Научная статья на тему 'Master’s program projection according to “physical culture” specialty'

Master’s program projection according to “physical culture” specialty Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
magistracy / Master’s program / physical culture and sport / stages of Master’s program projection

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Margarita G. Kolodeznikova, Mariya S. Ponomareva, Achlei V. Belyaeva

Since 2003 multilevel higher education has been introduced in Russia. Nowadays many higher educational establishments train masters for the sphere of physical culture and sport. Now there is a normative base of Master’s education. However, there is a lack of the works, which reveal organizational-pedagogical conditions of magistracy educational programs creation, in particular according to the specialty “Physical culture”. Material. Master’s program “Physical-mass work with population management and organization” creation according to the specialty “Physical culture”. Research methods: scientific and scientific-methodical literature analysis, regulating documents analysis, research results analysis, projection. Results. The stages of a Master’s program projection are revealed, organizational-pedagogical peculiarities (stages) of work over magistracy educational program are considered, a unique interdisciplinary Master’s program “Physical-mass work with population management and organization” according to the specialty “Physical culture” is created. Master’s program projection can be realized according to 14 stages; the created Master’s program “Physical-mass work with population management and organization” according to the specialty “Physical culture” has 6 modules and 23 disciplines, corresponds with the demands of the Federal State Educational Standard. Conclusion. The results of the work, demonstrated in this article, can form the base for the programs creation at higher educational establishments, which train specialists for the sphere of physical culture and sport.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Master’s program projection according to “physical culture” specialty»

DOI 10.14526/01_2017_189



Margarita G. Kolodeznikova — associate professor, candidate of pedagogics, Physical culture and Sport Institute of North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K.


58, Str. Belinsky, Yakutsk, 67700, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

Mariya S. Ponomareva — candidate of pedagogics, associate professor Physical culture and Sport Institute of North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K.


58, Str. Belinsky, Yakutsk, 67700, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

Achlei V. Belyaeva — senior teacher Physical culture and Sport Institute of North-Eastern Federal

University named after M.K. Ammosov

58, Str. Belinsky, Yakutsk, 67700, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

Annotation. Since 2003 multilevel higher education has been introduced in Russia. Nowadays many higher educational establishments train masters for the sphere of physical culture and sport. Now there is a normative base of Master's education. However, there is a lack of the works, which reveal organizational-pedagogical conditions of magistracy educational programs creation, in particular according to the specialty "Physical culture ". Material. Master's program "Physical-mass work with population management and organization" creation according to the specialty "Physical culture". Research methods: scientific and scientific-methodical literature analysis, regulating documents analysis, research results analysis, projection. Results. The stages of a Master's program projection are revealed, organizational-pedagogical peculiarities (stages) of work over magistracy educational program are considered, a unique interdisciplinary Master's program "Physical-mass work with population management and organization" according to the specialty "Physical culture" is created. Master's program projection can be realized according to 14 stages; the created Master's program "Physical-mass work with population management and organization" according to the specialty "Physical culture" has 6 modules and 23 disciplines, corresponds with the demands of the Federal State Educational Standard. Conclusion. The results of the work, demonstrated in this article, can form the base for the programs creation at higher educational establishments, which train specialists for the sphere of physical culture and sport. Keywords: magistracy, Master's program, physical culture and sport, stages of Master's program projection.

Introduction. Since 2003 multilevel higher education [1,2] has been introduced in Russia. Nowadays many higher educational establishments train masters for the sphere of physical culture and sport. Now there is a normative base of Master's education. However, there is a lack of the works, which reveal organizational-pedagogical conditions

of magistracy educational programs creation, in particular according to the specialty "Physical culture".

Theory and methodology of combat sports department of Physical culture and Sport Institute (PCSI) of North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov (NEFU) trains undergraduates

according to 4 programs in 2 specialties -"Physical culture" and "Sport".

Bachelor degree graduates of our Institute create natural demand for Master's degree program. A long-term experience of work with students of specialty and bachelor degree shows correct way, becomes the base for new ideas in work with undergraduates [3,4].

The problem of Master's degree education is studied in the works of N.V. Abramovskikh (Surgut State Pedagogical University), A.I. Gorylev (Nizhniy Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevskiy), M.B. Kleynam (Ivanovo State Chemical-Technological University), O.G.Motovilov (Saint-Petersburg State University), S.N. Postnikov (Tomsk State Architectural-Building University), A.S. Robotova (Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Gertsen) and others.

Research methods and research organization.

The aim of the research: to offer the stages of Master's degree program creation and demonstrate the results of Master's degree program "Physical-mass work with population management and organization" projection according to specialty "Physical culture".

Research methods: scientific and scientific-methodical literature analysis, regulating documents analysis, research results analysis.

