Научная статья на тему 'The model of health improvement organization among female students-artists in terms of campus'

The model of health improvement organization among female students-artists in terms of campus Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
female studentsartists / campus / model of health improvement / sickness rate

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Tatiana G. Ilkevich

Motional activity of young people provides health improvement, sickness rate decrease, harmonious development, nervous tension decrease, high level of working capacity. Because of the specificity of their future profession female students-artists most time spend near easel and it influences many systems of an organism, especially cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In case of a long-term standing or sitting breathing becomes less deep, appears blood congestion in lower extremities, metabolism level decreases and it leads to working capacity decrease of the whole organism and especially of the brain: attention level decrease, weak memory, coordination of movement disturbance, the resistivity decrease of the organism to cold and infectious diseases. Material. The question study of motional activity rationalization among female students in terms of campus and the model substantiation of health improvement organization among female studentsartists. Research methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, questionnaire survey, sick-lists analysis, modeling. Result. The analysis of medical documents of female studentsartists was held, which helped to reveal the structure of their sickness rate. On the basis of scientific literature analysis and summarizing, the results of a questionnaire survey and taking into consideration the structure of diseases the model of health improvement among female studentsartists in terms of campus was created. Conclusion. In order to create the model of a rational health improvement among students it is necessary to take into consideration the dynamics of a sickness rate according to months of the academic year, the structure of a sickness rate, the budget of free time use, most active during the study muscles and other factors of educational activity.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The model of health improvement organization among female students-artists in terms of campus»

DOI 10.14526/01_1111_153


Tatiana G. Ilkevich - senior teacher Gzhel State University, 76, pos. Electrical insulators, Ramenskoye area, Moscow region, 140155, Russia

E-mail: ilktg@mail.ru

Annotation. Motional activity of young people provides health improvement, sickness rate decrease, harmonious development, nervous tension decrease, high level of working capacity. Because of the specificity of their future profession female students-artists most time spend near easel and it influences many systems of an organism, especially cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In case of a long-term standing or sitting breathing becomes less deep, appears blood congestion in lower extremities, metabolism level decreases and it leads to working capacity decrease of the whole organism and especially of the brain: attention level decrease, weak memory, coordination of movement disturbance, the resistivity decrease of the organism to cold and infectious diseases. Material. The question study of motional activity rationalization among female students in terms of campus and the model substantiation of health improvement organization among female students-artists. Research methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, questionnaire survey, sick-lists analysis, modeling. Result. The analysis of medical documents of female students- artists was held, which helped to reveal the structure of their sickness rate. On the basis of scientific literature analysis and summarizing, the results of a questionnaire survey and taking into consideration the structure of diseases the model of health improvement among female students- artists in terms of campus was created. Conclusion. In order to create the model of a rational health improvement among students it is necessary to take into consideration the dynamics of a sickness rate according to months of the academic year, the structure of a sickness rate, the budget of free time use, most active during the study muscles and other factors of educational activity. Keywords: female students- artists, campus, model of health improvement, sickness rate.

Introduction. According to the results of WHO, health is the state of a full physical, psychic and social well-being, but not only absence of diseases. Health depends on the following factors: 50%- way of life, 20%-environment, 20%- heredity and 10%- health care. It is therefore obvious that female-students' life style plays an important role in their health. One of the main parts of a life style is motional activity of a person, as it provides health improvement, sickness rate decrease, harmonious development, nervous tension decrease, high level of working capacity [1-3, 5-10]. Unfortunately, as the scientists say, nowadays motional activity is hundred times lower in comparison to previous centuries. Because of the specificity of their future profession female students-artists most time

spend near easel and it influences many systems of an organism, especially cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In case of a long-term standing or sitting breathing becomes less deep, appears blood congestion in lower extremities, metabolism level decreases and it leads to working capacity decrease of the whole organism and especially of the brain: attention level decrease, weak memory, coordination of movement disturbance, the resistivity decrease of the organism to cold and infectious diseases. Hypokinesia in terms of excessive eating with a great amount of carbohydrates and fats in a daily ration can lead to obesity. That is why the question about motional activity rationalization among female students in terms of campus becomes important.

