LINGUISTIC AND PRAGMATIC FUNCTIONS OF METAPHOR IN THE SPEECHES OF UZBEK POLITICIANS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Естественные и точные науки»

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Ключевые слова
Metaphor / discourse / political discourse / political text / Uzbek political communication / pragmatic and linguistic problem / metaphor / political metaphor / political language / metaphorical expressions.

Аннотация научной статьи по естественным и точным наукам, автор научной работы — Xulkaroy Qarshiboyeva, D. B. Agzamova

Researches on political metaphorology is an integral part of a wide scientific field, which is most often called political linguistics (the terms are also used with political philology, linguistic political science). In this article it is researched these general problems and their relationship with political metaphorology. The article consistently is considered linguistic and pragmatic functions of metaphor in the speeches of uzbek politicians, the Uzbek national view of the world and its metaphorical representation, and authorship of a political text and its aims and problems. However, it is necessary to emphasize again that this kind of metaphors do not reflect the real situation of Uzbekistan but also its reflection in political discourse. As you know, reality and its awareness in the social mentality do not always correspond to each other, and in this case, the mirror of the political metaphor magnifies all the real problems many times.

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Xulkaroy Qarshiboyeva

2 nd year master student of National university of Uzbekistan

Scientific adviser: DSc, professor D. B. Agzamova


Researches on political metaphorology is an integral part of a wide scientific field, which is most often called political linguistics (the terms are also used with political philology, linguistic political science). In this article it is researched these general problems and their relationship with political metaphorology. The article consistently is considered linguistic and pragmatic functions of metaphor in the speeches of uzbek politicians, the Uzbek national view of the world and its metaphorical representation, and authorship of a political text and its aims and problems. However, it is necessary to emphasize again that this kind of metaphors do not reflect the real situation of Uzbekistan but also its reflection in political discourse. As you know, reality and its awareness in the social mentality do not always correspond to each other, and in this case, the mirror of the political metaphor magnifies all the real problems many times.

Keywords: Metaphor, discourse, political discourse, political text, Uzbek political communication, pragmatic and linguistic problem, metaphor, political metaphor, political language, metaphorical expressions.

Within the framework of this study, we analyzed the speeches of Uzbek politicians (Sh.M.Mirziyoyev, I.A.Karimov) from the point of view of the functioning of metaphors in them. The total number of analyzed contexts for the use of metaphors.

We will consider the most typical linguo-pragmatic functions of metaphors for the Uzbek political discourse. For them, we have derived our own classification, in our opinion, the most consistent with the political realities of the region.

Military metaphor

Metaphors with the sphere-source "anxiety" are the most striking feature of political texts. The activation of such images most often occurs in the most difficult moments. The active metaphorical use of military vocabulary is most often found in speech that reveals socio-political issues.

TOpTHMH3HHHr xaB^cronuru — cuecaraMH3HHHr 60m HyHannmn. MaMnaKaraMroHH этннк, geMorpa^HK, HKiucoguH Ba 6om^a MyaMMonapHHHr OFHp iOKII ocTHga KO^raH MaM^aKaT^ap Kypma6 onraHHHH Kypum MyMKHH. EyHHHr


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устига, Узбекистан диний экстремизм, этник жанжаллар, наркобизнес ва хдр хил ташки кучларнинг таъсирида ички низолар авж олган Афгонистон каби бекарорлик yчоFи билан чегарадош. Олти йилдирки, кушни Тожикистонда нотинчлик хукм сурмокда.'1

In the fragment below, I.A.Karimov who was the first president of Uzbekistan uses the image of unpeaceful area to characterize the consequences of the inner conflicts in border countries for Uzbekistan:

