DOI 10.14526/02_2018_307
Kolesnik I.S.1, Gatin F. A.1
1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I.N. Ulyanov " Russia, Ulyanovsk,
Annotation. The problem of technical-tactical mastery improvement among boxers, the search for new reserves, which provide sportsmanship increase, attract attention of many specialists, as these problems solution conditions the effectiveness of competitive activity. The period of initial sports training in boxing lasts two-three years; its duration can be reduced owing to a rational training process organization. Material. The article is about the physiological mechanism of motor actions rationalization on the basis of taking into consideration the regularities of higher nervous activity functioning. During a boxing combat sportsman experience different external stimulus, which condition corresponding reaction. This reaction can be both positive and negative. The ability to concentrate nervous-muscular efforts on the main stimulus helps to control effectively competitive activity. Research methods: scientific-methodical literature analysis, pedagogical experiment, testing. Results. For a successful technique fulfillment it is important to take into consideration the necessity to alternate muscular tension and relaxation, which will help to fulfill an effective attack in proper time in accordance with own program of actions. The methodology of a rational techniques organization skills formation includes the system of motor tasks, directed toward combatant's readiness provision for a boxing combat conduct in different, unusual, difficult conditions of competitive activity. The unexpected situations, which prevent the set aims realization, can be the following: a tall opponent, considerable length of the upper extremity; unusual time of competitions organization, conditioned by time zones change and etc. Training for a rational motor activity organization was realized by means of the methodical techniques use system, directed toward stability of psychic and physical abilities provision during conditions creation, which provide latent qualities of an organism revelation, as an important factor of the planned result achievement. Conclusion. The initial stage of sports training among boxers can be considerably reduced owing to a rational motor activity organization on the basis of higher nervous activity regularities use. The created methodology of the rational motor activity organization skills formation helped to improve the indices of physical and technical readiness among boxers of mass categories.
Keywords: boxers of mass categories, regularities of higher nervous activity, pedagogical experiment.
For citations: Kolesnik I.S., Gatin F.A. A boxer's motor actions rationalization on the basis of regularities of higher nervous activity. The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport (Pedagogico-Phycological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports). 2018; 13(2): 39-43. DOI 10.14526/02_2018_307
The effectiveness of a boxer competitive activity is conditioned by several factors, among which great attention should be paid to the skills of an adequate reaction formation to this or that external stimulus.
The character of motor acts fulfillment is mainly conditioned by sports fitness gaining, the degree of self-confidence, readiness for effective motor activity management. During a boxing combat an athlete experiences a complex of external and inner stimuli,
simultaneousness or consistency of which activates or decreases working capacity of an athlete. The skill formation of the strongest stimuli revelation is one of the conditions for a successful competitive activity. The ability to distribute external stimuli according to the strength and importance of their influence is one of the conditions for effective motor activity of a combatant organization [6, 9, 14].
The aim of this work is theoretical substantiation of a boxer's motor actions rationalization on the basis of higher nervous activity regularities functioning.
1. To reveal physiological mechanism of motor actions rationality in boxing.
2. To create the methodology of the rational boxer's motor activity organization skills formation.
During a combat muscular activity includes great number of nerve centers, which have different activity. In terms of different state of nerve centers: hyperexcitability, the ability to cumulate the influencing stimuli -the conditions are created for the dominating center appearance. One of the reasons for its appearance is the increased level of nerve cells excitability, conditioned by irradiation of nerve processes with the responses generalization, excessive muscular groups involvement into work, hormonal changes in an organism.
For a correct boxer's behavior organization before the competitions it is important to know the characteristics of undesired pre-start reactions: pre-start apathy or pre-start fever. One of the effective means of pre-start state regulation, directed toward the level of pre-start excitability or deceleration change, is correctly organized warming-up, taking into account typological peculiarities, and also a complex of pedagogical and psychological events, directed toward gradual training young sportsmen to competitive conditions,
including the elements of competitiveness into training process [8, 9, 12].
The strength of the dominating center is conditioned by the number of nerve centers, involved into the definite center of excitability. The most difficult are the dominants, which provide motor activity, for example, taking guard; the definite position, which is the base for the beginning of the attacking preparatory actions fulfillment. The dominating center includes neurons of different parts of the brain. For the skills formation of a boxer's rational motor activity organization at the initial stage of sports training the methodology was created, the content of which provided the system of gradually advancing tasks. For example, for the skill formation of external stimuli distribution according to the degree of their importance boxers were offered the following variants of motor activity:
- inadequate reaction of the audience, when each attack of a combatant is perceived with disapproval. An athlete is offered to choose a type of reaction: ignore the opinion of the audience, concentrate on the opponent's actions; change the character of reaction by means of motor activity intensification, the tempo of movements increase, the rhythm of motor acts change, focusing;
- the opponent's actions prediction and the series of the attacking actions fulfillment;
- delayed reaction to the judge's
An athlete during the attack fulfillment differentiates the sounds of a gong, however, stops his actions after the end of the actions set program. The skill formation, an integral motor act fulfillment is one of the conditions for the level of sports training increase among combatants at the initial stage of the training process;
- external stimuli differentiation according to the degree of their influence on the result of a sports combat. Among different signals the most important is a motor act of the opponent, which conditions the tempo of movements, motor and cognitive activity,
attention focusing. The ability to take one's mind off external stimuli helps to focus nerve-muscular efforts on the main problem solution (not to miss the opponent's trademark blow, play to draw the first round, preserve the set speed of movements during the next round and etc.).
