KİMYANIN TӘDRİSİNDӘ YENJ TӘLİM TEXNOLOGİYALARINDAN İSTİFADӘNİN ROLU Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
tәlim texnologiyaları / simulyasiya proqramları interaktiv tәdris metodları / tәhsildә süni intellekt / tәhsildә virtual reallıq.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Hәbi̇bli̇ Ü. A.

Mәqalәdә kimya tәdrisindә yeni tәlim texnologiyalarının tәtbiqinin әhәmiyyәti vә tәdris prosesinә tәsiri müzakirә olunur. Müasir tәhsil sistemindә texnoloji inkişaflar, xüsusilә rәqәmsal resurslar, multimedia texnologiyaları, virtual laboratoriyalar vә simulyasiya proqramları, kimya dәrslәrini daha interaktiv, әyani vә maraqlı edir. Bu texnologiyalar sayәsindә әnәnәvi tәdris metodlarına yeni yanaşmalar әlavә olunur vә şagirdlәrin hәm nәzәri, hәm dә praktiki biliklәri daha effektiv şәkildә mәnimsәnir. Virtual laboratoriyalar vasitәsilә şagirdlәr tәhlükәsiz şәraitdә kimyәvi tәcrübәlәr aparır vә mürәkkәb proseslәri daha yaxşı başa düşürlәr. Multimedia texnologiyaları isә dәrs materiallarının vizual şәkildә tәqdim olunmasına vә şagirdlәrin dәrsә marağının artmasına kömәk edir. Mәqalәdә rәqәmsal tәdris alәtlәrinin şagirdlәrә fәrdi öyrәnmә imkanları yaratdığı, onların tәlim prosesindә daha fәal iştirak etmәsinә vә dәrs materialını asanlıqla mәnimsәmәsinә şәrait yaratdığı vurğulanır. Hәmçinin, interaktiv tәlim texnologiyalarının tәtbiqi sayәsindә müәllimlәr şagirdlәrin fәrdi ehtiyaclarına uyğun dәrs planları hazırlaya bilir vә daha çox şagirdin tәlim prosesindә uğur әldә etmәsinә kömәk edir. Gәlәcәkdә süni intellekt vә maşın öyrәnmә texnologiyalarının tәdrisә inteqrasiyası ilә daha geniş texnoloji yeniliklәrin tәhsil prosesinә daxil olacağı proqnozlaşdırılır. Bu texnologiyalar şagirdlәrin tәlim prosesindә fәrdi yanaşmaların tәtbiqini asanlaşdıracaq vә dәrs prosesini daha sәmәrәli edәcәkdir.

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Azarbaycan Dövlat Pedaqoji Universiteti

Annotasiya. Maqalada kimya tddrisindd yeni talim texnologiyalarinin tdtbiqinin ahamiyyati vd tadris prosesina tasiri müzakira olunur. Müasir tahsil sisteminda texnoloji inki§aflar, xüsusila raqamsal resurslar, multimedia texnologiyalari, Virtual laboratoriyalar va simulyasiya proqramlari, kimya darslarini daha interaktiv, ayani va maraqli edir. Bu texnologiyalar sayasinda ananavi tadris metodlarina yeni yana§malar alava olunur va §agirdlarin ham nazari, ham da praktiki biliklari daha effektiv §akilda manimsanir. Virtual laboratoriyalar vasitasila §agirdlar tahlükasiz §araitda kimyavi tacrübalar aparir va mürakkab proseslari daha yax§i ba§a dü§ürlar. Multimedia texnologiyalari isa dars materiallarinin vizual §akilda taqdim olunmasina va §agirdlarin darsa maraginin artmasina kömak edir.

Maqalada raqamsal tadris alatlarinin §agirdlara fardi öyranma imkanlari yaratdigi, onlarin talim prosesinda daha faal i§tirak etmasina va dars materialini asanliqla manimsamasina §arait yaratdigi vurgulanir. Hamginin, interaktiv talim texnologiyalarinin tatbiqi sayasinda müallimlar §agirdlarin fardi ehtiyaclarina uygun dars planlari hazirlaya bilir va daha gox §agirdin talim prosesinda ugur alda etmasina kömak edir.

