RELATIONS OF PLACE NAMES OF KASHKADARYA REGION WITH MICROCLIMATE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
names related to climate / position relative to the sunnames associated with the sky and the moon

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Eshboev B.T., Xudoyberdiev J.J.

In the article, the climate of Kashkadarya region and geographical objects named based on climatic indicators are described, and their geographical and toponymic features are determined.

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Eshboev B.T. associate professor Department of Geography Karshi state university Xudoyberdiev J.J.


Karshi State University



Abstract. In the article, the climate of Kashkadarya region and geographical objects named based on climatic indicators are described, and their geographical and toponymic features are determined.

Key words: names related to climate, position relative to the sunnames associated with the sky and the moon.

Introduction. The most important factors that shape the climate of Kashkadarya region are its geographical location, solar radiation, atmospheric circulation, relief and surface structure, as well as the impact of human activities.

The territory of the region is very far from the ocean basins. Due to its location in the continental sector of the Eurasian continent, the region has a continental climate and is characterized by long hot and dry summers, with relatively cold winters for these latitudes. These features of the geographical location of the region lead to a sharp continental climate, the presence of arid conditions that allow the development of desert landscapes due to intense radiation.

The geographical location of Kashkadarya region and its surface structure play an important role in the formation of the climate of this region. Due to the southern geographical location of the region, this region receives a large amount of radiation from the Sun throughout the year, causing temperatures to be much higher throughout the year, summers to be long and very hot, and winters to be short and mild [4]. The general and local characteristics of the climate and its constituent meteorological elements also affect agriculture and other human activities. For this reason, toponyms related to climate and meteorological indicators are also included in the territory of the region.

The main part. Man uses different resources of nature due to social need during his life activities, with which he has different social relations. In the process of using them, comments are given to each of them, events specific to a place are called by special names, and sometimes, such events are passed to a region as a geographical name. The term is usually used to refer to an event, event, thing, or concept that has a certain value in a person's activity or state [1].

The toponyms of Kashkadarya region contain a small number of toponyms related to climatic and meteorological factors. Several names of this type have been formed in the province based on the location of the area relative to the sun, temperature, precipitation, wind index, and relation to the sky and moon. Among the geographical names related to the climate in the region, the names denoting the location of the area relative to the sun are predominant. Most of these names are formed in the mountainous areas of the province. The main reason for this is that the exposure of mountainous areas to the sun is different, some areas receive very little sunlight during the day, while some areas do not receive sunlight at all. Due to this, the state of sunlight in such areas is a key microclimatic indicator, and for humans, this process becomes a geographical name due to the need [7].

Our people call the places where the sun shines and meets it by such terms as oftobroy, betkay, chuvak and these terms are sometimes called geographical names. Among them are such names as Oftobroy (oftob-sun), (village, Kasan, Kitab, valley, Kitab district7, neighborhood, Karshi d.), Nurkay (nur-light) (mountain, pass, Dehkanabad d.), Betkay (place in all districts) [2].

In mountainous areas, where there is no sunlight, there are many places that are opposite to it. Toponyms such as Terskay (ters-reverse), (village, Dehkanabad d, adir, in all mountainous areas), Kunkormas (kun-sun), (valley, Shahrisabz, neighborhood, Kamashi d.), Soyalisay (soya-shade), (Shahrisabz d.), Kizariq (kiz, kuz - the side of the altitude where sunlight does not fall), Kizbulak (spring in mountainous areas), Kiztosh (canyon, Shahrisabz d.), Kiztog (Dehkanabad d.), Kizkala (hill, Kasbi d.), Kizkuduk (Dehkanabad d.), Kizbandi (height, Chirakchi d.), Kiztepa (Kamashi d.), Kirkkiz (village, Kamashi d.) are located in shady places due to various natural barriers, which do not receive direct sunlight, snow is formed in relatively colder regions, where it is stored longer than in other regions [8].

While relatively low temperatures are observed in many areas as a result of low sunlight, in some areas the opposite can be observed. Names such as Khurasan (mountain, Kamashi d.), Khurosontepa (Yakkabog d.), Serquyosh (village, Dehkanabad d.), Khojakhuroson (town, Shakhrisabz d.) Formed their own climatic features. Examples of toponyms that express the temperature indicator by their names are Sovuqbulak (mountain, pass, Dehkanabad, village, Yakkabog, Kitab d.), Issyk-Kul (Dehkanabad d.) [3].

Depending on the location of the region relative to the Sun, names such as Kunchikar (village, Kitab, Shahrisabz d., neighborhood, Karshi city), Kunchikardarvoza (town, Shahrisabz d., neighborhood, Karshi city), Yukorikunchikar (village, Kitab d.) which represents the horizontal side of the place, can also be described climatically [6].

The climatic indicators of the region play an important role in human activities, especially in the agricultural sector. Also, microclimatic indicators of

7 The word "district" is given in the following places by the abbreviation "d.".

the place are studied in various agro-technical activities, construction, various engineering projects.

Some geographical names express their meteorological indicators by their name. For example, names such as Kolyomgir (village, Kamashi d.), Korkomdi (village, Guzar d.) indicate that precipitation in these areas is higher than in other surrounding areas, while geographical names such as Bogishamol (shamol-wind), (village, Kitab d., neighborhood, Karshi city), Shamolkuduk (village, Chirakchi, well, Guzar, collector, Kasan d.), Shamollikam (pass, village, district, Dehkanabad d.) indicate that these areas face the wind direction and differ from other areas, and this meteorological factor was the main factor [5].

In Kashkadarya region, geographical names related to the sky and the moon were also formed, some of which were called by this name on the basis of their geographical features, while others were used in a figurative sense. While geographical names such as Oytiymas (dara, Dehkanabad d.), Oykotan (tepa, Guzar d.), Hilal (village, Karshi d.) are named according to their geographical features relative to the moon, the name of the Moon is the result of the ethnonym of the moon, which in ancient times considered the moon as its mark, becoming a place name.

The names Osmontalash (mountain, Shahrisabz d.), Osmonbulak (spring, mountain, Dehkanabad d.) In the region have stamped their relief features on the name of the place, which means the height of the place.

Conclusion. In Kashkadarya region there are many names that represent certain geographical features. Geographical names, which express the microclimate indicators of the region through the content of its name, are also the result of the necessary social needs of the local people and have their own long historical past.

Climate-related geographical names not only express their natural geographical conditions by name, but also perform many important functions in people's lifestyle and work activities.


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