Научная статья на тему 'Physiological basis of sports training system development among boxers'

Physiological basis of sports training system development among boxers Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
boxing / sports training / extrapolation / afferent synthesis / pedagogical experiment

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Ludmila D. Nazarenko, Igor S. Kolesnik, Dmitriy A. Osipov

The effectiveness of competitive activity in boxing is provided by a constant development of educational methodology and training; by the search for the means of general physical and special readiness level increase; by the leading motionalcoordinating qualities development, which condition the character of motional activity; by the working capacity of a sportsman, readiness to stand the attack of the opponent. During the process of sports training development among combatants great attention should be paid to psychological readiness improvement to struggle with the opponent, who is higher, stronger, and more aggressive. The skills formation of different defensive techniques effective use is very important for the sportsmanship improvement among boxers, as a rational use of these techniques helps to avoid timely the opponent’s attacking actions.Material. Theoretical and methodical importance substantiation of physiological mechanisms use in the system of sports training development among boxers. Research methods: scientific and scientific-methodical literature analysis and summarizing, pedagogical experiment, testing, method of expert evaluations, analytical methods. Results. The skills formation of motional actions afferent synthesis, the main components of which are motivation, memory, situational and start-up information, helps more effectively use motivation of going in for boxing as the means of many-sided harmonious physical and spiritual-moral development. Different kinds of memory use (mechanical, logical, short-term memory,long-term memory, motional) provides competitive activity experience formation, self-confidence increase, readiness to realize accumulated motional potential in difficult conditions of combat with the unknown, highly-qualified opponent. The skills of situational and start-up information use provides the set aim achievement in terms of uncustomary location of the ring, great amount of the audience with an inadequate reaction to the situation on a boxing ring and in terms of not objective refereeing. Owing to the skills formation of situational and start-up information use a sportsman is successful in terms ofrepeated program of actions, attack fulfillment in case of time deficiency, an adequate reaction to a single start-up signal. Conclusion. Taking into consideration physiological basis of sports training improvement process among boxers, as the results of the pedagogical experiment prove, provides the training process effectiveness increase.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Physiological basis of sports training system development among boxers»

Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 156-160 (Scopus)

15. Kuznetsov A., Mutaeva I., Kuznetsova Z. Diagnostics of Functional State and Recerve Capacity of

Submitted: 18.12.2017 Received: 21.12.2017

young Athletes' Organizm. In Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 111-115 (Scopus)

Authors information:

Georgiy K. Lebedev - Teacher Physical Culture, Sport and Youth Policy Institute of Ural Federal University Named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Komintern str., 14, Ekaterinburg, 620002, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]

For citations: Lebedev G.K. Anthropometric parameters control of youth ski jumpers, The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport (Pedagogico-Pshycological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 121-129. DOI 10/14526/04 2017 274.

DOI 10/14526/04_2017_275



Ludmila D. Nazarenko - doctor of pedagogics, professor Igor S. Kolesnik - doctor of pedagogics, professor Dmitriy A. Osipov - postgraduate Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, 4, area of 100 th anniversary of V.I. Lenin's birth, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia

E-mail: ld [email protected]

Annotation. The effectiveness of competitive activity in boxing is provided by a constant development of educational methodology and training; by the search for the means of general physical and special readiness level increase; by the leading motional- coordinating qualities development, which condition the character of motional activity; by the working capacity of a sportsman, readiness to stand the attack of the opponent. During the process of sports training development among combatants great attention should be paid to psychological readiness improvement to struggle with the opponent, who is higher, stronger, and more aggressive. The skills formation of different defensive techniques effective use is very important for the sportsmanship improvement among boxers, as a rational use of these techniques helps to avoid timely the opponent's attacking actions.Material. Theoretical and methodical importance substantiation of physiological mechanisms use in the system of sports training development among boxers. Research methods: scientific and scientific-methodical literature analysis and summarizing, pedagogical experiment, testing, method of expert evaluations, analytical methods. Results. The skills formation of motional actions afferent synthesis, the main components of which are motivation, memory, situational and start-up information, helps more effectively use motivation of going in for boxing as the means of many-sided harmonious physical and spiritual-moral development. Different kinds of memory use (mechanical, logical, short-term memory,long-term memory, motional) provides competitive activity experience formation, self-confidence increase, readiness to realize accumulated motional potential in difficult conditions of


combat with the unknown, highly-qualified opponent. The skills of situational and start-up information use provides the set aim achievement in terms of uncustomary location of the ring, great amount of the audience with an inadequate reaction to the situation on a boxing ring and in terms of not objective refereeing. Owing to the skills formation of situational and start-up information use a sportsman is successful in terms ofrepeated program of actions, attack fulfillment in case of time deficiency, an adequate reaction to a single start-up signal. Conclusion. Taking into consideration physiological basis of sports training improvement process among boxers, as the results of the pedagogical experiment prove, provides the training process effectiveness increase. Keywords: boxing, sports training, extrapolation, afferent synthesis, pedagogical experiment.