In this statement, the politician compares country with a anxiety, blaming neighboring countries for causing the unrest of poeple, and indirectly places this responsibility on the head of the states themselves. It follows from this that the purpose of this metaphorical transfer is to represent one's opponents as aggressors, and oneself as a victim of aggression. Using the lexeme "notinchlik", which I.A.Karimov arouses sympathy and pity for himself (and his politics) and condemnation of opponents in the audience. Since the politician actively influences the emotional-volitional sphere of the recipients of the message in order to create solidarity of public opinion and feelings with their own, in this context the emotive function of the metaphor is realized. The need to take measures to protect the country is represented by the politician in the following fragment through the image of the shield as a means of ensuring security: Our country needs a shield from any aggression. Without it, we cannot provide favorable conditions for the development of Uzbekistan and a decent life for the people

The politician compares effective political measures to a shield. The noun "shield", which implies a serious means of defense, serves as a tool to guide the thoughts of listeners. If you need a "shield", then someone will attack, therefore, you need to defend. At the same time, it is not specified what kind of aggression it is necessary to defend against, and what kind of shield to use. The goal of a politician is not to provide specific information, but to cause people to worry and direct their thoughts into thinking about the danger that threatens our country, which is achieved through the instrumental function of metaphor. The measures taken to ensure stability in the country are presented by the politician in the example below through the struggle:

'Korrupsiyaga qarshi kurashishda aholining barcha qatlamlari, eng yaxshi mutaxassislar jalb qilinmas ekan, jamiyatimizning barcha a'zolari, ta'bir joiz bo'lsa, "halollik vaksinasi" bilan emlanmas ekan, o'z oldimizga qo'ygan yuksak marralarga erisha olmaymiz.'

Wrestling is perceived by most people as a serious, cruel and dangerous event. Therefore, a politician, calling his anti-corruption campaign "halollik vaksinasi", automatically enhances its seriousness and significance in the eyes of the audience. Sh.

1 "Тафаккур * журнали Бош му^аррирининг саволларига жавоблар, "Тафаккур " журналининг 1998 йил 2-сони.

2 https://xs.uz/uz/post/prezident-korruptsiyaga-qarshi-kurashi


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M. Mirziyoyev calls the set of measures to curb corruption a " halollik vaksinasi " in order to characterize them as a difficult task that requires great effort and to let the people know what an important mission the politician himself and his party are performing. There is a transfer of the audience's attitude to the "struggle" to the political mission of Sh. M. Mirziyoyev, thereby triggering the emotive function of metaphor.

Metaphor of disaster and destruction

"Yashil taraqqiyot"ga erishish uchun amaliy sa'y-harakatlarimizni safarbar etishimiz darkor.

Ekologik muammolar va iqlim o'zgarishi keskin tus olayotgan hozirgi davrda davlatlarimizda to'plangan va xorijiy ilg'or tajribadan samarali foydalanish, "yashil iqtisodiyot"ni birgalikda faol rivojlantirish, sanoat tarmoqlariga resurstejamkor texnologiyalarni keng tatbiq etish, uglerod neytralligiga erishish kun tartibidagi eng


dolzarb vazifalardan biridir.

Sh. M. Mirziyoyev compares the withdrawal of funds from the domestic ecology abroad with bleeding. Since "yashil iqtisodiyot" is a symbol of life, the politician implicitly declares that officials who commit economic crimes to the detriment of the well-being of their own country are actually killing it. Expressing his negative attitude towards the government, which is not capable of solving ecologic problems and allowing such lawlessness, the politician informs his audience. This is how the nominative-evaluative function of metaphor is implemented.

At the same time, the presence of these merits is not at all necessary; the listeners develop an understanding that the very attitude of Sh. M. Mirziyoyev makes him an outstanding politician.

Marine metaphor

Describing the threat of a global economic crisis in the following statement, Sh. M. Mirziyoyev uses the metaphor of a tragedy to model a difficult ecologic reality.

