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��������� ������ �������� 16.11.2021.
��������: [email protected]
UDC 376 DOI: 10.24412/1997-9657-2022-1109-26-35
Reasons for Parents� Dissatisfaction with Preschool Educational Institutions in Moscow
Svetlana M. Podyanova1, Katerina N. Polivanova2,
1 Kindergarten and school �Talantville�, Moscow, Russia; 2 HSE University, Moscow, Russia The relevance of the topic of the article. Modern parents of preschoolers are active participants in the educational process. Their satisfaction is an important criterion for assessing the quality of education. Studying their opinion is an effective tool for systematic improving the quality of preschool educational institutions. The aim of the study. Identification and description of the reasons for the dissatisfaction of parents of Moscow preschool institutions. Methodology: thematic semi-structured interviews. Description of the research progress. The sample consisted of 20 mothers of children aged 3 to 7 attending kindergartens of various types and forms of institutions in Moscow. Parents were asked to tell about the choice of kindergarten, subject-spatial environment, daily routine, supervision and care of children, interaction between teachers, children and parents, types of activity, development of speech, thinking and educational program. The spontaneously mentioned causes of dissatisfaction were thoroughly investigated. The thematic framework for the questions was the ECERS international scale and works devoted to identifying the correlation of parental involvement and their level of satisfaction. Research results. Among the main groups of reasons for dissatisfaction with preschool educational institutions, �interaction� is leading by a wide margin, implying the quality of interaction between children, educators, administration, and parents. It is the reasons for the �interaction� group that become the critical point for transferring children to another preschool. Among the main complaints are: the individuality of the child is not taken into account; tough discipline; strict, rude, unprofessional educators; the authoritarian position of the head towards parents; poor quality of feedback; relationships with peers. The group �types of children�s activity� has the potential to become as significant as �interaction�: when choosing a kindergarten, parents pay attention to the presence and variety of circles, in the private sector they are ready to take their child further for the sake of quality classes. Parents are rather satisfied with supervision, care, compliance with the temperature regime, the subject-spatial environment. The group �development of speech and literacy� stands apart: parents do not mention this topic. They are either poorly informed about the kindergarten program, or consider this aspect unimportant. Conclusion. Satisfaction of parents as active participants in educational process is one of the important criteria for assessing the quality of preschool education, and dissatisfaction is a marker for the necessary improvements. If the administration and teachers, when assessing the quality, evaluate the group and the kindergarten as a whole, that the comfort and emotional well-being of their own child is important to parents. This means that the individual approach and personal development are at the forefront. The main attention should be paid to the quality of interaction between children, parents and the kindergarten staff and to the quality and variety of types of children�s activity. These studies of the causes of parental dissatisfaction can be useful for heads of preschool educational institutions of various forms of ownership to improve the quality of services provided and develop a marketing strategy.
Keywords: preschool education, parents, preschool educational institution, educators, discipline, children�s activity, kindergarten program.
For citation: Podyanova S.M., Polivanova K.N. (2022). Reasons for parents� dissatisfaction with preschool educational institutions in Moscow. Preschool Education Today. 1:16, 26�35 (in Russian). DOI: 10.24412/1997-9657-2022-1109-26-35
Original manuscript received 16.11.2021.
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Information about authors
Svetlana M. Podyanova, PhD in Pedagogy, co-founder and general director of the kindergarten and school �Talantville�, master coach, master�s student of the program �Education Management� HSE University, Moscow, Russia, [email protected]
Katerina N. Polivanova, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Scientific Director of the Center for Contemporary Childhood Research, Institute of Education, HSE University, Moscow, Russia, ORCID: 0000-0001-7058-1232, ResearcherID: K-8671-2015, Scopus AuthorID: 6508178898, [email protected]
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