DOI 10.14526/01_1111_155
Lyu Tszinyuy - graduate student Tianjin Science and Technology Normal University
Tianjin, China Albert R. Baymurzin - candidate of pedagogics, Sergey D. Neverkovich - doctor of pedagogics, academician of the Russian Academy of
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, 4, Lilac Boulevard, Moscow, 105122, Russia
Annotation: It is reasonable to fulfill the estimation of academic programs of higher professional education according to the system, which includes the levels: conceptual, methodological, technological. Material. The article presents comparative analysis of educational discipline "Pedagogics of physical culture ", realized at Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism and the discipline "Pedagogics of physical culture at high school", realized at Wuhan State University of Physical Culture (China). Research methods: comparative analysis of academic programs of higher professional education. Result. Mentioned above programs analysis showed their main differences: the programs have different philosophic base and the leading scientific conception of experience transfer and mastering; different degree of ideological load. At a methodological level programs have both common features (correspond to educational standards of higher professional education, content and structure of the programs objectively realize the set aims) and differences (based on different approaches to content of education, have differences in the systems of pedagogical interaction of a teacher and a student, the principles of educational process organization). Conclusion. Summarizing the results of a comparative analysis, we come to the conclusion, that the Russian program "Pedagogics of physical culture", realized at Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, is more effective according to conceptual, methodological and technological indices in comparison with the program "Pedagogics of physical culture at high school", realized at Wuhan State University of Physical Culture (China). Keywords: academic program, pedagogics of physical culture, comparative analysis, content of education, education ideologization, technology of teaching.
The estimation of educational programs of higher professional education is reasonable to hold according to the system, including the following levels:
1) conceptual;
2) methodological;
3) technological.
As an example we'll give a comparative analysis of the following
academic programs: "Pedagogics of physical culture", realized at Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, and "Pedagogics of physical culture at high school", realized at Wuhan State University of Physical Culture (China). Table 1 presents a comparative analysis of the programs according to mentioned disciplines at a conceptual level.
Table 1 - Comparative analysis at a conceptual level of the programs according to academic disciplines "Pedagogics of physical culture" and "Pedagogics of physical culture at high school"
Analyzed indices RSUPCSY&T (Russia) WSUPC (China)
According to philosophic base humanistic, scientific dialectic- materialistic, scientific.
According to the volume of ideological load Low degree of ideological load during educational programs creation and realization High degree of ideological load during educational programs creation and realization
Leading scientific concepts of experience transfer and mastering developing, projection, profession-oriented reproductive, profession-oriented
The Russian program is built on humanistic philosophic base. The Chinese program is built on dialectic- materialistic philosophic base, the aim of which is socialistic society creation on the basis of market economy. This philosophic conception provides dominating social interests, fair society creation. Philosophic conception of Chinese society is mainly based on the synthesis of the ideas of Confucianism and Marxism.
Comparative analysis of ideological load degree shows, that the Russian program of the discipline "Pedagogics of physical culture", realized at Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, has a low degree of ideological load. In our opinion, it is connected with the fact, that the state realizes its inner politics not effectively; ideological components, reflected in the Doctrine of education development till 2020, are built on humanistic positions and are formed ideologically not clearly, there is no main idea of state development, around which society can consolidate.
In Chinese People Republic there is an official state communistic ideology, which is declared by Communist Party of China, and the degree of education ideologization, especially higher education, is very high. Nowadays PRC invests into educational and science system development 4,6% of GDP, which is approximately twice higher in percentage, than invests the Russian Federation into education and science and in money terms these sums differ greatly. The
leaders of Communist Party of China realize perfectly that education and science form the base for further society development, based on social justice and the ideology of education is the base, around which modern Chinese system of young generation upbringing is formed.
Comparative analysis of academic programs estimation, according to the leading scientific conception of experience transfer and mastering, shows the following:
The Russian program of the discipline "Pedagogics of physical culture", realized at Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, is built on the concept of professionally oriented education on the basis of developing pedagogics of Elkonin D.B., Davydov V.V., Shchedrovitskiy G.P., and it is a great breakthrough in the theory and practice of subjects teaching in the system of higher education.
Chinese program of the discipline "Pedagogics of physical culture at high school", realized at Wuhan State University of Physical Culture, is based on the concept of professionally oriented education mainly on the basis of class-lesson form of teaching. This concept provides reproductive principle of education organization. Partly for PRC it is reasonable, as quickly developing Chinese economics demands mass training of workers and the specialists for the definite state objectives realization. That is why the system of higher physical culture education is, first of all, aimed at the definite state problems solution.