The aim of the research - the model substantiation of health improvement organization among female students-artists.


1. To analyze sickness rate according to the months of an academic year and its structure.

2. To create the model of health improvement organization among female students-artists.

Research methods and research organization. In order to solve the set problems the following research methods were used: scientific literature analysis and synthesis, questionnaire survey, sick-lists analysis, modeling. The research was held during the following time period: 2015-2016 at Gzhel State University (Moscow region).

Results. We created the model of health improvement organization among female students-artists, which is presented in the table.

Table - The model of hea th improvement organization among female students-artists

Forms of lessons Purpose Time

Morning hygienic gymnastics with the use of respiratory exercises Org anism preparation for effective studies Every day 15 minutes

Physical culture lessons Harmonious development of all muscular groups, physical qualities, professional-applied physical training, body correction 2 times a week, 2 hours each lesson

Physical pauses during special disciplines lessons Over-tension prevention of the most loaded systems and parts of the body, education-caused diseases, vision disorders prevention 1 physical pause, which lasts 5 minutes at each lesson, starting from the second lesson

Sports sections attendance during free time Active rest, body correction, mastering the chosen kind of sport 3 times a week, duration - 2 hours

Lessons at cold training center The rate of catching cold prevention and decrease, organism conditioning to the cold once a week, duration- 1 hour

Sports-mass events Motional activity increase among female artists, healthy life style formation, health improvement January, April, May

Morning hygienic gymnastics is held at sports ground, situated on the territory of the campus near dormitory, by a teacher or specially trained student, every morning during 15 minutes. Aim - to prepare organism for effective studies during a working day.

Physical culture lessons are obligatory for students. Aim - harmonious development of all muscular groups, physical qualities,

professional-applied physical training, body correction.

Over-tension of the most loaded systems and parts of the body, education-caused diseases prevention is held by specially trained female student during physical pauses during special disciplines, starting from the 2nd lesson, duration is 5 minutes.

During the 2nd part of the day sections are organized according to the following directions:

- sambo wrestling and judo;

- badminton;

- volleyball;

- basketball;

- football;

- table tennis;

- swimming (once a week);

- aesthetic bodybuilding;

- body-building for girls;

- aerobics with the elements of self-defense;

- horseback riding.

Each student can attend any section with the support of an experienced trainer-teacher 1-5 times a week since 18 to 21 o'clock. A student, who attends some section, can miss physical culture lessons. Thus, students can go in for a favorite kind of sport. The aim of the sections is the following: active rest, body correction, mastering a chosen kind of sport. Female students, who achieve good results in a chosen kind of sport, take part in different competitions.

The base for introduction lessons at cold training center is the sickness rate analysis during the academic year [4]. Picture 1 presents the structure of the sickness rate of female students-artists.



Основной °сновнойОсШвшй

common cold traumas

digestive^ppaÄ0M o-vascular diseases musculosceletal diseases genito-urinary system diseases

Picture 1 - The structure of the sickness rate of female students-artists, %

Picture shows that most part of the structure takes common cold (86,3%). That is why in order to decrease and prevent cold it is necessary to hold cold training events on the territory of campus.

The aim of sports-mass work of female students is motional activity level increase among female artists, healthy lifestyle

formation, health improvement. The base for time period determination was the change of sickness rate among female students-artists during 2015-2016 (picture 2). It is necessary to hold sports-mass events during sickness rate decrease, in January, April and May. It is reasonable to avoid such kind of events during

the months of sickness rate increase, Number of days missed because of some December, November, March, February. disease during a month, among 100 students

September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May, June Picture 2 - Sickness rate change among female students-artists during a year

Thus, we come to the following conclusion: in order to create the model of a rational health improvement of students it is necessary to take into consideration the dynamics of a sickness rate according to months of the academic year, the structure of a sickness rate, the budget of free time use, most active during the study muscles and other factors of educational activity.


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Tatiana G. Ilkevich - senior teacher Gzhel State University, 76, pos. Electrical insulators, Ramenskoye area, Moscow region, 140155, Russia, E-mail: ilktg@,mailru

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