Urgency. Sports activity is directed at high results achievement and it conditions constant search for the ways of the training process development [2, 6, 8, 9, 11]. Sports training is realized in accordance with the main physiological laws, which set the character of interactions between the content of the training load (taking into account its volume and intensity); the volume of morpho-functional shifts in an organism and the level of adaptive-compensatory transformations. The system of sports training development is possible, in our opinion, by means of the ability to fulfill extrapolation of the motional actions and the skills of the afferent synthesis formation. The essence of extrapolation is in the fact, that it helps to choose the most effective exercises from a great volume of preparing and supplying exercises. It conditions considerable decrease of the training load and also the conditions revelation, when each preparing exercise gives maximum result for a new technique mastering and for breathing, blood circulation and other supporting physiological systems development [ 3, 5, 7 ].

The aim of this research work is theoretical and methodical importance substantiation of physiological mechanisms use in the system of sports training development among boxers.


1. To reveal the main conditions for boxers' sportsmanship increase.

2. To create and check the effectiveness of the methodology of boxers' sports training development during the process of the pedagogical experiment on the basis of theextrapolation skills and afferent synthesis of motional actions formation.

Materials. The materials of research works by I.S. Kolesnik, 2014, show sportsmanship increase among the boxers during the process of motional actions afferent synthesis skills formation. Scientific and scientific-methodical literature analysis proves insufficient attention paid by specialists to such ways of the training process effectiveness increase, as the skills of motional actions extrapolation formation and the ability development to fulfill afferent synthesis of motor acts, which have more potential for technical readiness indices increase. According to P.K. Anokhin, 1975, the structural components of the afferent synthesis are the following: motivation, memory, situational and start-up information. We revealed the motives of sports activity, which can be classified according to the influence on a personality (inner and external), according to orientation (personality oriented, socially conditioned and socially important).

Inner motivation is oriented at personal problems solution: to become strong and enduring; increaseself-confidence; know own abilities and skills. External motivation fulfills an auxiliary function(for example, sports school for children close to the house; a trainer -a well-known sports teacher, who trained outstanding sportsmen; father or an elder brother, who went in for this kind of sport and others). Personality oriented motivation (to become master of sport; show parents and friends own abilities and skills and others). Socially conditioned motivation (to go in for sports in order to improve own health state; sport increases an opportunity to have future career and others). Socially important motivation (to be the member of a national

team of Russia; to become the winner of important competitions and others).

Personality-oriented motives at the initial stage of sports training prevail over other motives, however the attitude of sportsmen to educational- training process determine socially important kinds of motives. In terms of personality-oriented motives (ability to defend oneself, become a leader and others) transformation into socially important ones (to become the member of a national team, to defend a sports honor of the country and others) independence, responsibility, discipline and other leading moral-volitional qualities are formed, which determine cognitive and motional activity, optimal working capacity as the base for the level of sportsmanship increase.

Temporary neural connections-associations in memory, according to I.P. Pavlov, are considered as the reflection of interrelations and interconditionalities in central nervous system, which are typical to outerworld.In competitive activity of boxerswe can define mechanical, logical, short-term, long-term, and motional kinds of memory. For example, in boxing mechanical memory helps to reproduce not known earlier way of an accurate strike, seen during the combat of qualified boxers, which helps to seize the initiative by means of random connections setting between the taken position, used distance and the stand of the opponent, who attacks the boxer in a definite situation. Owing to logical memoryconceptual connections between different elements of a motor act are set: a boxer's stand, position of the opponent, kind of the impact action, the way of its fulfillment, speed of movements and others, the use of which conditions the effectiveness of the used kind of technique and the variant of its realization in the existing situation.

The place and importance of motional memory in the system of sports training of boxers is conditioned by its influence on the skills formation of preparatory and main actions fulfillment in their rational sequence and interconnection, when the final position of

the previous motor act becomes the initial for the next act, more difficult technique. It provides an optimal location body of the parts in space and time and leads to a successful attack. An effective fulfillment of the impact action into the set point imprints the details and the leading part of the technique in a combatant's memory, their sequence, used ways of movement, distance. It forms competitive experience, owing to which in the combat with a strong unknown opponent a boxer uses tested earlier ways of motional activity organization in the similar situation.

