Научная статья на тему 'Pedagogical and medical-biological methods of health correction among students in terms of complex influence of mental and physical loads'

Pedagogical and medical-biological methods of health correction among students in terms of complex influence of mental and physical loads Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
students / sickness rate with temporary disability / severity of diseases / structure of sickness rate / correction methods

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Alexsandr N. Kovalenko, Eugene V. Bykov, Olga A. Makunina, Olga I. Kolomiets

Students are considered a population resource, which is not only the factor of well-being, but also the factor of country and its regions safety. In terms of ecological situation worsening, when the principles of healthy life style are not followed, the reserves of nervous, endocrine, immune systems are exhausted there is sickness rate (with temporary disability) increase among students of higher educational establishments. Considerable difference between the information about students’ health state and their sickness rate is the result, why there are no integrated unified approaches to the received information gathering, analysis and interpretation. Taking into account the peculiarities of studying at physical culture higher educational establishment, the influence of complex mental and physical loads and also the fact, that students are not only professional sportsmen, but also people, who don’t go in for sport and physical culture and even young disabled people, it is necessary to create a special health monitoring program, which is based on a system approach to the following characteristics estimation: educational environment conditions, students’ life style and social status, individual morphofunctional characteristics of students’ organism development, typological peculiarities of nervous system, mental working capacity, physical qualities and it gives an opportunity to realize in practice individual approach to educational process and students’ behavior organization. Material. Students’ sickness rate study (with temporary disability) at Ural State University of Physical Culture during the following period: 2014-2016 and pedagogical and medical-biological health-improvingcorrectional programs creation. Research methods: Sickness rate indices with temporary disability (TD) study, severity of diseases, the structure and main reasons of diseases study among students of the leading higher educational establishments in Chelyabinsk according to the rate of medical aid appealability during 2014-2016 on the basis of the state statistical observation form №12, an official form of account №16ВН; comparative analysis of sickness rate among the students of three leading higher educational establishments of Chelyabinsk during three years, their dynamics and structure; different methods of correctional programs organization, created by the authors of the article, are offered. Results. Complex analysis of sickness rate with temporary disability among the students of the Ural State University of Physical Culture reflect its increase during the following period: 2014-2016 to 35,3%. The sickness rate with TD in 2016 was 185,4 to 1000 students, which is considerably higher the level of the same sickness rate among students of the Chelyabinsk State University and the South-Ural State Medical University. In the structure of sickness rate with TD among students of Ural State University of Physical Culture the 1st place take respiratory diseases, the 2nd place take injuries and intoxication, the 3rd place take digestive apparatus diseases. During 2014-2016 there was the increase of respiratory and digestive apparatus diseases. There is a high level of sickness rate according to “injuries and intoxication” index, mainly because of a high level of injuries among sportsmen-students of Ural State University of Physical Culture. On the basis of the received results it is supposed to introduce the program of students’ health monitoring, use pedagogical and medical-biological programs of health state correctionaerobic loads depending on tolerance to physical loads, aerobics and body-oriented influences, synchronized musical impact, procedures of superficial reflexotherapy and “external” massage, information magnetotherapy. Conclusion. Taking into account the peculiarities of studying at physical culture higher educational establishment, the influence of complex mental and physical loads and also the fact, that students are not only professional sportsmen, but also people, who don’t go in for sport and physical culture and even young disabled people, it is necessary to introduce a differentiated approach to drug-free pedagogical and medical-biological health state correction programs creation and realization. For sportsmen these are correction-rehabilitation events, for students with health problems recreation-rehabilitation events.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Pedagogical and medical-biological methods of health correction among students in terms of complex influence of mental and physical loads»

Received: 30.04.2017

Vladislav E. Zankovets - master ofpedagogics, individual development trainer of "Barys" (Astana) hockey club players and the National team of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 7, str. Kazhymukan, Astana, 010000, Kazakhstan, E-mail: [email protected]

For citation: Zankovets V.E. Muscles of respiration in professional hockey, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 155-160.

