KIPCHAK" ETHNONYM AND THE HISTORY OF ITS ORIGIN Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Mukhajanova T.N., Asetilla A.M.

The article is devoted to the origin of one of the ancient tribes Kipchak’s, and considers ethnonym "Kipchak". The Kipchaks between XI-XII centuries were not only in Kazakhstan territory, they were one of the largest tribes in Central Asia and Eastern Europe also among all the Turkic-speaking nations. By comparing Muslim historians, Russian chroniclers and Chinese data sources, we found that "Kipchak" ethnonym has many different versions. As well as densely populated areas, the formation base of the tribe was the political relationship and struggles between other tribes. "Polovec", "Pecheneg" ethnonym had a wide range of meaning and scope evidence in historical chronicles.

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Mukhajanova T. N.

2Asetilla A. M.

Republic of Kazakhstan, c. Almaty, Al - Farabi Kazakh National University, Assistant professor of archeology and ethnology faculty, 2master degree 2nd course student of archeology and ethnology faculty,

Abstract. The article is devoted to the origin of one of the ancient tribes Kipchak's, and considers ethnonym "Kipchak".

The Kipchaks between XI-XII centuries were not only in Kazakhstan territory, they were one of the largest tribes in Central Asia and Eastern Europe also among all the Turkic-speaking nations. By comparing Muslim historians, Russian chroniclers and Chinese data sources, we found that "Kipchak" ethnonym has many different versions. As well as densely populated areas, the formation base of the tribe was the political relationship and struggles between other tribes. "Polovec", "Pecheneg" ethnonym had a wide range of meaning and scope evidence in historical chronicles.

Keywords: Kipchak, knyushe, kobuk, hu, koman, pecheneg polovec, blonde.

Kipchak is one of the ancient tribes that was part of the Turkic nation.

The Kipchaks played an important role in the formation of the Turkish nation. The name "Kipchak" in Turkic languages' historical data has a variety of forms.

According to the Kazakh Chronicle Kipchak was one of the Kazakh's Middle 100's six largest tribe. The Kipchaks were not the only supplemented of the Kazakh composition. However, in the historical data of our country, ancestors of the Kipchak tribe were "Husham", "wjelerden", medieval "Chinsa" and then "Kipchak" were Turkic tribe that inhabited the region to complement the Kazakh nation's composition and lived in ancient settlement territory of the Kazakhs. Because in medieval Arabic and Persian writers and historians Kazakh steppe was called as "Desht-i Kipchak" (ie, the Kipchak steppe).

In Muslim historians' data and in Russian chroniclers we can see that Kipchak tribe was a large tribe, lived in large territory of East and central Kazakhstan, and in the vast filed was one of the leading tribes.

Iranian nobleman Ibn Xordadbek was the first who gave data about inhabited area, location of the border and the neighbors of Kipchak tribe. He was Iran's state intelligence, counter-intelligence and was the head of the postal service. During 846-847 years after collecting secret messages, he wrote book called "Roads and the provinces". In the book of the provinces and cities, there were names of the villages and communication posts, road network and known distances, tax revenues and economic life and provides some detailed information about Kipchak and his other neighbors. Particularly, by using VIII century's unknown documents, he wrote in the book a list of Turkic nation that lived on the both sides of the river. On one side of the Amu Darya River to the west, were mentioned only toxaristan Karluks' and xaladjilers. On the contrary, a large number of tribes lived on another side of the river and for the first time in the Arab geography literature named 16 Turk cities. Pharab region, now days the Turkestan city - is defined as the border of the Muslim countries and the Arab countries. Also 9 - Oguz territory (Uighur kaganat) was mentioned. Here he complements the following issue: Their area is one of the largest among Turkic nations, and borders with China and Tibet. Immediately after the list of 9 Oguzes, "Kimaks countries" were mentioned. At the end of the list unknown for the Arabs, before "Kyrgyz's with muskuktari" were mentioned Kipchak's. Important for the ethnic history of the steppes of Kazakhstan the union of the largest tribe Kipchak, for the first time in Muslim sources was born like this.