Table 2 presents comparative analysis at a methodological level the programs according to discipline "Pedagogics of physical culture", realized at Russian State
University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, and the discipline "Pedagogics of physical culture at high school", realized at Wuhan State University of Physical Culture.
Table 2 - Comparative analysis at a methodological level the programs according to disciplines
"Pedagogics of physical culture" and "Pedagogics of physica culture at high school"
Analyzed indices RSUPCSY&T WSUPC (China)
Correspondence of an academic program with educational standards of higher professional education according to the direction of training specialists corresponds corresponds
The system of pedagogical interaction of a teacher and a student subject-subject subject-object
Type of academic program innovative information-communicative
Aims and objectives of a program correspondence with its structure and content corresponds corresponds
According to the results of comparative analysis of academic programs at a methodological level the following conclusions were made:
• The Russian program according to discipline "Pedagogics of physical culture" corresponds to the educational standards of higher professional education of the specialists- bachelors training according to the direction "Physical culture". Chinese program according to discipline "Pedagogics of physical culture at high school" corresponds to the educational standards of professional training of PRC according to the direction of training "Physical culture" of "bachelor" qualification. It is impossible to compare the standards objectively, as they are based on different approaches to the content of education: Russia- competence-based approach, China- knowledge oriented approach to the content of education.
• The system of pedagogical interaction of a teacher and a student in an analyzed Chinese program is oriented at subject-objective interaction, which is typical to reproductive principle of
education organization system. Russian program has subject-subjective orientation in terms of developing pedagogics, where a student is a subject of pedagogical interaction with a teacher in mutual problems solution within an academic discipline "Pedagogics of physical culture".
• "Pedagogics of physical culture" program, realized at RSUPCSY&T (Russia), belongs to an innovative type of academic programs, as it is based on the principles of developing pedagogics, a project principle of educational problems solution is used in it with the help of organizational-educational and organizational-activity based games. "Pedagogics of physical culture at high school" program, realized at WSUPC (China), belongs to information-communicative type of academic programs, as it is built on a reproductive principle of educational process organization.
• The content and structure of the academic programs "Pedagogics of physical culture" and "Pedagogics of physical culture at high school",
realized at RSUPCSY&T (Russia) and programs according to disciplines "Pedagogics WSUPC (China), objectively realize of physical culture" and "Pedagogics of the aims, set in academic programs. physical culture at high school", realized at
Table 3 presents comparative analysis RSUPCSY&T and WSUPC (China): according to procedural characteristics of the
Table 3 - Comparative analysis according to procedural characteristics of the programs "Pedagogics of physical culture" and "Pedagogics of physical culture at high school
Analyzed indices "Pedagogics of physical culture", realized at RSUPCSY&T (Russia) "Pedagogics of physical culture at high school", realized at WSUPC (China)
The main means and methods of teaching Lectures using technical means of teaching, practical lessons, problem based tasks, practicing exercises, the definite situations analysis, work in small groups, business games, didactic games, role plays, organizational-educational games, organizational-activity based games Lectures using technical means of teaching, practical lessons, problem based tasks, practicing exercises, work in small groups
The leading type of communication between a teacher and a student Dialogue Monologue
Forms of educational process organization Lecturing, practical, independent, problem based, project, playing Lecturing, practical, independent
Educational process management diagnostics, planning, schedule, correction, intermediate and final attestation diagnostics, planning, schedule, correction, intermediate and final attestation
The category of students, for whom the program is made Students of the 3rd course Students of the 1st course
Comparative analysis of the programs according to procedural characteristics revealed the following:
Held analysis of the main means and methods of teaching, used in terms of the programs realization, showed, that in Russian program, apart from traditional means and methods of teaching (lectures using technical means of teaching, practical lessons, problem based tasks, practicing exercises, work in small groups) innovative means and methods of teaching were used (problem situations analysis, business games, didactic games, role plays, organizational-educational games, organizational-activity based games) and it
increase educational potential of the academic program.
The leading type of communication between a teacher and a student in Russian program is a dialogue, as the program is built on the principles of developing pedagogics, which provides subject-subjective interaction between a teacher and a student. Chinese program is oriented at a classical class-lesson system of lessons organization, that is why it provides mainly monologue of a teacher and subjective-objective interaction between a teacher and a student.