DOI 10.14526/01_2017_224



Alexsandr N. Kovalenko - leading research scientist Eugene V. Bykov - doctor of medical sciences, professor Olga A. Makunina - candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Olga I. Kolomiets - candidate of biological sciences associate professor Ural State University of Physical Culture, 1, str. Ordzhonikidze, Chelyabinsk, 454091, Russia E-mail: [email protected], kolomiec [email protected], [email protected]

Annotation. Students are considered a population resource, which is not only the factor of well-being, but also the factor of country and its regions safety. In terms of ecological situation worsening, when the principles of healthy life style are not followed, the reserves of nervous, endocrine, immune systems are exhausted there is sickness rate (with temporary disability) increase among students of higher educational establishments. Considerable difference between the information about students' health state and their sickness rate is the result, why there are no integrated unified approaches to the received information gathering, analysis and interpretation. Taking into account the peculiarities of studying at physical culture higher educational establishment, the influence of complex mental and physical loads and also the fact, that students are not only professional sportsmen, but also people, who don't go in for sport and physical culture and even young disabled people, it is necessary to create a special health monitoring program, which is based on a system approach to the following characteristics estimation: educational environment conditions, students' life style and social status, individual morphofunctional characteristics of students' organism development, typological peculiarities of nervous system, mental working capacity, physical qualities and it gives an opportunity to realize in practice individual approach to educational process and students' behavior organization. Material. Students' sickness rate study (with temporary disability) at Ural State University of Physical Culture during the following period: 2014-2016 andpedagogical and medical-biological health-improving- correctional programs creation. Research methods: Sickness rate indices with temporary disability (TD) study, severity of diseases, the structure and main reasons of diseases study among students of the leading higher educational establishments in Chelyabinsk according to the rate of medical aid appealability during 2014-2016 on the basis of the state statistical observation form №12, an official form of account №16BH; comparative analysis of sickness rate among the students of three leading higher educational establishments of Chelyabinsk during three years, their dynamics and structure; different methods of correctional programs

organization, created by the authors of the article, are offered. Results. Complex analysis of sickness rate with temporary disability among the students of the Ural State University of Physical Culture reflect its increase during the following period: 2014-2016 to 35,3%. The sickness rate with TD in 2016 was 185,4 to 1000 students, which is considerably higher the level of the same sickness rate among students of the Chelyabinsk State University and the South-Ural State Medical University. In the structure of sickness rate with TD among students of Ural State University of Physical Culture the 1st place take respiratory diseases, the 2ndplace take injuries and intoxication, the 3rdplace take digestive apparatus diseases. During 2014-2016 there was the increase of respiratory and digestive apparatus diseases. There is a high level of sickness rate according to "injuries and intoxication" index, mainly because of a high level of injuries among sportsmen-students of Ural State University of Physical Culture. On the basis of the received results it is supposed to introduce the program of students' health monitoring, use pedagogical and medical-biological programs of health state correction- aerobic loads depending on tolerance to physical loads, aerobics and body-oriented influences, synchronized musical impact, procedures of superficial reflexotherapy and "external" massage, information magnetotherapy. Conclusion. Taking into account the peculiarities of studying at physical culture higher educational establishment, the influence of complex mental and physical loads and also the fact, that students are not only professional sportsmen, but also people, who don't go in for sport and physical culture and even young disabled people, it is necessary to introduce a differentiated approach to drug-free pedagogical and medical-biological health state correction programs creation and realization. For sportsmen these are correction-rehabilitation events, for students with health problems recreation-rehabilitation events.

Keywords: students, sickness rate with temporary disability, severity of diseases, structure of sickness rate, correction methods.

Introduction. Students' health state is one of the most important resumptive parameters of nation health, high status of which, among other indices, is determined according to the following reasons: students present the potential of qualified country labor force and also is intellectual potential of society. Students are considered a population resource, which is not only the factor of well-being, but also the factor of country and its regions safety [20]. Successful training of highly-qualified personnel, who provide economic steadiness of state development, is closely connected with oncoming generation's (including students) health preservation and strengthening [3, 17, 18]. At the same time, in terms of ecological situation worsening, when the principles of healthy life style are not followed, the reserves of nervous, endocrine, immune systems are exhausted, sickness rate among students increases [13]. In many regions of the Russian Federation there is the increase of sickness rate among students of higher educational establishments (with temporary disability), higher sickness rate is in industrial cities [4].

