PSYCHOLOGICAL NATURE OF PERSONEL RELATIONSHIPS IN A DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Chalabiyev Nurali Zarbali

There are very serious changes in the life of the modern family, such as the social system, social group or form of unity, accompanied by conflicts and crises. This is most evident in the so-called "dysfunctional family" types of families that are unable to perform their vital functions. The article analyzes the deformations that occur in the nature of relationships in the dysfunctional family type, the risk factors that cause them, the psychological aspect of family functions.

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командного духа и т. д. На втором месте после оценки достижений-сфера организации и руководства, которая проявляется в недостаточном информировании сотрудников о путях развития организации, в отсутствии участия в принятии управленческих решений, нарушение

коммуникационных связей между руководством и трудовым коллективом. Наиболее значимыми факторами для сотрудников в организации являются свободное планирование времени отпуска, режим трудовой деятельности, совместимый с жизнью семьи, высокая зарплата, свобода в рабочей деятельности и реальные возможности образования и личностного роста. Организация мотивации в учреждении в основном ничем не отличается от других таких же, применяемых в сфере бюджетных учреждений. По результатам исследования можно рекомендовать программу для поэтапного внедрения комплекса необходимых мер для изменения существующей системы нематериальной мотивации персонала. Программа включает в себя: повышение профессионально-управленческой компетенции руководителей, разработка и внедрение оценки достижений сотрудников, наращивание применения социальных и психологических методов мотивации, организация положительного социального и психологического климата в коллективе.

Основываясь на результатах исследования, необходимо организовать трудовую деятельность в соответствии с потребностями сотрудников, которая выражается в свободе выбора темы исследований, комфортного режима работы для творческой деятельности, реализации личностного развития. Внедрение предложенных рекомендаций

УДК: 159.9

положительно скажется на организации трудового процесса, позволит создать надежную творческую команду, качественно повысит эффективность научной деятельности и обеспечит достойную конкурентоспособность.

Список литературы:

1.Разина Т.В. Функциональные закономерности мотивации научной деятельности и когнитивной активности у научных сотрудников // Вестник Костромского государственного университета им. Н.А. Некрасова. Серия: Педагогика. Психология. Социальная работа. Ювенология. Социокинетика. 2014. Т. 20. № 3. С. 86-89. [Razina T.V. Funktsional'nye zakonomernosti motivatsii nauchnoi deyatel'nosti i kognitivnoi aktivnosti u nauchnykh sotrudnikov // Vestnik Kostromskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. N.A. Nekrasova. Seriya: Pedagogika. Psikhologiya. Sotsial'naya rabota. Yuvenologiya. Sotsiokinetika. 2014. T. 20. № 3. S. 86-89. (In Russ).]

2.Сосновый, А. П. Разработка внутрифирменных систем оплаты труда, мотивации и стимулирования персонала // Справочник по управлению персоналом-М.: № 1. 2002. [Sosnovyi, A. P. Razrabotka vnutrifirmennykh sistem oplaty truda, motivatsii i stimulirovaniya personala // Spravochnik po upravleniyu personalom-M.: № 1. 2002. (In Russ)]

3.Володарская Е.А., Киселева В.В. Оплата труда ученых и мотивация научной деятельности // Мотивация и оплата труда. 2012. № 2. С. 154-167.[ Volodarskaya E.A., Kiseleva V.V. Opiata truda uchenykh i motivatsiya nauchnoi deyatel'nosti // Motivatsiya i opiata truda. 2012. № 2. S. 154-167. (In Russ)]


Chalabiyev Nurali Zarbali

PhD, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University Associate Professor of Sheki Branch


Чалабиев Нуралы Зарбалы оглы

Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Шекинского филиала Азербайджанского Государственного

Педагогического Университета DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.3.75.837


There are very serious changes in the life of the modern family, such as the social system, social group or form of unity, accompanied by conflicts and crises. This is most evident in the so-called "dysfunctional family" types of families that are unable to perform their vital functions. The article analyzes the deformations that occur in the nature of relationships in the dysfunctional family type, the risk factors that cause them, the psychological aspect of family functions.


