PRIVATE PROPERTY, SMALL BUSINESS AND PRIVATE ENTREPRENEURSHIP – UNDER STATE PROTECTION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Естественные и точные науки»

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Ключевые слова
small business / private business / family business / private property.

Аннотация научной статьи по естественным и точным наукам, автор научной работы — N. Saidakhmedov

In this article, the consistent reforms carried out by the author to develop and support small business and private entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan, to create a favorable business environment, to give wide freedom to entrepreneurship, to eliminate unjustified interference in their activities, in particular, to support entrepreneurship and ensure its legal protection the features of legal framework formation are shown.

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Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22257


N. Saidakhmedov

Assistant of the "Economics" department of the Andijan MachineBuilding Institute

Saidahmedovn2691 @gmail.com


In this article, the consistent reforms carried out by the author to develop and support small business and private entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan, to create a favorable business environment, to give wide freedom to entrepreneurship, to eliminate unjustified interference in their activities, in particular, to support entrepreneurship and ensure its legal protection - the features of legal framework formation are shown.

Keywords: small business, private business, family business, private property.

With the initiatives of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, important reforms aimed at comprehensive protection of private property and ensuring the inviolability of property rights, improvement of the business environment in the country were carried out in the last five years.

In order to create reliable protection of property rights and eliminate the factors limiting these rights as part of the open dialogue of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan with entrepreneurs held on August 22, 2022, it was adopted on August 29, 2002 in accordance with the development strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026. Decree No. PF-198 "On measures to reliably protect the inviolability of property rights, prevent unreasonable interference in property relations, and increase the level of capitalization of private property" became important in further strengthening the legal protection of property . The decree provides for the direct or indirect restriction of the right to own, use and dispose of private property, the procedures, requirements and restrictions that prevent the full implementation of the principles of the market economy in property relations will be abolished from September 1, 2022. cancellation of the grounds for terminating the right to a plot of land by canceling the documents that are the basis for the creation of the right to land plots, including the documents of the Cabinet of Ministers, local government bodies by themselves or higher authorities and officials, in particular on the basis of the prosecutor's protest, the state regulates the specific criteria for the protection of the right to property of the person who acquired or bought property relying on the official document of the office. Now, disputes regarding the cancellation or invalidation of property documents are resolved only by the court. Formalization of the cancellation of the right to a plot of land in case of voluntary relinquishment by the


Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22257

decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, local state authorities. In this case, a notarized application on voluntary relinquishment of a plot of land is considered as the basis for canceling the rights to this plot of land. Termination of rights to a plot of land (except for agricultural land) in connection with the liquidation of a legal entity. In this case, these rights shall be transferred to the founders (participants) of the legal entity in proportion to their share (contribution) in the legal entity, unless otherwise stipulated in the legislation, founding documents, or in accordance with the agreement between the founders . determination of ownership of another immovable property fully ensures the inviolability of property rights. Also, to obtain their consent for the permanent deregistration of persons who do not have property rights in relation to the residence or family ties with the owner of the residence, from the time when the ownership right of this residence is transferred from the state registration of the individual who is recognized by the court as a fair owner of the residence after three years from the beginning, the demand in kind was canceled.

To ensure the inviolability of private property, to protect it from various aggressions, to create all the necessary conditions for the preservation and increase of private property, to support the owners, to further strengthen the guarantees of the protection of the rights of independent ownership, use and disposal of the property, which is is the most important goal of the legal democratic state and civil society

Property is the economic basis of society, socio-economic structure is also evaluated by property and who owns the property. Without private property, it will not be possible to develop social relations, to implement measures aimed at ensuring the well-being of the people. will be a strong incentive to create direct conditions for.

As a result of the consistent reforms implemented in Uzbekistan to develop and support small business and private entrepreneurship, create a favorable business environment, give wide freedom to entrepreneurship, and eliminate unreasonable interference in their activities, the share of small business in the gross product production in our country is increasing year by year. In particular , In order to support entrepreneurship and ensure its legal protection, a strong regulatory legal framework was formed through the adoption of many laws and by-laws.