Kazakh scientists Kumekov B.E. proved the origin of Kipchaks, its ancestor Se (Sir IV-VII centuries) were inhabitants of the east side of Ordos, it was their neighbor yanto tribe, which Kipchaks' subdued and together these two tribes called themselves as Seyanto. Kumekov says that Seyanto kaganat subdued Kyrgyzs in the north of the Yenisei and in 646 9-Oguzs' defeated Seyanto country. However, soon in 691 Seyanto tribe in Sire changed the name of the state to Kipchak and in 760 the ethnonym was fully adopted. [1]

For the first time data about kypchaks were recorded in Chinese historian Sima Cyan's work in III century BC. dinlin (tele, Oguz) and geguns (Kyrgyzs') were mentioned as "Knyushe". Then we

can met name Kipchak at ancient Turks Shine Usu monument. In 691 year in alliance with the Turks, took holy Otuken steppes from nine-Oguz tribes led by the confederation of Uighurs, until 742 year they build and ruled a state in central and western Mongolia, for fifty years.

In Muslim requisite information, Kipchak Ethnonym mentioned for the first time in the IX century Arab explorer Ibn Xordadbek work and commented that they belong to one of Turkic-speaking tribes. From second half of the VIII century and until X century Kipchak ethnic association was developing further from the east of Altai and the Irtysh River to the west through the South Ural and Volga.

At first, they were neighboring with Kimek tribe then became part of Kimek state and was politically subordinate to Kimek kagan, and was in close connection with other Turkic tribes like Oguz, Bashkir, Pesheneg, Qarluq and Kangly. [2]

The second data record about Kipchaks was Rashid-ad-Dinn's "Djami - at Tauarihii". The book was formed in the period between 1300-1311 years. There we can see two different data points to the origin of the ethnonym Kipchak.

The first one presents that ethnonym came out when a boy named Kipchak was crossing the river on wooden boat, second one is about way back journey after failed attack to Itbaraq country, Kipchak () was found in tree cavity. According to the historical chronicle, the word Kipchak has a meaning given above. This word's root comes from "word kobuk", in Turk language it means "rotten wood core" [3].

Abilgazi Bahadur gives report about meaning of the word Kipchak in Turkish chronicle as: Between India and China, on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, in the winter days on east of Tanguts, in the summer between high mountains in the southeast, there were many countries. Oguz Khan attacked them and there was a big battle. Itbaraq won and Oguz Khan absconded. There were two rivers near the battlefield. He stopped and collected his army between two rivers.

Great kings had habits to take their wives with them during journey. So did some of kings' entourage. One of Oguz Khans beg took his wife with him to. He was killed during the battle, his wife escaped from the battlefield and run to two rivers close to Khan. The woman was pregnant. Birth pangs started the. It was cold, was not any shelter, so she gave birth inside of one of the rotted tree cavity, it was a boy. When Khan heard of it: "His father died in the war in front of my eyes, he has no guardian," he gave him name Kipchak, and took under his wing. In Turkic language Kipchak means hollow tree, boy was born inside a hollow tree so named him as Kipchak. Those days people called hollow tree as shipshah. Normal population could not pronounce letter correctly so got used to say S instead of K. King raised the child and when he grow up gave him soldiers and send him to battle against his enemies to the Russia, Olah, Majar, Bashar lands. Kipch ruled for 300 years near banks of two rivers Don and Volga. All Kipchak nation came out from his race." [4].

In "Ogiznama" and "Chronicles of Turks", origin of the name "Kipchak" and land that Kipchak rulled were given without any differences. Although there are not any differences in the writing of data and the legend, the original contents are similar and close.

Winner of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan Anes Sarai discussed in the large-scale article "Kypshaktar" said: In fact, Rashid ad-Din and Abelgazi interpretation there may be some mistakes, it was the shell inside a hollow tree, decorating the back of the shell, but not rotten to the core meaning. However, why historians basing on the chronicles still keep ranking Kipchak to hollow tree? Presumption would be forgot, and there seems to be one of the hazy logic. In "Oguz-name"'s wood used as boat when passing Volga river, Rashid-ad-Din "qobuqi", Abilgazi's "Kipchak", "shipshaq" everything would mean "dry wood". Apparently, following centuries meaning of the word "ku" changed so the authors above had to explain the word as "core rotten wood".

This concept changed the original meaning of the word Kipchak [5].

The word ^y (Ku) - old, ancient, hoary at the end represented light white color as the meaning. Authors above say that the root Ku of the Kipchak word original meaning seems forgotten. Only Hungarian turcologist Q. Nemet proved that Kipchak ethnonym's old version comes from the old form of the word blond, "Ku" [6].

In the West Kipchak communicated with the Russians and Europeans. Prior to that, these two nation did not know the word Kipchak. Russians called Kypchaks, as "polovec", and western Europeans called them as "koman". The word "Koman" was not in the Muslim literature.

From the first half of the XI century to the beginning century of XIII century, Kipchak ethnics stepped to the new phase of qualitatively development association formation, which primarily was on their eastern Dasht-i Kipchak territory, Kipchak khans increase in power and the sovereignty in their state, the powerful tribe of the family legalized.

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In the middle of the XI century, Kipchak and Kuman tribes began to move to the west. In the second half of the XI century in the southern Russian steppes about the political and ethnic changes noted by Persian historian Xamdallax Kazvini, according to him, in the Dasht-i Kipchak were exactly Dasht-i Khazars.

In X century on the southern Russian steppes, they were known as the Dasht-i Khazar.

Since 1055 year, Cumans in ancient Russian chronicles mentioned changeless as "polovec". This definition mentioned in Russian Slavs and Greek writers' works, as "Pecheneg" - bitsen (ng) - jax "key man" can find definition as one who lives in the forestland. Paying attention to the Hungarian writers, Pechenegs name means bessi, bysseni, bicenati. For Hungarian nation, this name means bessnyo. Hungarian scientist Erney shows pechenegs as wosciani, wosseravii and ebes. The last name we can see at the end of the XII century diplomas.

If we consider word "polovec" from many aspects, it has two meanings: applied specifically for Cumanns and ccould be applied to the completely united Kipchak tribe's community as well. However, in the chronicles meanings weren't separated.

If we look at the Ancient Arab data, nomadic nation in the ancient written sources mentioned as "badjnak". As an example, we give the two Arab writer Al-Bekri and Al-Balxi'. El Bekri say about Badjnak, on the north of them were territory of Kifdjak (Kipchak), while in the in the south was Khazar territory, on the east Guziya and Slavs were on the west.

According to a study of A.N.Bern§tamnin, Kipchaks in the third century BC pictured in Huns emperor Hero Tanirquts conquering campaign description.

Meanwhile, referring to the Khan Kingdom era data, it is assumed as "Husham" tribes. III-II century BC "Husham" tribe is contemporaries with Uysun. "They were nomadic nation they inhabited near Irtysh River valley and on foothills of Qalbin and Narim mountains. Their western neighbors were Cheshes, neighbors on the east were Uysuns living Ili valley and Seven river land." According to this data, we can say the fallowing: those days Uysun, Kanlis whom were contemporaries with Kipchaks (Hushas) in IV-III centuries BC were part of the Tigrahaud Saks that moved from west to east. [7].

Now days many researchers suggest that the origin of the word Kipchak as root of ("brown-edged" or in Turkic language "Kipchak" assures blink, wink).


1. Kumekov B E. Kipchak Khanate. "The history of Kazakh", 1993, №1, 24-19-p.

2. Kumekov B E. Qipchaks // Jalin Publishing. - 2004.-№10.-35-45-p.

3. Rashid-al-Din. Collection of chronicles.- ML, 1952.-T.I.-Kn.I.-P.84

4. Abelgazi. Turkish chronicles: Almaty. Ana Tili Publishing., 1991.19p.

5. Sarai A. Kipchaks // Altyn tamir. 2010. -№2. 117-138, p.

6. Axinjanov S.M. Qipchaks in the history ofthe Medieval Kazakhstan. - Moscow: Science, 1995 - p87.

7. J.Mirzaxanov. The depths of history. Jalin Publishing", 2004, page 105


undergraduate Kolomiitseva Mariya, candidate of historical Science, associate Professor Miimanbaeva F. N.

Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakh National University named al-Farabi

Abstract. Formation of market relations and promoting trade in medieval Europe, a theme that is explored so far and is controversial. Feudal economy was based on agriculture.

More developed in this direction were regions such as Silesia, Bohemia, the Carpathian countries, Poland, and Novgorod. The characteristic of each region trade provides an opportunity to consider their relevance. Renaissance in the 15th century centers linked to social and political changes in the country. Hanseatic merchants in this situation have occupied an advantageous position and have economic supremacy with XIII-XV century in the trade. The process of establishing trade, special goods performed lead mining and salt, wood, skin, wax. These goods were of great importance in foreign trade.

Trading capital played an important role in the economy, which flourished in Western and Eastern Europe, and which formed the basis for the emergence of cities.

Keywords: merchants, foreign capital, Carpathian region, obtain, trade, investment.

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