With the help of a long-term memory the skills of an effective competitive distance, a complex of defensive actions, false techniques choice are formed and it creates necessary pre-conditions for an individual style of combat formation. The role of a short-term memory is in an objective perception of the peculiarities of the known attacking actions fulfillment with the opponent in different situations, taking into account the ratio of his height-weigh indices, the length of the upper and lower extremities, tempo-rhythmic parameters of motional activity. After the combat the emotions of its fulfillment disappear.

The important components of an afferent synthesis are the following: situational and start-up information. Situational information is to form the skills of an effective competitive activity in case of some peculiarities of the ring location in a sport gym, great amount of audience, who express negative emotions, not objective refereeing. The methodology of the skills formation of situational information use includes motional tasks, directed at an adequate perception of the opponent's actions, the skills of his motor acts prediction and own motional actions programming in the existing situation.

The role of start-up information as the signal to start the combat is in getting a boxer into the state of mobilization readiness to realize the program of the fight with the opponent. During the combat external stimuli, which condition the use of the definite variants of counterattack actions are characterized by

different difficulty. During interaction between the combatantsstart-up orientation is presented by a situation, which provides consistency of actions of start-up and situational information, for example, during the striking technique fulfillment an effective defense of the opponent makes the attacking boxer change the program of actions. During the combat start-up afference presents the whole complex of different motional actions, which determine the effectiveness of the attack. The reaction to a start-upstimulus and at the same time to the opponent's behavior (a boxer's stand, position, preparatory actions choice and others) conditions the merge of the start-up signal and situational information into oneexternal stimulus, which conditions the activity of the whole system.

In single combats afferent synthesis demands intellectual and motional qualities mobilization, as during the process of constant highly-dynamic change of situations, as a result of an active opposition of the opponent, attacking boxer has to change the program of won actions and in each new situation create another algorithm of the attack or counterattack. In this connection increase the requirements for strengthening and variability of motional skillsas one of sportsmanship increase conditions. Therefore, the capacity for extrapolation and afferent synthesis of motor acts formation should be considered as a physiological base of sports training system development.

Research results and their discussion. In order to check the effectiveness of the afferent synthesis during sports training improvement a pedagogical experiment was held. 15-17 year-old boxers of the 1st category and candidate masters took part in the experiment. We formed the control group and the experimental group, each group included 16 people. Before the pedagogical experiment the test was held in order to reveal the initial level of physical readiness indices. For this purpose the following control exercises were used:30 meters running (seconds), 100 meters running (seconds), 3000 meters running (minutes), standing long-jump (cm),pull-up

(quantity),shot-put (3 kg) with the right and the left hand (meters). The results of the test analysis didn't reveal considerable differences according to the level of physical readiness among the boxers from the CG and the EG, ^>0,05). Also the level of competitive activity effectiveness was revealed according to the following indices: the ratio of the precise impact and missed actions during one round; the number of the used defensive techniques and their effectiveness during the attack and counterattack; the abilities to speed-up motional actions to the end of the round. The research results handling didn't reveal considerable differences according to the degree of special readiness of sportsmen from the CG and the EG,fo>0,05).

In the CG the training lessons were held according to the traditional methodology in accordance with the program of sports training, recommended by Boxing Federation of the Russian Federation [1, 4]. In the EG sportsmanship improvement was realized on the basis of the skills of extrapolation and afferent synthesis of motional actions formation. In order to form the capacity for extrapolation of motor acts the system of motional tasks was used, which was directed at mastering the skills of the independent choice of the effective variants of the attacking strike in different situations of the combat, for example a direct blow to the head can be fulfilled from a close, average, far and super-far distance; in an attacking, counter or responding style; standing, moving, using sidesteps, bends, feints; in quick and slow tempo, with different amplitude and power. The boxers from the EG were offered to determine themselves the expediency of a singleand a serial direct blow, long and short, strong or weak depending on the situation or the set aim (for example, in order to stop, prevent the attack of the opponent or recapture the initiative; own attack preparation, beginning, development, finish and coming out of it).

In order to form the skills of motional actions afferent synthesis in the EG a gradual formation of socially important motivation was

fulfilled on the basis of its other kinds: inner, outer and socially oriented and alsomechanical, logical, motional, long-term and short-term memorydevelopment and improvement with the help of special motional and intellectual tasks (for example, after watching the combat of two boxers reproduce used by them preparatory and organizing exercises; set a rational quantity and combination of different kinds of defensive techniques; say the variants of a direct blow to the head and body fulfillment; innumerate the peculiarities of the left-hand uppercut to the body fulfillment by the winner of the tournament and etc.).