According to the results of held by us earlier questionnaire survey nearly 32% of the respondents showed irresponsibility concerning their health: 38% of the respondents of time to time drink alcohol, smoke. According to health groups the situation was the following: 22,8% (the 1st health group); 23,7% (the 2nd health group); 28,8% (the 3rd health group) [6]. 31,4% of students had prevailing low indices according to "perseverance" scale - people with increased lability, lack of confidence, impulsive, with inconsistent behavior and hypersensibility [11]; P.A. Bayguzhin (2012) revealed general tension of regulatory mechanisms among 50% of female students of "labile" group[2, p. 33.]. Considerable discrepancy of information about students' health state at higher educational establishments and their sickness rate is the result of integrated unified approaches absence to the received information gathering, analysis and interpretation.

In order to improve the situation it is necessary to carry complex systematic work, directed at healthy life style, health values,

responsible attitude to health formation and also the system of health monitoring creation for qualitative information base and further creation of program and other events at a separate higher educational establishment and in a region in general [1, 5, 10, 16]. V.S. Stepanov and other authors (2017) offer to divide students into clusters according to physical readiness, as it helps a teacher to set objective aims of educational-training process at physical culture lessons, select exercises and the methodology of training process organization for each group, in accordance with the level of each student readiness, realizing the principle of availability and loads correspondence with the readiness level of students [19].

Taking into account the peculiarities of studying at physical culture higher educational establishment, the influence of complex mental and physical loads and also the fact, that students are not only professional sportsmen, but also people, who don't go in for sport and physical culture and even young disabled people, we created a special health monitoring program for students of physical culture Universities, which includes the following blocks: theoretical questions, motional abilities and skills, tests for physical readiness determination, physical development harmonicity , health and functional state indices, physical activity level and healthy life style criteria [12]. The peculiarity of the offered monitoring program is a system approach to the following characteristics estimation: educational environment conditions, students' life style and social status, individual morphofunctional characteristics of students' organism development, typological peculiarities of nervous system, mental working capacity, physical qualities and it gives an opportunity to realize in practice individual approach to educational process and students' behavior organization.

The aim of the research: students' sickness rate study (with temporary disability) at Ural State University of Physical Culture during the following period: 2014-2016 and

pedagogical and medical-biological health-improving- correctional programs creation.

Materials and research methods.

Sickness rate indices with temporary disability (TD) study, severity of diseases, the structure and main reasons of diseases study among students of the leading higher educational establishments in Chelyabinsk according to the rate of medical aid appealability during 20142016 on the basis of form №12 of the state statistical observation, an official form of account №16BH. Comparative analysis of sickness rate among the students of three leading higher educational establishments of Chelyabinsk during 2014-2016 is fulfilled. The dynamics and structure of sickness rate with TD during 2014-2016 is studied and different methods of correctional programs organization, created by the authors of the article, are offered.

Results and their discussion. It was stated that during 2014-2016 sickness rate with TD among students of Ural State University of Physical Culture had the tendency to increase and in 2016 was 185,4 cases to 1000 students (picture 1). The sickness rate with TD in 2016 increased to 35.3% - of 137 in 2014 till 185,4 to 1000 students in 2016 (picture 1).

The level of sickness rate with TD among students of Ural State University of Physical Culture (UralSUPC) in 2016 was 185,4%, and it is 2,6 higher than the level of the same indices in Chelyabinsk State University(ChelSU) and 44,9% higher than the level of sickness rate with TD among students of South- Ural State Medical University(SUSMU). The tendency of sickness rate with TD decrease is revealed among students of Chelyabinsk State University of 76,1 in 2014 till 71,2 to 1000 students in 2016. Also there is sickness rate with TD decrease among students of South-Ural State Medical University during the same period- of 134,7 till 127,to 1000 students.



