FOREIGN TEXTBOOK ANALYSIS ON THE SUBJECT OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Abdujabbor Meliyevich Karabayev, Muattar Baxrom Qizi Teshabayeva

The research paper consists of several parts (such as introduction, literature review, empirical analysis and results, limitations, policy implications and conclusion) that are crucial for the its quality. Thus, the methodology part or the way it was constructed is one of the main indicators that differentiates this particular paper from other researcher’s work, by making it unique

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Abdujabbor Meliyevich Karabayev Muattar Baxrom qizi Teshabayeva

Tashkent state transport university dadaxodj ayevam@gmail.com


The research paper consists of several parts (such as introduction, literature review, empirical analysis and results, limitations, policy implications and conclusion) that are crucial for the its quality. Thus, the methodology part or the way it was constructed is one of the main indicators that differentiates this particular paper from other researcher's work, by making it unique.

This article is going to mainly focus on the determinants of the research methodology. In the following paragraphs a step-by-step guidelines for writing a good methodology part of the research paper will be provided.

The definition of methodology should be based on the following features of this concept. Methodology:

a) defines the ways of obtaining scientific knowledge that reflect the constantly changing pedagogical reality;

b) directs, determines the main path, with the help ofthrough which a certain research goal is achieved;

c) provides comprehensive information about the process or phenomenon under study;

d) helps to introduce new information into the foundation of the theory of scientific knowledge;

e) provides clarification, enrichment, systematization of terms and concepts in science;

f) creates a system of scientific information based on objective facts and a logical and analytical tool of scientific cognition.

These features of the concept of "methodology", defining its functions in science, allow us to draw the following conclusion: methodology is a conceptual presentation of the purpose, content, methods of research, which provides the most objective, accurate,

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systematized information about the processes and phenomena taking place.

The research methods can be considered in the following grouping:

Theoretical methods:

- methods - cognitive actions: dialectics; scientific theories proven by practice; proof; method of analyzing knowledge systems; deductive (axiomatic); inductive-deductive; identification and resolution of contradictions; problem statement; hypothesis building;

- methods-operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, concretization, generalization, formalization, induction, deduction, idealization, analogy, modeling, thought experiment, imagination.

Empirical methods:

- methods of object tracking (survey, monitoring, study and generalization of experience);

- methods of object transformation (experimental work, experiment);

- methods of studying the object in time (retrospective, forecasting);

- methods-operations: study of literature, documents and results of activities (observation, measurement, survey (oral and written), expert assessments, testing).

The skillful determination of the content of each structural element of the methodology, their relationship, is the art of research.

A well-thought-out methodology organizes research, provides the necessary factual material, based on the analysis of which scientific conclusions are made.

The implementation of the research methodology allows us to obtain preliminary theoretical and practical conclusions containing answers to the problems solved in the study.

The third stage is the implementation of the results obtained in practice. The work is formalized in literature. The literary design of research materials is a time-consuming and very responsible business, an integral part of scientific research.

To isolate and formulate the main ideas, provisions, conclusions and recommendations is accessible, sufficiently complete and accurate - the main thing that a researcher should strive for in the process of literary design of materials. It is not immediately and not everyone succeeds, since the design of the work is always closely related to the refinement of certain provisions, clarification of logic, argumentation and elimination of gaps in the justification of the conclusions made, etc. Much here depends on the level of the overall development of the researcher's personality, his literary abilities and the ability to formalize his thoughts.

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The structural components of the research process (assuming the experimental part) in the optimal variant are arranged as follows:

Stage 1. General acquaintance with the research problem, determination of its external boundaries.

Stage II. Formulation of research objectives.

Stage III. Development of the research hypothesis.

Stage IV. Statement of research objectives. A ascertaining experiment.

Stage V. Organization and conduct of the experiment.

Guided by these provisions, the researcher at the second stage of empirical cognition carries out:

• first, a critical assessment and verification of each fact, clearing it of accidental and insignificant impurities;

• secondly, the description of each fact in certain terms of the science in which the research is conducted;

• thirdly, the selection of typical, most repetitive and expressing the main trends of development from all the facts.

There are two major types of analysis:

- Empirical

- Theoretical

Starting with obtaining experimental data, empirical research includes not only linguistic expression, but also logical and mathematical processing of experience data, up to the discovery of patterns. Consequently, it is impossible to recognize as correct a judgment that includes in the concept of experimental, empirical only that which relates to the sensory elements of knowledge, and in the concept of rational, theoretical - everything that relates to logic and mathematics.

Now empirical sciences often arise at the intersection of sciences, which is reflected in their names: biochemistry, biophysics, social psychology, etc. Success in them is achieved through the application of the methods of one science in the "field" of the neighboring one.

It is important to remember that even at the first stage, scientific research involves the use of some logical forms. The concept of "experience" is used both in everyday and in philosophical cognition. The peculiarity of scientific experience will be clear if we distinguish its following components: 1) development of a plan and preparation of experience; 2) conducting an experiment; 3) preliminary verification of the truth of the experience data; 4)

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assessment of the degree of accuracy of the reflection of the studied phenomena.

The simplest form of scientific experience is observation. Any observation is a physical connection of the observer with the object of observation.

The initial empirical knowledge in any science arose as a result of direct observations, which at first were conducted within the framework of everyday knowledge.