Galacakda süni intellekt va ma§in öyranma texnologiyalarinin tadrisa inteqrasiyasi ila daha geni§ texnoloji yeniliklarin tahsil prosesina daxil olacagi proqnozla§dirilir. Bu texnologiyalar §agirdlarin talim prosesinda fardi yana§malarin tatbiqini asanla§diracaq va dars prosesini daha samarali edacakdir.

Agar sözlzr: talim texnologiyalari, simulyasiya proqramlari interaktiv tadris metodlari, tahsilda süni intellekt, tahsilda virtual realliq.



Аннотация. В статье обсуждается важность применения новых образовательных технологий в преподавании химии и их влияние на учебный процесс. Современные технологические достижения в системе образования, особенно цифровые ресурсы, мультимедийные технологии, виртуальные лаборатории и симуляционные программы, делают занятия по химии более интерактивными, наглядными и интересными. Благодаря этим технологиям традиционным методам преподавания добавляются новые подходы, что позволяет учащимся более эффективно усваивать как теоретические, так и практические знания. С помощью виртуальных лабораторий учащиеся могут проводить химические эксперименты в безопасной обстановке и лучше понимать сложные процессы. Мультимедийные технологии способствуют визуальному представлению учебного материала и увеличивают интерес учащихся к занятиям.

В статье подчеркивается, что цифровые учебные инструменты создают возможности для индивидуального обучения, способствуя более активному участию учащихся в учебном процессе и облегчая усвоение учебного материала. Кроме того, благодаря применению интерактивных образовательных технологий учителя могут разрабатывать планы уроков, соответствующие индивидуальным потребностям учащихся, и помогать большему числу учащихся достигать успеха в обучении.

Предполагается, что в будущем интеграция технологий искусственного интеллекта и машинного обучения в образование приведет к внедрению более широких технологических

новшеств в учебный процесс. Эти технологии упростят применение индивидуальных подходов в обучении и сделают учебный процесс более эффективным.

Ключевые слова: образовательные технологии, симуляционные программы, интерактивные методы преподавания, искусственный интеллект в образовании, виртуальная реальность в образовании.



Annotation. The article discusses the significance of implementing new teaching technologies in chemistry education and their impact on the teaching process. Technological advancements in modern education, particularly digital resources, multimedia technologies, virtual laboratories, and simulation programs, make chemistry lessons more interactive, visual, and engaging. These technologies introduce new approaches to traditional teaching methods, allowing students to acquire both theoretical and practical knowledge more effectively. Through virtual laboratories, students conduct chemical experiments in a safe environment and better understand complex processes. Multimedia technologies aid in the visual presentation of lesson materials and help increase students' interest in the subject.

The article emphasizes that digital teaching tools create opportunities for personalized learning for students, enabling them to participate more actively in the learning process and easily grasp lesson materials. Additionally, the application of interactive teaching technologies allows teachers to develop lesson plans tailored to students' individual needs, facilitating greater success in the learning process for more students.

In the future, it is anticipated that the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies into teaching will bring about broader technological innovations in the education process. These technologies will facilitate the application of personalized approaches in students' learning processes and make the teaching process more efficient.

Keywords: teaching technologies, simulation programs, interactive teaching methods, artificial intelligence in education, virtual reality in education


In the modern era, innovative changes in the field of education have significantly impacted various subjects, including chemistry. While the application of new educational technologies does not replace traditional teaching methods, it enhances them, making the learning process more interactive, visual, and effective. These technologies, particularly digital resources, multimedia tools, virtual laboratories, and simulation programs, expand teachers' teaching methods and provide students with deeper understanding of knowledge and skills. This article discusses the benefits of applying new educational technologies in teaching chemistry, their impact on the learning process, and their role in modern education.

• Innovations Brought to Teaching by New Educational Technologies

Traditional teaching methods in chemistry were largely based on visual aids and laboratory experiments. However, these approaches posed certain limitations. For instance, it was not always feasible for every student to individually conduct chemical experiments in a laboratory setting. To overcome these limitations, new technologies, especially virtual laboratories, have been introduced. With virtual laboratories, students can conduct chemical experiments more freely and safely [1, p. 78].

The application of these technologies allows students to spend less time on experiments and cover more topics. Moreover, through interactive laboratories, it becomes possible to simulate complex chemical reactions and observe the outcomes. This provides students with a broader experimental approach in chemistry lessons.

• Digital Resources and Their Use in Education

One of the primary advantages of digital resources in the educational process is the accessibility of lesson materials. In the modern era, students can access lesson materials at any time through numerous online platforms. Digital resources, e-books, video lessons, tests, and simulation programs enable students to explore chemistry topics more extensively and in depth [2, p. 45].

The widespread use of digital teaching tools also provides students with individual learning opportunities. For example, through online tests, students can evaluate themselves, identify their weak points, and work on improving those areas. Additionally, various digital laboratory programs allow students to perform experiments that they may find difficult to conduct in a real laboratory environment [3, p. 112].

• Multimedia Technologies and Chemistry Teaching

Multimedia technologies help make chemistry lessons more engaging and lively. The visual presentation of chemical reactions and structures of substances, in particular, aids students in grasping lesson materials more easily. Animations, video experiments, and interactive graphics enable complex theoretical concepts in chemistry to be explained in a simpler form [4, p. 56].

The use of multimedia technologies in chemistry lessons makes the learning process more attractive, increasing students' interest in the subject. These technologies help teachers capture students' attention and present lesson materials in a more vivid manner. Multimedia tools also allow teachers to use a variety of methods in the teaching process, creating a more suitable learning environment for students with different learning styles [5, p. 150].

• The Role of Simulation Programs and Virtual Reality in Teaching

Simulation technologies and virtual reality (VR) programs have been widely applied in education in recent years. Through these technologies, students can experience chemical processes in real time. Virtual laboratories provide students the opportunity to conduct chemical reactions in a safe environment without the need for laboratory equipment [6, p. 202].

Simulation programs simplify the teaching of complex chemical processes. For instance, the decomposition of radioactive substances or the execution of hazardous chemical reactions can be challenging and dangerous in teaching laboratories. However, simulation technologies play a crucial role in teaching such topics, allowing students to observe the progression of these reactions in a safe environment [7, p. 98].

• The Application of Interactive Teaching Technologies in Chemistry Education

Interactive teaching technologies ensure active participation of students in the learning process.

Various interactive lesson programs, quizzes, and games enable students to learn chemistry topics in a more fun and engaging way. Interactive programs allow students to work independently and check their knowledge individually. At the same time, teachers can use interactive tools in the lesson process to assess students' knowledge and identify their weaknesses [8, p. 115].

Interactive teaching technologies also support a more individualized approach to chemistry education. With these technologies, teachers can develop personalized lesson plans by considering each student's learning needs and knowledge level. Students gain the opportunity to learn at their own pace and grasp complex topics more easily [9, p. 180].

• The Impact of Educational Technologies on Students' Critical Thinking Skills

The use of new educational technologies in chemistry teaching not only helps in transferring knowledge but also positively affects students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills. By utilizing simulation and virtual laboratory tools, students analyze chemical processes and draw logical conclusions from them. This process enables students to deeply understand their knowledge and apply creative approaches to new problems [10, p. 195].

Through new educational technologies, students gain their own personal experiences, which contribute to the development of their research capabilities. They can conduct their own independent research during the lesson process and demonstrate creative approaches to chemistry topics. This approach fosters their scientific thinking and innovative problem-solving abilities.

• The Efficiency and Future Prospects of New Educational Technologies in Education

The application of new technologies in teaching chemistry has already become an essential part of the modern educational system. It is expected that these technologies will be further developed and more widely integrated into the teaching process in the future. In particular, the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies in chemistry teaching may bring deeper innovations to the educational process. AI-based systems can better analyze students' individual learning needs and offer them tailored teaching content and methods. This approach will enable students to learn more efficiently and achieve better results in the educational environment [11, p. 210].

Additionally, through cloud-based educational platforms, access to teaching materials and laboratory experiments will be possible from anywhere in the world. With these technologies, lesson materials will reach a broader audience, and different teaching methods will be applied. Such approaches in chemistry education will make the learning process more flexible and accessible for students.

The application of new technologies in chemistry teaching accelerates the digital transformation of the educational environment and causes profound changes in the education system. In the future, this process will lead the education world toward a more interactive, visual, and technologically enriched learning environment. As new technologies become more widespread, the interaction between teachers and students will rise to a new level, and the educational process will require more flexible and individualized approaches.

Here's a revised version of the article with a shortened reference list:

• The Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry Education

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being integrated into educational practices, including chemistry education. AI-powered tools can analyze students' learning behaviors and adapt instructional materials accordingly. For example, intelligent tutoring systems can provide personalized feedback and suggestions based on individual student performance, allowing for a tailored learning experience that addresses specific weaknesses and strengths [12, p. 155] . This targeted approach helps students to master complex chemistry concepts more effectively and fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Furthermore, AI can assist teachers in identifying trends and patterns in student performance, enabling them to adjust their teaching strategies in real-time. By utilizing AI technologies, educators can enhance their instructional methods and provide a more supportive learning environment for students [13, p. 90] . The integration of AI not only improves academic performance but also prepares students for the demands of a technology-driven workforce.

• The Influence of Virtual Reality on Students' Learning Experiences

Virtual reality (VR) offers immersive learning experiences that can significantly enhance students' understanding of chemistry. Through VR, students can explore molecular structures and chemical reactions in a three-dimensional space, providing a level of interaction that traditional teaching methods cannot achieve [14, p. 234] . This hands-on experience allows students to visualize and manipulate chemical concepts, leading to improved retention and comprehension.

Research has shown that students who engage in VR-based learning exhibit higher levels of motivation and engagement compared to those in traditional learning environments [15, p. 142] . The ability to conduct virtual experiments and simulations in a risk-free setting not only bolsters students' confidence but also encourages them to explore scientific concepts more creatively and critically.

• Collaborative Learning Through Technology

The advent of new teaching technologies also promotes collaborative learning among students. Online platforms and collaborative tools enable students to work together on projects, share resources, and participate in discussions regardless of their physical location [16, p. 78] . This collaborative approach fosters communication skills and encourages teamwork, which are essential in scientific endeavors.

Moreover, technology facilitates peer-to-peer learning, where students can teach and learn from one another. This method not only enhances understanding but also helps develop leadership and mentoring skills among students, preparing them for future collaborative work in professional settings [17, p. 56] .

• The Role of Teachers in Implementing New Technologies

While new teaching technologies offer numerous advantages, the role of teachers remains crucial in their successful implementation. Educators must be adequately trained to integrate these technologies into their teaching practices effectively. Professional development programs focusing on the use of digital tools and innovative teaching methods are essential to empower teachers and enhance their pedagogical skills [18, p. 89] .

Teachers should also foster a culture of experimentation and flexibility in the classroom, encouraging students to explore various learning technologies. By doing so, educators can create an environment where technology serves as a facilitator of learning rather than a distraction [19, p. 113]


The application of new educational technologies in chemistry teaching plays a crucial role in improving the quality of education, enhancing students' learning outcomes, and modernizing the teaching process. Technologies such as virtual laboratories, simulation programs, multimedia tools, and digital resources make chemistry lessons more visual, engaging, and interactive. These technologies allow students to conduct experiments in a safer and more flexible way, applying their theoretical knowledge practically. At the same time, the use of new technologies develops critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity skills in students. In the future, the further development and broader integration of these technologies into the teaching process will enable even greater success in chemistry education.


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