175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0












-o-- Sickness rate with TD among students, UralSUPC

—■ • Sickness rate with TD among students, ChelSU

—*— Sickness rate with TD among students, SUSMU

Picture 1 - Sickness rate with TD among students of the leading higher educational establishments

in Chelyabinsk during 2014-2016 (to 1000 students)

The held analysis of diseases severity indices with TD during 2014-2016 showed, that its level in all three higher educational establishments had the tendency to increase (picture 2).

The highest level of diseases severity was among the students of Ural SUPC in 2016 - 1552%o. Diseases severity increase among the students of the Ural SUPC during 20142016 was 11,2%. In 2016 diseases severity among students of Ural SUPC was three times higher than the level of the same index in ChelSU and twice higher than the level of diseases severity among students of SUSMU. During the reasons of sickness rate with TD analysis among the students of Ural SUPC, it was stated that in the structure of sickness in 2016 the 1st place (50%) took respiratory diseases, the 2nd place (25%) took injuries and intoxication, the 3rd place (10%) took digestive apparatus diseases.

During the period 2014-2016 in the structure of sickness rate with TD in UralSUPC the 1st place take respiratory diseases. There is sickness rate increase of respiratory organs within three years to 38,4% - of 75 till 103,8 to 1000 students (picture 3).

There is the tendency of digestive apparatus diseases increase within three years to 25,3% - of 13,8 till 17,3 to 1000 students. The indices of sickness rate with TD because of injuries and intoxication still remain high. In 2014 this index was 21,9, in 2016 - 21,6 to 1000 students.






1395 1552

1136 ......o- —

948 957 985

544 490 500




-o—Diseases severity with TD among students, Ural SUPC —■ • Diseases severity with TD among students, ChelSU —*—Disease severity with TD among students, SUSMU

Picture 2 - The level of diseases severity among the students of the leading higher educational establishments in Chelyabinsk during 2014-2016 (to 1000 students)

--o—Respiratory diseases —■ • Injuries and intoxication

—*—Digestive apparatus diseases

Picture 3 - The level and structure of sickness rate among students of Ural SUPC according to the separate classes of diseases during 2014-2016 (to 1000 students)

For comparative characteristic of present the results of sickness rate among several sickness rate indices with TD we also students of the leading higher educational


establishments in Chelyabinsk during 20142016 according to the classes of diseases (table 1).

The indices analysis revealed, that in the structure of sickness rate with TD in ChelSU and in SUSMU, as in Ural SUPC, the 1st place take respiratory organs diseases. In SUSMU there is insignificant increase of respiratory organs sickness rate. In 2014109,8, in 2016 - 112,9 to 1000 students. In ChelSU respiratory organs sickness rate in 2014 was 65,5, in 2016 - 64,7 to 1000 students, and it is lower than the indices in UralSUPC (table 1).

Injuries and intoxications take the 2nd place in the structure of sickness rate with TD in UralSUPC during 2014-2016. In 2014 the index of injuries and intoxications was 21,9, in 2016- 21,6 to 1000 students. In ChelSU and in

SUSMS injuries and intoxications have almost zero indices.

Digestive apparatus diseases take the 3rd place in the structure of sickness rate with TD in Ural SUPC during 2014-2016 (201413,8, in 2016 - 17,3 to 1000 students (25,3% increase)). In ChelSU digestive apparatus diseases during the period 2014-2016 have the tendency to decrease and in 2016 their index was 2,6 to 1000 cases and it is almost 6 times less than the level of the same sickness rate in UralSUPC. In SUSMU digestive apparatus diseases also have the tendency to decrease (2016- 5,0 to 1000 students) and it is 3 times higher than the level of the same sickness rate in UralSUPC.

The received results correspond with the received earlier (1992-1997) results according to the sickness rate among students of UralSUPC (163-197 to 1000).

