KNOWING THE LANGUAGE THE KEY TO SUCCESS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
teaching foreign language / education
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Текст научной работы на тему «KNOWING THE LANGUAGE THE KEY TO SUCCESS»

минуту, при этом более низкие значения наблюдались на первой минуте по сравнению со второй и третьей минутой.

Максимальное потребление кислорода (VO 2 max) использовалось в качестве меры аэробной способности у юных дзюдоистов. В литературе сообщалось о значениях VO 2 max между 43 и 65 мл-кг - 1 •мин- 1. С учетом VO 2 max по весовым категориям, значения от 39 до 57 мл-кг -1 •мин -1 были зарегистрированы для легкого веса, от 42 до 59,5 мл-кг -1 -мин -1 для среднего веса.

В результате оценка ЧСС в состоянии покоя (ЧСС покоя субмаксимальной и максимальной интенсивности (ЧСС макс.) способствует мониторингу аэробных возможностей и интенсивности физической нагрузки. ЧСС покоя у юных дзюдоистов колебалась в пределах 65-71 уд/мин. Во время соревнований по дзюдо в нескольких исследованиях сообщалось о средний ЧСС у дзюдоистов 180-182 уд/мин, что соответствовало 85-90% максимальной ЧСС. ЧСС макс во время соревнований по дзюдо составляла 190-200 уд/мин у мужчин.

Список использованной литературы:

1. Дегутт Ф., Жуанель П., Филайр Э. Запрос белкового метаболизма во время матча по дзюдо и восстановления. науч. Спортивный. 2004 г.

2. Коватари К., Умеда Т., Шимояма Т., Накадзи С., Ямамото Ю., Сугавара К. Физические упражнения и ограничение энергии снижают фагоцитарную активность нейтрофилов у дзюдоистов. Мед. науч. Спортивное упражнение. 2001 г.

3. Кавас Л. Стимулирует ли подводное регби перепроизводство активных форм кислорода? Клетка. Биохим. Функц. 2005 г.

4. Каллистер Р., Каллистер Р.Дж., Старон Р.С., Флек С.Дж., Теш П., Дадли Г.А. Физиологические характеристики элитных дзюдоистов. Междунар. Дж. Спорт Мед. 1991 год.

5. Охта С., Накадзи С., Судзуки К., Тоцука М., Умеда Т., Сугавара К. Депрессия гуморального иммунитета после снижения веса у соревнующихся дзюдоистов. Люминесценция. 2002 г.

6. Franchini E., Brito CJ, Artiolo GG Потеря веса в спортивных единоборствах: физиологические, психологические эффекты и эффекты производительности. Дж. Междунар. соц. Спорт Нутр. 2012 г.

© Гельдибаева Д.С., Веллиев Г.Р., 2023

УДК 37

Гельдиева К. Г.,

Преподаватель Худайбердыева М. Д.,


Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков им. Довлетмаммета Азади KNOWING THE LANGUAGE - THE KEY TO SUCCESS


teaching foreign language, education.

The increasingly active international relations of the country increase the demand for the training of excellent specialists in world languages. Because, as we all know, language is the main means of friendship and cooperation. As a result, teaching foreign languages to young people in secondary, special and higher educational

institutions of the country is gaining momentum. Based on this goal, important documents in the field of education and science adopted in our country, in particular, "Concept of development of digital education system in Turkmenistan", "Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2019-2025" and "Teaching foreign languages in Turkmenistan" "Concept of improvement" strengthens the legal basis for training advanced specialists who will promote innovative development.

During the prosperity of the stable state, the activation of economic, political and cultural cooperation of Turkmenistan with various countries of the world, the successful implementation of exchange programs in the fields of science and education, the spread of international relations creates wide opportunities for the modernization of teaching foreign languages in the country.

Various activities are being carried out on a planned basis to implement the concept of improving the teaching of foreign languages in the country. The young generation finds a talent for high-quality teaching of foreign languages, language training opens wide opportunities to enrich the spiritual world of a person. Effective work is being carried out in higher and secondary schools of the country in order to meet the requirements of modern foreign language teaching.