В жизни современной семьи ,как в социальной системе, социальной группе или в форме единства, происходят серьезные изменения, сопровождающиеся конфликтами и кризисами. Это проявляется в большей степени ,в так называемых типах «дисфункциональных семей", которые не способны выполнять свои жизненно -важные функции. В статье анализируются деформации в природе дисфункциональных

семейных отношений, факторы риска, обуславливающие их, последствия нарушения семейных функций в психологическом аспекте.

Key words: family functions, dysfunctional family, family relations, family conflicts, psychological alienation

Ключевые слова: функции семьи, дисфункциональная семья, внутрисемейные отношения, семейные конфликты, психологическое отчуждение.

Problem statement: The family, which performs many functions in society and in relation to man, not only provides a number of important vital needs, but also ensures the reproduction of people in society and the preservation of hereditary ties between generations. The growing interest in the study of family problems in recent decades is due to the crisis facing the modern family. The main reason for this crisis is the deep penetration of political, social, economic and cultural processes in society into the life of the family and the violation of its traditional functions. As a result of these influences, the functional (favorable, normal) family type gradually weakens, dysfunctional (unfavorable, abnormal) family types increase, deviant, amoral, destructive, antisocial behaviors increase, and the moral and psychological climate in the family deteriorates.

Analysis of scientific achievements on the research topic.

Family relationships are complex relationships based on functional dependence. The nature of these relationships depends on the type of family, its structure, and how it performs its functions. From this point of view, the functions of the family are determined by its needs - society, social group, the family itself, meeting the needs of its individual members. [4, p.50]. According to E. Eydemiller and V. Justiskis, the life activities related to meeting certain needs of family members are called family functions. [1, p.38]. The strength of a family depends on the extent to which it performs its functions. The functions of the family are constantly changing, depending on the evolution of society, the level of civilization and prosperity. According to N.Y. Solovyov, the functions of the family are determined by the types of supply and recurring needs, and their number is equal. [9, p.47].

Many researchers - Adamski, Williamson, G.Havaytis, Gud, Ogvern, AHKharchiyev, NGYurkevich, NZSolovyev, HVGrebennikov, CBKovalyov, TVAndreyeva, TMAfanasyeva, AI Antonov, MSMoskovsky, E.EydemillerV.Yustiskis, AAAlizade, ANAbbasov and others. gavedifferent classifications of family functions. Some of them are specific and non-specific to the functions of the family; some were divided into two main groups, primary and secondary. Most of them refer to the specific functions of childbirth (reproductive), provision (existential), upbringing (socialization) and state that. These functions are mainly stable and do not depend on changes in society.

The non-specific functions of the family reflect the relationship between the family and society, allowing to reveal a temporary historical picture of the relationship between them. Changes in family life affect the acquisition and transfer of property, its status, production and consumption, household, recreation and leisure. Health and well-being of family members, stress relief, microclimate, etc. reflected in non-specific

functions such as. These functions are modified under new conditions as a result of the process of historical development and changes: they expand, or limit, or disappear completely.

In our opinion, it is not the right approach to differentiate between family functions as primary and secondary. It is more appropriate to differentiate between specific and non-specific. Because the family is a social system or group, its specific functions are formed under the influence of the social level, and nonspecific functions under the influence of the socio-historical conditions of society.

The purpose is to determine the psychological nature of relationships in a dysfunctional family environment, to reveal their nature.

Description of the main material:

The deepening globalization in the modern world has a strong impact on the family system, causing it to undergo changes and social transformations. These changes in society are more pronounced in the family, leading to distortions in mental family values.

The family, one of the basic social cores and discoveries of mankind, is the main source of human and spiritual values in civil societies, such as true happiness, bliss, prosperity, stability, respect and solidarity. Family life presents a number of complex challenges for those who are married. These include obedience to the norms of behavior established in the family; activities to ensure the material well-being of the family at home and abroad; upbringing of the growing generation; solution of problems in the family, etc.

Everyone understands the concept of "family" as a whole set of life events: relationships in the family, their place there, the family's way of life, its past and future. In this regard, some say that the family has a small place in his life, that only a small part of his needs, desires and life plans are related to the family, and that the family as a whole is insignificant in their lives. Such an assessment indicates a low level of integration of any family member with his or her family. Another group sees the family as the meaning of their lives, as a means of satisfying many important spiritual needs (for example, respect, communication, sympathy, meaning of life, leisure, etc.). Such people are real family members. Their whole life is riveted to their families, they are closely connected with it, their life plans are the life plans of the family, their happiness and sorrow are closely connected with the happiness and sorrow of their families. These signs show that married couples are closely integrated into their families with a sense of common destiny.

