Научная статья на тему 'Проектирование программы просветительской деятельности с учетом актуальных представлений о детстве старших дошкольников и их родителей'

Проектирование программы просветительской деятельности с учетом актуальных представлений о детстве старших дошкольников и их родителей Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
детство / представления о детстве / дети старшего дошкольного возраста / родители дошкольников / дошкольное образование / программа просветительской деятельности / childhood / ideas about childhood / older preschool children / parents of preschoolers / preschool education / educational activity program

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Гогоберидзе Александра Гививна, Лазаренко Виктория Павловна

Актуальность исследования. Изменения, происходящие в обществе и культуре, влияют на трансформацию такого социокультурного феномена, как детство. Получение актуальных знаний о детстве позволяет спрогнозировать особенности будущего общества, взрослое население которого составят современные дети. Получение данных о сходствах и различиях представлений о детстве у детей и взрослых может позволить выстроить эффективную просветительскую работу с родителями. Это поможет взрослым лучше понимать детей, изменить образовательный и воспитательный процесс в соответствии потребностями, ценностями, проблемами современных дошкольников. В статье представлены результаты исследования особенностей представлений о детстве как феномене у детей старшего дошкольного возраста и родителей старших дошкольников и проектирования на этой основе программы просветительской деятельности для родителей. Организация исследования. Цель исследования заключалась в разработке методик и проведении сравнительного анализа представлений о детстве у детей и родителей и разработке программы просветительской деятельности с учетом выявленных особенностей. Диагностический исследовательский инст­рументарий включал модификации «мягких» методов (С.Н. Майорова-Щеглова): социографический метод (рисунок на заданную тему «Дети и их детство», анализ изображенного события), метод коллизий (анализ вербально представленной ситуации) и метод комиксов (придумывание ребенком реплик героя в представленных ситуациях). Кроме того, были использованы вспомогательный метод – беседа – для интерпретации детских рисунков и модифицированная методика проективного характера «Лесенка». Результаты исследования. В результате исследования получены сравнительные данные о специфике представлений разных поколений о феномене «Детство», выявлены особенности понимания детства современными детьми и современными родителями, на этой основе разработана и апробирована программа просветительской деятельности для родителей. Программа просветительской деятельности: ориентирована на развитие родительской компетенции как интегративной способности решать задачи развития и воспитания детей, что предполагает осуществление комплексной просветительской работы, включающей стимулирование мотивации, становление позиции, обогащение представлений и формирование практических умений; предполагает организацию системы индивидуального сопровождения родителей, разнообразие форм работы, развития родительской рефлексии, стимулирование самостоятельности и осознанности через ведение персонального дневника; практикоориентирована, проиллюстрирована большим количеством примеров и кейсов из реальной практики; предполагает актуализацию существующего опыта родителей, помогает каждому увидеть точки собственного роста. Выводы. Программа просветительской деятельности спроектирована на основе полученных данных о специфике представлений о феномене детства старших дошкольников и родителей и ориентирована на актуальные для современных родителей и детей проблемы воспитания ребенка в семье.

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Designing a program of educational activities taking into account current ideas about the childhood of older preschoolers and their parents

The relevance of research. The changes taking place in society and culture affect the transformation of such a socio-cultural phenomenon as childhood. Obtaining current knowledge about childhood makes it possible to predict the features of the future society, the adult population of which will consist of modern children. Obtaining data on the similarities and differences of ideas about childhood in children and adults can allow us to build effective educational work with parents. This will help adults better understand children, change the educational and the pedagogical process in accordance with the needs, values, and problems of modern preschoolers. The article presents the results of a study of the peculiarities of ideas about childhood as a phenomenon in older preschool children and parents of older preschoolers and designing on this basis of an educational program for parents. Organization of the study. The aim of the study was to develop methods and conduct a comparative analysis of children’s and parents’ ideas about childhood and to develop a program of educational activities taking into account the identified features. Diagnostic research tools included modifications of "soft" methods (S.N. Mayorova-Shcheglova): the sociographic method (drawing on a given topic "Children and their childhood", analysis of the depicted event) the collision method (analysis of the verbally presented situation) and the comic book method (inventing the child's replicas of the hero in the presented situations). In addition, an auxiliary method was used – a conversation – for the interpretation of children's drawings and a modified projective technique "Ladder". Research results. As a result of the study, comparative data were obtained on the specifics of ideas of different generations about the phenomenon of childhood, the peculiarities of the understanding of childhood by modern children and modern parents were identified, on this basis a program of educational activities for parents was developed and tested. The program of educational activities: is focused on the development of parental competence as an integrative ability to solve the problems of development and upbringing of children, which involves the implementation of comprehensive educational work, including stimulating motivation, position formation, enrichment of ideas and the formation of practical skills; involves the organization of a system of individual support of parents, a variety of forms of work, the development of parental reflection, stimulating independence and awareness through keeping a personal diary; practice-oriented, illustrated with a large number of examples and cases from real practice; involves updating the existing experience of parents, helps everyone see points of their own growth. Conclusions. The program of educational activities was designed on the basis of the data obtained on the specific ideas about the phenomenon of childhood of older preschoolers and parents and is focused on the problems of raising a child in a family that are relevant for modern parents and children.

