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Ключевые слова
measurements / technical regulation / product quality control / Metrology / standardization / network / demand / system.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Yusupov A.R.

The life of society in our time is unthinkable without measurements, technical regulation and product quality control. The level of development of industrial sectors, science, technology and everyday life requires special attention to the work on metrology, standardization and certification as the main directions of state policy.

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УДК: 006.915.1

Yusupov A.R., candidate of technical sciences

associate professor Fergana Polytechnic Institute Uzbekistan, Fergana


Abstract. The life of society in our time is unthinkable without measurements, technical regulation and product quality control. The level of development of industrial sectors, science, technology and everyday life requires special attention to the work on metrology, standardization and certification as the main directions of state policy.

Keywords: measurements, technical regulation, product quality control, Metrology, standardization, network, demand, system.


Measurements are one of the most important means of human perception of nature. Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine the life of society without measurements, technical regulation and product quality control. The level of development of industrial sectors, science, technology and everyday life requires special attention as the main directions of state policy in the field of metrology, standardization and certification, and the leadership of our country, in turn, believes that timely resolution of these issues at a high level will play an important role in raising the culture of production in the country, improving the welfare of the population ensuring peace and stability in the country. a worthy place in the community as an important factor in the assessment [1,2].

In Uzbekistan, after gaining state independence, legal and regulatory frameworks were created to ensure the quality and competitiveness of products in the country and on the world market. During the period from the Republic of Uzbekistan, which publishes "On Standardization", "On Metrology" (in a new edition, April 7, 2020, No. 614), "on certification of products and services" (1993), "on food quality safety" (1997), "on consumer protection"(1996), "Kuril Norms and Rules " and a number of government resolutions on these areas. The State System of Standardization (uzst), the state system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements (uzst), the national certification system (UZST), classification and coding systems for technical, economic and social goods (Uzst), the Tashkent System of Product Creation and Production (uzst), the accredited system (Uzst) and quality systems (uzst). CT) and other systems. Many standards and other regulatory documents have been developed for each of these systems [1].

Materials and methods:

This includes empirical methods such as modeling, fact-finding, experiment, description and observation, as well as theoretical methods such as logical and historical methods, abstraction, deduction, induction, synthesis and analysis, as well as methods of heuristic strategies. The research materials are: scientific facts, the results of previous observations, surveys, experiments and tests; means of idealization and rationalization of the scientific approach.

The President of our Country, Sh.M. Mirziyoyev, about "the sustainable development of metrology, standardization and certification systems in the activities of management, constant monitoring to ensure that Uzbekistan also occupies a worthy place among the leading countries of the world in these areas", makes all relevant and vital decisions. At the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, with the issuance of "Metrology for Gorizid" (new edition, April 7, 2020, No. 614), kununi gabul kilindi, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, with the issuance of "technical regulation, standardization, certification of Washington Metrology systems further development of the measure - "On measures for standardization, metrology and certification"2018 No. VP-4059 dated December 12, 2018, No. 348 dated April 24, 2019 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, On measures to further improve creative activity" [1].

In order to radically accelerate the process of our country's entry into the world trade system in Uzbekistan, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2021 June 2 Decree No. PF-624 "on cardinal improvement of public administration in the field of technical regulation", about the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2021, June 2, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 5133 "On measures to organize the activities of the Agency for Regulation in the field of Uzbek textile production under the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan" marks the beginning of the rapid development of the metrology, standardization and certification industry in our country. On the basis of the Uzbek Agency for Metrology, Standardization and Certification, in accordance with the instructions of the President of the country, the Uzbek Agency for Technical Regulation was established under the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan as a successor to the creation of hukuki [1].

Results and discussion:

In the current conditions of a market economy, among the urgent tasks facing the Agency for Technical Regulation are scientific achievements, new technologies, collage of processes, bringing product quality to the level of halkaro standards, ensuring competitiveness and export coordination. Solving the problems of metrology, standardization, quality control and quality management requires the application of existing state and industry standards and other regulatory documents in accordance with Halkaro standards. The need to address these issues, in turn, is directly related to Uzbekistan's plans to join the global trade network [3,4,5,6].

The problem of ensuring and improving quality in agriculture is one of the urgent and complex problems. An important place in solving this problem is occupied by standardization (along with technical standardization), improvement of the state of metrological measuring equipment, introduction of modern tools and services for testing, measurement and quality control.

The level of measuring, testing and control-measuring devices and texter systems used in all branches of agriculture has largely determined the level of development of the industry.

The creation and development of modern textile workers and textual specialists to ensure the development of agronomic sciences requires further improvement of work in the field of measurement of textile workers, metrological services, standardization, certification, snfat management in ethylmok [3].

Einich, at the time of the global tarakchio, the development of science, industry, construction and agriculture could not be imagined without measurements. Every second, multimillion measurements are carried out on the dune. On their basis, the proper quality and technical level of products are ensured, uninterrupted and trouble-free operation of transport is ensured, as well as medical diagnoses are made, an assessment of the environmental situation is carried out and other important issues are resolved. No sphere of human activity or where the results of measurements, tests and controls cannot be effectively used [1,4,5,6,7,8,9]. Ethylmoke mobilizes multimillion-dollar fractions and group components that are used to increase efficiency. Currently, 15 percent of Caribbean community labor is spent on measurements. In developed countries, between 3% and 6% of GDP is spent on measurements and related goals.

The magnitude of the measured values of the va and the range are constantly expanding. Currently, for example, length is measured from 10-10 m to 1017 m, temperature from 0.5 k to 106 k, electrical resistance from 10-6 m to 1017 m, power from 10-15 m to 109 m. As the Range of measured values expands, the complexity of measurements also increases. Measurement is simply a primary technical action associated with a complex process related to the preparation and reading of a measurement experiment, processing, analysis and reflection of the data obtained [1].


One of the reasons why deaths are so important is their importance. The tasks of management, analysis, forecasting, planning, control and coordination are based on reliable source data, while data is generated by measuring the necessary physical quantities, parameters and indicators. Naturally, the decision made in the control group depends on the degree to which the accuracy and reliability of the measurement results.

Today's engineers, scientists and agronomists should serve the effective use of modern technologies and equipment, the introduction of automatic process control, and the acceleration of production of high-quality products that are competitive on the world market. First of all, I think this is useful information for

entering the education system, including for nano- and biotechnology, learning English. [10,11,13].


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13. O'z RH 51-095:2000*. Методические указания по составлению карты технического уровня и качества продукции.

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