PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF MODERN YOUTH OF KAZAKHSTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
youth / socialization / education / morality / career / society / Kazakhstan

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Shadinova G.A., Onalbaykizi R.

This article discusses the problems and prospects of today's youth in Kazakhstan. Namely, we study the problem of today's youth, which should be the creation of conditions for the empowerment of young generation in the participation of society and the direction of the youth potential for the development of Kazakhstan, to ensure an adequate level of competitiveness.

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Shadinova G.A.

Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor International Kazakh-Turkish University H.A. Yasawi

Turkestan, Kazakhstan Onalbaykizi R.

Master Lecturer

International Kazakh-Turkish University H.A. Yasawi



Abstract: This article discusses the problems and prospects of today's youth in Kazakhstan. Namely, we study the problem of today's youth, which should be the creation of conditions for the empowerment of young generation in the participation of society and the direction of the youth potential for the development of Kazakhstan, to ensure an adequate level of competitiveness.

Keywords: youth, socialization, education, morality, career, society, Kazakhstan.

Youth is a sociological category, the criterion of analysis of which is dynamics, the development of social roles and functions, the achievement of a certain social position (dependence - independence) as a complex indicator of the individualization of an individual / generation. The system of indicators of socialization of youth follows from its universal property - subjectivity, which indicates the transition from the primary property of being the object of social influence to the primary property of being the subject of socially transforming activity. The parameters of the models of socialization in a transitive society are determined by the ratio of the processes of organization and self-organization of youth.

If we look at the ranking of values by young people, then in the first place they marked a career, in second place - education, in third place - relations with friends, in fourth - relations with parents, in fifth - family values. Thus, the idea of «degradation of the life values of modern youth» turned out to be erroneous, since family values, relationships with parents and friends cannot be called negative. The desire for a career is natural in modern society, while the majority of respondents understand the importance of education to achieve this goal [1].

Lack of spirituality, low morality, as well as rudeness, crime, drug addiction, alcoholism and many other vices of our time - all of them destroy both a person, society, and the state. It is necessary to immediately clarify that at present the theoretical development of the concepts of «spirituality» and "morality" is often distinguished by ambiguity and inconsistency. In the complex modern reality, in the stream of mass media, which by no means always have a positive impact on the formation of the necessary moral qualities, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the young generation to understand what is true and what is false. Turning to the

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №1(34) 2020 science-j.com

issue of spiritual and moral education of youth is not accidental, since today a particular concern for us is a set of moral qualities that are formed in the process of personality development [2].

Global changes in engineering, technology, the natural environment, social life and their interaction in the context of systemic and structural transformation, and changes in the space of social normativity have influenced the processes of socialization of young people, on all aspects of their daily lives. The content and methods of resolving traditional youth problems, which in modern historical conditions require qualitatively new approaches in the effective interaction of the young generation and society, have radically changed.

In the process of socialization, a young human being acts as a self-organizing and self-fulfilling subject, which, on the one hand, assimilates social experience by integrating into the system of social ties, and on the other hand, reproduces this system through the active transformation of the social environment. Hence, the essence of socialization is the person's entry into society, due to specific social conditions, and the role of society is the purposeful, systematic creation of favorable conditions. The strategic orientation of youth socialization officially declared in the Republic of Kazakhstan - the formation of a new generation of people with an innovative, creative type of thinking, with a developed worldview culture, highly qualified professionals with an ethically responsible attitude to the world - poses the task of sociological science to adequately modernize the theoretical arsenal of socialization in accordance with the social order civil society and a democratic state with a socially oriented market e onomikoy [3].

In general, we can talk about a system of contradictions: between the modern requirements for the socialization of the young generation and the lack of a scientifically based concept of sociocultural support for youth; and between the natural not only internal but also external need of youth for social self-realization, cultural innovation and the lack of real conditions, the possibilities for its successful socialization, as a rule, not because of age-related, sociocultural insolvency.

In modern conditions, the youth of Kazakhstan is more mobile and selective in their attitude to the world of values, the search for themselves, their individuality. The modern scale of values is complicated by an abundance of choice, situational and long-term representations of youth are manifested in the system of value orientations. In the face of modern youth, a completely new cultural type has formed in Kazakhstani society, which is significantly different from previous generations: a layer of youth has formed with new guidelines, values for achieving success, and rational economic behavior. In this regard, at his numerous meetings with the youth of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev emphasizes: «Every person needs to instill the ability to do, the ability to learn, the ability to live, the ability to live together in the modern world» [4].

Today, Kazakhstan faces important tasks in consolidating and developing existing successes in social modernization, new industrialization of the country, transition of the economic development of the republic to innovative tracks, and intensification of integration processes. All these tasks are feasible only if there are

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №1(34) 2020 science-j.com

patriotic, physically and morally healthy, capable of creating, self-confident, creative, hardworking and active youth [5].

Kazakhstani society has come close to understanding that socialization of youth should become a specialized and professionalized activity, because spontaneous socialization no longer provides the necessary parameters needed for self-preservation and reproduction of society. High dynamism of society, a large flow of information, complex relationships between people imply the competencies that modern youth should master: the ability to learn for life: «a continuous model of education», «education for life». Since education is the main value, the way of being of a modern young man about this was expressed by the message of the President of the country N. A. Nazarabaev «Kazakhstan-2050 Strategy»: Our path to the future is associated with creating new opportunities for unlocking the potential of Kazakhstanis. A developed country in the 21st century is active, educated and healthy citizens. The task of the state is to create all the conditions for it [6].

In Kazakhstan, the role of education is more than noted and is strategically important for Kazakhstan to become one of the 50 most competitive countries in the world. Therefore, Kazakhstan needs highly qualified specialists with the necessary knowledge and skills inherent in the century of new technologies. Education in the XXI century plays a very significant role and therefore all states direct their efforts towards building a powerful foundation for education. It turns out that the state should focus on education. It has a huge impact on the country's place on the world stage and can even determine the level of socio-economic development, in particular, the level of use of human resources, which is very important in globalization and a market economy. To date, it is not enough just to get a higher education or to complete certain courses, it is very important to be able to put the acquired knowledge into practice and put all efforts into social and economic development.In an age of deep cultural change, transformation and conflict, when traditional values and beliefs are no longer adequate guidelines for life and for finding the meaning of existence, society needs a person who is able to comprehend and understand reality, develop their value and spiritual guidelines, create new forms of life. It is these qualities that should be inherent in the younger generation. This is defined in the Law on Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which says: «Education is a continuous process of education and training aimed at ensuring a high level of moral, intellectual, cultural development and professional competence of all members of society [7]».

Thus, youth is not only an object of analysis, but also a direct subject, with its inherent system of views and assessments of the processes taking place in the country. Proceeding from this, we consider one of the duties of the state to be the active involvement of young people in the processes of democratic reform.

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №1(34) 2020 science-j.com



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