'Davrimizning o'tkir muammolaridan yana biri — global iqlim o'zgarishlaridir. E'tiboringizni yana bir bor Orol dengizi qurishining halokatli oqibatlariga qaratmoqchiman. Orolbo'yi hududi ekologik fojianing markaziga aylandi.'4

Calling the global ecologic tragedy, the politician focuses on the enormous destructive force that it brings to the economies of many countries. "Fojia" is always associated with very turbulent experiences and the difficulty of getting out of a situation. In this context, the nominative-evaluative function of the metaphor is realized, since the politician uses a more expressive colored name for the well-known political and ecologic fact of reality, thereby expressing his attitude towards it and


4 https ://www.gazeta.uz/oz/2020/09/23/bmt/


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communicating it to the audience. In addition, this message also implements a popularizing function, since Sh. M. Mirziyoyev explains the situation in a language understandable to a wide range of audiences. He also implicitly introduces: in order to overcome the elements of the sea, as well as 'Orol bo'yi dengizi, it is not enough to make efforts, because the element is uncontrollable, the "fojia" can only be waited out, it is necessary to find the strength to survive the difficulties.

Sports metaphor

Sport in all its varieties is present in all types of human activity, and its role is especially great in those types of activity that involve struggle and rivalry, that is, in politics. Let's turn to the analysis of specific examples:

'Buyuk Alisher Navoiy bobomiz aytganlaridek, sherga qarshi sherdek kurashish, jang qilish kerak.'

Defining the modern political reality of Uzbek sportsmen as a "lion", the politician endows it with such qualities as full of obstacles, impassability, speaks of its complexity, high energy costs that await politicians and people. The metaphor implements an instrumental function: if we have a "competition arena as battlefield" in front of us, then it will be necessary to consolidate efforts to pass it. This is what the politician calls for, to gain strength in the face of the difficulties that have befallen the country. Sport as overcoming difficulties is also shown in the following statement:

'...Sport bilan do'st bolgan bolalar biz uchun mutlaqo begona va zararli oqimlarga qo'shilib ketmaydi.'5

In this statement, the politician wants to convey to the audience the idea of the problems and difficulties of Uzbek sportsmen. He presents his own party on the positive side. Thus, I.A.Karimov gives a positive assessment in relation to the activities of his own party, realizing the nominative-evaluative metaphorical function. At the same time, the politician expresses his opinion about the sport role in this process, leveling it. In addition to overcoming difficulties, sport involves competition and shows strength of them.

The concept of "role" emphasizes the static, formal, ritual side of the sociopolitical life of the country. Speaking of a "worthy role" as a political model for Uzbekistan, the politician means that there are special characteristics attributed to this role that the country should have. The task of paramount importance for every politician is to create his own image of his country. He uses a fairly well-established metaphor as an ornament to his political speech, thus it serves an aesthetic function.

Religious metaphor

5 https://darakchi.uz/oz/11396 2016.



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Political circles need to be able to talk about God in order to successfully use religion for their political purposes. The religious views of a politician largely determine how he solves a variety of issues, they form his moral character:

'Ma'lumki, bizning mintaqamiz, avvalambor, bugungi O'zbekiston zamini islom ilm-fani va madaniyatining qadimiy beshiklaridan biri hisoblanadi'6

In the above statement, the politician compares participation in hostilities with " qadimiy beshiklaridan biri ", thereby classifying war as a cultural action under the auspices of faith. Thus, he presents war not as something terrible and contrary to human nature, but as the religious duty of every patriot, and this fact makes a person feel proud of the military past and consider himself indebted to his country. The politician achieves this effect by taking into account the nominative-evaluative and emotive functions of the metaphor. Sh. M. Mirziyoyev gives his assessment of the events that have taken place, while simultaneously influencing the emotional -volitional sphere of the addressee.

The Uzbek people are well aware and understand many world religions Metaphor of nature

In Uzbekistan, the importance of the concept of "nature" is extremely high and is inseparably linked with human thinking and attitude. Uzbek people still tend to personify natural phenomena, creating persistent associations of their manifestations with their own inner world:

Eng muhim masala - aholining ekologik madaniyatini oshirish haqida jiddiy bosh qotirishimiz zarur.

In this statement, the politician says that the aesthetic function of metaphor comes first. The politician says obvious things, dressing them in a more figurative and memorable form for successful transmission to the addressee.

The metaphorical expressions following one after another recreate the general picture of political reality in popular language, it can be understood even by uninitiated listeners.