Scientific novelty: the stages of Master's degree program according to the specialty "Physical culture" are offered.

Theoretical validity: organizational-pedagogical peculiarities (stages) of the work

over educational Master's degree program are considered.

Practical validity: the experience of a unique interdisciplinary Master's degree program "Physical-mass work with population management and organization" according to specialty 49.04.01 "Physical culture" is presented, which can become the base for the programs at higher educational establishments creation, preparing specialists for the sphere of physical culture and sport.

Research organization: the article presents the results of Master's degree program "Physical-mass work with population management and organization" according to specialty 49.04.01 "Physical culture" projection by theory and methodology of combat sports department of Physical culture and Sport Institute (PCSI) of North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov (NEFU), which became demanded among bachelors: competition for 1 budgetary place is 3-4 applicants. In 2016-2017 the program includes 18 students (1-2 courses).

Research results and their discussion.

Master's degree program creation is not an easy task. It is a work, which demands personnel, time, intellectual resources. It should be noted that a new program creation is a creative collective labor of teachers-developers.

We offer 14 stages of Master's degree program creation. It should be noted, that here we present the stages of projection, but not the stages of Master's degree program realization (picture 1).

1. Federal State Educational Standards, other normative

Picture 1 - The stages of Master's degree program creation

We think, that Master's degree program creation should start from thorough study and discussion of the Federal State Educational Standard (the 1st stage) the developers, as this document is the base for further work. It is also necessary to study other normative acts, including local acts: thesis about Master's degree, thesis about Master's dissertation and others.

Federal State Educational Standard according to the specialty 49.04.01 "Physical culture" is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (April, 8, 2015). Before it we worked according to the project of Federal State Educational Standard.

FSES of Higher Education sets the structure of education content; general demands to specialists training (aims); general normatives of educational load of students and its volume; academic rights of a higher

educational establishment in content of education determination; the order of creation and approbation of the state demands to content and the level of graduates training according to the definite specialties; the rules of state control over the demands observance to the quality of training.

The aim and the name of the program creation (the 2nd stage) depends on the urgent directions, which exist in the corresponding sphere. Highly-qualified specialists for mass physical-sports work organization with people nowadays are very necessary at labor market. Graduates can work as physical culture teachers, trainers, instructors, the heads of departments at sports schools, managers of different level in the sphere of physical culture, sport, education, public health. In the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) different competitions of Russian and International level are held, more than 70 sports

federations, different sports complexes and establishments, fitness-clubs, sports schools for children and teen-agers exist, that is why sports managers nowadays are especially in-demand.

The kind of activity choice (the 3rd stage) is conditioned by the type of the program (academic Master's degree program, applied Master's degree program). The analyzed program is academic, that is why the leading kind of activity is scientific-research activity. Additional kinds of activity: organizational- administrative; recreational; cultural-educational.

Each kind of activity, mentioned in FSES, has competencies, which students should master. In accordance with this the list of competencies and then the passport of competencies are created (the 4th stage).

Taking into consideration the kinds of activity, competencies the modules are selected, each module has disciplines (the 5th, 6th stages).

According to FSES the following things are provided: practice, scientific-research work, state final certification (the 7th, 8th stages).

The matrix of competencies correspondence with educational disciplines in a form of a table is created (the 9th stage).

The volume of credits, given to blocks, is mentioned in FSES and it is necessary to refer to it (the 10th stage). In general 120 credits are given, 60 credits-the 1st course, 60 credits- the second course.

Special attention should be given to working educational plan, the base educational plan, practice program and state final certification formation (the 11th stage).

When mentioned above documents are ready educational disciplines are distributed to different teachers, who should create a working program of the discipline (WPD), which includes the texts of the lectures, tasks for practical lessons, independent work of students, tests (the 12th stage). WPD is a document, which should be constantly updated.

The 13 th and the 14th stages include check, adoption of Master's program by the

official authorities and (the academic council, the department of education quality control and others) and the officials.

Master's degree program "Physical-mass work with population management and organization" according to the specialty 49.04.01 "Physical culture" Let's present general characteristic of the program.

Form of study - full-time studies. Period - 2 years.

Labor intensiveness - 120 credits. Target group: bachelors, specialists in the sphere of physical culture and sport and other adjacent directions.

The structure of the program includes compulsory part (base) and the part, which is formed by the participants of educational relations (variative).

Aim: training highly-qualified specialists in the sphere of physical-mass activity, who master innovative technologies in the sphere of physical culture and sport and general cultural and professional competencies formation in accordance with FSES HE. The sphere of a graduate's professional activity includes physical education, sport, sports-health-improving activity, healthy life style popularization, scientific-research activity.

