QUALITY CIRCLES AND THEIR TASTE FOR PRODUCT QUALITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
product quality / quality Circle / initiative / economy / financial effect.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yusupov A.R.

The main goal of Quality Circles is to realize the fundamental leprosy of quality improvement, introduce technological processes and proposals related to the organization of production. To do this, it is necessary to increase the reliability, durability of the manufactured product, increase the production of high-grade items, reduce non-standard products, increase the generality of cocktails, improve the pace of production, save resources and save economy

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УДК: 004

Yusupov A.R., candidate of technical sciences

associate professor Ferghana Polytechnic Institute Uzbekistan, Ferghana


Annotation. The main goal of Quality Circles is to realize the fundamental leprosy of quality improvement, introduce technological processes and proposals related to the organization of production. To do this, it is necessary to increase the reliability, durability of the manufactured product, increase the production of high-grade items, reduce non-standard products, increase the generality of cocktails, improve the pace of production, save resources and save economy

Keywords: product quality, quality Circle, initiative, economy, financial



Quality Circles are voluntary communities made up of workers, Mujahideen and servants. Their number and composition depend on the extensibility of production and specific operating conditions [1,2].

The organization of quality circles in enterprises is one of the most important factors in improving the quality of products.

The main goal of Quality Circles is to realize the fundamental leprosy of quality improvement, introduce technological processes and proposals related to the organization of production. To do this, it is necessary to increase the reliability, durability of the manufactured product, increase the production of high-grade items, reduce non-standard products, increase the generality of cocktails, improve the pace of production, save resources and save economy. Many mamalakats have achieved more or less, relying on certain activities, experiments to improve the quality of their products. Here are some examples.

We will see quality circles on the example of Japan, where the industry has developed. In Japan, Quality Circles appeared in the 1960s. Toglians make up 70% of the Japanese territory, with no significant amount of underground wealth. Without this, Japan could not provide its people with food, and could not develop the industry sufficiently. Raw ash from Tilla, kimmatbaho, brought from tashari for industry and energy, could be paid with stones and export products. These are not in Japan. So, suddenly, the development of export potential for Japan. Well, Japan had to spend all its knowledge and intelligence on the production of quality products that could withstand harsh conditions. Currently, most products are Japanese export leadership in kilmock. These include machine tools, optical instruments, photographic instruments, radiopriemniks, ships, light and cargo

vehicles, televisions, videomagnitophones, office supplies, watches, wheelchairs, fabrics from SU'niy Tola, etc [1].

Materials and methods

This includes empirical methods such as modeling, fact, experiment, description and observation, as well as theoretical methods such as logical and historical methods, abstraction, deduction, induction, synthesis and analysis. The research materials are: scientific facts, the results of previous observations, surveys, experiments and tests; means of idealization and rationalization of the scientific approach.

From 1962, the Japanese magazine "quality management for Masters and brigades" began chika. The purpose of this is to bring innovations in the quality management system to many, especially to workers in a timely manner, to improve the qualifications and layekatliveness of employees working in the quality control Sox, to promote quality control methods, etc. As a result, quality circles began to develop in Japan. If there were 10,000 yakins in 1967, it was 100,000 in 1979.

Circles in Japan poured before themselves the goal of improving production processes, to radically improve the quality of the product. Another characteristic aspect of the Japanese method is the systematic observation, study and laying of the work of circles by the Association of scientists and engineers.

Currently, quality clubs are actively working in the people's Republic of China in USA and European countries.

In USA members of the circle gather once a week in 1 hour during working hours. And the work of the circle was carried out at a time when the work was carried out, and they were paid a hack at the increased rates.

Results and discussion:

In USA the following requirements are imposed on organizational groups in quality circles [1]:

1.To ' participation in the garage must be voluntary. The members of the circle and their leaders choose for themselves the problem that needs to be dealt with. In the circle, only problems related to the administration are not put.

2.To ' it is necessary that the leaders of the garak have sufficient qualifications bulmogi, trust cozonmok and consent to the management of the circle. They are required to be in contact with the firm's Chiefs and trade unions.

3.Specialists of all levels, technical specialists are obliged to help the work of the quality circle.

4.Firms that are small and in a state of urgency will have an employee who coordinates their quality circle work, while large firms may have more such individuals.

5.The urta within the firm is revered by the monks-Masters, technologists.

6.Ximoya plans of quality circles are guaranteed by the highest leadership of the firm.

In the use of quality circles, the owners of American enterprises conduct their work adapted to the maximum conditions, and therefore, in most cases, the activities of American circles are different from those in Japan. In particular, if in Japan only 50-60% of circles do their classes during working hours, while in America circles are held almost during working hours, according to their plans. The fact that the owners of enterprises in America fold workers in circles when introducing quality control circles is strongly encouraged. From this, it turns out that the direction of the circles to the "man", in Aloxi, is occupied by urine. For example, ford announced the main goal of creating its circles as" improving the exchange of ideas of a person, increasing his quality in work, creative potential " [4,5,6,7].

Some Garbi European companies are starting work by organizing quality


Judging by the opinions of experts, 96% of quality circles formed at enterprises will not have achievements.

In the following years, Ham quality circles in the people's Republic of China gradually increased.

In 1980, the country had over 400,000"quality clubs", while by 1985 the number had grown to over 500,000. Chinese circles include muxandis-circles that unite technical personnel, workers and servants in the management Buginese. Conclusion:

What all these events have led to, raises the question of what gives the industry. Initially, it consists in a clear knowledge and curation of their goals and objectives by the employees of the enterprise. Quality circles affect the team, mobilizing employees to ensure them a high level of quality of the product. Therefore, in many countries, this issue is considered one of the first issues. Rakbar and khayeti himself in takoza kilmock that the team will carry out the production with a humpback. And the improvement in the quality of products will serve to improve the enterprise, as well as the economic power of the country [1].


1. Tojiyev R.J., Yusupov A.R., Rajabova N.R. Qurilishda metrologiya, standartlash va sertifikatlashtirish [Matn]: darslik / R.J. Tojiyev, A.R. Yusupov, N.R. Rajabova. - Toshkent: «Yosh avlod matbaa», 2022. - 464 b.

2. Tojiyev R.J., Yusupov A.R.. Metrologiya, standartlashtirish va sifat nazorati. O'quv qo'llanma. Farg'ona.: FarPI, «Texnika» noshirlik bo'limi. 2003-328 bet

3. O'z DST ISO 9000-2002 «Asosiy qoidalar va lug'at».

4. O'z DST ISO 9001-2002 «Sifat menejmenti tizimlari. Talablar».

5. O'z DST ISO 9004 «Sifat menejmenti tizimlari faoliyatini yaxshilash bo'yicha tavsiyalar».

6. O'z D1S0 90012. Ulchash vositalarining sifatini ta'minlaydigan talablar.

7. O'z DST ISO 14011 - Sifat menejmenti tizimlari va atrof-muhitni himoya qilish tizimini audit o'tkazish bo'yicha qo'llanma.

8. O'z RH 51-095:2000*. Методические указания по составлению карт технического уровня и качества продуктсии

9. ST ISO 14011 « Sifat menejmenti tizimlarini va atrof-muhitini himoya qilish tizimini audit otkazish boyicha qollanma»

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