In modern Azerbaijan, as in many other countries, the type of nuclear family is more widespread due to its structure, so it is more common for families with a reproductive orientation, consisting of spouses and children. Currently, in Western-oriented societies, the nuclear family is considered a type of "modern family".

Although the modern family is viewed primarily as a type of family based on love, emotional sympathy, and mutual support, this does not mean that the family is built solely on these criteria. In modern globalized societies, the tendency to move from a complex family to a simple, micro-family type is expanding, and this situation is the result of the growing need of young people for independence. Against the background of the predominance of the nuclear family type, the modern family lives a fairly closed life. However, the modern family system is also open in a sense - today it is much easier to get married and divorced, society has formed a loyal attitude to divorce. Divorce is now considered a normal social event.

Positive, lasting, relatively stable and recurring relationships in the family are the basis of its existence and survival. This is necessary, first of all, for family members to psychologically consider the local living space as a "native home". The family is the safest place of refuge and shelter for a person to ensure his or her safety and comfort. Because they are conservative in nature, they cannot change in line with the rapid changes in the desires of family members. That is why conflicts between older family members and the new generation are often inevitable. In the individual minds of family members, family life is perceived as a small natural model of human life, understood as a means of satisfying important material, social and respectful, as well as sexual needs. The strength of the family creates a reliable guarantee of the material and spiritual needs of family members, increases confidence in the family. A person who enters into a marriage is convinced that in the long run, his life will be securely connected with the family, and this will be good for him. He will be the "captain of the ship" called the family, and when he thinks about that ship, he will also have to think about his own destiny.

In modern psychology, the family is classified according to various criteria. These include important characteristics such as family functions, structure, age dynamics, and types of family and family relationships. E.G.Eydemiller and V.Yustiskis proposed to divide the family into two main groups on the basis of the main normal-functional (favorable) family and dysfunctional, ie dysfunctional (unfavorable) family types in terms of tasks and vital functions [10, p. 42-44; 284-287].

A functional, that is to say, affordable family is a type of family that performs all its functions in a differentiated and responsible manner, and as a result, the needs of all its members are met satisfactorily, regardless of the growth and changes in the family. A functional (normal) family is characterized by its flexible hierarchical power structure, well-established family rules, strong parental solidarity, and sincere and loving relationships between generations. The functional family is a system that is constantly changing, evolving and renewing. Here the rules of the family are clear and have positive directions for development. In the family triangle, the solidarity of one of the parties with the other does not cause jealousy and despair in other family members and is accepted as normal. Freedom based on equality and liberty is intertwined with mutual respect and care. Friends and relatives of the family can enter the family space freely

and without fear, and are welcomed. In functional (healthy) families, the family system usually represents three or even four generations. The older generation of the family builds relationships with the younger ones on care and love, and do not go the psychological distance to cultivate self-respect. A healthy family is a completely open space to express kinship, intimacy, and even contention and hatred. Each member of the family is free to enter into intense interpersonal relationships based on any human feelings. A functional family is one that has a special vitality and comfort. Self-confidence is a characteristic feature of each family member, communication between them is open and unambiguous. In such families, older members of the family have mature personality traits and perfect social habits. Children also have developmental indicators in accordance with their age norms.

Well-known psychotherapists E.Q. Eidemiller and V.V. Justisks name the following sixteen main types of dysfunctional families: A family of only two; A family of three generations; "Shoe" type (undivided family) family; Fluctuating (nomadic) families; "Akkerdeon families"; Imaginary (shadow) families; Amazon families; Family of gentlemen; Stepfather families; Guardian families; Psychosomatic families; Substituted (substitute) family; "Only you" type families; Families with disabled members; Families with mental illness; Unmanageable families; [10, p. 285-287].

In functional families, family relationships are harmonious. In such families, serious problems that cannot be solved are seldom encountered, and spouses who are partners in marriage have the ability to discuss and resolve problems with each other.