During the Revival of the new era of powerful state, cooperation with world countries is being developed under the wise leadership of the President. Based on the policy of permanent neutrality of our country, our country strengthens friendly and brotherly relations with the countries of the world. That is why, in addition to educating young people, great attention is paid to teaching foreign languages in educational centers of the country. In order to further increase the effectiveness of activities in this field, various competitions in foreign languages, cultural events, including language weeks, are held in higher educational institutions of the country.

The President of Turkmenistan attaches great importance to the issues related to teaching foreign languages to young people and increasing their enthusiasm for this direction. Language is an important tool for human communication and communication. That is why effective measures aimed at teaching foreign languages, improving students' speech and language skills, and introducing new methods of linguistics into the curriculum are being implemented at all stages of education, starting from pre-school institutions.

Currently, effective work is being carried out in Turkmenistan in the field of mathematics, informatics, natural, exact and humanitarian sciences, foreign languages, in particular, English, Russian, German, French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Persian and Turkish languages.

It is up to the modern educated youth to make a worthy contribution to the development of the comprehensive prosperity of our beloved country. Making a worthy contribution to the economic and cultural development of the Motherland and raising its reputation at the international level, training specialists who are aware of the achievements of the world's scientific and educational system, and who use modern technologies are the core of this work. In the country, teachers have a special role in teaching foreign languages and conducting education in this field based on innovative approaches.

In our modern era, training young people who know foreign languages is one of the main areas. A noble life carries the soul of our people.

Today, wide opportunities are created for multifaceted development and improvement of the knowledge of young people. As we know, English was one of the first languages recognized by the United Nations as an international language. Most of the developments in the modern world of technologies, including the Internet, were created in English-speaking countries. The vast majority of scholarly publications, educational and fiction literature, films and music are in English in terms of content and content. Today, the role of the English language is important for the successful organization of the work of professionals engaged in science, technology or international relations.

To know many languages is to possess an unattainable wealth—spiritual wealth. Skilled youth contribute to the development of our country by learning languages. More specifically, language is considered as a medium of communication as well as a source of science. Professionals who know foreign languages are able to master

the scientific literature of the world. That is why language is considered an inexhaustible wealth, a source of knowledge.

The importance of modern methods, books, and dictionaries in teaching foreign languages to young people is great. Today, teachers also develop students' reading skills. Reading is one of the most important skills that students must acquire while learning a foreign language. In addition, it is not only an educational goal, but also a means of learning a foreign language. As students read, they repeat sounds and letters, words and grammar, learn spelling, and the meaning of words and phrases. Students also master foreign languages well through reading. Literature:

1. https://ashgabat.in/2022/01

2. https://www.atavatan-turkmenistan.com

© Te^bflMeBa K.T., Xyflai^epAbieBa M.fl., 2023

УДК 37.015

Гельдыева Ш.


Международный университет нефти и газа имени Ягшигельды Какаева,

г. Ашгабад, Туркменистан Ходжалиев А. Преподаватель,

Международный университет нефти и газа имени Ягшигельды Какаева,

г. Ашгабад, Туркменистан




В данной аннотации рассматривается актуальная тема о влиянии психологических особенностей учителя на учебный процесс и его результаты. Исследуется взаимосвязь между личностными качествами преподавателя, уровнем мотивации и успешностью учеников. Особое внимание уделяется возможностям оптимизации учебного процесса с учетом индивидуальных характеристик педагогов. Описываются ключевые методы и подходы для создания благоприятной обучающей среды, способствующей развитию потенциала каждого ученика.

Ключевые слова

Психология учителя, педагогика, успеваемость учеников, мотивация, учебный процесс, индивидуальны подход, образовательная среда.

Geldiyeva Sh.

Lecturer, International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshigeldy Kakaev,

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Hojaliev A.

Lecturer, International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshigeldy Kakaev,

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

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