Научная статья на тему 'MAIN FUNCTIONS OF THE FAMILY'

MAIN FUNCTIONS OF THE FAMILY Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Текст научной работы на тему «MAIN FUNCTIONS OF THE FAMILY»

Tashkent State Transport University Volume 3 | TSTU Conference 1 | 2022

Google Scholar indexed Prospects for Training International



Damegul Kurbanovna Arapbaeva

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Tashkent State

University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi;

Independent researcher of the National University of Uzbekistan

damegul.83 @mail .ru

The family is a small social group bound by a common sense of moral responsibility, mutual respect, understanding and love based on marriage and close kinship.

Each family, as a social system structure, performs certain tasks before society. When talking about the social functions of the family, it is necessary to take into account, on the one hand, the impact of society on the family, and on the other hand, the role of the family in the overall social system, the social (public) functions of the family.

The main functions of the family are: economic, reproductive, educational, communicative, recreational, felicitological, regulatory (management), relaxation.

The main tasks of this family are described in detail in the book "Family Encyclopedia" as follows [1; 112-115 p.]:

The economic function of the family

The economic function of the family is one of its main functions. The family economy, the budget, the planned spending of income, the allocation of money for daily expenses, necessary items, saving money for what will be received in a few years, saving money depend on the couple's great experience and skills. It is also important to teach the child to solve economic problems, keeping in mind that the child growing up in the family must also have these skills and abilities. Due to this task, the family brings great economic benefits to society and the state. For example, the benefits that a child's upbringing brings to society in terms of the child's economic well-being are enormous.

The reproductive function of the family

Another important task of the family is its reproductive function (ensuring the biological continuity of society, giving birth to children). The essence of this task is to continue the human type. The family not only brings a new generation into the world, but also acquaints

April 21-22


Tashkent State Transport University

Google Scholar indexed

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-151-154

Volume 3 | TSTU Conference 1 | 2022 Prospects for Training International


them with the scientific and cultural achievements that have existed since the dawn of mankind, and maintains their health. The innate instinct of procreation becomes a human need to have children, to raise and nurture them. Without meeting these needs, one usually cannot feel happy. Also, in the couple, a completely new feeling associated with the birth of a child: in a woman - a feeling of motherhood, in a man -a feeling of fatherhood. The child is also a key factor in further strengthening the couple's relationship.

The educational function of the family

Another important task of the family is upbringing. The mental, physical, moral, aesthetic upbringing of children is formed in the family.

Through family upbringing, a person is instilled with a certain political and ideological worldview, moral norms and patterns of behavior, physical qualities. The family is one of the main institutions that play an important role in the upbringing of a harmoniously developed person called a human being. Because the mental, physical, moral, aesthetic upbringing of children is based on the family. The formation and upbringing of a full-fledged citizen of society is an important task of the modern family. Because the socialization of the individual takes place first in the family.

The communicative function of the family

Family serves to create an environment of mutual respect and understanding. Psychological research shows that different social orientations, attitudes, emotional culture, moral, spiritual and psychological health of a person - the nature of interaction in the family, the manifestation of psychological institutions in communication by older family members, are directly related to the moral and psychological climate in the family.

The communicative functions of the family also include: the nature of internal communication in the family, the manifestation of psychological approaches in the interaction of older family members, the development of various social situations, situations and emotional culture, the development of science and technology, increasing urbanization of everyday life; that families are becoming more and more nuclearized, that family members are able to communicate with each other in a "humane" way.

The recreational function of the family

It is the duty of the family to provide recreational physical, material, spiritual and psychological support, to strengthen each

April 21-22


Tashkent State Transport University Volume 3 | TSTU Conference 1 | 2022

Google Scholar indexed Prospects for Training International

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-151-154 Specialists in the Field of Transport

other's health, to organize recreation for family members. This task has become even more important in recent years. How to strengthen the health of family members, the organization of family vacations, how family members spend their free time together, without direct work, study and other social activities, the nature of their relationship is important for the strength of today's family. factors.

Depending on how he spends his free time on a regular basis, it is possible to assess the level of maturity of each person, his spiritual world. Currently, the range of family vacations, family tourism and a number of family events is expanding. No social institution can replace the family in this regard.

The felicitological function of the family

One of the functions of the modern family, which is becoming increasingly important, is its felicitological function (Italian "felicity" - happiness). The pursuit of personal well-being is in many ways a decisive factor in the system of family relations. In a family, a couple's complete understanding of each other is what makes them feel happy.

Also, the realization of the existing natural-creative potential (talent), spending within the community and family also allows a person to feel happy. In recent times, as a person's potential has increased, so has his desire for happiness. But sometimes there are also negative situations, such as the pursuit of happiness by making money in unclean ways, or the pursuit of personal happiness at the expense of others, in exchange for violating their happiness.

In some cases, the selfish pursuit of personal happiness by family members (especially couples) can also lead to unpleasant situations (such as infidelity) in families. Therefore, each person should pay more attention to cultivating spiritual and moral qualities such as conscience, purity, honesty.

The regulatory function of the family

The system of management of relations between family members also represents the realization of primary social control, superiority and prestige in the family. It involves the supervision of the younger generation by adults and their material and spiritual support.

The relaxation function of the family

One of the most important tasks of the modern family is to restore the sexual, emotional activity, mental and physical

April 21-22


Tashkent State Transport University Volume 3 | TSTU Conference 1 | 2022

Google Scholar indexed Prospects for Training International

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-151-154 Specialists in the Field of Transport

strength, ability to work of family members. It is known that at the current stage of scientific and technological development, the acceleration of industrial relations, the introduction of new technologies in various sectors of the economy and a number of similar factors are putting more physical and mental strain on the human psyche. Today's industry requires the production worker to mobilize all available resources, work with his whole body, and constantly improve his professional skills. If the intensity of production processes continues in this way, the person who is a participant and manager of these processes can quickly get tired and lose his ability to work.

In short, there are several types of interpersonal relationships in the family. In family relations, the fulfillment of the above-mentioned tasks is observed. In turn, the proper organization of family responsibilities creates family unity.

Family unity consists of complex social relationships. Parents and children are a close-knit family unit, and very close family relationships are formed between them, which in turn form the core of the family.


1. Family encyclopedia [Text]/Compilers: Akramova F.A., Bilolova Z.B., Jovliev I.S. - Tashkent: "National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan" State Scientific Publishing House, 2019- 240 p.

2. Shoumarov G'.B. Family psychology. - Tashkent: Sharq, 2008 - 296 p.

3. Karimova V.M. Family psychology. - Tashkent: Science and technology, 2008. -170 p.

April 21-22


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