Medical metaphor

Politicians often resort to the field of medicine to construct metaphorical expressions. It is represented mainly by evaluative characteristics of the state of human health, and therefore most often performs a nominative-evaluative function:

"Ijobiy ko'rsatkichlarga erishgan tibbiyot xodimlari mukofotlanadi. "Xalq salomatligi posboni" ko'krak nishoni ta'sis etiladi."7

https://uzsm.uz/uz/press center/uzb news/o-zbekiston-respubhkasi-prezidenti-shavkat-mirziyoyevning-ijtimoiy-barqarorlikni-ta-minlash-muqadda/

7 https://www.yuz.uz/uz/news/shavkat-mirziyoev-xalqimiz-salomatligi-hamma-narsadan-ustun-va-qadrli


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He presents his indignation in the form of a memorable metaphor. Using the expression " xalq salomatligi posboni ", he attributes to these countries such signs as strength, work and passion, level of knowledge. Because 'posbon' means that a person who protects and saves their own things or place. This very well characterizes the situation in which the economy of these countries is literally suffocating from the crisis.

Economic metaphor

Economics is an inexhaustible source of creating a political metaphor. Due to the fact that the economy is an integral element of politics, a fairly wide range of economic concepts is used in the constitution of metaphorical expressions.

"... Bu markazni mamlakatimiz soliq tizimining "miyasi" deyish mumkin. Bu


yerga barcha soliq to'lovchilarning ma'lumotlari integratsiya qilingan."

Using this metaphor, Sh.Mirziyoyev compares economic calculations with human casualties. All human relations, like politics, are built on the principles of commodity-money relations, in this case, human lives act as a face value. Using the lexeme "miya" (brain), the politician focuses on the pain that the Uzbek people endure, trying to influence the emotional sphere of voters more strongly, using the emotive function of metaphor.

Thus, a public political speech is characterized by an active appeal of speakers to the metaphors of various source topics, which allows the addressee of a political message to find allegories for political realities in almost all spheres of life and allows him to appeal to a larger number of recipients that make up his target audience.

Although the main role of the studied metaphors is to express a positive assessment of the party's activities and self-presentation or the implementation of a assessment and discredit a political opponent, they also serve to draw the addressee's attention to the political realities of the country in order to prepare the audience for further presentation of the political course of the party. At the same time, pessimistic notes are most often heard in the discourse of Uzbek politicians, metaphorical expressions are used, characterized by a bright negative emotional halo in order to show what careless politicians and, in their opinion, incorrect political ideology have brought the country to, to demonstrate the difficulties and dangers that threaten the country.

The special characteristics inherent in the discourse of Sh.Mirziyoyev turned out to be an ultimatum of judgments, avoidance of responsibility for what was said, and strict observance of political ethics associated with his post of President of the Russian Federation.

8 https://yuz.uz/uz/news/shavkat-mirziyoev-xalqimiz-salomatligi-hamma-narsadan-ustun-va-qadrli?view=prezident-davlat-




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Used literature

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4. "Тафаккур * журнали Бош мухдррирининг саволларига жавоблар, "Тафаккур " журналининг 1998 йил 2-сони.

5. https: //xs. uz/uz/post/prezident-korruptsiyaga-q arshi-kurashi

6. https://yuz.uz/uz/news/ozbekiston-respublikasi-prezidenti-shavkat-mirziyoevning-iqtisodiy-hamkorlik-tashkiloti-15-sammitidagi-nutqi

7. https://www.gazeta.uz/oz/2020/09/23/bmt/

8. https://darakchi.uz/oz/11396 2016.

9. https://uzsm.uz/uz/press center/uzb news/o-zbekiston-respublikasi-prezidenti-shavkat-mirziyoyevning-ijtimoiy-barqarorlikni-ta-minlash-muqadda/

10. https://www.yuz.uz/uz/news/shavkat-mirziyoev-xalqimiz-salomatligi-hamma-narsadan-ustun-va-qadrli

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14. Чудинов А. П. Россия в метафорическом зеркале // Русская речь. 2001. № 1, 3, 4; 2002. № 1, 2, 3.

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