Table 1 - Sickness rate with TD according to the classes of diseases among students of the

Sickness rate indices with TD according to years

Class of Educational 2014 2015 2016

diseases establishme nt Number of cases Number of cases to 1000 Number of cases Number of cases to 1000 Number of cases Number of cases to 1000

m 8 m 4,2 m 68 m 3,6 m 58 m 4,2

UralSUPC f 9 f 3,3 f 79 f 4,2 f 86 f 6,2

Respiratory diseases ChelSU m 0 m 3,9 m 76 m 3,4 m 95 m 4,0

f 66 f 7,8 f 327 f 8,0 f 344 f 7,8

SUSMU m 46 m 13,7 m 141 m 19,6 m 95 m 8,0

f 47 f 9,8 f 238 f 9,8 f 304 f 13,0

UralSUPC m 2 m 1,0 m 17 m 0,9 m 17 m 1,2

Injuries, intoxication f 4 f 1,1 f 10 f 0,5 f 13 f 1,0

ChelSU m 0 m 0 m 0 m 0 m 0 m 0,0

f 0 f 0 f 0 f 0 f 0 f 0,0

SUSMU m 2 m 0,2 m 2 m 0,2 m 0 m 0,0

f 0 f 0,0 f 1 f 0,0 f 0 f 0,0

Digestive UralSUPC m 9 m 0,4 m 3 m 0,1 m 5 m 0,4

apparatus f 20 f 0,9 f 12 f 0,6 f 19 f 1,4

diseases ChelSU m 5 m 0,2 m 0 m 0,0 m 5 m 0,2

f 12 f 0,5 f 4 f 0,1 f 13 f 0,3

SUSMU m 7 m 0,7 m 7 m 0,7 m 5 m 0,4

f 19 f 0,8 f 17 f 0,7 f 13 f 0,6

Taking into account the peculiarities of studying at physical culture higher educational establishment, the influence of complex mental and physical loads and also the fact, that students are not only professional sportsmen, but also people, who don't go in for sport and physical culture and even young disabled people, it is necessary to introduce a differentiated approach to drug-free pedagogical and medical-biological health state correction programs creation and realization. For sportsmen these are correction-rehabilitation events, for students with health problems recreation-rehabilitation events.

It is generally recognized, that aerobic loads form an obligatory element of health-improving activity. For students with health problems "Aerobics with psychological relief' is recommended. It includes body-oriented methodologies, which give female students notion of somatic and psychic components unity and interaction [8].

We also created pedagogical program of training for students depending on the level of their physical conditions, the degree of tolerance to the load: training regimen №1 for people with tolerance to physical load 100-125W (low level of tolerance), №2 - in case of tolerance to physical load 125-150 W (below the average), №3 - in case of tolerance to physical load 150 W and higher (average) [21].

It is shown, that cluster-discriminant analysis with distribution of students at physical culture lessons according to clusters, helped to differentiate objective aims of physical training, create the methodologies of educational-training process, taking into account correspondence of the loads to the level of their readiness [19]. Such kind of educational-training process individualization at physical culture lessons helped to increase the effectiveness of students' physical development: during education those, who had a low level of physical condition, transferred to the group of students with higher level. The

level of physical development in the experimental group was considerably higher than in the control group, also increased the motivation to physical culture.

Music in sport is one of the effective instruments of teaching and motional skills and abilities development. The results of held by us research, concerning the estimation of synchronized musical influence effectiveness during training, prove its positive influence on a sportsman's rehabilitation [14]. Mainly monodirectional differences of the studied indices in the main and the control group were registered and it positively characterizes training process organization. Though in both groups rehabilitation processes were prevailing during the slip, the quality of organism rehabilitation during the slip in the main group turned out to be validly better, than in the control group. More distinct vagal influence in the main group is proved by the following factors: high index of rehabilitation, low values of minimal and maximum heart rate, oxygen consumption indices and the peculiarities of energy exchange, stated during the slip.