Текст научной работы на тему «Проектирование программы просветительской деятельности с учетом актуальных представлений о детстве старших дошкольников и их родителей»

��� 37.02, 37.04 DOI: 10.24412/2782-4519-2023-5119-31-41

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���������: 17.07.2023. ������� � ����������: 26.08.2023.

. agg186868@gmail.com

UDC 37.02, 37.04 DOI: 10.24412/2782-4519-2023-5119-31-41

Designing a Program of Educational Activities Taking into Account Current Ideas about the Childhood of Older Preschoolers and their Parents

Aleksandra G. Gogoberidze.,1,2, Victoria P. Lazarenko1

1 Herzen State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg, Russia 2 Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russia The relevance of research. The changes taking place in society and culture affect the transformation of such a socio-cultural phenomenon as childhood. Obtaining current knowledge about childhood makes it possible to predict the features of the future society, the adult population of which will consist of modern children. Obtaining data on the similarities and differences of ideas about childhood in children and adults can allow us to build effective educational work with parents. This will help adults better understand children, change the educational and the pedagogical process in accordance with the needs, values, and problems of modern preschoolers. The article presents the results of a study of the peculiarities of ideas about childhood as a phenomenon in older preschool children and parents of older preschoolers and designing on this basis of an educational program for parents. Organization of the study. The aim of the study was to develop methods and conduct a comparative analysis of children�s and parents� ideas about childhood and to develop a program of educational activities taking into account the identified features. Diagnostic research tools included modifications of �soft� methods (S.N. Mayorova-Shcheglova): the sociographic method (drawing on a given topic �Children and their childhood�, analysis of the depicted event) the collision method (analysis of the verbally presented situation) and the comic book method (inventing the child�s replicas of the hero in the presented situations). In addition, an auxiliary method was used � a conversation � for the interpretation of children�s drawings and a modified projective technique �Ladder�. Research results. As a result of the study, comparative data were obtained on the specifics of ideas of different generations about the phenomenon of childhood, the peculiarities of the understanding of childhood by modern children and modern parents were identified, on this basis a program of educational activities for parents was developed and tested. The program of educational activities: is focused on the development of parental competence as an integrative ability to solve the problems of development and upbringing of children, which involves the implementation of comprehensive educational work, including stimulating motivation, position formation, enrichment of ideas and the formation of practical skills; involves the organization of a system of individual support of parents, a variety of forms of work, the development of parental reflection, stimulating independence and awareness through keeping a personal diary; practice-oriented, illustrated with a large number of examples and cases from real practice; involves updating the existing experience of parents, helps everyone see points of their own growth. Conclusions. The program of educational activities was designed on the basis of the data obtained on the specific ideas about the phenomenon of childhood of older preschoolers and parents and is focused on the problems of raising a child in a family that are relevant for modern parents and children.

Keywords: childhood, ideas about childhood, older preschool children, parents of preschoolers, preschool education, educational activity program.

For citation: Gogoberidze A.G., Lazarenko V.P. (2023). Designing a program of educational activities taking into account current ideas about the childhood of older preschoolers and their parents. Preschool Education Today. 5:17, 31�41 (in Russian). DOI: 10.24412/2782-4519-2023-5119-31-41

Recieved: 17.07.2023. Accepted: 26.08.2023

. agg186868@gmail.com

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About the authors

Aleksandra G. Gogoberidze, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of Department of Preschool Pedagogy of Hersen Pedagogical University, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Preschool Education, Institute of Deve-lopmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Edu-cation, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Russia, agg186868@ gmail.com, ORCID: 0000-0002-5374-632X

Victoria P. Lazarenko, Master of Psychological and Pedagogical Education, Institute of Childhood, Hersen Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg, Russia, victorialazarenko1105@gmail.com



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