HALTER HARDENING AND QUALITY STANDARDS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Ключевые слова
standard / certificate / verification / testing / National / International / auditor.

Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Yusupov A.R.

The concept of certification in a broad sense is any examination of the compliance of a product or process with a technical norm, style of work, rule by third-party means. Therefore, certification inspection is hsoblab, it is necessary to understand the conditional inspection carried out by the technical control installation agencies in order to ensure safety in the use of pressure vessels, explosion-proof devices, ships, floats, aviation vehicles, atomic reactors and Mountain Equipment

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УДК: 004

Yusupov A.R., candidate of technical sciences

associate professor Ferghana Polytechnic Institute Uzbekistan, Ferghana


Annotation. The concept of certification in a broad sense is any examination of the compliance of a product or process with a technical norm, style of work, rule by third-party means. Therefore, certification inspection is hsoblab, it is necessary to understand the conditional inspection carried out by the technical control installation agencies in order to ensure safety in the use of pressure vessels, explosion-proof devices, ships, floats, aviation vehicles, atomic reactors and Mountain Equipment

Keywords: standard, certificate, verification, testing, National, International, auditor.


In the current conditions, the need for trade with foreign countries, international economic relations, improving the quality of ertifiable products, increasing the ability to compete, regularly testing them is growing. Tests are often carried out by a person or organization called a third party. A tester organization (individual) acts absolutely independently, protecting the interests of all parties with economic interests, first of all, the provider (First party) and the buyer (second party) [1,2].

Materials and methods

This includes empirical methods such as modeling, fact, experiment, description and observation, as well as theoretical methods such as logical and historical methods, abstraction, deduction, induction, synthesis and analysis. The research materials are: scientific facts, the results of previous observations, surveys, experiments and tests; means of idealization and rationalization of the scientific approach.

The concept of certification in a broad sense is any examination of the compliance of a product or process with a technical standard, style of work, rule by third-party means. Therefore, certification inspection is hsoblab, it is necessary to understand the conditional inspection carried out by the technical control installation agencies to ensure safety in the use of pressure vessels, explosion-proof devices, ships, floats, aviation vehicles, atomic reactors and Mountain Equipment [3,4,5,6,7].

Results and discussion:

An active participant in the activities related to certification is a sub -expert-auditor. It can usually participate in the accreditation of quality systems, manufacturing processes and product certification, as well as testing laboratories.

As an expert-auditor, it is said to an attested person who has the right to assess and control the activities of institutions and enterprises in the field of certification.

As an expert-auditor, a private person with sufficient in-depth knowledge and experience in working with experimental-production enterprises, scientific, educational and design institutions and established regulatory documents and experimental means, attested in the manner prescribed by Ozdavstandart [1].

The expert-auditor performs the following tasks:

- certification of products, processes, services, quality systems and production;

- control the descriptions of certified products, processes and services and the stability of Certified Quality Systems and production;

- control over the activities of accreditation agencies, testing laboratories for certification;

- to make recommendations for certification.

Expert-auditors have certain rights and obligations on their responsible duties assigned to them.

Currently, ISO international standards in the 9000 series are widely followed.

The standards in this series are considered to be the main standards for quality control and estimation intended for the global implementation of quality systems - international models and serve to coordinate activities in the following areas [8,9,10,11,12]:

ISO 9000 is "Standards for overall quality management and quality assurance. Guidance on selection and application";

ISO 9001 - "Quality Systems. A model that provides quality in design, production, assembly and use";

ISO 9002 - "Quality Systems. Model that ensures quality in production and assembly";

ISO 9003 - "Quality Systems. A model that provides quality in complex control and testing";

ISO 9004 - "Elements of quality general management systems. Guidance";

ISO 10011 - "Quality systems inspection guidance";

ISO 10012 - "Requirements that ensure the quality of measuring instruments".

Fhere is a special standard in our republic to ensure that terms and definitions in certification sox are uniform when laughing. this is standard UZRST 5.5-93. are referred to as terms and definitions. this standard defines the definitions of terms and basic concepts in the field of certification used in science

and technology. the definitions of such basic terms are given in the konun of the republic of Uzbekistan "On the certification of products and services" [16], and in a number of national standards ham [13,14,15].

from the official documents of the terms presented in the standard, they are defined in the standards without candide, so that the kilingan bulsa must be used in such cases. in such documents, it is forbidden to use its synonym in place of the standardized term. however, it is allowed to change the form of statement of defined definitions without violating the meaning limit of concepts when necessary [1].


1. Tojiyev R.J., Yusupov A.R., Rajabova N.R. Qurilishda metrologiya, standartlash va sertifikatlashtirish [Matn]: darslik / R.J. Tojiyev, A.R. Yusupov, N.R. Rajabova. - Toshkent: «Yosh avlod matbaa», 2022. - 464 b.

2. Tojiyev R.J., Yusupov A.R.. Metrologiya, standartlashtirish va sifat nazorati. Oquv qollanma. Farg'ona.: FarPI,«Texnika» noshirlik bo'limi. 2003-328 bet

3. RST Uz 6.01.1-95. Ozbekiston Respublikasining texnik-iqtisodiy va ijtimoiy axborotlarni tasniflash va kodlashtirish yagona tizimi. Umumiy qoidalar.

4. RST Uz 6.01.2-95. Ozbekiston Respublikasining texnik-iqtisodiy va ijtimoiy axborotlarni tasniflash va kodlashtirish yagona tizimi. Tasniflagichlarni ishlab chiqish tartibi.

5. O'z DSt 6.17.01:1999. Avtomatik identifikatsiyalash. Shtrix kodlashtirish. Mahsulotning shtrix kodlashtirish tizimi. Asosiy qoidalar.

6. O'z DSt 6.17.02:2000. Avtomatik identifikatsiyalash. Shtrix kodlashtirish. Atama va ta'riflar.

7. O'z DSt 6.17.03:1999. Avtomatik identifikatsiyalash. Shtrix kodlashtirish. Mahsulotning shtrix kodlashtirish tizimi. Tashkilotni ro'yxatga olish va mahsulotga EAN kodini berish, qayta korib chiqish va bekor qilish tartibi.

8. 1S0 9000. Sifatni umumiy boshqarish va sifatni ta'minlash buyicha standartlar. Tanlash va qollash buyicha raxbariy korsatmalar

9. 1S0 9001. Sifat tizimlari. Loyihalashda va ishlab chiqarishda, yigishda va xizmat korsatishda sifatni ta'minlaydigan model.

10. S0 9002. Sifat tizimlari. Ishlab chiqarishda va yigishda sifatni ta'minlaydigan model.

11. 1S0 9003. Sifat tizimlari. Tugal nazoratda va sinovlarda sifatni ta'minlaydigan model

12. 1S0 9004. Sifatni umumiy boshqarish, sifat tizimlarining elementlari. Raxbariy korsatmalar.

13. 1S0 90012. Ulchash vositalarining sifatini ta'minlaydigan talablar.

14. O'z DST ISO 14011 - Sifat menejmenti tizimlari va atrof-muhitni himoya qilish tizimini audit otkazish boyicha qollanma.

15. O'z RH 51-095:2000*. Metodicheskiye ukazaniya po sostavleniyu kartbi texnicheskogo urovnya i kachestva produktsii.

16. MaxcyroT Ba xroMaraapHH cepTH^HKaraam TyFpHCHga» (1993 hh^)

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