PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL COMPETENCE OF PRE SCHOOL TEACHER Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
competence / components / methods / techniques / teaching / preparation / pedagogue / development / formation

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Teshabaeva Zamirakhon Sobirovna

In this article discusses the psychological and pedagogical competence of preschool teachers. Since the training of younger school children’s can have formed only on a broad theoretical basis in the process of problem presentation of theoretical material in active discussion of different points of view available to the scientific and methodical literature

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Zamirakhon Sobirovna Teshabaeva

Teacher, Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


In this article discusses the psychological and pedagogical competence of preschool teachers. Since the training of younger school children's can have formed only on a broad theoretical basis in the process of problem presentation of theoretical material in active discussion of different points of view available to the scientific and methodical literature.

Keywords: competence, components, methods, techniques, teaching, preparation, pedagogue, development, formation.


Preparing a future teacher for teaching younger students includes: knowledge of the subject taught and related disciplines, knowledge of the methodology of the subject, knowledge of the age-related psychological characteristics of a younger student, knowledge of modern psychological methods for the development of children's creative abilities. Skills are a manifestation of competences, i.e. actions in a certain situation. Skills are competence in action.

In the mental development of children, classes on the development of elementary mathematical concepts are of great importance. The teacher must know not only how to teach preschoolers, but also what he teaches them, i.e. he must be clear about the mathematical essence of the ideas that he forms in children. In kindergarten, preschoolers are introduced to counting. The concept for preschool education, guidelines and requirements for updating the content of preschool education outline a number of fairly serious requirements for the cognitive development of preschoolers, of which mathematical development is a part.

Measurement expands our understanding of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. The practical measurement of time, various types of length, mass, capacity of vessels deepens our temporal and spatial concepts, contributes to the further development of logical thinking in unity with sensing.

A measurement, in the process of which a shorter measure is used, which is postponed along the measured length a known number of times, includes, as Piaget points out, two logical operations. The first is the separation process, which allows

the child to understand that a whole is made up of a number of parts put together. The second is an offset or replace operation, which allows him to attach one part to another and in this way create a system.


The psychological and pedagogical competence of a preschool teacher consists of motivational, instrumental and personal components:

-I- motivational - value attitudes of self-realization in professional activity, self-education and self-development;

-I- the instrumental component involves the ability to apply psychological and pedagogical knowledge in professional activities;

-I- the presence of specific skills that allow to perceive and evaluate the pedagogical situation;

-I- the ability to organize the pedagogical process in various socio-cultural conditions;

-I- professional diagnostic actions that allow the future teacher to transform educational material into diagnostic;

-I- knowledge of the basics of design actions, the purpose of which is to create a flexible system for organizing the life of a child.

This system includes the features of the child's development in the process of interaction with the teacher, peers, and parents: the personal component includes the qualities, properties and abilities of the individual for self-expression, self-improvement, self-control, introspection, and professional growth. Psychological and pedagogical competence provides for the possession by students of research competencies, which form the basis of research competence. Thus, the integrative characteristics of the readiness to carry out research activities are research competencies.

The main research competencies were considered in the dissertation research by EP Tarasova [3]. The author identifies competencies based on the tasks solved in pedagogical research. We believe that the allocated E.P. Tarasova's research competencies can also be formed in future preschool teachers.

These tasks were identified by Yu.K. Babansky [1] in the study of methodological problems of pedagogical research.

The first group of tasks requires the solution of certain theoretical issues that are part of the general problem, which requires theoretical competence, representing the unity of knowledge, skills, the presence of certain experience in identifying the

essence of the phenomenon under study, reflected in concepts, their features, levels of functioning, etc.

The study of the practical state of the problem under study is the second task and presupposes the possession of diagnostic competence.

The third task includes the justification of the necessary system of measures to solve the existing problem. This task requires the presence of projective and constructive competence.

This is followed by the implementation of the proposed system of measures from the point of view of its compliance with the criteria of optimality, and here a readiness to implement these measures should appear, that is, operational and procedural competence.

Finally, the fifth task is an analysis of the results achieved, the development of guidelines for those who will use the research results in practice (for example, the development of guidelines for parents, students or preschool teachers, aimed at consolidating a specific topic in mathematics), which involves interpretation the data obtained and the assessment of what has been done, reflection on their research activities. This is where interpretive-reflexive competence takes place.


Considering the great importance of communicative aspects in conducting research, which permeate its entire process (the study of literary sources is a kind of communication act; to carry out diagnostic and transformative procedures, the researcher desperately needs communicative skills; procedural moments are also provided by the ability to establish interaction with participants in the research process; reflection is a dialogue with oneself), the concept of communicative competence is introduced.

Note that a problem situation can be represented as a model, and the process of solving it as a transformation of this model into another state. The model acts as a display of an object in a simpler, reduced form of structure, properties, interconnections and relations between the elements of the object under study and facilitating the process of obtaining information about it [2, 52]. Theoretical competence is necessary to create a theoretical model of the subject of the problem; diagnostic competence allows you to identify its real state; projective-constructive competence ensures the creation of his ideal state or his future, as well as ways to achieve this future; operational-procedural competence contributes to the transfer of an ideal model from the present to the future, from a potential state to a new real one; interpretive-reflexive competence allows you to understand, explain, prove the

solution of the problem (or, conversely, a negative result of the research) on the basis of correlating the new present state of the subject of the problem with its previous state, find new promising lines of development, etc.

It is important for a researcher to understand and evaluate the research process itself, its contradictions and difficulties, as well as an analysis of his own psychological, professional, pedagogical and personal qualities. Communicative competence is necessary at all stages of research, since the research process is based on the acts of communication and communication [2]. Since research competence contains:

motivational component - implies the need for research activities (the ability to analyze literary sources; the ability to establish interaction with participants in the research process); includes goals, motives, interest, prompting students to carry out research activities;

the procedural component presupposes possession of research competencies (theoretical, diagnostic, projective-constructive, operational-procedural, interpretation-reflexive); infocommunication technologies; the personal component includes the ability to solve certain problems of an integral research process on the basis of existing knowledge, skills and abilities, value orientations, needs, experience of the subject of this process in a certain, previously unknown situation.


Thus, competence acts as a willingness to solve certain problems of an integral research process based on existing knowledge, skills, value orientations, needs, experience of the subject (preschool teacher) of this process in a certain, previously unknown situation. The solution of these problems creates the preconditions for achieving the goal of scientific research, and therefore for solving the problem under study.


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