In co-operative families, there are harmonious relationships and they are distinguished by their high level of social orientation. .) is appropriate. Sociopolitical motivation, purposefulness, systematization, setting specific goals and objectives in the strategy of influencing them, connection with life, etc. in the upbringing of children in families where relations are based on these requirements. In such families, all family members show a high sense of empathy for each other, take care of each other, and support each other in solving problems.

A functional (affordable) family guarantees a high level of mutual empathy between its members, allows family members to get to know each other's inner world. This is the main condition for the proper establishment of integration mechanisms in the family. Family integration ensures that the family budget is formed together and that every member of the family in need can benefit from it. Each family member is actively involved in the development and implementation of common family plans. A functional family is one that has a special vitality and a comfortable environment. Self-confidence is a characteristic feature of each family member, communication between them is open and unambiguous. In such families, older members of the family have mature personality traits, perfect social habits, and children have developmental indicators in accordance with age norms.

Usually, in dysfunctional (unfavorable-N.C.) families, integration does not take place because the "common destiny" is not sufficiently understood by family members. Such families are characterized by instability, lack of common family prejudice, and neglect of children. Here, each member of the family lives as if for himself, each of the older members of the family has his own budget. In such families, long-term serious conflicts often occur, family dependence weakens, and arbitrariness increases.

The term "dysfunctional (abnormal) family" usually refers to the non-adaptive position of one or more family members in the family and the lack of conditions for personal development in the broader context of the family system. When at least one of the functions of the family is disrupted, the functional family type is deformed and becomes a dysfunctional family type. In such families, the mark of family failure can be seen not only on the face of the couple, but also on the face of each family member. There is a two-headed language of communication, isolation and rejection, fear of punishment, and nervous tension. A dysfunctional family is a type of immature family. Disorders in the performance of vital functions of the dysfunctional family manifest themselves. As a result, the personal development of family members is hampered and the need for self-actualization is blocked. In dysfunctional families, deviations such as excessive rigidity or diffusion, closedness, or chaoticity are usually observed. One of the main features of such families is the frequent violation of the process of communication between family members, both verbal and non-verbal.

The following main characteristics of the dysfunctional family are reflected in the research on modern family psychology (E. Eidemiller, V. Justisks):

• the existence of any problem in the family is denied;

• there are shortcomings in intimate relationships;

• shyness is used as a means of motivating personal behavior;

• family roles are very sharp and serious;

• personal identity and needs are acquired through sacrifice to family identity and family needs;

• Family myths do not reflect reality, humor, caress, care and optimism are rare;

• Conflicts - the refusal of one family member to accept the other is chronic [10, p.42-51].

The dysfunction of the family system often leads to a number of psychological and legal symptoms -alcoholism, drug addiction, violence, abortion, suicide, child abuse, and so on. causes negative social events such as. A number of factors influence the formation of a dysfunctional family. These include mistakes in choosing a partner for marriage, dependence on parents and inability to live independently, utopia syndrome (exhaustion of illusions - N.C.), the threat of infidelity and divorce, attempts to evade legal and financial responsibility, and so on. aiddir. Family relationships (spouse, kinship) have a strict hierarchical structure. Depending on the type of family, these relationships are harmonious and disharmonious, manifested on the basis of sexual behavior.

Based on the nature of family relationships, four main types of dysfunctional families can be distinguished: crisis, problem, conflict, and neurotic.

Conflicts in a crisis family based on the mismatch of interests and needs of the spouses are acute and cover all important areas of family life and activity. In such families, the relationship between husband and wife is sharp, uncompromising, and even hostile. Couples do not want to make any concessions to each other. Families that are on the verge of a crisis marriage are either on the verge of breaking up or already bankrupt. In conflicting families, there are areas in a couple's life where their interests are constantly in conflict, creating persistent and strong negative emotional situations. Despite all this, the marriage is preserved by concessions, a compromise solution to conflicts and other factors. The troubled family type is characterized by long-term, unresolved problems that can seriously damage the stability of their marriage. For example, lack of housing, long-term illness of one of the couples, constant lack of funds for the normal life of the family, long-term imprisonment of one of the family members, etc. Other problems can cause great frustration and tension in a family. In such families, there is a high risk of aggravation of relations, psychological disorders in one or both couples. It is not the hereditary mental disorders of the neurotic family type that play a major role, but the mental disorders acquired due to the psychological difficulties encountered in the daily life of the family. In neurotic families, couples suffer from extreme fear, anxiety, and distress, with sleep disturbances, acute affective reactions, and extreme aggression toward each other.