The objects of professional activity are people, who are involved into activity in the sphere of physical culture and sport and eventual users of physical-mass and sports services; the processes of worldview, motivational-axiological orientations and mindsets formation to health preservation and improvement, having healthy life style, a person's physical state optimization, mastering different physical skills and abilities, connected with them knowledge, physical skills development and high level of working capacity; normative documentation. Kinds of the graduate's professional activity:

• scientific-research;

• organizational-administrative;

• recreational;

• cultural-educational.

As a result of mastering the program of Master's degree general-cultural, general-

professional and professional competencies

should be formed.

State final certification:

final research paper defense (Master's


Entrance: interview.

Modules and disciplines of the educational program are selected taking into consideration the urgent problems in the sphere of mass physical-sports activity and include 6 modules and 23 disciplines.

In the 1st block there are 2 parts: the base and variative (table).

Table - Modules and disciplines of Master's degree program "Physical-mass work with population management and organization"

Disciplines (modules) of the base part

MODULE 1. Philosophic and methodological basis of the research works B1.B 1.1. History and philosophy of science

B1.B 1.2. Methodology and methods of scientific research in sport

MODULE 2. Foreign language B1.B.2.1. Foreign language in scientific sphere

B 1.B 2.2. Business foreign language

Disciplines (modules) of compulsory variative part

MODULE 3. Modern technologies in professional activity B 1.B 3.1.Informational support in professional activity

B 1.B 3.2. Innovative technologies in physical culture and sport management

MODUL E4. Organizational-administrative basis of physical-mass activity B1.V.0^.1.1. Physical-mass events management

B1.V.CD.1.2. Sports-health-improving technologies of work with population

B1.V.CD.1.3. Physical-mass work monitoring

MODULE 5. Theory and practice of physical-mass activity B1.V.CD.2.1. Modern physical-mass directions

B1.V.CD.2.1. Applied physical culture

MODULE 6. Research works in the physical mass activity B1.V.CD.3.1. Sociological research methods use in the work with population

B1.V.CD.3.2.Organization and holding of research works in the physical mass activity

Elective disciplines (optional) of variative part

Disciplines of MODULE 4. 1.B.ED.1.1. Sports-spectacular events organization

B1.V.ED.1.2. Countryside physical-mass work organization

Disciplines of MODULE 4. B1.V.ED.2.1. Safety provision during sports-mass events

B1.V.ED.2.2. Physical-mass events planning and control

Disciplines of MODULE 5. B1.V.ED.3.1. Youth physical mass tendencies

B1.V.ED.3.2. RLD (ready for labor and defense) system

Disciplines of MODULE 5. B1.V.ED.4.1. Physical upbringing in a family

B1.V.ED.4.2. Methods and means of healthy life style popularization

Disciplines of MODULE 6. M1.V.ED.5.1. Social psychology

M1.V.ED.5.2. Training of communicative skills development

Conclusion: 1) Master's degree program projection can be realized in 14 stages; 2) the created Master's degree program "Physical-mass work with population management and organization" according to the specialty "Physical culture" has 6 modules and 23 disciplines, corresponds with FSES demands.


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2. Kuznetsova Z.M., Aypova V.K. Educational services branding in physical culture and sport institute: modern approaches. Pedagogiko-psikhologicheskie i mediko-biologicheskie problemy fizicheskoi kul'tury i sporta, 2014, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp.

Submitted: 26.01.2017 Received: 28.01.2017

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3. Opletin A. A. Self-regulation in the system of physical culture means as the leading regulative mechanism and an important component of personality self-development structure. Pedagogiko-psikhologicheskie i mediko-biologicheskie problemy fizicheskoi kul'tury i sporta, 2013, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 165-174. Available at: http://journal-science.org/ru/magazine/20.html.

4. Ponomareva M. S. Acmeological peculiarities of students period of a future specialist's professional formation in the sphere of physical culture and sport. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoi kul'tury, Moscow, 2015, No. 10, pp. 21-23 (in Russian).

Margarita G. Kolodeznikova - associate professor, candidate of pedagogics, Physical culture and Sport Institute of North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, 58, Str. Belinsky, Yakutsk, 67700, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]

Mariya S. Ponomareva - candidate of pedagogics, associate professor Physical culture and Sport Institute of North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, 58, Str. Belinsky, Yakutsk, 67700, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]

Achlei V. Belyaeva - senior teacher Physical culture and Sport Institute of North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, 58, Str. Belinsky, Yakutsk, 67700, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]

For citations: Kolodeznikova M.G., Ponomareva M.S., Belyaeva A.V. Master's program projection according to "physical culture" specialty, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogical-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 80-85. DOI 10.14526/01_2017_189

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