Great attention is given to physical methods of sportsmen's rehabilitation. The results of "REDOKS" applicators use showed, that it provides subjective health improvement, working capacity increase, the processes of rehabilitation intensification, depends on methodology of application [7]. There is sympathetic section of vegetative nervous system activation when the applicator (with needles angle 90°) influences feet and back during 7-10 minutes. Relaxing influence is more evident during applicator with needles angle 60° use during 25-30 minutes. At the same time, the effectiveness of cardiovascular system activity increases: heart rate decreases, peripheral blood flow increases, there is the tendency for arterial pressure decrease. The mechanism of vertebrogenic and muscular pain decrease and disappearance is

proprioception increase of the zones, which are influenced by the pressure while using the methodologies of superficial reflexotherapy, the same as reflex-segmental and point massage, with activating the mechanisms of antipain structures of this segment. It is recommended to use applicators independently and also together with the means, directed at rehabilitation processes intensification during physical loads. Applicator with needles angle 45 ° can be recommended to people with the increased pain sensitivity threshold. "ARMOS" device is recommended during rehabilitation among sportsmen with musculoskeletal system disorders, myofascial pain of vertebragenous origin.

S.N. Darovskikh and other authors (2015) offer to use information electromagnetic therapy devices [9]. The effect in case of their use is based on creation of necessary evolutionally based conditions for the organism with the help of natural electromagnetic interference, when there is neuro-humoral regulation mechanisms activation for an autonomous rehabilitation of the violated homeostasis or in the complex with medicinal preparations, depending on the type of disease. This device can become very popular in sport as drug-free means of rehabilitation and the way of sports working capacity increase.

A new approach to physical methods of rehabilitation use among sportsmen is "external" massage [15]. Massage provided importance increase of humoral-metabolic regulation factors according to the results of heart rate variability analysis (power increase of very low-frequency oscillations) and parasympathetic segment of vegetative nervous system (high-frequency oscillations) in case of tendency to sympathetic character decrease in lying position and in case of an active orthostasis. After massage relative power of low-frequency oscillations decrease was10%, and LF/HF ratio decrease (vagosympathetic interaction index) to 12,8% lying and to 23,7% standing shows activity redistribution of

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vegetative nervous system segments in favor of parasympathetics; also in the position of an

active orthostasis index of centralization is 20,7% lower. The used method of massage influences the system of tonic balance by means of predominance of proprioreceptor signaling over vegetative one. It is explained by the fact, that in contrast to classical massage there are no techniques of tissues compression and no influence on vascular bed, no influence on hemodynamics change by means of pressosensitive mechanisms. The importance ratio change of different neurovegetative factors of heart rate regulation (on the basis of ratio analysis of spectrum relative power within three ranges) reflect the influence of the method on hormonal-metabolic regulation mechanisms activation and suprasegmental structures of vegetative nervous system -suprasegmental sections (hypothalamic and limbic segments of central nervous system), which was seen in the dynamics of very low-frequency oscillations. This methodology use can considerably improve the quality of muscular locomotor act, influence statokinetic steadiness and coordination characteristics of sportsmen and it is not only very important for the quality of rehabilitation improvement, but it also gives new opportunities during the period of competitions.


Complex analysis of sickness rate with temporary disability among the students of Ural State University of Physical Culture reflect its increase during the following period: 2014-2016 to 35,3%.The sickness rate with TD in 2016 was 185,4 to 1000 students, which is considerably higher the level of the same sickness rate among students of Chelyabinsk State University and South-Ural State Medical University.

The severity of illnesses with TD among students of UralSUPC has the indices increase and it is higher than the level of the same results in ChelSU and in SUSMU.

In the structure of sickness rate with TD among students form Ural State University of Physical Culture the 1st place take respiratory diseases, the 2nd place take injuries and intoxication, the 3rd place take digestive apparatus diseases. During 2014-2016 there

was the increase of respiratory and digestive apparatus diseases.

There is a high level of sickness rate according to "injuries and intoxication" index, mainly because of a high level of injuries among sportsmen-students of Ural State University of Physical Culture.

Summing up all mentioned above, we offer to use differentiated approach to drug-free pedagogical and medical-biological health state correction programs creation and realization.