There is also a risk that a family that exists as a normal family at a certain stage of married life will later become a dysfunctional family for various reasons. In dysfunctional families, marriage is conditioned by a number of motives. These include running away from parents (getting rid of my life), getting married out of debt, getting rid of loneliness, and continuing a tradition (parental initiative, the pursuit of material well-being, and prestige).

In dysfunctional families, different types of interactions with children can be distinguished, such as dictation, protection, non-interference, and cooperation. A dictatorial style of interaction usually manifests itself in the systematic and systematic pressure of one family member (usually the elderly) on others, in shaping their sense of personal dignity and initiative, and in creating an environment of restraint. Of course, depending on the goals and objectives of family upbringing, morals, and the specific situation, parents may impose certain requirements and restrictions on their children. However, parents who always prefer command and violence in their relationships with their children, and who rely on the strategy of subjugating others with their superior position, sooner or later face the resistance, pressure, rudeness, and sometimes outright hatred of their children. "Family conflicts not only lead to the breakdown of family relations, but also have a negative impact on the mental development of children, reduce the effectiveness of their learning activities, create problems in the formation of personality" [5, p.3]. Psychologists have studied children from families with

different types of relationships between husband and wife, and concluded that boys growing up in mothers-led families develop poor masculinity at the age of three. Passive fathers cannot influence the formation of masculine traits in their sons [1, p.82].

In such families, which face extreme authoritarian attitudes and behaviors from their parents, children often live a stressful life and are exposed to emotional (psychological) and physical violence. In addition to grossly violating the rights of the child, parents do not give them any opportunity to discuss and decide on any issue that concerns them, and act with mandatory requirements based on strict prohibitions. Such attitudes and behaviors not only cause serious psychological trauma in children, but also lead to deformations in their formation as individuals. The type of relationship based on excessive care in the family, on the contrary, is characterized by the fact that all the needs of children are met at the maximum level through the work of parents. This makes it difficult for the child to enter the lives of different groups. One of the types of attitudes towards children in the family is manifested in a liberal form, such as "not joining", not interfering. At the heart of the characteristics of this type of relationship is the passive spectator attitude of parents as caregivers to the lives of children. This, in turn, leads to emotional coldness, indifference and indifference in children towards their parents, slows down their preparation for future family life, mastery of parental roles, the formation of sexual identity.

The problem of the role of parents, especially the mother, in the mental development of children has been the subject of scientific research since the 1920s. Although parental love is a phenomenon conditioned by natural, innate biological components, as a cultural-historical phenomenon, it is changeable under the influence of social norms and values in society. Although people who live together in a family always live in the same social environment based on interaction with each other, the behavior of older family members based on their natural nature and temperament is an important factor in building relationships here. The sympathetic, asymptomatic or indifferent (indifferent, neutral) attitude of parents towards each other and children forms the general spiritual and psychological climate in the family.

Mutallibi-Golezani Y.I. In the study "Parent-child relations and child rearing in Islam", in terms of Islamic values, families are divided into 3 groups:

1. superficial families. Such families do not have much order, so social traditions and other rules are ignored.

2. Seriously authoritarian families. In such families, the father usually dictates his instructions to the children, and they have to follow them. According to some sociologists, those who grow up in such an environment also become dictators.

3. Strong families who choose the middle way. In such families, children are instilled with a sense of freedom of thought and freedom, but parents do not leave them unsupervised, they are nurtured a sense of responsibility. Islam prefers the third type of family "[6, p.17].

The cooperative relationship, which is considered optimal as a type of interaction in the family, involves

the coordination of common goals and objectives based on interaction in relationships and relationships, the organization of family life on the basis of high moral values and a sense of "we". It is cooperation and mutual understanding based on a humane approach to the rights and freedoms of family members that prevents children's selfish individualism. Such families, due to their structure and psychological merits, can rise to the level of a developed collective, which is the highest and most organized form of a social group.