The forms of educational process organization in a program, realized at WSUPC (China), are based on traditional, for a
University, forms of educational process organization: lectures, practical lessons, independent work of students. At RSUPCSY&T (Russia), apart from traditional forms of educational process organization, innovative forms of teaching "Pedagogics" are used: problem based, projects, didactic, organizational-teaching and organizational-activity based games. This is mainly owing to the collective of pedagogics department of RSUPCSY&T, the head of which is the academician of the Russian Academy of Education S.D. Neverkovich. The department is oriented at progressive educational technologies and their introduction during the process of training specialists with higher education.
Educational process management in Chinese program is based on the principles of class-lesson form of lessons organization and includes the following stages: diagnostics, planning, schedule, intermediate and final attestation. The program in Russia is more Table 4 - Comparative analysis of methodological disciplines "Pedagogics of physical culture" and "
perfect, it includes unit "Correction", which is necessary in case of developing, project and playing teaching.
The program "Pedagogics of physical culture" is created for students of the 3rd course, who had mastered the discipline "Pedagogics" and know the base pedagogical knowledge and competencies.
The program in China "Pedagogics of physical culture at high school" is created for the students of the 1st course, is taught at the 2nd term of the cycle of training bachelors according to the specialty "Physical culture", who hadn't mastered the discipline "Pedagogics" and don't have base pedagogical knowledge and competencies.
Table 4 presents comparative analysis of the programs according to the disciplines "Pedagogics of physical culture" and "Pedagogics of physical culture at high school" concerning methodological support of academic programs.
support of academic programs according to the Pedagogics of physical culture at high school"
Analyzed indices "Pedagogics of physical culture", realized at RSUPCSY&T (Russia) "Pedagogics of physical culture at high school", realized at WSUPC (China)
textbooks and methodical manuals; Correspond with the units and themes of educational program Correspond with the units and themes of educational program
didactic materials used by a teacher Multimedia lectures, tests, materials for didactic, organizational-teaching and organizational-activity based games organization and realization Multimedia lectures, handout
didactic materials for independent work of students Electronic variants available for every student Electronic variants available for every student
diagnostic instrumentality current, stage final control, testing, project work estimation, effectiveness estimation of the work in small groups during didactic, organizational-teaching and organizational-activity based games organization current, stage final control,
Comparative analysis of the indices of academic programs methodological support showed the following:
1. According to the first analyzed index - textbooks and educational-methodical manuals. Correspond with the units and themes of educational program "Pedagogics of physical culture" and "Pedagogics of physical culture at high school", realized at RSUPCSY&T (Russia) and WSUPC (China).
2. According to the second index -didactic materials used by a teacher. While teaching "Pedagogics of physical culture at high school" at WSUPC mainly multimedia lectures and hand-out are used for the units and themes stud. At RSUPCSY&T multimedia lectures, tests, materials for didactic, organizational-teaching and organizational-activity based games organization and realization are used. It proves that for an effective realization of an innovative educational program a lot of didactic material with a higher qualitative content is necessary.
3. According to the third index -didactic materials of educational programs for independent work of students, in both higher educational establishments it is in electronic variant and corresponds with the aims and objectives of educational program and educational technologies, on which educational-upbringing process is based.
4. According to the fourth index -diagnostic instrumentality, in China the program includes traditional diagnostic instrumentality: current, stage and final control. In Russia the program apart from traditional diagnostic instrumentality includes
the following: testing, project work estimation, effectiveness
estimation of the work in small groups during didactic, organizational-teaching and
organizational-activity based games organization. It broadens diagnostic opportunities of a teacher for an effective educational process organization and correction.
Summarizing the results of the comparative analysis, we come to the conclusion, that the Russian program "Pedagogics of physical culture", realized at Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, is more effective according to conceptual, methodological and technological indices in comparison with the program "Pedagogics of physical culture at high school", realized at Wuhan State University of Physical Culture (China).
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Submitted: 24.11.2016 Received: 27.11.2016
Lyu Tszinyuy - graduate student, Tianjin Science and Technology Normal University, Tianjin, China Albert R. Baymurzin - candidate of pedagogics, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, 4, Sirenyevy Boulevard, Moscow, 105122, Russia
Sergey D. Neverkovich - doctor ofpedagogics, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, 4, Sirenyvy Boulevard, Moscow, 105122, Russia, E-mail: miit5ll@