ISSUES OF FORMATION SPIRITUALITY OF YOUTH IN THE PROCESS OF GLOBALIZATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Ключевые слова
youth / globalization / issues of globalization / spirituality / national spirituality / spiritual perfection / computer / Internet / pop-culture / ideological threats / information / modern technology

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Meliyev S. Kh.

This article devoted today, throughout the most complicated processes of globalization the especial attention is given to problems arisen in the field of spirituality, such as preservation and increase of spirituality of the nation and in particular preservation of mind and heart of youth from influence of various noxious ideas and thoughts.

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Resume: This article devoted today, throughout the most complicated processes of globalization the especial attention is given to problems arisen in the field of spirituality, such as preservation and increase of spirituality of the nation and in particular preservation of mind and heart of youth from influence of various noxious ideas and thoughts.

Keywords: youth, globalization, issues of globalization, spirituality, national spirituality, spiritual perfection, computer, Internet, pop-culture, ideological threats, information, modern technology.

The modern world is developing very quickly. In modern times, all mankind is included in a single system of socio - economic, political and other relations globalization. It is necessary to underline, that globalization for today means wide scientific, scientifically - philosophical and vital concept. Following the standard opinion these processes define formation on the one hand, economic, socially -political, naturally - biological condition of absolutely new sense, on the other hand, processes of transformation of local and regional problems in world scale problems. Globalization is, first of all, an immense acceleration of life[1]. At present, this process applies to all spheres; it is characterized by increased exchange of information. The process of globalization humanity has undergone a new threats, that is in a number of these threats, a special place is the ideological, psychological and information threats. The First President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, speaking of the "spiritual threat, indicates that above all, it is necessary in mind the ideological, ideal and informational threats that aim to impact on the spiritual world, regardless of their language, religion and faith, aimed against his freedom "[2]. Currently, these threats are made against many countries and Uzbekistan is no exception. Spiritual development and formation of the personality on the basis of active life position and creativity is one of the important problems of society. Formation of the spiritual education of the individual is one of the priorities in human life and society. Spirituality - a love of life, recognition of life, exaltation of life and young people come to it, filling the life of the true spirit of celebration, joy and genuine love. It includes philosophical, legal, scientific, moral and religious concepts people. On the basis of the term spirituality is the word "meaning". "Spirituality - a great power of man, people, society, and the state. Where it does not and will never be happy".

One of the major problems now is education of young generation in the spirit of national and universal values, in pride to the richest moral, to historical values, in love and fidelity to the motherland. Modern youth has sufficient maturity to understand the need for the spiritual life. The problem of youth spirituality - is not

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only the definition of high-level human exploration of their world, relationship to nature, to society, to other people, to yourself. This is the answer to many vital questions: Who am I, what I came into this world, what is my place in it, what is the meaning of my life based on what values should I choose their way of life, to define the purpose and meaning of their activities to choose means to achieve them and evaluate their results.

Nevertheless, modern technology is still considered as a threat to health. Here we must remember about the expression "dosage". A lot of people aged 10 to 20 years suffer from a real addiction various phones, computers and gadgets. Today, one in five adolescents have such a thing as a game console and one way or another, he dreams about her. And if even some 15 years ago, enthusiasm 5-6-7-graders were of outdoor games and sports races, now it is "throwing out the games", "exchange melodies", a collection of "cool spots" and so on. If you do not take the problem of poor vision, you can see that being overweight is now affect more people than ever before, but try as much as possible to introduce the sport in the lives of everyone. Which, incidentally, it is also cultivated not without bad habits. Yes, that is now to bury the game and spend the entire holiday so much more fun than run outside, play football or just to stroll. Of course, older people more easily disown the fact that "Ah, youth, do not tell them anything". That is, in principle, if you are fashionably dressed, you have free money, you understand music and know how to relax, then you are the best a real man of the younger generation.

