and skills of general cultural and professional character mastering, where physical culture is the base for physical health.

Physical culture solves the problems of giving students knowledge of physical development and a healthy life style organization. At the same time physical improvement should become a realized activity of a young person in terms of own organism.

Methodological base of students' physical upbringing forms presented by Balsevich V.K., L.I. Lubysheva concept of physical culture and sport values differential mastering [1,8].

The concept of target program of physical culture and sport development in the Russian Federation and physical upbringing in terms of health improvement among children, teen-agers and youth considers the key factors and pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of motor potential increase [6, 11].

The technology of physical culture formation among the students of transport higher education establishments includes different complexes of exercises, practical recommendations of using means of different kinds of sport, methodologies of health-improving and sports training and recreation by means of sport.

Important values of students' physical culture are the following: the values of physical training and means realization for own health strengthening, healthy life style support and high physical working capacity.

Special importance for a healthy and socially adapted graduate training has physical culture value mastering as the condition for the effectiveness of physical training increase.

For an effective realization of physical training means among the students of transport higher education establishments it is necessary to use the forms of physical culture and

Taking into account all mentioned above, the aim of the present research work is to substantiate theoretically and check practically the effectiveness of the variants and conditions of physical readiness increase among the students of transport higher education establishments.

Materials and methods

The research work was organized on the basis of a transport higher education establishment. We revealed the attitude of students to individual programs and physical culture and sport sections attendance.

We created three variants of an experimental motor regimen for students realized at physical culture lessons. Experimental motor regimen was realized taking into account the opinions of the students. The groups for the experimental research were organized at the 1st-3rd courses of a transport higher education establishment. The variants of experimental motor regimen are realized at physical culture lessons during one academic year in the experimental groups. The experimental group trained using the variant of the experimental motor regimen, the control group trained according to the traditional physical culture program. In general we held 46 lessons according to the experimental methodology. In order to characterize physical readiness of students we used generally adopted general physical fitness tests, such as 100, 2000 meters running, standing long-jump and chin-up at a high bar. The received results were estimated according to point system in order to reveal the level of physical readiness.

Results and discussion

The basis of physical training at physical culture lessons in terms of studying at transport higher education establishment is physical qualities improvement and different motor skills mastering, which are the condition for a high level of physical working capacity and motor activity achievement.

Low level of physical readiness demonstration among students is the risk factor of different

diseases. Studying the level of students' physical health showed that there is physical health level decrease among the students of the ist-3rd courses.

While studying the prevailing kind of motor activity among the students we revealed the following:

- systematic trainings in chosen kind of sport

- independent fulfillment of physical exercises (12%);

- classes in fitness-clubs (3%);

- systematic fulfillment of morning exercises


- taking part in walking tours and day off events


- taking part in mass type competitions (2%).

At the same time, we didn't reveal significant difference in the indices taking into account the age and group of the students.

Taking into consideration the received results we formed the list of physical exercises. They optimize the level of students' physical training (attending physical culture lessons, morning exercises, taking part in mass type competitions, independent motor activity according to the individual plan).

The training level of physical training included the training lessons of a chosen kind of sport, taking part in competitions and regular classes in fitnessclubs.

We created and tested the experimental motor regimen at physical culture lessons. The regimen is directed toward the level of physical readiness increase among the students of transport higher education establishments.

The 1st variant of the experimental motor regimen at physical culture lessons included the following:

- organizing 1-3 physical culture and sport activities in a weekly regimen of motor activity;

- increasing the level of special motor activity (sport, general physical training);

- physical exercises, which develop power, quickness, speed, speed-strength-oriented abilities, endurance and coordination.

The 2nd variant of the experimental motor regimen at physical culture lessons included the following:

- sport and outdoor games realization at physical culture lessons (mini-football, basketball, volleyball, handball, table tennis, pioneerball, rugby, mini-lapta and etc.);

- educational-training complexes of different orientation physical exercises, realized using circular training method;

- the complex of strength-oriented exercises with weight (dumbbells, barbell, arm wrestling, powerlifting).

The 3rd variant of the experimental motor regimen at physical culture lessons included the following:

- health-improving training taking into account the initial level of physical readiness and physical qualities demonstration after the main load;

- respiratory exercises (the cycle of respiratory exercises 4х4х4; 4хl6х4; 4х8х4 and etc.);

- Physical exercises, directed toward stress resistance increase (obstacle course, competitions, triathlon, RLD (ready for labor and defense) complex norms fulfillment and etc.).

The 4th variant of the experimental motor regimen at physical culture lessons included the following:

- teaching the methods of self-actualization (autotraining; meditation, elements of yoga and etc.);

- physical and sports activity cognition (the value of physical culture and sport);

- other people cognition (communicative games);

- vital life processes cognition;

- transformation of beliefs and needs, the regularities of healthy life style formation.

While studying the level of students' involvement into physical culture lessons at transport higher education establishments we revealed three variants - positive, neutral and negative one.