A more complex form of scientific experience is an experiment. In it, all the features of observation take on a more complex character.

More preliminary knowledge is needed to prepare an experiment than to prepare an observation. Repeated observations are important in all forms of scientific experience. However, when observing rare phenomena, the multiplicity of observations is excluded. In the experiment, the repetition of observations is fundamentally important.

The second stage of empirical research

The main purpose of this stage of empirical research is to discover the external relationships of phenomena. This is achieved by methods:

1. analysis;

2. synthesis;

3. systematization.

Each science has its own methods of analysis, synthesis and systematization of the results of experience. So, in chemistry, analysis is divided into qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative analysis allows you to determine the components of complex chemical compounds, quantitative analysis - characteristic features such as weight, volume, boiling point and other constants. Depending on which parts this compound decomposes into and what signs it is characterized by, a logical analysis and synthesis of the results of the experiment are carried out.

Systematization makes it possible to arrange empirical basic knowledge in the form of summary, logically coherent descriptions, and with numerical values of measurements - to obtain tables and graphs.

Each classification reflects the features of empirical research that have developed in this science. Accordingly, each science has its own methodology for analyzing and synthesizing experimental data, its own methods of systematization and classification of these data.

Empirical data - information obtained on the basis of experience, practice. The range of empirical data analysis tasks includes the following general groups:

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1. Data description

2. Studying similarities/differences

3. Dependency research.

4. Dimension reduction.

5. Classification.

Methods used only at the empirical level of research (observation, measurement, experiment).

1. Methods used both at the empirical and theoretical levels of scientific research (analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction).

2. Methods used only at the theoretical level of research (axiomatic, methods of idealization and formalization, method of historical and logical research).

A competent statement of the problem involves the following groups of actions:

1. Formulation of the problem, consisting of questioning (putting forward the central question of the problem), constriction (fixing the contradiction that formed the basis of the problem), Unitization (an assumed description of the expected result);

2.The construction of the problem, represented by the operations of stratification ("splitting" the problem into sub-questions, without answers to which it is impossible to get an answer to the main problem question), composition (grouping and determining the sequence of solutions to the questions that make up the problem), localization (limiting the field of study in accordance with the needs of research and the capabilities of the researcher, limiting the known from the unknown in the field chosen for study), variants (development of the installation on the possibility of replacing any issue of the problem with any other and the search for alternatives for all elements of the problem);

3. Assessment of the problem, characterized by such actions of a specialist as conditioning (identification of all conditions necessary to solve the problem, including methods, tools, techniques, etc.), inventory (checking available capabilities and prerequisites), cognification (finding out the degree of problemativeness, i.e. the ratio of the known and unknown in the information that needs to be used to solve the problem), assimilation (finding among the already solved problems similar to the one being solved), qualification (attribution of the problem to a certain type);

4. Justification, which is a consistent implementation of exposure procedures (establishing value, content and genetic links of this problem with

other problems), actualization (bringing arguments in favor of the reality of the problem, its formulation and solution), compromise

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(putting forward an arbitrarily large number of objections to the problem), demonstration (objective synthesis of results, received at the stage of updating and compromise);

5. A designation consisting of explication (clarification) of concepts, recoding (translation of the problem into another scientific or everyday language), intimization of concepts (verbal nuance - subtle transition - expression of the problem and the selection of concepts that most accurately capture the meaning of the problem).

The formulation of the problem entails the formulation of a hypothesis. The theoretical stage of cognition begins with a hypothesis.

The hypothesis is a necessary form of development of scientific knowledge, without which the transition to new knowledge is impossible. The hypothesis plays an essential role in the development of science, serves as the initial stage of the formation of almost every scientific theory. All significant discoveries in science did not arise in a ready-made form, but went through a long and complex path of development, starting from the initial hypothetical positions acting as the guiding idea of research and developing on this factual basis to scientific theory.

The whole course of scientific research can be represented in the form of the following logical scheme:

1. Justification of the relevance of the chosen topic.

2. Setting the goal and specific objectives of the study.

3. Definition of the object and subject of research.

4. The choice of methods (methodology) of the study.

5. Description of the research process.

6. Discussion of the results of the study.

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7. Formulation of conclusions and evaluation of the results.

All of above listed steps, factors and determinants are crucial for the research


The format of the dissertation or the research paper is not less important. The following is an example:

1. Title page.

2. Table of Contents.

3. Introduction.

4. Chapters of the main part.

5. Conclusion.

6. List of sources used.

7. Applications.

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Tashkent State Transport University Volume 3 | TSTU Conference 1 | 2022

Google Scholar indexed Prospects for Training International

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-342-348 Specialists in the Field of Transport

8. Auxiliary pointers.

So, by following all of the above mentioned steps, one can construct high quality research paper.


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2. Caves G.I., Slobotchikov O.N. Methodology of scientific research: Textbook . — M.: Institute of World Civilizations, 2017. — 312 p.

3. Kuznetsov I.N. Scientific works: methods of preparation and registration / I.N. Kuznetsov. - M.: "Amalfea", 2000. - 345 p.

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5. Ruzavin G.I. Methods of scientific research: textbook. - M.: Thought, 2000. - 123 p.

6. Sabitov V.A. Fundamentals of scientific research: textbook. manual / V.A. Sabitov. - M.: 2002.

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