Television, radio and the press, however, is gradually receding into the background, giving way to a more powerful opponent. World Wide Web, Internet, mass' media - it's the name of the same "assembly" of information. After all, one of Wikipedia and social networking is not limited to the Internet. By and large, the Internet can find everything and not always useful. And no matter how much the government of any country not beat the same, say, pornography, it is full. And if you look at the younger generation, they probably know what a "sadistic" than the details of the Great Patriotic War. Of course, the Internet has its advantages, but disadvantages much more. Of special note is the social network. On the one hand, social networks - it's cool. Really, nice to meet friends that you have forgotten, correspond with classmates and former classmate. People spend hours of their time communicating in another social sphere, and not be easier to go out and talk to live there? Sensations because a lot more will. It is safe to say that all social networks just taken the life of people. It looks like a drug, right? Very often you can find a variety of photos, pictures or obscene inscription in ordinary social sphere, despite the fact that there is already a registered children from 7 years. And those same administrators and moderators are silent until the scandal just will not rise and unfit group or remove would remove obscene materials. Child 7-10 years old did not think to create a platitude, because the brain works differently, it is not yet to bad. That figure as senior care for the younger ones. Shame on you, madly ashamed, that it is the older generation, and was thus "tolerate" a factor for young people. Not for nothing do they say that between poison and medicine only difference in dosage. However, it is the older generation gives way to all that absorbs a new generation.

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Although with all of this, young people are more educated and sensitive to the feelings of elders.

Today's young people need a wider view of life and strengthening the roots in their culture, traditions, national values. Strengthening the roots gives a sense of responsibility and ownership, and greater understanding of life gives a feeling of relaxation. Big problem for the young are complex: they are worried that they will think about. Another problem - the tendency of the mind to hold on to the poor, and not for good; All this increases the tension in them and in the community. To get rid of this, they have to take responsibility and to clear the mind. All spiritual practices and ceremonies of man to lead a more fulfilled and happy life full of love and care, and that is exactly what you need young. Looking at their lives, they need to see it in a broader context and not to look at short-term gains. Along with this, they must be a shift from "What am I going to have" to "What can I give"; the ability of the competition to give. This will happen only if they pay attention to the four sources of energy proper nutrition, proper rest, proper breathing, a few minutes of quiet, meditative state of mind.

The main methodological bases in education of harmoniously developed generation are stated in the book of our President Islam Karimov "High spiritualit y - unbreakable power". Our president underlines following main principles of formation of spirituality of each person which strengthening will lead to a non-admission of ideological threats:

1. Spiritual heritages, cultural riches.

2. National traditions and values.

3. A scientific heritage of great ancestors.

4. Institutes of family and neighborhood (mahalla).

5. National education structure.

Implementation of these principles can develop psychological and ideological immunity in youth. Young people must understand that she has a huge potential and the power to achieve anything they want. This is possible if they can stay in silence alone. Unfortunately, spirituality is exposed as something very serious. Youth is always striving for success. However, the parameters of success are variable. A couple of decades ago, it was considered that a sign of success - is to wear a lot of jewelry. Today, it is not. I evaluate the success of your smile. I believe that today, a sign of success - is not descended from the face smile, confidence in life and a sense of belonging to all around. That is what our young people should seek to develop in your life a sense of confidence, not vulnerability.

These human needs - a love for man, friendship, moral and psychological support, attention to each other, compassion, empathy, sharing of ideas, co-creation, and these feelings depend only on man's inner world, it is their master, and no luck. Today, young people need development, not development to the toys, and the development of his personal and moral qualities. Read books or listen to them well, they bring a lot of inspiration. Put yourself goals, both material and spiritual, made every effort to achieve them. Take a sheet of paper, write on it all your desires, hang

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №11(32) 2019 science-j.com

this sheet so that you can see it every day (can be mounted on a computer monitor). The main thing - always believe in yourself and you will be sure to succeed.


1. Karimov I. Yuksak ma'naviyat - yengimas kuch. -T.: Ma'naviyat, 2008. -B.111.

2. Тайлакова Ш.Н. Социальные факторы влияния средств массовой информация на мировоззрение учащейся молодежи. // Молодой учений. -2013.-№5. -С.777.

"Мировая наука" №11(32) 2019 science-j.com

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