World experience shows that in the sustainable development of the country's economy, the main thing in increasing the employment and income of the population is to reduce poverty in the country through the development of entrepreneurship. According to the International Monetary Fund, today 90.0 percent of enterprises in the world belong to small and medium businesses, which provide employment to 63.0 percent of the world's population. At the level of the European Union, the total weight of small and medium-sized businesses is 99.8%, providing employment to two-thirds of the population. Increasing the efficiency of family business and entrepreneurship in the


Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=222ff7

world economy, creating a favorable business environment, strengthening their participation in foreign economic activities, providing employment to the population. and scientific researches are being carried out on the full use of their opportunities to increase their income.

Supporting small business and family entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan, ensuring its stable development, increasing its share in the gross domestic product (GDP), production and employment of the population. Family business produces 40-50% of the gross national product of European countries, 65-82% in Asian countries, and 70% in Latin America. Its share in the US economy is more than 95 percent. Based on the experience of developed countries and the traditions of our generations, attention to this field is increasing year by year in our country. During the years of independence, as a result of the consistent reforms implemented to develop and support small business and private entrepreneurship, create a favorable business environment, give wide freedom to entrepreneurship, and eliminate unjustified interference in their activities, the share of small business in the gross product production in our country is increasing year by year.

In particular, in order to support entrepreneurship and ensure its legal protection, a strong regulatory legal framework was formed through the adoption of many laws and by-laws.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the above-mentioned Law will undoubtedly bring to a new stage the large-scale reforms that are being implemented in order to create a favorable business environment and investment conditions for business entities in our country, and to give more freedom to business entities.

In recent years, a wide range of measures have been implemented in our country to fundamentally improve the business and investment environment, to introduce a system of criteria for evaluating business conditions generally accepted in world practice, and to ensure further improvement of the international rating of our country on this basis.

The legal basis for radically increasing the role and role of private property in the republic's economy, eliminating obstacles and restrictions to the development of private property and private entrepreneurship, reducing state participation in the economy, and consistently increasing the share of private property, including foreign capital, in the gross domestic product are being consistently improved. The legal basis for the protection ofprivate property in our country is defined in Article 53 of our Constitution. According to it, private property, like other forms of property, is inviolable and protected by the state. The owner can be deprived of property only in the cases and according to the procedure provided by law. The right to property is the right of a person to own, use and dispose of his own property at his own will and for his own


Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=222ff7

interests , as well as the right to demand the elimination of any violation of his property right by anyone. Property rights are indefinite.

without ensuring the legal protection of private property guaranteed by the state laws , it is well known from the world practice that it will be difficult to develop small business and family entrepreneurship, and to liberalize the economy.

The owner of property acquired by honest labor should be the real owner of his property, that is, private property should be inviolable. This is an integral part of the protection of human rights and interests.

The inviolability of private property obtained by legal means and honest work and its guaranteed protection serve the benefit of every citizen and every family in our society. In addition, such inviolability and guaranteed protection play an important role in ensuring the well-being of society and the stabilization of the real sector of the state economy.

In this regard, it should be noted that on the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, important reforms aimed at ensuring the rapid development of business activities, comprehensive protection of private property and improving the quality of the business environment are being implemented.

On additional measures to ensure the rapid development of business activity, comprehensive protection of private property and qualitative improvement of the business environment " adopted on October 5, 2016 to further strengthen the legal protection of private property, small business and creation of favorable conditions for private entrepreneurship and comprehensive support aimed at increasing the investment attractiveness of our country.

In particular, in the Decree, granting wide freedom to small business and private entrepreneurship, radically reducing interference in their activities was defined as the most important priority direction and the first-level task of state bodies.

At the same time, in connection with the confiscation of land plots of buildings and structures belonging to citizens and business entities in our country in the following years, it is important to ensure further strengthening of guarantees of the rights and legal interests of the owners, as well as to eliminate the shortcomings in the compensation of damages, and to ensure the inviolability of private property . activities were carried out.

Therefore, independence honor with achieved private property the right inviolability provide , private the owners right and legal interests hi moya of doing constitutional guarantees strengthening in our country comfortable entrepreneurship and investment environment formation measures consistent continue carry on today's intense reforms during important important have.


Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=222ff7

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