The nature of relationships in modern families is changing dramatically in the context of global transformation and integration of living conditions. New trends in society over the past 50 years, technological innovations, the renewal of people's education have led to changes in their social status and position in the family, as well as in society. All this does not go unnoticed in the nature of relations in Azerbaijani families, which were previously based on patriarchal traditions. Increased socio-dynamic and psychodynamic processes in society, stressful life situations, emotional burdens and tensions leading to psychological discomfort are also transmitted to family relationships. As a result of the introduction of social networks into family life, live emotional real communication between family members is gradually being replaced by virtual communication with friends and acquaintances. Most modern families do not eat dinner together at the table, and family care consultations and the distribution of household chores and worries for the next week are gradually disappearing. All this changes the attitude of family members towards the role. Conflict situations are more likely to occur because family members are unable to fulfill their role responsibilities for various reasons. In modern urban families, the majority of educated women hold high positions in the social and professional spheres. They suffer from "double burden" syndrome and face a lack of time for household chores and child rearing. Conflicts in some families are rooted in young women's lack of housekeeping skills and unwillingness to have children.

In modern Azerbaijani families, fatherhood, as a social role, places high duties and responsibilities on men. In addition to being the main source of income for the family, the father is responsible for the life, protection and health of his wife and children, and it is his traditional duty to take care of the elderly members of the family and elderly parents. However, the rapid increase in divorces in the family institution in Azerbaijan over the past decade indicates a deepening crisis. Thus, 78072 marriages and 7784 divorces were registered in Azerbaijan in 2009, while in 2019 this figure was 63869 and 17148, respectively. Statistics show that divorce has increased from 10.3% in 2009 to more than 2.5 times in 2019 to 26%.

In our opinion, there is a close relationship between the family and the nature of family relationships. Attitudes towards the family can be characterized at different levels from the aspects of pedagogical and psychological approach to issues related to the organization of household life, moral and emotional connection between husband and wife, joint elimination of difficulties and family problems,

creating a normal environment for personal development.

Psychological alienation is one of the psychological phenomena observed in the nature of interpersonal relationships in modern families. Under the influence of this phenomenon, the individual pits himself against other individuals in society and in the family, thus isolating himself to one degree or another. In such conflict situations, the individual loses the values necessary for the content of joint activities in the family group, the sense of solidarity, sees other people as strangers and enemies, and opposes the norms and rules of the family. Arbitrariness is growing in such a family environment, and conflicts and domestic violence are on the rise.

The famous Austrian psychologist and psychiatrist Z. Freud used the term "alienation" to describe the psychological development of the individual, his innate alienation and hostility to others. 227] Interpersonal relations are a manifestation of subjective relations, which are objectively manifested in the nature and methods of interpersonal interaction between people, that is, in the process of human interaction and communication. These relations are manifested in the organization and content of the activities of members of a social group, the values on which human communication is based, attitudes and expectations, the interaction of joint activities and communication, and the mood that arises from objective, reflective relationships between people. are. "The lower the level of development of the family as a social group, the more reason to expect conflicts between family members and roles" [3, p. 195].

Russian psychologist J. Klyuchnikov [2], who classifies the family as a zone of high conflict, notes that it is here (in the family - N.Ch.) that psychological conflicts are painted in dark colors. The fact that family disputes are more intense than at work or in any neutral environment is questionable. People who live together in close proximity react sharply and emotionally to each other's behavior. pushes the corner, and as a result of such mistakes, the spark of scandal easily ignites. "Conflict often leads to the breakdown of marriages and the formation of incomplete families, resulting in a problematic family upbringing potential" [8, p.37].

Russian psychologist VY Reznikov, who studied the socio-psychological typology of conflicting interactions in the family, came to the conclusion that the conflicting interactions of husband and wife differ in their dynamic features, manifestations and functions of realization in the conflict process. he motive of

causing moral and physical harm to the partner and the superiority of the methods of physical influence are characterized by the lack of self-criticism of their behavior, which has a more negative impact on the quality and durability of marriage [7, p.5].

Modern family psychotherapists call the family "a source of happiness and mental trauma" and note that the family is an "ideal" place for people to target, hit and stab each other in terms of proximity to the same place and psychological distance. Yasoz is perceived as an exaggerated, strong irritant in the family, while being quietly received by outsiders. That is why the family is a place where a lot of psychological trauma, psychoenergetic deviations, aura cracks occur directly. The psychoenergetic exchange that takes place in the family is different in terms of internal and external impact on family members. can also descend to the bottom of the ravine.

Bibliographic list

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