The skills formation of situational information use was realized taking into account the following, revealed by us, structural components: ring location at the competitions; reaction of the audience during the combat; the degree of objective refereeing; adequate reaction of a boxer to the opponent's actions. The content of the methodology of these skills strengthening provided the following:

- simulated combats and sparrings in case of different location of the ring;

-the skills formation of psycho-emotional state control in order to draw away a boxer's attention from noise of the audience; own nervous-psychic and physical efforts mobilization in order to achieve the set aim in case of not objective refereeing;

- the ability improvement to fulfill an objective analysis and estimation of the opponent's actions, which condition an adequate choice of counterattack variant, which helps to neutralize the opponent's program.

Start-up information is presented by the following structural components:

- a single start-up signal;

- situation, which is conditioned by the mergence of situational and start-up information;

- repeated attacks;

- attack fulfillment in terms of lack of


The methodology of the skills formation of start-up information use provided timely reaction to a start-up signal; variability of the technique fulfillment, which increases the opportunity to use the unknown for the opponent way of attack; effective actions in terms of lack of time, providing the skills of the opponent's actions prediction formation.

After the pedagogical experiment one more test of the level of physical readiness and competitive activity was fulfilled in order to reveal the character of dynamics of the studied indices. The received results analysis proves the results improvement in both groups: the CG and the EG, however the character of increase in the EG was more evident. In the CG in 30 meters running with the initial results 4,83±0,42 seconds, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the indices improved to 1,48%, fo>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 4,85±0,39seconds, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the indices improvement was 3,11%, ^>0,05). In standing long-jump in the CG with the initial indices 2,08±16,8 cm, to the end of the experiment the results increased to 5,36%, ^>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 2,10±15,4 cm the increase was 12,6%, ^<0,05). The same tendency of more considerable indices improvement in the EG was revealed according to other tests.

The results of competitive activity analysis also prove its effectiveness increase. In the CG with the initial results of the accurate impact actions and the missed attacks ratio during one round 8:7, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the indices changed and were 10:7; in the EG with the initial results 7:8 of the impact actions, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the ratio was 14:6. In the CG with the initial indices of the amount of the used defensive techniques in terms of each attacking action from 5 to 7, to the end of the pedagogical experiment their number changed from 8 to 9; in the EG with the initial results from 5 to 8 defensive techniques to the end of the pedagogical experiment the indices increased and were from 12 to 17 techniques.

Conclusion. Thus, the results of the pedagogical experiment showed the effectiveness of the offered by us approach to the system of sports training development among boxers on the basis of extrapolation and afferent synthesis skills of motional actions formation. Taking into consideration physiological basis helps to use fully kinesiological potential of a sportsman. Owing to the skills of motional actions extrapolation boxers master more effective preparing and supplying exercises, which bear structural similarity to the main competitive techniques. The skills of afferent synthesis of motional actions create the conditions for the support on a motivational sphere, a rational control of which helps to stimulate more effectively cognitive and motional activity of sportsmen; develop different kinds of memory, which help to form and enrich boxers' competitive experience by means of the strongest combatants' effective actions estimation and analysis. The skills of situational and start-up information use providesboxers' readiness for an effective competitive activity in terms of uncustomary location of the ring, aggressive reaction of the audience in case of not objective refereeing; and also the ability to react timely to the start-up signal; effective actions in the situation of situational and start-up information mergence; successful actions in case of lack of time.


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13. Kuznetsova Z., Kuznetsov A., Mutaeva I., Khalikov G., Zakharova A., 2015. Athletes preparation based on a complex assessment of functional state. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 156-160 (Scopus)

Submitted: 30.10.2017 Received: 03.11.2017

14. Kuznetsov A., Mutaeva I., Kuznetsova Z. Diagnostics of Functional State and Recerve Capacity of young Athletes' Organizm. In Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 111-115 (Scopus)

Authors information:

Ludmila D. Nazarenko - doctor of pedagogics, professor Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, 4, area of 100 th anniversary of V.I. Lenin's birth, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia, E-mail: ld [email protected]

Igor S. Kolesnik - doctor of pedagogics, professor Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, 4, area of 100 th anniversary of V.I. Lenin's birth, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia Dmitriy A. Osipov - postgraduate Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, 4, area of 100 th anniversary of V.I. Lenin's birth, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia

For citations: Nazarenko L.D., Kolesnik I.S., Osipov D.A. Physological basis of sport training system development among boxers, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-pshycological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 129-135. DOI 10/14526/04_2017_275.

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