On the basis of the received results it is supposed to introduce the program of students' health monitoring, use author's pedagogical and medical-biological programs of health state correction: For sportsmen these are author's correction-rehabilitation events, for students with health problems recreation-rehabilitation events. The programs of aerobic loads are presented depending on tolerance to physical loads, aerobics and body-oriented influences, synchronized musical impact, procedures of superficial reflexotherapy and "external" massage, information



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Submitted: 01.04.2017 e. Received: 04.04.2017e.

Alexsandr N. Kovalenko - leading research scientist Ural State University of Physical Culture, 1, str. Ordzhonikidze, Chelyabinsk, 454091, Russia

Eugene V. Bykov - doctor of medical sciences, professor Ural State University of Physical Culture, 1, str. Ordzhonikidze, Chelyabinsk, 454091, Russia, E-mail: [email protected] Olga A. Makunina - candidate of biological sciences, assistant professor Ural State University of Physical Culture, 1, str. Ordzhonikidze, Chelyabinsk, 454091, Russia, E-mail: [email protected] Olga I. Kolomiets - candidate of biological sciences, assistant professor Ural State University of Physical Culture, 1, str. Ordzhonikidze, Chelyabinsk, 454091, Russia, E-mail:kolomiec [email protected]

For citations: Kovalenko A.N., Bykov E.V., Makunina O.A., Kolomiets O.I. Pedagogical and medical-biological methods of health correction among students in terms of complex influence of mental and physical loads, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-

psychological and medico-biological problems ofphysical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 160-170.

DOI 10.14526/01_2017_225



Olga I. Kolomiets - candidate of Biology, associate professor Nadegda P. Petrushkina — doctor of Medicine, senior researcher

Evgeniy V. Bykov — doctor of medicine, professor Irina A. Yakubovskaya — candidate of Biology, associate professor The Ural State University of Physical Culture, 1, Ordjonikidze str., Chelyabinsk, 454091, Russia

E-mail: Kolomiec [email protected]

Annotation. The problem of physical loads influence on functional state of sportsmen's nervous system is still urgent. From the point of view of the theory of functional systems, in adaptation provision, the main role plays central nervous system. The main characteristics of nervous system determine functional and psychological readiness of sportsmen, which is responsible for sports effectiveness, especially in situational kinds of sport (sports games and combat sports). Material. The strategy estimation of adaptation to physical load on the basis of nervous system characteristics diagnostics, which determine speed qualities of a sportsman. Research methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, tapping test, tiredness coefficient determination, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The characteristics of nervous system were studied, which determine speed qualities of a sportsman and the strategy of adaptation to physical load; two groups of sportsmen (age, anthropometric indices, qualifications and the period of going in for sports almost identical) were examined. In order to estimate the main characteristics of nervous system, which condition speed qualities of a sportsman, tapping test was used. Calculated on the basis of tapping test results tiredness coefficient helped to estimate the variant of adaptation strategy to physical load. Most qualified sportsmen had a strong type of nervous system and a high level of the studied characteristics. Sportsmen from both groups had tiredness coefficient lower than 0,25 and it proves high level of resistance to tiredness and tolerant strategy of adaptation to loads. Conclusion. Examination of qualified sportsmen, who go in for acyclic kinds of sport (ice hockey and taekwondo), using tapping test helped to give a complex estimation of the functional state of sportsmen's nervous system and determine the strategy of adaptation to maximum intensity work.

Keywords: sportsmen, tapping-test, nervous system, strength, mobility, lability, endurance, adaptation strategy.

The problem of physical loads influence on functional state of sportsmen's nervous system is still urgent. From the point of view of functional systems theory, in adaptation provision, the main role plays central nervous system. The main characteristics of nervous system determine functional and psychological readiness of sportsmen, which is responsible

for sports effectiveness, especially in situational kinds of sport (sports games and combat sports).

Speed indices, or the quickness quality, necessary in these kinds of sport, in physiology are determined as the ability to fulfill different actions with maximum tempo. Quickness is characterized by the duration of motional

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