In the opinion of S.D. Neverkovich, 2003; V.I. Filimonov, 2007; IS. Kolesnik, 2010; A.S. Kuznetsov, 2012, L.D. Nazarenko, 2017 and others, one of the important conditions for the skills formation of a rational competitive activity organization is a successful interaction with the opponent in different conditions: after a preliminary muscular load; on the open ground; before a great amount of the audience; during the training combat with the opponents of different height; sparring and a training combat with a heavy belt and in heavy snickers.
The following things are important for motor activity rationalization: a trainer should comment an athlete's actions in order to specify and correct spatio-temporal and spatio-power parameters of motor actions; the location of the body parts in space and time; the moment of attack mentioning and others. Among word methods, depending on the objectives of training, the most important are the following: orders, explanations, short instructing, comments and others [5, 10,15].
The effectiveness of boxers' competitive actions is mainly conditioned by the level of physical readiness, the leading motor-coordinating qualities indices, their rational proportion, which causes the necessity to test regularly the results of physical readiness and adjust the content of the training lessons. The power and accuracy of the attacking blow is mainly conditioned by the ability to relax the working muscles when it is necessary, muscular efforts redistribution during the character of the motor actions change [8, 12]. During the training lessons for this purpose athletes mastered the exercises for relaxation after each sparring, period of work during boxing sparrings, after each round of the training
combat. The exercises for the working muscles relaxation were fulfilled from different positions (sitting, lying); with different duration, speed, succession, order; after the training lessons massage was held as an effective means of organism recovery.
In order to check the effectiveness of the created of a rational motor activity organization skills formation methodology among boxers a pedagogical experiment was held. 39 boxers of mass categories at the age of 13-14 took part in the experiment. Two groups were organized: the control group (CG) - 19 boxers, the experimental group (EG) - 20 boxers. Before the pedagogical experiment the test was held in order to reveal the initial level of physical readiness. During the test a complex of control exercises was used: 30 meters running from a standing start (seconds), 100 meters running (seconds) and 1000 meters running (minutes); hang chin-up (quantity); standing long-jump (cm); shot put (4 kg) with the right and left hand.
The level of technical readiness was determined (according to 5-point system) according to the following indices: the number of the mastered attacking techniques; number of the used ways of each attacking action fulfillment; the number of the used defensive techniques during each blow fulfillment; frequency of competitive discipline change within one round; the most effective way of movement selection. The group of experts (5 people) included highly-qualified trainers from other sports schools for children and sports clubs.
The received results analysis didn't reveal considerable differences according to the level of physical and technical readiness of boxers from the CG and the EG (p>0,05). In the CG training lessons were held according to generally adopted methodology in accordance with the program of sports training, adopted by boxing federation of the Russian Federation [1], in the EG created by us methodology was used. After the pedagogical experiment one more test was
held in order to reveal the dynamics of physical and technical readiness indices. The results of the pedagogical experiment showed that the indices improvement was in both groups: the CG and the EG, with considerable advantage of indices among the boxers from the EG.
After the pedagogical experiment one more test was held in order to reveal the level of general physical and technical readiness of boxers from the CG and the EG. The research results handling showed that the indices improvement was in both groups: the CG and the EG, however, in the EG the results were higher. In the CG with the initial results in 30 meters running 5,83±0,38 seconds, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the indices improvement was 4,21%, ^>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 5,97±0,41 seconds, the indices increase was 6,39%, ^>0,05); in the CG with the initial results in 100 meters running from a standing start 14,94±0,87 seconds, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the increase was 4,03%, ^>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 14,86±0,87 seconds, the increase was 6,89%, ^>0,05); in the CG in standing long jump with the initial results 194,51±14,35 cm, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the increase was 10,17% fo<0,05); in the EG with the initial results 193,19±13,22 cm, the increase was 17,66% ^<0,05). The same tendency of more considerable indices improvement of physical readiness in the experimental group was according to other control exercises.
The dynamics of technical readiness among boxers from the CG and the EG also had different character. In the CG with the initial indices of technical readiness 3,03±0,21 points, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the increase was 6,91% fo>0,05); in the EG with the initial level 2,91±0,15 points, the increase was 17,14% fo<0,05).
Thus, the results of the pedagogical experiment showed, that the initial stage of sports training can be reduced in case of its effectiveness increase owing to a rational
motor activity organization on the basis of higher nervous activity regularities use in accordance with which the progress of motor actions fulfillment is formed, taking into account simultaneous contraction of the working muscles group and muscles-antagonists relaxation. Tension and relaxation of muscles alternation is a necessary condition for effectiveness of their actions. Special methodology use of the skills formation of a rational motor activity organization helped to increase the frequency of techniques fulfillment in terms of pauses between intensive actions reduction.
The results of the pedagogical experiment showed the expediency and effectiveness of this methodology use at the initial stage of sports training among boxers of mass categories. The regularities of higher nervous activity should be taken into consideration during the training process organization, which helps to manage more effectively motor activity, realize personality-oriented approach to each sportsman. It provides more complete realization of a boxer's kinesiological potential, potential features of an organism revelation.
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Author's information:
Kolesnik I.S. — Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I.N. Ulyanov", 432700, Russia, Ulyanovsk, the 100 Anniversary of V.I. Lenin's Birth Square, House 4, e-mail: Id nazarenko a
Gatin F. A. - Postgraduate, Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I.N. Ulyanov", 432700, Russia, Ulyanovsk, the 100 Anniversary of V.I. Lenin's Birth Square, House 4, e-mail: