INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ISO 2000, 2001 – QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND REQUIREMENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
market economy / international cooperation / integration / quality management / standard / terms / glossary / sands.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Yusupov A.R.

for effective and stable operation, each enterprise must ensure the planned volume of output, comply with deadlines, achieve low production costs and at the same time ensure the required level of quality. The difficulty in achieving these goals lies in the fact that in practice the issues involved conflict with each other. An increase in output and a reduction in time often leads to a decrease in quality, while improving quality usually requires additional costs and leads to a decrease in production rates.

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Yusupov A.R., candidate of technical sciences

associate professor Ferghana Polytechnic Institute Uzbekistan, Ferghana


Abstract: for effective and stable operation, each enterprise must ensure the planned volume of output, comply with deadlines, achieve low production costs and at the same time ensure the required level of quality. The difficulty in achieving these goals lies in the fact that in practice the issues involved conflict with each other. An increase in output and a reduction in time often leads to a decrease in quality, while improving quality usually requires additional costs and leads to a decrease in production rates.

Keywords: market economy, international cooperation, integration, quality management, standard, terms, glossary, sands.


In a market economy, when an enterprise cannot predict the competitiveness of its product, no investment can save it from a financial crisis. High quality is the basis of competitiveness. Of course, competitiveness includes product price, delivery time, efficiency, guarantees and a number of other indicators besides quality, but quality accounts for 70% of the total competitiveness indicator. Buyers and customers prefer quality as the ultimate goal when choosing a product [1].

To ensure the necessary level of quality, it is necessary to have an appropriate material base, the ability to properly organize work well, in addition to qualified workers and staff, to increase the effectiveness of quality management aimed at achieving this goal [2].

For effective and stable operation, each enterprise must ensure the planned volume of output, comply with deadlines, achieve low production costs and at the same time ensure the required level of quality. The difficulty in achieving these goals lies in the fact that in practice the issues involved conflict with each other. An increase in output and a reduction in time often leads to a decrease in quality, while improving quality usually requires additional costs and leads to a decrease in production rates. At the same time, he is a well-known American scientist in the field of quality. Deming notes that improving the quality of production generates a positive "chain reaction": reduces the cost of unsuitable products and advertising, resulting in lower overall costs of the enterprise, increases the volume of production of unsuitable products, increases labor productivity. In addition, sales volumes of the organization's products are growing in the markets. That is why optimal requirements should be placed on the quality of products. A product

made with excessive quality is not always appreciated by the consumer. As a rule, it is often necessary to compromise with the consumer, to make mutual concessions, to look for the best option between the volume of products, production time, cost and quality [1].

After Uzbekistan gained independence, as a result of the transition of the economy to market relations, work in the field of quality is organized in our country with recognition of international best practices [3].

Materials and methods

This includes empirical methods such as modeling, fact-finding, experimentation, description and observation, as well as logical and historical methods, theoretical methods such as abstraction, deduction, induction, synthesis and analysis, as well as methods of heuristic strategies. Research materials: scientific facts, results of previous observations, surveys, experiments and tests; means of idealization and rationalization of the scientific approach.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was established in 1946, and Uzbekistan was admitted to it in 1992. In the field of quality management in our country, it is customary to adhere to ISO standards [4]. As a result of ISO's terminological activities, two international standards ISO 8402:1994 and ISO 9000:2000 have now been created [5].

The Uzbek Scientific Research Institute of Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Uzsiti) has carried out an accurate translation of these international standards into Uzbek in accordance with the ISO 8402:1998 standard "Quality management and quality assurance" in force until January 1, 2004. Dictionary " standard and new proprietary DST ISO 9000:2002 " quality management systems. Basic rules and vocabulary". The second standard contains 80 terms with definitions [5]. Of these, let's focus on relatively commonly used terms.

Quality is the degree to which a particular descriptive complex meets the requirements.

A demand is a need or an established expectation that is usually intended or required.

Graduation is a class, grade, category, or category that is assigned different quality requirements for products, processes, or systems designed for the same task.

A system is a set of interconnected and acting together elements.

Management is a mutually coordinated activity for the management and management of an organization.

A management system is a system for developing policies and goals, as well as achieving these goals.

A quality management system is a quality management system for the management and management of an organization.

The quality policy is the general goals and directions of the organization's activities in the field of quality, determined by the top management.

Quality management is a coordinated activity for the quality management and management of an organization.

Quality planning is a part of quality management aimed at setting quality goals and defining the necessary product lifecycle workflows and appropriate resources to achieve quality goals.

Quality management is a part of quality management aimed at meeting quality requirements.

Quality assurance is a part of quality management aimed at ensuring compliance with quality requirements.

Quality improvement is a part of quality management aimed at improving the ability to meet quality requirements.

Continuous improvement is a repetitive activity aimed at increasing the chances of meeting requirements.

An organization is a group of employees who are responsible, empowered and have the necessary tools for interaction.

A consumer is an organization or a person receiving the product.

Supplier is an organization or an individual who supplies the goods.

A process is a set of interrelated and interacting activities that transform inputs into outputs.

The product is the result of a process.

A procedure is an established way of carrying out an activity or process.

Information is meaningful information that matters.

Document-information and its carrier.

A regulatory technical document is a document that establishes requirements.

The Quality Handbook is a document defining the quality management system of an organization.

Verification is a procedure of evaluation by observation and reflection by making appropriate measurements, tests or calibrations.

Testing is the definition of one or more descriptions in accordance with the established procedure.

Description is a distinctive feature.

A qualitative description is a particular description of a product, process, or system based on their requirements.

Compliance is the fulfillment of a requirement.

Correction is an action performed to eliminate the identified discrepancy.

Disposal permit-permission to use or release products that do not meet the established requirements.

Audit (audit) is a systematic, independent and documented process of obtaining audit evidence and their objective assessment in order to determine the degree of compliance with agreed audit criteria.

An auditor is a person who has the right to conduct an audit.

The quality surface is a theoretical (conceptual) model of interrelated activities that affect quality at various stages, starting with the identification of needs and ending with the assessment of their satisfaction.

Loss of quality is a loss of quality caused by incomplete use of resource capabilities during processes and functioning.

A quality assurance model is a standardized or selective set of quality system requirements. These requirements are summarized in order to meet the quality assurance needs in a given situation.

Quality assessment is a systematic check of how well an object is able to meet the established requirements.

An expert quality auditor is a specialist qualified to conduct quality checks


Results and discussions:

Currently, international standards of the ISO 9000 category are recognized and accepted as national standards by all aging countries of the world. These standards are widely used in various industries (industry, construction, transport, healthcare, education and others), and, according to data, currently the number of quality systems of organizations created and certified on their basis in the world exceeds 300 thousand.

The ISO 9000 2000 series of standards consists mainly of four standards, which are currently translated into the state language and prepared for publication in the territory of Uzbekistan in the form of state standards. The main of these standards are:

1. Uz SS ISO 9000-2002 "Basic rules and glossary".

2. Uz SS DST ISO 9001-2002 " Quality management systems. Requirements".

3. UzSS ISO 9004 "recommendations for improving the functioning of quality management systems".

4. Uz SS ISO 14011 "Guidelines for the audit of quality management and environmental protection systems"

All these standards together form a coordinated set of standards related to the quality management system that contribute to consensus in national and international trade [1].


It is impossible to successfully lead an enterprise without compliance with the requirements of quality management. The goal can be achieved on the basis of constantly improving the quality management system, which takes into account the needs of all parties interested in the production of products, and maintaining it in a working State. In the management of an enterprise, in addition to quality management, it is necessary to focus on other aspects of management.

The Iso 9000-2000 standard defines the following eight basic principles of Quality Management [6].

• To do business for the consumer. Enterprises are subject to their consumers, and therefore must take into account their needs on this day and in the future, fulfill their requirements, achieve the preparation of quality products even more than they want.

• Leadership (leadership). Leaders ensure that the purpose and direction of the organization's activities are prioritized. It is necessary to create and maintain an internal environment in which employees can be involved in the performance of tasks set before the organization. [7]

• Staffing. Employees at all branches form the basis of the organization, and their full involvement in the work allows the organization to make the most of its staff abilities.

• Process approach. When the activities and available re sources of the enterprise are managed in a holistic process, the results are more effective than expected [8].

• Systematic approach to management. The effectiveness of activities increases when the enterprise is systematically managed on the basis of identification, understanding of interconnected processes.

• Continuous improvement. Comprehensive development and continuous improvement of the activities of the enterprise should be considered by all employees as an unchanging goal [9].

• Making decisions based on facts. Effective decisions are formed on the basis of accurate data and information analysis and holis assessment [10].

• Mutually beneficial relationship with suppliers. The economic activity of enterprises and suppliers of raw materials to them will be closely intertwined. The strengthening of mutually beneficial relations and the expansion of cooperation areas increase the chances of both parties to create material goods [11].

These eight principles of quality management have been taken into consideration in all standards regarding the quality management system, in the Iso 9000 category.


1. Tojiyev R.J., Yusupov A.R., Rajabova N.R. Qurilishda metrologiya, standartlash va sertifikatlashtirish [Matn]: darslik / R.J. Tojiyev, A.R. Yusupov, N.R. Rajabova. - Toshkent: «Yosh avlod matbaa», 2022. - 464 b.

2. Tojiyev R.J., Yusupov A.R.. Metrologiya, standartlashtirish va sifat nazorati. Oquv qollanma. Farg'ona.: FarPI, «Texnika» noshirlik bo'limi. 2003-328 bet

3. "Mahsulot va xizmatlarni sertifikatlash to'g'risida" O'zbekiston Respublikasining qonuni (1993 yil)

4. Uz SS t 6.17.01:1999. Avtomatik identifikatsiyalash. Shtrix kodlashtirish. Mahsulotning shtrix kodlashtirish tizimi. Asosiy qoidalar.

5. 1S0 9000. Standards for overall quality management and quality assurance. Prescriptive instructions on selection and application

6. 1S0 9001. Quality systems. A model that ensures quality in design and production, assembly and maintenance

7. ISO 9002 Quality systems. A model that ensures quality during manufacture and assembly.

8. 1S0 9003. Quality systems. A model that ensures quality with full control and testing.

9. 1S0 9004. General quality management, elements of quality systems. Guidelines.

10. 1C0 90012. Requirements that ensure the quality of measuring instruments

11. 1S0 90012. Ulchash vositalarining sifatini ta'minlaydigan talablar.

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