Table 1 presents the attitude of students to individual plans of independent physical culture and sport lessons.

Table 1

Attitude of students to individual plans of physical culture and sport lessons

Research group Answers, %

Positive Neutral Negative

the 1st course CG (n=12) 4 (33,3) 5 (41,6) 3 (25)

the 1st course EG (n=12) 3 (25) 4(33,3) 55 (41,6)

the 2nd course CG (n=i4) 7(50) 3(21,42) 4(28,57)

the 2nd course EG (n=i4) 7(50) 4(28,57) 3(21,42)

the 3rd course CG (n=12) 6(50) 4(33,3) 2 (16,7)

the 3rd course EG (n=12) 5 (41,6) 4(33,3) 3 (25)

The results of studying the attitude of students to individual plans of physical culture lessons helped to reveal the main tendency - positive attitude to independent lessons. It depended on the course of studying. It means that students prefer

independent physical training according to their own plan.

We also revealed the attitude of students to group classes in a chosen kind of sport.

Table 2

Attitude of students to classes in a chosen kind of sport

Research group Answers, %

Positive Neutral Negative

the 1st course CG (n=12) 8 (66,6) 4 (33,3) 0(0)

the 1st course EG (n=12) 8 (66,6) 4 (33,3) 0(0)

the 2nd course CG (n=14) 10(71,42) 3(21,42) 1(7,14)

the 2nd course EG (n=14) 9(64,28) 2( 14,28) 3(21,42)

the 3rd course CG (n=12) 8(66,7) 2 (16,7) 2 (16,7)

Research results, presented in table 2, showed that students want to be involved into physical culture and sport, but the condition for it is classes time and place availability (at a higher education establishment, at further education establishments). Taking into account the results of the survey we systematized the interests of students at transport higher education establishment in their need satisfaction for physical readiness level increase. The main interest was own physical feelings satisfaction and physical health improvement. It means that at physical culture lessons it is important to form the motives of planning own level of physical readiness,

supporting the motives of physical development, healthy life style organization. During group physical culture classes we have students' communicative, activity-oriented and cognitive abilities broadening. It is obligatory to attend all physical culture lessons in a schedule. Additional physical and sport events in terms of physical training and norms of RLD complex fulfillment, in our opinion, would provide the interest level increase in physical culture lessons and physical state of own body.

Fig. 1 and 2 present the level of students' physical health before and after the experiment.

}■']£. I. The Level of students" physical health before the cxpcrinKLH

The results of students' physical health determination showed that the attitude change to the process of physical training should become the base for motor potential formation.

Table 3 presents control norms (tests), according to which we estimated physical readiness of students from the control and experimental groups at the beginning and the end of the academic year.

Control physical readiness norms (tests) among

2. The level ofatudads' physical health jJk: the ¿xpcfiLiicnl

Control physical readiness norms (tests) provide speed, endurance, power and speed-strength oriented abilities determination in terms of higher education establishments. Their estimation according to point system helps to determine the level of qualities: super, perfect, good and satisfactory. It is important for the students as the condition for further activity stimulation.

Table 3

students from the control and experimental groups

Control norms "unsatisfactory" "satisfactory" "good" "perfect"

100 m running, sec. 14,5 and more 14,2-14,4 13,2-14,1 13,1 and less

2000 m running, min, sec. 14,31 and more 13,41-14,30 12,01-13,40 12,00 and less

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Pull-up from hanging position at a high bar, amount of times 9 and more 10-11 12-14 15 and more

Standing longjump, cm 209 and less 210-224 225-239 240 and more

Fig. 3 and 4 present the results of students' physical readiness in the studied groups: amount of students, who passes the presented norms getting

"unsatisfactory", "satisfactory", "good" and "perfect" at the beginning and the end of the academic year.

Fig. 3 shows that physical readiness indices among the students of the 1st -3rd courses at the beginning of the research was almost at the same level.

The received results show that physical readiness of all examined group students incraese. However, the indices in testing exercises of students, who train according to the experimental motor regimen program, increased more significantly in comparison with the average indices of physical readiness of students form the control group, who trained according to the traditional program.


Thus, higher professional education and its parts - physical culture and sport, are directed toward personal abilities development: self-upbringing and self-developing function of physical culture and sport, student's vital skills and abilities formation in terms of motor potential increase. Pedagogical innovations use during physical culture and sport lessons is directed toward the variants and pedagogical conditions broadening of physical training realization at a high level, taking into account the specificity of educational establishment.


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Submitted: 20.11.2022

Author's information:

Tatyana E. Veselkina - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Alexander I State Transport University, 190031, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, e-mail: belomoina@yandex.ru

Aleksandr V. Oborin - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Alexander I State Transport University, 190031, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, e-mail: fafst@mail.ru

Sergey V. Kononov - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Alexander I State Transport University, 190031, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, e-mail: kononov@pgups.ru

Elena V. Radovitskaya - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Alexander I State Transport University, 190031, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, e-mail: aerolenka@mail.ru

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